November 22, 2001

And dammit, I'm sorry for my long hiatus! As I've been telling my various correspondents, I've been suffering from the ravages of holding down two jobs and the fallout from the tragedies of 9/11 -- and oh, yeah, I've been spending a lot of time with Rie (I figure you folks will appreciate that).

And for those who don't know, this is the long-delayed newsletter for the Wulf archives (http://www.wulfarchives.com), detailing events in the life of yours truly, as well as news about our site and the continuing adventures of Wulf the Freelance. If you don't want this newsletter, please let me know and I will unsub you so fast your head will spin.

And oh, yeah -- some of you might get two copies of this newsletter... Let me know so I can fix it.

My site includes a majordomo service, so I may simply turn newsletter subscription over to its experienced digital hands, but in the meantime I'm still doing this the hard way.

There's limited space here, so I won't go into too many details, but the highlights of the last few months were:

I attended the Womad USA festival in Seattle with Rie and Magen, and Devon split her time between me and Clio. I didn't see much of Clio, but I was at least happy we could attend the same event and not have problems. The show was amazing, and included a live performance by the great Peter Gabriel (the first in eight years), and AfroCelt Sound System, one of the coolest bands anywhere. I bought Rie a really cool skirt with a tribal pattern all over it, and Magen was very cute, running around the parking lot, waving at people as they drove away.

I flew out to Milwaukie, WI, to help White Wolf Games out at their booth in the world's biggest roleplaying/wargame/etc. convention. I had a smashing time and felt as if I'd really found my people again. I met a lot of gaming industry people and got to party and schmooze with the White Wolf boys and girls. I also came home absolutely overloaded with swag (and was fearful that I couldn't get it all onto the plane). I wrote it and Womad up in a big journal entry and was just about to post it for all to see when, well...

The tragedy of September 11 hit everyone hard, and in the aftermath, I kind of stopped corresponding or updating my poor site. In the end, I think that the tragedy will bring us closer to everyone in the world, despite the violence of the present war in Afghanistan, and that we'll all see the value of working together.

Sword and Sorcery Studios, the White Wolf imprint that published material for the d20 system, has been keeping me very busy, and away from my correspondents and my website. So busy, in fact, that I have rushed the last couple of jobs for them and gotten yelled at, since I didn't do a thorough enough job in overseeing the products. I'm redoubling my efforts in this area, but I'm determined not to let it deter me from answering my friends' e-mail (that includes all of you, btw), and updating my site. We have 3-4 products coming out in December, so all you roleplayers check 'em out and note that name listed under "Developer"! Dat's me!

I borrowed flipping great wodges of cash from my credit union, and used it to convert my garage into a studio apartment for my mother. Work will be completed this week, and she'll be moving in, leaving me and Devon with plenty of living space and a very pleasant home. I got the house painted, bought a lot of furniture, and did a bunch of other stuff that will keep me in debt for the next decade, but hell, what's life for? (I feel some trace of survivor's guilt in that my life is going great guns while the rest of the world is going to hell, however, but I'm trying to do my part and keep the world a more pleasant place.)

I know you're waiting for it. Poor Wulf has patiently waited for me to update his site and give him some more amazing erotic adventures, and I've been pretty miserly. I'm finally working on a new story, however, tentativley titled "Tomb of Sorrows" that involves a "Mummy" style desert adventure and two bounteously-endowed female explorers who were inspired both by Rie (obviously) and by the work of one Mitch Byrd, who's one of my favorite pin-up/erotic artists since he likes to draw women with lots of flesh. The quest for Li's sister, the continuation of the "young Wulf" saga and other stuff is still on the drawing board and will be developed anon, as will the new d20/3rd edition game stats.

The site has been neglected, but I want to fix that soon, with new journal entries, some new art, updated links (I found a site that has the hottest goth/alternative girls on it, and they're all from Portland... nyah-nyah-nyah), and (wait for it...) a functioning discussion board. I hope to have things working by Xmas, so keep checking.

