Country of 

Sheng-ji Yang
Chief of Security

170.6 cm
73.2 kg


Service Record:
Born 1999, Wuhan, China; father a prominent Chinese lit scholar. Master of the Five Excellences: calligraphy, poetry, painting, traditional medicine, and martial arts (including martial t'ai-chi, wushu, and others). Studied Chinese Literature and Military History at Beijing University, later acquired a PhD in Psychology from same. Taught joint lock techniques to Chinese military during the Second Golden Revolution, then commanded Golden Emperor's personal security force. Vanished for several years following the Crimson Succession, to resurface in United Nations security training force. Selected Chief of Security, U.N. Alpha Centauri Mission.
Psych Profile: Protectionist
Exceedingly deep and powerful mind; near flawless visual and kinesthetic recall. Somewhat antisocial, security minded to the extreme, with elaborate psychological defense mechanisms against emotional entreaties. High stability and loyalty to mission indicated.

Driven primarily by need for security and control. Powerful will; leadership potential high but strong tendency to control and manipulate followers can result in almost cultlike following. Tolerance for pain exceedingly high; .96 on Atherholt Trauma Function Test.

CAUTION: Earlier psych tests show suspiciously near perfect normals along all axes. Subject may use strong will and extensive knowledge of psychiatric indicators to manipulate test results in his favor.

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line.gif (194 bytes) Visions of Alpha Centauri  line.gif (194 bytes)


"Dynamics of Mind"

"Essays on Mind and Matter"

"Looking God in the Eye"

"Ethics for Tomorrow"

Faction: The Human Hive
Founding Base: The Hive

"Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outwards, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment."

-- Sheng-ji Yang, "Essays on Mind and Matter"




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