FSFnet: Brigands killed in landslide, Eli Barel finds gold and shows to son, Levy Ittosai arrives on Singing Mermaid, a festival is upcoming a few days Ittosai recovers Captain Koren's Sword night: Atros kills Gilman next night ...a few days... Eve of opening of Spice Market, 4th day of Festival, Atros in Dargon day: Levy Barel arrives in Dargon, a Full moon that night a day a week (3 weeks after Festival starts) 3 days 3 days May morning day: 3 nights to Full Moon, Oldsir just had his 2nd vision DargonZine: 993 Janis 16-17 Ghosts of the Past 3.10 1012 Janis Vibril Mertz Firil Naia Melrin Yule Yuli Sy Seber 27-28 Unlikely Partners, Part 1 /11.1 29 Runaway 1.1 Ober Nober Deber 1013 Janis Vibril 17- Sons of Gateway 1: Ne'on 2.3 Mertz Firil -7 Sons of Gateway 1: Ne'on 2.3 30 Take from the Tower 6.2 Naia 12-16 Unlikely Partners, Part 2 1.1 16 Runaway 1.1 17 Backtrail 2.2 19-23 Dragon Hunt, Part 1 2.2 20-23 Dragon Hunt, Part 2 2.2 21- Sons of Gateway 2: Magic 2.5 25- Dragon Hunt 3 2.4 28 A Night in the Town 2.1 Melrin 5 Unwelcome Encounter 2.3 5- Reluctant Revelation 3.9 Yule -2 Reluctant Revelation 3.9 -7 Dragon Hunt 3 2.4 1 Fortunes 2.3 3- Materia Medica I 3.3 8-23 Dragon Hunt 4 2.5 10-11 Steel Souls 1.1 Yuli -19 Materia Medica I 3.3 4 Resolutions 6.5 7- Sons of Gateway III: Death 3.3 11-22 The Knight of Stone 2.4 17 Two Bits and a Silver I 3.5 19-21 Materia Medica II 3.4 22-23 Materia Medica III 3.5 24-29 Materia Medica IV 3.6 29- Inquiries 1.1 Sy -7 Inquiries 1.1 6 Trial by Fire, Prologue 1.1 7-12 Trial by Fire Part 1: Accused! 2.1 10- The Bronze Horseman I 3.7 13-14 The Game Begins 2.1 15-22 Trial by Fire Part II: Trial before Tribunal 2.4 20 Two Bits and a Silver II 4.2 24-27 Trial by Fire Part III: Damsel in Distrell 2.5 Seber -22 The Bronze Horseman I 3.7 5-12 Trial by Fire Part IV: Trial Before the King 2.6 24- Trial by Fire Part V: Knight in Shining Armor 2.6 25- The Bronze Horseman II 3.9 Ober ?? Quest Part II 6.2 -5 The Bronze Horseman II 3.9 -7 Trial by Fire Part V: Knight in Shining Armor 2.6 -13 Sons of Gateway 2: Magic 2.5 5-7 The Bronze Horseman III 3.11 30- Conflict of Interest I 3.1 Nober ?? Hunting of the Red Tiger I 3.6 -1 Conflict of Interest I 3.1 -2 Sons of Gateway III: Death 3.3 2- Conflict of Interest II 3.2 4- Sons of Gateway 4: Marcus 4.1 15 Ghosts of the Past 3.10 18-20 Slavers 4.1 Deber -17 Conflict of Interest II 3.2 17-18 Gift of War 3.2 26 When the War-God Weeps 3.3 1014 Janis -28 Sons of Gateway 4: Marcus 4.1 13 Some Snatch of Honor 3.4 13 Be Careful What You Wish For 3.5 29- Sons of Gateway 5: Goren 5.2 Vibril -27 Sons of Gateway 5: Goren 5.2 30- Sons of Gateway 6: Running 6.5 Mertz ??- Beginnings 5.4 15 A Night Off the Town 3.7 Firil Naia 10- Campaign for the Laraka I 3.8 12 Blood on Oron's Crossroads 4.2 18 My Father's Curse 3.8 Melrin 4-5 Opus Interruptus 3.11 Yule ?? Understanding 3.11 ?? Heroic Couplet 6.3 -1 Campaign for the Laraka I 3.8 -12 Sons of Gateway 6: Running 6.5 1 The Changeling...I & II 4.4 4 Sonnet to the Bichanese 5.1 6-12 Campaign for the Laraka II 3.10 8 Lessons 5.1 8 A Lesson Learned 7.5 10 Dummy 5.1 10-23 Vengeancce is Mine ... 6.4 12-18 Place Unto Wrath 6.1 13-17 Laraka III (Part 1) 7.1 14 For What We Are About to Receive... Part I 6.3 17 Sons of Gateway 7: Reunion 7.1 19-22 Laraka III (Part 2) 7.2 21 The Evening After 7.2 21-23 Kidnapped 1 7.3 22 The Evening After ... 8.1 23 Kidnapped 2 7.5 24 Tracks 7.5 Yuli 2 Love an Adventure I 7.2 2 Love an Adventure II 7.3 3-4 What are Little Girls...? 4.3 10-11 Pact I 4.3 12-13 Pact II 4.4 14 Pact III 5.1 15 Pact IV 5.2 15 Fortunes 2 4.3 15-17 Pact V 5.3 17-19 Pact VI 5.4 25-27 ...I Shall Repay 7.4 Sy -5 Beginnings 5.4 Seber 1-10 Rifts 7.6 10 Endgame 7.6 11-12 Storm Dancer 8.1 late The Scent of Balsam 8.1 Ober Nober Deber 1015 Janis Vibril Mertz Firil Naia Melrin Yule Yuli Sy Seber Ober Nober Deber 1016 Janis Vibril Mertz Firil ?? 'Bout 'Majin 6.3 Naia Melrin Yule Yuli Sy Seber Ober Nober