I appreciate every one of you out there, for your continued loyalty, your correspondence, and the sympathies expressed, particularly by those in other countries who have seen our tragedies and responded. It's Thanksgiving (which, for my international correspondents, is a celebration of how badly our founding fathers screwed over the native Americans), and Christmas is just around the corner, so I hope everyone is healthy and happy this year, and that the sadness and tragedies of the past will help build a better future and closer friendships.

We're all in this world together, and we need to learn to live together. We're not fighting terrorists, not really -- we're all fighting fear and ignorance, and if we let them tear us apart then we all lose. But I think that we will win, and that in the end we will all be closer for it. I urge everyone to donate to food banks, international relief funds and any other charities that are helping with the current difficulties, and to pray (or otherwise send out good thoughts) for the oppressed of Afghanistan, and the
victims of violence, no matter who or where they are.

Peace, all...

PS -- Anyone who sent personal correspondence and didn't get a response, please let me know... I've tried to get back to everyone I've been in correspondence with lately, but some may have fallen through the cracks. And you folks who haven't sent me any personal mail lately... bad cess to you! Get on the stick!

Wulf Newsletter #14
July 11, 2001

Hi, and welcome back! In case you haven't noticed, there's been something of a hiatus going on lately... I've been away for 3 months or so, and the site's been down (some of you got notification about the new site, but I'm not 100% sure who). In any event, it's been mad and wild over the last few weeks, and the details are on my newly-refreshed journal page.

Oh, yeah -- this is the Wulf Newsletter, for those who don't know, and if you're getting this in error, by all means send me a message and have your name removed. I'm the last guy who wants to spam the unwilling.

For those who don't care to read all the minutae of my life, here's the story in brief:

- The admin at my last host forgot to pay his bills and we lost the domain.
- I moved to a new host and have a brand new domain: www.wulfarchives.com
- I have a brand new, sexy address: wulf@wulfarchives.com
- The site is a little klunky as yet... a few broken links, the discussion board is broken, some of the artists' pages are still linked to brainkick, etc. I spent a little time tonight fixing some stuff, so it's improving slowly but surely.
- I'll probably fix a broken page or two a night, so the site should be back to normal in a couple of weeks.

However, there's new stuff in the air, to wit:
- A new cgi-based discussion board
- Majordomo service so you can automatically subscribe to the newsletter without my help
- New stuff like polls and interactive memos with the multitude of cgi scripts that are available out there.

And now, on to my life:
- I have been behind on the Wulf site cuz I'm working at the local school district, and as Line Developer for White Wolf games. It's fun, but keeps me busier than I'd like.
- I was diagnosed with diabetes a month or so ago, and although I've gotten it under control readily, it has become clear that this illness was the cause of much of the distress that I've had for the past few years. I'm still digesting that fact.
- I will have a short story published by White Wolf in their Scarred Lands anthology to be published (I think) this fall.
- I'll be attending the Gencon game con in August.
- I'm still Rie's semi-boyfriend, but I'm also seeing a couple of other people... they all know and like each other, thank god.
- I'm still working on reconiliation with the ex, but the whole illness thing has kind of thrown a wrench into my thought processes.

And as for Wulf and the site:
- I'm afraid he's on hiatus along with the site. I'm a few thousand words into "Lord of the Peaks," but haven't worked on it in a couple of months.
- Once I've stabilized both my illness and my two jobs, I will get back to work on Wulf. Can't give you specifics yet, but I'll do it asap.
- After "Lord of the Peaks" I think that I'll try to wrap up the Wulf and Li's sister subplot.
- I'll be writing in the journal more regularly, and hopefully bring pictures back from Gencon.
- I want to get that Alex St. John site back online, but circumstances have once more conspired against me. I do want to get back to the novel, but I have a few other things on my plate right now. I'm hoping to post some of Rie's erotic-horror-monster hunter stories on the site as well, as her characters and mine could cross over very easily (she also has a threesome of demon-slayers all living together and having sex... fancy that...)

