( Read the previous episodes of Journey to Centauri.)


Journey to Centauri : Episode 19

Captain Garland, making his hourly rounds of the command center, glanced down at a small scrolling touchpanel and then did a double take. "What the..." he murmured, and tapped his finger on the panel display twice as if trying to knock it back into alignment.

"Officer Lal, Officer Saratov," he said crisply, and the two walked over. "What do you make of this readout?"

"This is not realistic, Captain," said Lal, his voice direct and clear. "Perhaps a malfunction? Or did we underestimate?"

"One moment," grated Saratov, and jabbed his way into the control system for the panel. "The fusion drive pulse tests alone will alter this readout. Clearly some variables have not been taken into account..."

Miriam Godwinson drifted up behind Lal and leaned over his shoulder, her intense gaze taking in everyone's manner. She nodded when she saw what Saratov's adjustments were causing. "There will be disappointment, but the crew will understand. They will not judge too harshly..."

"Agreed." said Lal. "We have the ideals of this mission to think about. They will understand."

"Very well," said Garland, setting his chin resolutely. Saratov closed the control system, and watched as the readout rapidly increased to a new figure.

"Our new estimated time of arrival," Garland stated simply, and the others nodded.

Ship's Personal Logs
John Garland, Captain

I have alerted the crew of the Unity to the change in status. I feel a sense of regret but I am sure they will understand...we cannot compromise the ideals of this mission.

Note from Firaxis: This countdown is pointing to the time when the demo will be available on this website. We will be posting some more info and screenshots in the very near future. As Captain Garland said, we regret the delay, but you will see a better game because of it.

Next episode will be posted Monday, October 5.






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