Newsgroups: Subject: Mini-FAQ: Ship Statistics (Absolutely Non-Canon!) Expires: 02 Oct 1994 00:00:00 GMT Ship Statistics AbsolutelyNonCanon Mini-FAQ (updated January 19, 1994) Maintained by: Joshua Bell <> Archive site: Includes: Klingon Bird of Prey (TFS/TNG) Oberth Class (TFS/TNG) Klingon D-7 Battlecruiser (TOS) K't'inga Class (TFS/TNG) Constitution Class (TOS - pre refit) Constitution Class (TFS - post refit) Galaxy Class (TNG) Given that the wait before we see an "official" (Okuda & Sternbach) publication giving detailed information about various starships, I thought it'd be interesting to see what we can come up with on So here's a call for submissions for a Ship Statistics AbsolutelyNonCanon Mini-FAQ. Any sources are accepted: ships from the series with stats from another source, FASA, Starlog, your own creations, books... anything you want! TOS, TFS, or TNG era, or ships from pre-TOS era or the time between TFS and TNG, anything is fine. Here's a suggested format, loosely based on the format of the TNG Tech Manual. Suggested as in "please suggest improvements to the format", not "oh, lemme send in these scribbles I jotted down one day, close enough." I'll get the latter whipped into shape, but it might take a few months. Duplicate entries will be merged and hacked into place, with completely arbitrary decisions as to which gets precedence. Likely, I'll just merge the two and give two sets of stats. If you can't draw ASCII pictures, I'll try to put something I've drawn in. Or you can describe it really, really well and I'll try to draw something. Bribes help a lot with the latter. :) I'd also like comments on the idea as a whole. What should be changed? Should I be more fascist about entries? Less fascist? <class name> <government/designer> Introduction: Classification: <cruiser, scout, explorer, etc> Mission: <mission types> Service: <date of entry into service, retirement from service> Design: <where ships were designed/constructed> Ships: <list of known ships of that class> Structure: X = <width> (width) Y = <height> (height) Z = <length> (length) Displacement = <volume in m^3 or kilograms (1 m^3 = 1e3 kg)> Mass = <mass in kilograms> Area = <area of decks in m^2) Decks = <number of decks> <ASCII pic of starship> Warp Systems: Power: <source, eg, M/AMR, forced quantum singularity> Nacelles: <count> Design: <eg, tos/tfs/excelsior/e-c/tng> Cruising: <normal speed, in TNG scale (if TOS, it should say)> Maximum: <maximum normal speed> (<duration>) Emergency: <maximum possible speed> (<duration>) Failure: <theoretical integrity failure speed> <ASCII pic of warp field dynamics> Impulse Systems: Power: <source, eg, fusion, fission, ion> Engines: <count> Design: <eg, tos/tfs/tng> Tactical Systems: Phasers: Type: <type> Loc: <count, location> Photon Torpedos: Type: <type> Loc: <count, location> Casings: <count> <other weapon systems, e.g. microtorps, disruptors> Shields: <configuration> <other defensive systems, e.g. cloaking> Crew and Auxiliary Systems: Crew: <standard> (typical) <max> (maximum life support) Medical: <sickbay stats> Transporters: <count> <whatever else, e.g. replicators, tractor beams, etc> Auxiliary Spacecraft Shuttlebays: <count, location> Shuttlecraft: <types> <yachts, runabouts, etc> Sources: <books, magazines, episodes, etc> <contributor names & email addresses> BIRD OF PREY KLINGON EMPIRE Introduction: Classification: scout Mission: Scout Service: 2270s-2370+ Design: Klingon Empire (Kronos?) Ships: Barruc Heghta' Pagh Vorn Structure: Atmospheric Spaceflight X = 85m X = 83.5m (width) Y = 16.5m Y = 35.8m (height) Z = 51.2m Z = 51.2m (length) Decks = 3 (Spaceflight) _ ________ _,-'|`||||||||_\___ _,-,_ | /_`-'||||||||' \\-____/_ __o`-, |[__<|_|||||||| -----.