Background Information Checksheet --------------------------------- Name This should be obvious. :) Include your full name, though, perhaps discussing why your name is hyphenated or whatnot. Race Not so obvious. Imagine a Human growing up on Vulcan as son of a governmental employee. Home Planet Again, the planet where you grew up. Was it Federation member or not? Background information: In this section describe your childhood. Were your parent(s) good to you? Abusive? How did this affect your later decisions in life? Were either or both of your parents in SF? How did the constant movement/station life affect you? If you're attending the Academy to join StarFleet, what led you to make that decision - it is *quite* a large leap. What do you expect to do in SF? What are your plans? In addition to this information, include other factors that affect your character - your significant other, marriage plans, etc. These are the essence of what really drives your character. There are a lot of external influences - don't forget the details! :) That's about it. If you have any questions about what other things to add, please contact Commandant Greene directly. Thanks!