Well, that's enough for now. I just want everyone to know that I'm doing well, and that the site is slowly coming back to life. Please, please visit and let me know how you're doing. Everyone on this list has been an important part of my life, and I'm sorry that I dropped so thoroughly off the radar screen.

Now to send. I suspect that I will get dozens of bounces from people who are no longer at their old addresses, but what the hell... It's good to be back.


Wulf Newsletter #13
March 12, 2001
Hola, amigos. Whaddya say? I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but I been real busy (and for those who don't get the reference, go to http://www.theonion.com/archive/archive_anchower.html). This, for the uninitiated and confused, is the Wulf Newsletter, bringing you up to date on the adventures of Wulf the Freelance, whose rather adult-oriented tales can be found at http://www.brainkick.com/~marawuti, and on the life of their creator, myself. As always, if this newletter is coming to you multiple times, if you have no idea what it is, if you're deeply offended that I'm peddling this smut to you, please let me know and I'll remove you. Spam is bad. Spam is evil. Me no Spam.

The big news is that the final installment in the seemingly-endless Dark Vengeance saga, Elven Twilight is completed. See it in all its glory at http://www.brainkick.com/~marawuti/elventwilight.html. It bulks in at no less than 50,000 words, making me fearful of doing a wordcount on the entire saga, which was undoubtedly the longest and most ambitious thing I’ve ever written. There’s war, tragedy, blood, hope, fear, redemption, and hopefully lots of sex. With the conclusion of this saga, as I’ve repeatedly said, I will be returning to shorter pieces, both for my own sanity, and to fit better with my new job and career in freelance writing (see below).

I’ve already started on this second story in the “Young Wulf” period, chronicling Wulf’s adventures in an ancient, decadent, underground kingdom, along with Akumi the wolfen and Yashi the ex-slave babe. I draw inspiration from Fritz Leiber’s classic “Lords of Quarmall,” which you should really run out and read if you haven’t gotten the chance. In fact, my new employers (see below) are bringing out a new Fafhrd and the Mouser omnibus this coming year that includes the original tale. Anyway, “LotP” should be out sometime around summer, but don’t hold me to that.

Future stories will chronicle Wulf and Li searching for her missing sister (along with Wulf’s difficulties in sharing Li with the handsome and stoic wolfen Tanu), the oft-promised “Faerie Fire” and “The Wizard of Shark Island.” I’m also thinking of doing some hard-core spin offs about Narisha’s adventures founding a Red Temple franchise, and Livia working on becoming more chaotic good...

For those who don’t remember, Alex is my other character, one whom I’m trying to develop into a real fictional franchise. The short story “Somewhere Beyond the Pavement” can be found on my Extras page. In late ’99, right before my life blew up in my face, I was in the process of creating an ASJ site where I could post Alex stories and get feedback, while maintaining a mailing list for those who wanted to read the Alex novel that I was developing, and critique it as it progressed (I have decided that I can’t post the novel on the site, since that might cause copyright issues). Well, I’m going to be restarting that site very soon and soliciting assistance. I’ll be putting it in future newsletters, so keep an eye out.

One of our astute readers has created a really nice new discussion board site on ezboards, without censorship or excessive oversight, and I will be moving over to that board very soon. It will include a sub-section for discussion of the Alex site as well.

The next couple of weeks will see some changes to the site, possibly some new design elements and corrections of problems, updating old links and so on.

The Book of Thystra, the first installment in what I hope to be a trilogy of roleplaying books bringing Wulf into the world of the new d20 system (or maybe just the OGL, since I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes), is already available through the rpg link on my main page. The next step will be the Big Book of Thystran Roleplaying, with info on characters, races, prestige classes, skills and feats, new magical items and spells and, of course, rules for sex. Anyone who has ideas is welcome to submit them. I might even do a page where I post drafts as they come along. I’m also considering putting the Book of Thystra in .html format for those folks who have been having trouble with Word 2000 and .pdf format.

