"Philip J. Rahman"
A selected bibliography of Clark Ashton Smith
A selected bibliography of Clark Ashton Smith
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Wed, 15 Mar 1995 19:35:45 GMT
- Newsgroups:
- alt.horror.cthulhu
On 14 Mar 1995 02:15:51 GMT,
Tim Patterson wrote:
>Although not strictly rlevant for this group, it's the nearest I could
>find! Does anybody else read the books by this author? I have a number
>of old second hand paperbacks, but they are getting hard to find.
>Anybody have a complete listing of this author's work? A lot of his
>stuff has a very similar atmosphere to Lovercraft's stuff.
Arkham House published an excellent hardcover collection in 1988 entitled
A RENDEZVOUS IN AVEROIGNE. It is divided in sections devoted to various
fantasy worlds he created with representative stories from each. Artword
was by J. K. Potter and the introduction was by Ray Bradbury. This is the
best single-volume edition I've seen.
They also published SELECTED POEMS in 1971 and a soft-bound edition
entitled THE BLACK BOOK OF CLARK ASHTON SMITH, a reprint of the author's
notebook. Long out of print from AH and pricey on the collectors market
are six other collections: OUT OF SPACE AND TIME (1942), LOST WORLDS
SCIENCE AND SORCERY (1964), and OTHER DIMENSIONS (1970). They were
reprinted in paperback editions by Panther in the early 70's and in
hardcover by Neville Spearman, both British publishers.
Also in the 70's were several Balantine paperback editions published by Lin
Carter's Adult Fantasy line. I believe there were four of them: ZOTHIQUE
(1970), HYPERBOREA (1971, XICCARPH (1972), and POSEIDONIS (1973). Carter
had also planned a fifth volume AVEROIGNE. There was an American paperback
collection printed in the 80's but the title escapes me.
Donald Grant published a hardcover bibliography EMPEROR OF DREAMS (1978)
compiled by Donald Sidney-Freyer and Divers Hands. More recently
Necronomicon Press released a series of chapbooks: THE VAULTS OF YOH-VOMBIS
(1988), THE MONSTER OF THE PROPHECY (1988)--both edited by Steve Behrends,
SMITH (1988) edited by Marc and Susan Michaud. In 1989 Greenwood Press
published STRANGE SHADOWS, a collection previously unpublished material
edited by Steve Behrends. Behrends also edited a Smith fanzine
KLARKASH-TON: THE JOURNAL OF SMITH STUDIES. I do not know how many issues
were published, but I do not believed it lasted very long.
----- Begin Included Message -----
From : j_sweet@ix.netcom.com
Subject : Web Site & Klarkash-Ton
Message follows :
Best regards on your web page and many thanks for
including Klarkash-Ton who is often neglected
but one of the few true masters of the genre.
Two additions to his bibliography -
The Black Book of Clark Ashton Smith
1979 - Arkham House - Paperback
Transcribed by R.A. Hoffman & Donald Sidney-Fryer
Art by Andrew Smith
The Black Book is a notebook used by CAS
from 1929-61.
The other is:
1982 Conde Nast Publications,
Donald M. Grant, Publisher
West Kingston, R.I., U.S.A.
Illustrated by R.JJ. Krupowicz
Limited to 1250 copies.
A novelette written by CAS under the alias
of De Lysle Ferree Cass circa 1919.
I hope you find this information useful.
Thank you again for an excellent web page.
John Sweet
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Tue, 4 Apr 1995 04:52:55 GMT