ROBERT E. HOWARD to CLARK ASHTON SMITH postmarked March 15, 1933 Dear Mr. Smith: I hardly know how to thank you for the copy of THE DOUBLE SHADOW. I have read the stories with the most intense interest and appreciation, and hardly know which I like the best. All are magnificent, splendid examples of that poetic prose which is so characteristic of your work. I envy you your rich and vivid style. It was a pity that _Strange Tales_ went out of circulation, and I am sorry that the magazine's demise left so many of your stories unpublished. They had only one of my yarns when they quit. However, I sold them only three stories, altogether. I am very glad that you have found the Conan series of interest, and appreciate very much the kind things you said about the yarns. I shall look forward with eager anticipation for "The Dark Eidolon" and the other stories you mentioned to be published in _Weird Tales_. Incidentally, your story in the current _Weird Tales_ is splendid. I am enclosing a check for EBONY ANd CRYSTAL and would feel most honored if you would write your autograph on the fly page. Thanking you again for the magnificent DOUBLE SHADOW, I am, Most cordially yours, REH