And the other big news is that I’m back in the freelancing business, contributing material to Sword and Sorcery Studio’s new “Scarred Lands” series (see htttp://www.swordsorcery.com for more details). SSS is actually White Wolf’s new d20 licensed imprint, and the series is overseen by Steve and Stewart Wieck, of Storyteller/WoD fame. I’ve contributed material to the new “Relics and Rituals” book (including the hopefully soon-to-be-infamous “Rie’s Dance of Seduction” spell, in honor of the woman who currently refers to me as her “semi-boyfriend” – see below), I am one of three authors of the upcoming “Mithril: City of the Golem” sourcebook, and I just finished an intense rewrite/edit for “Creature Catalog II: Dark Menagerie.” I’m assured that there’s more work in the future, and I’m really excited about it. Of course, this cuts into time that I can devote to Wulf and my other fiction projects, but I’m hoping that I can end up doing everything I want to do. Keep your fingers crossed...

Well, let’s see. I dumped my last beloved employers, Stream International, and now am working for the Portland Public Schools as a helpdesk tech/field rep who takes calls from teachers, secretaries, administrators, etc., and goes from school to school fixing stuff. The problems range from the utterly mundane (“You guys just gave me a new monitor and it doesn’t work!” “Is there power?” “I don’t see ANYTHING!” “Have you plugged it in?” “Oh, wait, here’s the cord... OK, it’s working.” I really got that call. I kid you not.) to the utterly obscure and impossible (“I need to rewrite the merge codes for this document so that I can select a range of numbers instead of the entire set; how do I do that?”). They pay is good, the conditions are good, the people are professional and fun to work with (there’s even an old friend working there – she’s the one who told me about the position), and I’m actually pretty happy with my job for once. Whee.

I’m still spending a lot of time with one Rhiannon Louve, aka Rie, part-time exotic dancer, full-time student, part-time library tech. As noted above, I have reached the exalted position of “semi-boyfriend” which is fine with me, as I think my life isn’t really prepared for a full-fledged “girlfriend.” She herself has a full-fledged boyfriend, who is cool and doesn’t seem to mind my presence in her life (I feel privileged to be providing him with some examples in the field of polyamory... not that I haven’t made the occasionally misstep, but I’m hoping that I at least represent the lifestyle fairly honorably). She’s also a bigtime geek and gamer, so I’m especially fond of her, and the fact that she doesn’t object to my posting naked pictures of her on my website (see the Extras page) only helps matters. So just call me “semi” and we’ll get along fine ;)

My daughter Devon is apparently some kind of a genius, but then I think I already knew that; she’s going through the usual life changes that come on at ages 10-12, and I’m starting to get REALLY worried about what’s going to happen when she discovers boys :) Fortunately, that’s still a couple of years off, so I might as well enjoy it while I can. She has been getting perfect scores in reading and writing (no surprise there) and her teacher had nothing but good things to say about her. Quite a relief, I must say.

So that’s about where things stand for now. Thanks to everyone who’s written lately – I promise I’ll get back to you all. Do keep in touch, and rest assured that the business of my life won’t stop Wulf, even if it does slow him down occasionally.


Wulf Newsletter #12
December 26, 2000

Hey, everybody! I know it’s been a while since I’ve sent out one of these little missives, but as it IS the holidays (and I missed Christmas by a day or so), I thought it might be wise to let you know that Wulf and I are still alive and well. And in case you’re wondering, this is the Wulf newsletter, I’m Anthony Pryor, and if you don’t have any idea what I’m talking about then by all means let me know so I can get you off this list. I’m a pornographer, not a spammer…

I’m still stuck in tech support hell, but I’ve got a couple of escape hatches in the form of some alternate job prospects. We’ll see if those pan out or whether I’m going to be telling people to hook up the management cable, run Hyperterm and type “set nvram erase” for the rest of my life…

The FINAL installment of the “Dark Vengeance” saga, “Elven Twilight” nears completion; I seriously wanted to get it finished in time for Christmas, but now it looks as if New Year’s is a better bet. Or thereabouts at least. After that epic is finished (and about 2 years in the making if I recall correctly) I can go back to the short story format until I get up the energy to do another novel.

