taH pagh taHbe'. DaH mu'tlheghvam vIqelnIS. quv'a', yabDaq San vaQ cha, pu' je SIQDI'? pagh, Seng bIQ'a'Hey SuvmeH nuHmey SuqDI', 'ej, Suvmo', rInmoHDI'? Hegh. Qong --- Qong neH --- 'ej QongDI', tIq 'oy', wa'SanID Daw''e' je cho'nISbogh porghDaj rInmoHlaH net Har. yIn mevbogh mIwvam'e' wIruchqangbej. Hegh. Qong. QongDI' chaq naj. toH, waQlaw' ghu'vam! HeghDaq maQongtaHvIS, tugh nuq wInajlaH, volchaHmajvo' jubbe'wI' bep wIwoDDI'; 'e' wIqelDI', maHeDnIS. Qugh DISIQnIS, SIQmoHmo' qechvam. Qugh yIn nI'moH 'oH. reH vaq 'ej qIpqu' bov; mayHa'taH HI'; Dochchu' HemwI'; ruv mImlu'; tIchrup patlh; 'oy'moH muSHa'ghach 'Il vuvHa'lu'bogh; quvwI'pu' tuv quvHa'moH quvHa'wI'pu'; qatlh Hochvam lajqang vay'? wa' taj neH lo'DI', Qu'Daj Qatlh qIllaH ghaH! tep qengqang 'Iv? Doy'moHmo' yInDaj, bepmeH bechqang 'Iv, mISbe'chugh neHtaHghach, ghaH ghIjmo' DuHvam: Hegh tlha' vay': Hegh tlha' qo''e' tu'bogh pagh. not chegh lengwI'ma', qo'vetlh veHmey 'elDI'. vaj Seng DIghajbogh, lajtaHmeH qaq law'; latlh DISovbe'bogh, ghoSchoHmeH qaq puS. vaj nuch DIDa 'e' raDlaw' ghobmaj, qelDI'. 'ej, pIvmo', wovqu'taHvIS wuqbogh qab, 'oH ropmoH rIntaH Sotbogh qech ghom Hurgh. 'ej Qu'mey potlh DItulbogh qIl je qechvam. vIDHa'choH nab. baQa'! *'ovelya* 'IH! toH be', qa''a'pu'vaD bItlhobtaHvIS, jIyempu' 'e' yIQIjchoH je. V: taH: continue, endure, go on &: pagh: either/or V: taHbe': not continue, endure, go on A: DaH: now N: mu'tlheghvam: this sentence V: vIqelnIS: I need to consider, take into account him/her/it/them V: quv'a': (yes/no)? be honored N: quv'a': big honor , N: yabDaq: in mind, brain N: San: fate V: vaQ: be aggressive N: cha: torpedoes N: pu': phaser &: je: and, also V: SIQDI': as soon as endure, bear ? #: pagh: zero &: pagh: either/or , V: Seng: cause trouble N: Seng: trouble N: bIQ'a'Hey: apparent ocean V: SuvmeH: for fight N: nuHmey: arsenal/weapons V: SuqDI': as soon as acquire, obtain, get , &: 'ej: and , V: Suvmo': because of fight , V: rInmoHDI': as soon ascause to be accomplished, finished ? N: Hegh: death V: Hegh: die V: Qong: sleep -- V: Qong: sleep A: neH: only, merely, just V: neH: want -- &: 'ej: and V: QongDI': as soon as sleep , N: tIq: heart V: tIq: be long V: 'oy': ache, hurt, be sore N: 'oy': ache, pain, sore , #: wa'SanID: one thousand N: Daw''e': (top) revolt, revolution &: je: and, also V: cho'nISbogh: whichneed to succeed (to authority) N: porghDaj: his/her body V: rInmoHlaH: cancause to be accomplished, finished P: net: that V: Har: believe N: yIn: life V: yIn: live V: mevbogh: which stop, cease N: mIwvam'e': (top)this procedure, process V: wIruchqangbej: we certainlywilling to proceed, go ahead, do it him/her/it N: Hegh: death V: Hegh: die V: Qong: sleep V: QongDI': as soon as sleep A: chaq: perhaps V: naj: dream !: toH: so, well, aha! V: waQlaw': apparently obstruct N: ghu'vam: this situation ! N: HeghDaq: in death V: maQongtaHvIS: we whileon-going sleep , A: tugh: soon ?: nuq: what? V: wInajlaH: we can dream him/her/it , N: volchaHmajvo': fromour shoulder V: jubbe'wI': one/thing which is/doesnot be immortal V: jubbe'wI': one/thing which is/does be mortal N: bep: agony V: bep: complain, gripe, object V: wIwoDDI': we as soon as throw away him/her/it ; P: 'e': that V: wIqelDI': we as soon as consider, take into account