line.gif (194 bytes)

We will add to the Gallery as time goes on...

The Planetary Council
The Planetary Council (64K)

Mind Worm Sketch (18K)

The University Base (40K)

Morgan City (39K)

The Ascetic Virtues (29K)

Diplomacy Screen (46K)

Design Your Own Units! (114K)

The Human Hive (29K)

Bulk Matter Transmitter (31K)
E3 Trailer
E3 Trailer (zipped 7.9MB)
(unzipped 10.2MB)



FIRAXISLOGO.jpg (4712 bytes)

(c) 1998 Firaxis Games (check out our website for more info about us).
** If you don't see a blue navigation frame under this page, try
Page last updated 07/21/98. Contact the

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