And I’m also hoping to get back into novel-writing with the return of Alex St. John, my “serious” fiction character. I WANTED to post his story on the web and let you folks act as a kind of on-line writer’s group, but now I’m concerned about copyright considerations and the fact that publishers don’t like stuff that’s appeared on-line, and the whole plan may be in danger. I’m still searching for a solution to that one.

I’ve completed a project for Sword and Sorcery Studios, a company that consists of various White Wolf staffers and friends and who are publishing material for the new d20 (aka D&D 3rd Edition). My first project was as a contributor to the “Relics and Rituals” book (due out in a few short weeks), and my second will be as a contributor to “Mithril: City of the Golem” (due out in June sometime)… It’s good to be back to freelancing and feeling some small degree of pride and confidence in myself after a couple of years of non-stop crises and unhappy incidents, and I hope that it bodes well for the future.

I’ve started playing Evercrack – I mean Everquest – and I’m hoping that it doesn’t eat my brain, though I can see how addictive and seductive the damned thing is. I’ve spent the past few nights killing rats and snakes trying to get my hapless human fighter Warcrow up beyond 5th level.

I don’t have a girlfriend yet, though there are prospects out there. My buddy Rie, a student and sometime exotic dancer, has become a valued friend and helped me enormously in recovering from the traumas of my recent life, from the divorce, from the difficulties involved in my time in LA, from the recent search for work and self-doubt. She is NOT my girlfriend, though she IS a girl, and she IS my friend and I’m really, really fond of her. Her roommate Amianne is pretty cool, too. And oh, yeah… Rie did some art for the page, and I’ll be putting it up this week. She thinks Nineh from “Jungle Moons” is cool. As do we all.

As for future Wulf events, I’m anticipating getting started on the self-contained story “Lord of the Peaks,” another Young Wulf tale continuing the adventures of our hero and his wolfen lover Akumi. I’ve got it all planned out and outlined, so it should be pretty smooth. It will, however, be kind of a secondary project as I work on “Mithril” and the Alex tales. I’ll keep you all informed via my journal.

Thanks to everyone who’s been so supportive over the past year – one of the most difficult of my life. Also thanks to all for the holiday greetings; I hope everyone had a great Christmas, Hannukah, Yule, Solstice, Kwannza, and that Buddhist holiday whose name escapes me right now. I look forward to things in the year 2001 and hope (well, actually I KNOW) that it can’t possibly be worse than the year 2000 (or, for that matter 1999). Love and health to y’all. We’ll talk again.

A long December
And there’s reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better than the last
-- Counting Crows


September 10, 2000

Hiya, y'all... Another newsletter to bring you up to date and let you know that both Wulf and I are very much alive. If you're wondering what this is, well it's the Wulf Newsletter, and if you still don't know what I'm talking about, or if you want to get the hell off this damned mailing list, please write to me and I'll see to it. Spam is evil. Spam is bad. I do not Spam ;)

Here's the current status of various Wulf projects, and upcoming events:

Lots of cool new art from Drool, Kurt, and others, including several new folks, as well as Thystran fiction from Kurt H. Moller is all up on-line. Check it out.

An odd piece, Narisha's Night is on-line, for all those who demanded it. If you wondered what happened when Narisha went upstairs during Mark of the Zombie, here's your chance to find out. I'll give you a hint -- she has sex...