______(=====/ |_\ \------'\____/--------\_,-' `\`. \-' \ \ \ `\`. \` \ `-.__\ \______\ | ___\ \(___======][] `--" ______ ______ _/_/__\_\_/_/__\_\_ /.-- / //-\\ \ --.\ // \ |-|=====|-| / \\ || _.-' \-\_@_/-/ `-._ || _|-' `-----' `-|_ _.-' `-._ _.-' `-._ _.-' `-._ / \ _/ \_ (o) (o) ' ` ,--._ /(___======][] _|_____/ / ___/ ,/ .-' / / ,' / / / '/ ,/,' / _/ / / |_|_`------| / .. |||||||| / (`-)||||||||\ '-~-\\\||||||/ )~-. _.----. ]| -~[----'__/ . \-----/ `.--.-\ ]| -_[----. \ /-----\_,`-o'-/ ,-_-///||||||\ )_-' `----' \ (,-)||||||||/ \ `'_|||||||| |_|_`------| \ \ \ `\`. \ \ \ \ \ `. \` `\ `-.__\ \______\ | ___\ \(___======][] `--" (Atmospheric flight) _ ________ _,-'|`||||||||_\___ _,-,_ | /_`-'||||||||' \\-____/_ __o`-, |[__<==========|----._______(=====/ `-\___/`----' | ___\--------\_,-' \(___======][] `--" ______ ______ _/_/__\_\_/_/__\_\_ /.-- / //-\\ \ --.\ ______.-------(___,-|-|=====|-|-,___)-------.______ _.-' \-\_@_/-/ `-._ (o) `-----' (o) ' ` Warp Systems: Power: Matter/Antimatter Reactor (dilithium mediated) Nacelles: 2 (inboard) Design: TFS Bird of Prey Cruising: Warp 5 Maximum: Warp 8 Emergency: Warp 9.6 (< 5 min) Failure: Warp 9.92 Impulse Systems: Power: fusion Engines: 2 Design: TFS Klingon Tactical Systems: Photon Torpedos: Type: matter/antimatter, variable yeild Loc: forward (1) Casings: 16 Disruptors: Type: projectors Loc: port/starboard wing (x1 = 2) Shields: grid-projected (TFS) distance-projected (TNG) Cloak: old Romulan design (hull conformal) Crew and Auxiliary Systems: Crew: 12 24 (maximum life support) Transporters: 1x4 person/cargo Sources: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home TNG "A Matter of Honor" TNG "Redemption, Part I" TNG "Unification 1" Klingon Scout Vessel Blueprints, Lawrence Miller Designs H. Keith Hamilton <> OBERTH CLASS UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS Introduction: Classification: Science Mission: Science, Transport Service: 2270s-2370+ Design: United Federation of Planets Ships: USS Grissom SS Vico USS Tsiolkovski USS Biko USS Pegasus Structure: X = 103m (width) Y = 59m (height) Z = 148m (length) Mass = 4e7 kg __ __ _ ,--'--`--. _ ,--',_`--_____________ |_||____--____||_| |____|==___________----` (===(======)===) (====(==========/ \\ `--' // `--'\ / \\_ ,--, _// _,--\ /----._____ `-| |-' ,'_____\--/___________`---, `__' `-.____\___________,-----' _________________ (==_______________| ,--`. \ ,' ___ `. \\\\,,, |___ | '\|/` | []|___`--.__ | |-(_)-| |=8= -- |___) __) | `/|\' | []|___,--' `. ,' ////''' | `--,'__________/____ (==_______________| Warp Systems: Power: matter/antimatter reactor (core in 2ndary hull) Nacelles: 2 (inboard) Design: Oberth Class (specific) Cruising: Warp 5 Maximum: Warp 8 Impulse Systems: Power: fusion Engines: 2 Design: Oberth Class (specific) Tactical Systems: Phasers: Type: transtator-induction Loc: forward (x2) aft-starboard (x2) aft-port (x2) Shields: Navigation deflectors Projected tactical (hull-conforming) Crew and Auxiliary Systems: Crew: 88 (typical) Sources: Star Trek III: The Motion Picture TNG "Hero Worship" TNG "The Pegasus" Starfleet Dynamics Starfleet Prototypes H. Keith Hamilton <> D-7 (?) CLASS KLINGON EMPIRE Introduction: Classification: Battlecruiser Mission: Battle, Exploration Service: ~2260-2270 Design: Klingon Empire (Kronos?) Structure: X = 152.4m (width) Y = 55.3m (height) Z = 214.4m (length) Displacement = 1.1e5 m^3 .