him/her/it , V: maHeDnIS: we need to retreat N: Qugh: disaster N: Qugh: Kruge V: DISIQnIS: we need to endure, bear them , V: SIQmoHmo': because ofcause to endure, bear N: qechvam: this idea N: Qugh: disaster N: Qugh: Kruge N: yIn: life V: yIn: live V: nI'moH: cause to be long, lengthy (duration) P: 'oH: it A: reH: always V: reH: play V: vaq: mock &: 'ej: and V: qIpqu': really hit N: bov: era ; V: mayHa'taH: on-goingnot be fair N: HI': dictator ; V: Dochchu': clearly be rude V: HemwI': one/thing which is/does be proud ; V: taH: be at a negative angle V: taH: continue, endure, go on #: pagh: zero &: pagh: either/or V: taHbe': not be at a negative angle V: taHbe': not continue, endure, go on A: DaH: now C: mu'tlheghvam: word | thisline, rope N: mu'tlheghvam: this sentence V: vIqelnIS: I need to consider, take into account him/her/it/them V: quv'a': (yes/no)? be honored N: quv'a': big honor N: yabDaq: in mind, brain N: San: fate V: vaQ: be aggressive N: cha: torpedoes N: pu': phaser &: je: and, also V: SIQDI': as soon as endure, bear #: pagh: zero &: pagh: either/or V: Seng: cause trouble N: Seng: trouble N: bIQ'a'Hey: apparentbig water N: bIQ'a'Hey: apparent ocean V: SuvmeH: for fight N: nuHmey: (pl) weapon N: nuHmey: arsenal V: SuqDI': as soon as acquire, obtain, get &: 'ej: and V: Suvmo': because of fight V: rInmoHDI': as soon ascause to be accomplished, finished N: Hegh: death V: Hegh: die V: Qong: sleep V: Qong: sleep A: neH: only, merely, just V: neH: want &: 'ej: and V: QongDI': as soon as sleep N: tIq: heart V: tIq: be long V: 'oy': ache, hurt, be sore N: 'oy': ache, pain, sore #: wa'SanID: one thousand N: Daw''e': (top) revolt, revolution &: je: and, also V: cho'nISbogh: whichneed to succeed (to authority) N: porghDaj: his/her body V: rInmoHlaH: cancause to be accomplished, finished P: net: that V: Har: believe N: yIn: life V: yIn: live V: mevbogh: which stop, cease N: mIwvam'e': (top)this procedure, process V: wIruchqangbej: we certainlywilling to proceed, go ahead, do it him/her/it N: Hegh: death V: Hegh: die V: Qong: sleep V: QongDI': as soon as sleep A: chaq: perhaps V: naj: dream !: toH: so, well, aha! V: waQlaw': apparently obstruct N: ghu'vam: this situation N: HeghDaq: in death V: maQongtaHvIS: we whileon-going sleep A: tugh: soon ?: nuq: what? V: wInajlaH: we can dream him/her/it N: volchaHmajvo': fromour shoulder V: jubbe'wI': one/thing which is/doesnot be immortal V: jubbe'wI': one/thing which is/does be mortal N: bep: agony V: bep: complain, gripe, object V: wIwoDDI': we as soon as throw away him/her/it P: 'e': that V: wIqelDI': we as soon as consider, take into account him/her/it V: maHeDnIS: we need to retreat N: Qugh: disaster N: Qugh: Kruge V: DISIQnIS: we need to endure, bear them V: SIQmoHmo': because ofcause to endure, bear N: qechvam: this idea N: Qugh: disaster N: Qugh: Kruge N: yIn: life V: yIn: live V: nI'moH: cause to be long, lengthy (duration) P: 'oH: it A: reH: always V: reH: play V: vaq: mock &: 'ej: and V: qIpqu': really hit N: bov: era V: mayHa'taH: on-goingnot be fair N: HI': dictator V: Dochchu': clearly be rude V: HemwI': one/thing which is/does be proud N: ruv: justice V: mImlu': one delay V: tIchrup: ready to insult N: patlh: rank V: 'oy'moH: cause to ache, hurt, be sore V: muSHa'ghach: (nominalizer)not hate, detest V: 'Il: be sincere V: vuvHa'lu'bogh: whichonenot respect N: quvwI'pu': (pl) one/thing which is/does be honored V: tuv: be patient V: quvHa'moH: cause tonot be honored N: quvHa'wI'pu': (pl) one/thing which is/doesnot be honored N: qatlh: why N: Hochvam: this everyone, all, everything V: lajqang: willing to accept N: vay': somebody, something, anybody, anything #: wa': one N: taj: knife, dagger A: neH: only, merely, just V: neH: want V: lo'DI': as soon as use N: Qu'Daj: his/her duty, quest, mission, task, chore V: Qatlh: be diffucult V: qIllaH: can cancel P: ghaH: he, she, him, her N: tep: cargo, luggage V: qengqang: willing to carry, convey ?: 'Iv: who? V: Doy'moHmo': because ofcause to be tired N: yInDaj: his/her life , C: bepmeH: agony | bridge (of a ship) V: bepmeH: for complain, gripe, object V: bechqang: willing to suffer ?: 'Iv: who? , X: mISbe'chugh: *** NOT FOUND *** V: neHtaHghach: (nominalizer)on-going want , P: ghaH: he, she, him, her V: ghIjmo': because of scare N: DuHvam: this possibility, option : N: Hegh: death V: Hegh: die V: tlha': chase, follow N: vay': somebody, something, anybody, anything : N: Hegh: death V: Hegh: die V: tlha': chase, follow N: qo''e': (top) world, realm V: tu'bogh: which discover, find, observe, notice #: pagh: zero &: pagh: either/or A: not: never V: chegh: return N: lengwI'ma': our one/thing which is/does roam, travel, rove , N: qo'vetlh: that world, realm N: veHmey: (pl) boundary V: 'elDI': as soon as enter, go in N: vaj: warrior A: vaj: so/then/thus/in that case V: Seng: cause trouble N: Seng: trouble V: DIghajbogh: we which have, possess them , V: lajtaHmeH: foron-going accept V: qaq: be preferable V: law': be many ; N: latlh: additional one, other one V: DISovbe'bogh: we which not know them , V: ghoSchoHmeH: forchange approach, go away from, proceed V: ghoSchoHmeH: forchange thrust V: qaq: be preferable V: puS: be few/several/handful V: puS: sight (with gunsight) N: vaj: warrior A: vaj: so/then/thus/in that case N: nuch: coward V: DIDa: we behave as, act in the manner of them P: 'e': that V: raDlaw': apparently force, compell N: ghobmaj: our ethics V: qelDI': as soon as consider, take into account &: 'ej: and , V: pIvmo': because of be healthy , V: wovqu'taHvIS: whileon-goingreally be light, bright V: wuqbogh: which decide, decide upon V: qab: be bad N: qab: face , P: 'oH: it V: ropmoH: cause to be sick, ill V: rIntaH: on-going be accomplished, finished V: Sotbogh: which be disressed, be in distress N: qech: idea N: ghom: group, party V: ghom: meet, encounter V: Hurgh: be dark N: Hurgh: pickle, cucumber &: 'ej: and N: Qu'mey: (pl) duty, quest, mission, task, chore V: potlh: be important N: potlh: consequential thing, something important V: DItulbogh: we which hope them V: qIl: cancel &: je: and, also N: qechvam: this idea V: vIDHa'choH: changenot be belligerent N: nab: plan, procedure V: nab: plan N: baQa': (invective) ! X: 'ovelya: Olivia V: 'IH: be beautiful, handsome ! !: toH: so, well, aha! N: be': female, woman , N: qa''a'pu'vaD: for(pl)big spirit V: bItlhobtaHvIS: you whileon-going request, plead, ask , V: jIyempu': I did sin P: 'e': that V: yIQIjchoH: you(imp:sg/pl) change explain (no.object)/him/her/it &: je: and, also