This is hopefully the first of three volumes of Thystran roleplaying material utilizing the new D&D Third Edition. It's now available in Word 97 format, but some people have had some problems downloading and reading it. I'm trying to get a .pdf file created, but it may take longer than I anticipated, as the subtleties of the document seems to have totally baffled the Adobe Acrobat Distiller software... I'll keep you informed, and if you like the book and can read it, please let me know.

YAY!!! The final installment of the "Dark Vengeance" saga is next on my schedule, and I hope to have it done before the end of the year. Yes, Wulf and his long-time foes will have a reckoning, the armies of free people will struggle to throw back the forces of darkness, and both Livia and Narisha will have some interesting changes in their lives, and Wulf will set out on a new set of adventures, with some old and -- surprise! -- popular companions.

My tribute to Fritz Leiber's "Lords of Quarmall" is outlined and ready to begin, but I'm waiting until the current cycle is finished. Hopefully it will kick off a new line of "Young Wulf" stories that will go over some of the "lost years" of Wulf's career.

Other stories include some solo tales involving Narisha in her quest to save the world through sex (read Narisha's Night and it'll make more sense), and in the far future, the adventures of Wulf's daughter, a sorceress-thief with some tricks of her own.

Well, now that my euphoria at finally returning to the moist and temperate northwest has worn off, I'm stuck with the grim prospect of finding real work. I'm currently working temp, but I have at least one very good prospect which involves writing aircraft technical manuals. To further my work search, I have purchased a car which my auto-enthusiast friend Mark would call a "frightpig," which is to say a beat-up, oil-burning, rust-covered Chevy station wagon whose primary asset is that it has four wheels and can move in a forward in at least a moderately-stable manner. This is only temporary until I get a real car, but at least it gets me from place to place.

I'm playing in a new D&D 3rd Edition campaign, I'm kicking around some of my old novel projects, I'm still waiting on that on-line publishing service (who said they loved my novel), and my daughter Devon is returning to the excitement of school, this time experiencing the wonders of fifth grade. Wotta life...

Anyway, that'll do it for now. Hope you're all doing well, and feel free to write and let me know what's up. Wulf lives on!


August 1, 2000

Time once more to update folks on the state of the Wulf universe. As always, if you don't want this newsletter, if you get multiple copies, or if you're reading it on the web page and want to receive it via e-mail, tell me and I will respond with the speed of a limping buffalo.

Armada, the latest installment in the Dark Vengeance saga, is now up and on-line. Check it out and by all means let me know what you think. It's got lots of stuff going on, keeps changing POV, and moves the story much closer to conclusion. Hope you all like it.

Upcoming stories:

The little vignette that was intended to go with "Mark of the Zombie" is my next project, and for those who don't remember, it was a short story about the demoness Narisha and a very interesting contest with the whores of Shark Harbor. Hope to finish that next week some time.

And at last, the long and sprawling Dark Vengeance epic comes to an end with the final battle in Elfland. Tune in in a few months and see how it all concludes, and where our characters are headed once it's over.

Young Wulf in a lost kingdom along with his human and wolfen girlfriends. Should be fun.

There's tons of new art, and some new fiction from Kurt Moller should be posted by the time you receive this, or shortly thereafter.

In that annoying real world, I'm now back in Portland, Oregon, I have an Internet connection and cable TV (yes!!), and I'll be seeking employment and transportation very soon. I had a pretty decent time in LA, met some interesting folks, and made some important decisions about the future. In the end, though I didn't do the things that I wanted to do, and some of the events there were downright infuriating (I won't go into detail, but suffice to say at least one person is off this mailing list as a result), I am happier now than I would have been if I'd stayed here. Mind you, I'm now broke and without job or car, but that shouldn't last too long. Wish me luck, and don't despair, since Wulf will always be here to keep people occupied.

