Ptolemy: Constellation of the Centaur: /Configurations/ /Longitude/ /Latitude/ /Magn./ The southernmost of the 4 in the head Balance 10 3/6 S21 4/6 5+ The northernmost of these Balance 10 S18 5/6 5+ The western star of the remaining 2 middle ones Balance 9 1/6 S20 3/6 4+ The eastern and last one of these 4 Balance 10 S20 5+ The star on the left and western shoulder Balance 6 1/6 S25 4/6 3 The star on the right shoulder Balance 15 4/6 S22 3/6 3 The star on the left shoulder blade Balance 9 1/6 S27 3/6 4 The northern star of the 2 western ones of the 4 in the wand Balance 18 1/6 S22 2/6 4 The southern one of these Balance 19 1/6 S23 3/4 4 Of the remaining 2, the star at the tip of the wand Balance 22 S18 1/4 4 The remaining one south of this Balance 22 3/6 S20 5/6 4 The western one of the 3 in the right side Balance 13 2/6 S28 2/6 4+ The middle one of these Balance 14 S29 2/6 4+ The eastern one of the 3 Balance 15 1/6 S28 4+ The star in the right arm Balance 16 2/6 S26 3/6 4+ The star in the right forearm Balance 22 5/6 S25 1/4 3 The star at the tip of the right hand Balance 27 3/6 S24 1/4 4 The bright star at the beginning of the human body Balance 18 S33 3/6 3+ The eastern star of the 2 dim stars north of this one Balance 17 4/6 S31 5 The western one of these Balance 16 5/6 S33 5 The star at the beginning of the back Balance 12 1/6 S34 5/6 5 The star west of this last on the horse's back Balance 9 S37 4/6 5 The eastern star of tthe 3 in the loins Balance 5 5/6 S40 3 The middle one of these Balance 5 S43 4 The western one of the 3 Balance 2 4/6 S41 5 The western star of the 2 close together in the right thigh Balance 2 4/6 S46 1/6 3 The eastern one of these Balance 3 3/6 S46 3/4 4 The star in the chest under the horse's armpit Balance 18 2/6 S40 3/4 4 The western star of the 2 under the belly Balance 16 2/6 S43 2 The eastern one of these Balance 17 4/6 S43 3/4 3 The star in the bend of the right foot Balance 10 S51 1/6 2 The star in the ankle of the same foot Balance 15 2/6 S51 4/6 2 The star under the ankle of the left foot Balance 6 2/6 S55 1/6 4 The star in the frog of the same foot Balance 11 1/6 S55 2/6 2 The star at the tip of the right forefoot Scorpion 8 2/6 S41 1/6 1 The star in the knee of the left foot Balance 24 1/6 S45 2/6 2 The star outside under the right hind-foot Balance 14 4/6 S49 1/6 4 In all, 37 stars, of which 1 is of 1st magnitude, 5 of 2nd, 7 of 3rd, 16 of 4th, 8 of 5th.