-. _ .-. / /-'-`-\ \ __.-(===========)-.__ ___.---'\ ( .. .. ) /`---.___ /.--------\_____`._O_.'_____/--------.\ /( )\ \ \ / / `' `' _ _.-------, .-.| _____/ \[_____| ========______.------/____'---------[__ ( _,--------------\_`---.___________`--, `--' `---------/ ______/ __/__/_____/_____ />- [ ] |===\ `-----------------' Warp Systems: Power: Matter/Antimatter Reactor Nacelles: 2 Design: Klingon TOS-era Cruising: Warp 5 Maximum: Warp 6 Emergency: Warp 8 Impulse Systems: Power: fusion Engines: 1 Design: TOS Klingon Tactical Systems: Photon Torpedos: Type: M/AM, high yield Loc: forward (1) Casings: 50 Disruptors: Type: projected disruption Loc: starboard/port nacelle forward (x1 = 2) Shields: deflector shields (grid-projected) Cloak: early Romulan design Stasis Field Generator Crew and Auxiliary Systems: Crew: 454 (typical) Transporters: 3x6 person 1x18 person 5x22 person 2 cargo Sources: "Federation Reference Series", Starfleet Printing Office "Book of Klingon Plans", Micheal McMaster TOS "Elaan of Troyas" TOS "The Enterprise Incident" TAS "More Tribbles, More Trouble" H. Keith Hamilton <> K'T'INGA CLASS KLINGON EMPIRE Introduction: Classification: Battlecruiser Mission: Battle, Diplomatic, Exploration Service: ~2270-2360(?) Design: Klingon Empire (Kronos?) Ships: Kronos One Amar Tong Structure: X = 152.4m (width) Y = 57.3m (height) Z = 214.3m (length) Displacement = 1.2e5 m^3 .-. _ .-. / /-'-`-\ \ __.-(===========)-.__ ___.---'\ ( .. .. ) /`---.___ /.--------\_____`._O_.'_____/--------.\ /( )\ \ \ / / `' `' _ _.-------, .-.| _____/ \[_____| ========______.------/____'---------[__ ( _,--------------\_`---.___________`--, `--' `---------/ ______/ __/__/_____/_____ />- [ ] |===\ `-----------------' Warp Systems: Power: Matter/Antimatter Reactor Nacelles: 2 Design: Klingon TFS-era Cruising: Warp 5 Maximum: Warp 8 Emergency: Warp 9 Failure: Warp 9.4 Impulse Systems: Power: fusion Engines: 1 Design: TOS Klingon Tactical Systems: Photon Torpedos: Type: M/AM, variable yeild Loc: forward (1), aft (1) Casings: 200 Disruptors: Type: projected disruption Loc: forward (x2), aft (x2), starboard/port (x2 = 4) Shields: deflector plating Cloak: early Romulan design Crew and Auxiliary Systems: Crew: 375 (typical) Sources: Star Trek: The Motion Picture (incl. Novelization "by" Gene Roddenberry) H. Keith Hamilton <> CONSTITUTION CLASS (pre-2270) UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS Introduction: Classification: Heavy Cruiser Mission: Multi-purpose vessel Service: Commissioned 2245 (est.) and decommissioned 2270 (est.) Design: UFP, Earth Ships: NCC-1017 USS Constellation NCC-1700 USS Constitution NCC-1701 USS Enterprise NCC-1705 USS Excalibur NCC-1706 USS Exeter NCC-1702 USS Farragut NCC-1707 USS Hood NCC-1703 USS Lexington NCC-1711 USS Potemkin Structure: X = 127.1m (width) Y = 72.6m (height) Z = 288.6m (length) Mass = 1.9e8kg Constitution Class (USS Enterprise NCC-1701) __________________ _-_ _ _-_ _ \________________|)____.---'---`---.____ _(_).---'---`---.(_)_ || \----._________.----/ \----._________.----/ || / ,' `---' `\ `]-[' /' ___||_,--' -._ `\.' _ `./' /___ ||(- ( (_) ) `---._____-' `._.' _________________ .-------. |________________|) .-' `-. || / \ || / \ ___||_,--| _.--, | |_________|______/_.-. | | |______ | \_`-' | | || `--| `--' | || \ / ____________||___ \ / |________________|) `-. .