In other good news, Hardshell Word Factory, an on-line publisher, is looking at my novel "The Queen's Lancers." I know that on-line publishing isn't the big-time, but it's something, and it's a way of getting my name out and having some professional credit. I'll keep you all informed about what happens, and we'll all see whether it's worth it together.

Well, that's about it... It's short, but to the point, and I hope it lets folks know that I'm still alive and that Wulf is as active as ever. Keep in touch, and let me know what you think of Armada.


July 7, 2000

Hey, y'all... There hasn't been a newsletter for a while, so I figured I should update everyone on what's going on with Wulf and my life. As always, if you get multiple copies of this, or want to be removed, please let me know.

This one's progressing, and I hope to have it done by August 1, though I so rarely meet my own deadlines ;) It's complicated, since I'm jamming together what was originally going to be two separate installments. As it is, I keep cutting back and forth between characters, from Wulf's girl trouble to Li's status as leader of both the dwarves and the orcs (!) and Livia's problems commanding the fractious army of various warring factions. Sex won't be neglected; hope to have some nice multiple scenes, at least a couple of bdsm sequences, and of course good old romantic rogering.

The final installment is scheduled for this fall. Thae'lynn and her daemon-army advance. The northern alliance moves to save the elves. Wulf races to help the Silver Lady. Stuff blows up. People die. Action, adventure, death... Livia repents. Narisha fights, kills and has sex. And so on... Also the setup for the series' new villain and another foul plan for world conquest...

The next installment of the "Young Wulf" cycle is all mapped out, featuring Wulf and his two female companions dealing with an ancient civil war brewing in a lost kingdom.

That is to say, my own life and its confusions. After some intense soul-searching regarding my role as a father and a role-model, I've decided to move back to Portland in order to be a better provider to my daughter Devon. Mind you, this was my intention all along... abandonment of my own child would be a pretty foul thing to do, and I think I've done enough foul things in my life. As it is, Devon is down here with us now, and we're hitting up all the LA hotspots before moving back. Once in Portland, I intend to get a decent job and look into the possibilities of getting a permanent home and all that other fun stuff. Wulf and my other projects shall continue, of course.

I've still got a couple of serious fiction projects I'm working on, but I'm afraid that the hoped-for creative environment of LA didn't really work out for me, and I'm hoping to get back to work on those things back in familiar surroundings. I've been creatively blocked on everything but Wulf for the past year or two; I don't know why Wulf seems to flow so smoothly, while other projects run aground, but I hope I'll be able to find out soon.

I think that my relationship with gamewire.com is at an end; it's been weeks and no new press releases or projects have been sent my way. I guess it was fun while it lasted, but after all these months of work with very little reward, I think I'll move on to something more lucrative. I'm in contact with a couple of roleplaying game companies, looking for some creative work that doesn't necessarily pay well, but that will prove rewarding nonetheless. As always, I'll keep everyone informed.

Best in all things,

April 14, 2000

Hey, Wulfsters, it's that time again... As usual, here's the disclaimer: This is the irregular newsletter for the Wulf Archives; if you don't know who the heck Wulf is, if you've decided that you're sick of hearing from me, if you receive multiple copies of this newsletter, or if you just plain don't want to receive it, PLEASE let me know and I'll take care of it... I personally think spammers should be hung from their toes in a vat of boiling Crisco, so I don't want anyone to think I'm one of THOSE nogoodniks.

The latest Wulf adventure (again, sans Wulf) is on-line. "Mark of the Zombie" features Skrall and his crew searching for treasure in the Necrotian swampland, while Narisha and Livia search seedy waterfront bars for signs of the "Conqueror's" whereabouts. It features lots of cool swordplay, introspective commentary, ancient history, romance and, of course, hot sex... Li and Livia finally meet again, but this time Livia's learned humility and they hit it off MUCH better than they did last time... I'm told that the Theanna/Li/Tanu scene is pretty cool. Narisha gets spanked. Li gets petted. Livia gets abused, but gets even. I also got an opportunity to get some artistic vengeance on an arrogant woman-hating pig, based on a guy that I once saw in an adult movie... Damn, I love this stuff...