-' `-------' Warp Systems: Power: M/AMR lithium-augmented M/AMR dilithium-augmented (2267 refit) Nacelles: 2 Design: TOS Constitution-class Cruising: Warp 5(TOS) Warp 6(TOS) (2267 refit) Maximum: Warp 7(TOS) Warp 8(TOS) (2267 refit) Emergency: Warp 8+(TOS) Failure: Warp 14.1(TOS) due to propulsion meltdown. Impulse Systems: Power: Fusion Engines: 1 twin-port Design: TOS Tactical Systems: Lasers (pre 2260): Type: Capacitor-driven Medium power, mechanical ball turrets Loc: dorsal forward (x2) ventral port/starboard (x2 = 4) Phasers (2260 refit): Type: Warp coil-augmented from capacitors (transtator-technology) Medium power Loc: dorsal forward (x2) ventral port/starboard (x2 = 4) ventral secondary hull port/starboard (x2 = 4) Photon Torpedos: Type: M/AM warp-capable Low power Loc: ventral forward, 1 twin launcher Casings: 100 duranium-terminium general-purpose casings Shields: Navigation deflectors Tactical deflectors and screens (form-fitting). Crew and Auxiliary Systems: Crew: 203 (pre-2260); 430 (2260) Medical: 8-beds in Sickbay Transporters: 4 Std Transporters 5 Emergency 2 Cargo Tractor Beam: 1 emitter, ventral forward secondary hull Auxiliary Spacecraft Shuttlebays: 1, Secondary hull aft Shuttlecraft: 6 General-purpose shuttlecraft 1 Aqua-shuttle Sources: Franz Joseph: Technical Manual and Blueprints Sternbach and Okuda: TNG Technical Manual Okuda and Okuda: Chronology Stephen Whitfield: The Making of Star Trek All TOS Episodes All TAS Episodes All TNG Episodes <> CONSTITUTION CLASS (post-2270) UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS Introduction: Classification: Heavy Cruiser Mission: Multi-purpose military and exploration vessel. Service: (Re-)Commissioned 2270 (est.) and decommissioned 2295 (est.) Design: Earth, Starfleet Ships: NCC-1701 USS Enterprise NCC-1701A USS Enterprise Structure: X = 140.4m (width) Y = 70.6m (height) Z = 301.9m (length) Mass = 2.2e8kg ___________________ _-_ _ _-_ _ \__(==========/_=_/ ____.---'---`---.____ _|_|.---'---`---.|_|_ \_ \ \----._________.----/ \----._________.----/ \ \ / / `-_-' `. `]-[' ,' __,--`.`-'..'-_ `.' _ `.' /____ || | (_) | `--.____,-' `___' __________________ .-------. /_________________-) .-' `-. `. \ / \ `. \ / \ _____\ \--| _.--, | /|________-|.-._ /_.-. | | \|_____ -|`-' \_`-' | | / /--| `--' | ,' / \ / ___________,'__/___ \ / \_________________-) `-. .-' `-------' Warp Systems: Power: M/AMR dilithium-augmented linear M/AMR dilithium-augmented linear/pulse (2285 refit) Nacelles: 2 Design: TFS Constitution-class Cruising: Warp 8 (TOS) Warp 7.4 (TNG) (2285 refit) Maximum: Warp 12 (TOS) Warp 9.0 (TNG) (2285 refit) Emergency: Warp 12+ (TOS) Warp 9.2+ (TNG) (2285 refit) Failure: Warp 15+ (TOS) Warp 9.4+ (TNG) (2285 refit) due to propulsion meltdown. Impulse Systems: Power: Fusion Engines: 1 twin-port Design: TFS Tactical Systems: Phasers: Type: Warp coil-augmented from warp core (transtator-technology) High power mechanical ball-turrets Loc: 9 banks of 2 Loc: dorsal/ventral forward (x2 = 4) dorsal/ventral port/starboard (x2 = 8) ventral secondary hull port/starboard (x2 = 4) secondary hull aft (x2) Photon Torpedos: Type: M/AM warp-capable Medium power Loc: dorsal secondary hull forward, 1 twin-launcher Casings: 100 duranium-terminium general-purpose casings Shields: Navigation deflectors Tactical deflectors and screens (form-fitting) Crew and Auxiliary Systems: Crew: 500 Medical: 14-beds in Sickbay Transporters: 4 Std Transporters 4 Emergency 2 Cargo Tractor Beam: 1 emitter, ventral forward secondary hull Auxiliary Spacecraft Shuttlebays: 1, Secondary hull aft Shuttlecraft: 4 General-purpose shuttlecraft 6 Workbees Sources: Sternbach and Okuda: TNG Technical Manual Shane Johnson: Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise Okuda and Okuda: Chronology Stephen Whitfield: The Making of Star Trek All TOS Episodes All TAS Episodes All TFS Movies All TNG Episodes <> GALAXY CLASS UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS Introduction: Classification: Explorer Mission: Exploration, Science, Defense Service: 2360 - Design: Utopia Planitia Fleet Yars, Mars, UFP Ships: USS Galaxy NCC-76037 USS Yamato NCC-71807 USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Structure: Docked Stardrive Only X = 467m X = 259m (width) Y = 137m Y = 126m (height) Z = 642m Z = 360m (length) Displacement = 10e7 m^3 Mass = 4e9 kg Area = 8e5 m^2 Decks = 42 _____ __...---'-----`---...__ _=============================== ,----------------._/' `---..._______...---' (_______________||_) . . ,--' / /.---' `/ '--------_- - - - - _/ `--------' _____ _.-' `-._ .-' ` || || ' `-. _______________ _ ,' \\ // `. / || \ /' \ _,-----._ / \ |_______________||_/ / \\ ,' \ | | / `. // \ | | _] \ / \ ,---. / \ // \ | \__,--------/\ ` | \ / \ / |/ - | ) ,-' _,-' |- |\-._ | .---, | -| == | || /_____,---' || |_|= || `-',--. \| -| - ==| |:(==========o=====_|- || ( O )|| -| - --| || \~~~~~`---._|| | |= || _,-.`--' /| -| - ==| ) `-.__ `-. |- |/-' | `---' | -| == | | / `--------\/ , | / \ / \ |\ - | __|____|_______ _ ] / \ / `---' \ / \\ / | || \ \ // `._/ | | \_.' \\ / \_______________||_/ \ / `-----' \ / `. // \\ ,' `-._ || || _,-' `-._____,-' ___ ___....-----'---`-----....___ ========================================= ___`---..._______...---'___ (___) _|_|_|_ (___) \\____.-'_.---._`-.____// ~~~~`._ `---' _.'~~~~ `-----' Warp Systems: Power: Matter/Antimatter Reactor (Secondary Hull) Nacelles: 2 (Secondary Hull) Design: Galaxy Class Cruising: Warp 6 Maximum: Warp 9.6 (12 hours max) Emergency: Warp 9.8 Failure: Warp 9.9 Impulse Systems: Power: Fusion Reactors Engines: 1+2 One (main) on Secondary Hull, two on Primary Hull. Design: Ambassador Class Impulse engines equipped with Subspace Field Sustainer Coils Tactical Systems: Phasers: Type: Type X, strips Loc: 2 strips on Primary Hull (300 degree firing arc) 6 strips on Secondary Hull (one covered while docked) Photon Torpedos: Type: M/AM, warp sustainer coils, variable yield Loc: Primary Hull, aft, 1 (covered while docked) Secondary Hull, forward, 1 Secondary Hull, aft, 1 Casings: 300 Shields: 4 primary grids, 7.3e8 W dissipation rate Crew and Auxiliary Systems: Crew: 760 + 252 non-Starfleet (standard) 5000 (maximum life support) Medical: 50 beds in Sickbay + triage in holodecks Transporters: 6 + 22 emergency + 8 cargo Auxiliary Spacecraft Shuttlebays: 1 (main) on Primary Hull 2 on Secondary Hull Shuttlecraft: 10 Type-15 Shuttlepods 3 Type-7 Personnel shuttles 5 Type-6 Personnel shuttles 3 Type-9 Cargo Shuttles 4 Sphinx Workpods Captain's Yacht: Docked to Primary Hull Impulse only, w/ sustainer coils X = 18m, Y = 8m, Z = 10m Runabout Class Starships: 1-3, mission variable Sources: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual (by Rick Sternback, Michael Okuda) Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Journal (by Shane Johnson, Starlog Press) Star Trek: The Next Generation Enterprise Cutaway Poster (by Christopher Cushman and Gary E. Richardson) Joshua Bell <> H. Keith Hamilton <> Kevin A. Geiselman <> Joshua -- | "Has it been a bad year, or what?" - Meriadoc Brandybuck, | | upon returning to the Shire after the War of the Ring. | | Academic Computing Services, University of Calgary |