The next tale in the cycle will combine our two storylines. "Armada" will feature Wulf's journey to the Elf lands, the development of his relationship with ex-Marshal Herula, who now really likes the idea of being the bound concubine of a handsome n'doro male (guess who?), Livia and Narisha leading a mismatched army to aid the beleagered Litharnans, a massive confrontation with Feanor and his army at the place known only as the River of Swords, and Wulf's departure from Thae'lynn's army, along with his usual crew of misfit allies. The tale will conclude in "Elven Twilight" in which the free peoples come to the elves' rescue, Wulf gets even with Thae'lynn, we find out what the demons think of the dark elves' meddling, and we sort out who everyone will be with and where they'll be hanging out for the next few stories.

As for my personal life, I'm feeling a hell of a lot better about things, even though I'm really not doing anything different. We're settled in Burbank, I'm still looking for work, waiting for responses to my applications, etc. I am, however, making friends, and am getting some enormously encouraging support from everyone who's read the page, and everyone who's written. I'd like to take this opportunity to once more thank you all for your support. You guys are great.

Forgive me if this one's kind of short... I mostly wanted to tell everyone that "Zombie" was ready to go; check it out and let me know what you think!

Best in all things, folks

Wulf Newsletter #7
March 18, 2000

Hey, all... This is, in case you didn't know, the semi-regular newsletter for the Wulf Archives; if this isn't your cup of tea, or if you don't want to receive it, please let me know. I ain't no spammer :) Also tell me if you get this more than once, since there may be some duplication of this list given my recent computer changes. That said, here's the news:

In the wake of my marriage's dissolution, I am now a resident of beautiful Burbank, CA, where I hope to slack a little, write, and possibly get some rewarding employment. That aside, I also want to get back to writing Wulf stories (see below), working on the site, getting the Alex site back on track, and also getting to work on my "serious" writing, including some sceenplays, and a couple of novels that I've been developing.

My first impressions of LA are that it is 1) huge, 2) somewhat ugly, 3) absolutely PACKED with donut shops (has anyone else ever noticed this? There's a donut shop in almost EVERY goddam strip mall in town, and that's a helluva lot...). That aside, it's really pretty exciting here, as we're close by all the major studios, and I'm going to look into attending tapings of what shows I can find (I suspect there's a huge waiting list, but I'll try anyway). All the amusement parks, book stores, malls, shops, etc., assure lots of temptations not to write, and the proximity of such interesting regions as Death Valley, Mexico, Vegas, San Francisco, and so on, mean that I might be doing a lot of driving.

My roommate Cliff and I have done a bit of exploring so far, wandering around Hollywood (for those unfamiliar with the region, they don't film movies there anymore, and with the exception of West Hollywood, the place is pretty seedy, but in an interesting way), visiting the beach, driving up and down the freeways while lost, and having at least one and possibly two celebrity sitings. The first was Mike Myers, who was walking along Hollywood Blvd. with his friend or bodyguard, and who looked somewhat askance at us in our beat up Honda Accord (similar to the one that Bruce Willis used to run over Ving Rhames in "Pulp Fiction"), and the second (with an asterisk cuz we weren't 100% sure) was Keenan Ivory Wayans, but he didn't look at us askance or otherwise.

Besides that, we have a 2-BR apartment in an okay section of Burbank. It is presently sans furniture, except for a table for the computers, and a futon for me (you can tell where our priorities lie). We're investigating high-speed Internet (along with the hundreds-o-channels digital cable, it will be our only real luxury item), but in the meantime I'm maintaining an Internet connection through the good offices of thesimpsons.com, who offer free service in exchange for an only-somewhat-annoying ad banner. You can, of course, still write to me at brainkick.com (in fact, I encourage it); I'm simply forced to get all my POP mail through hotmail.com, until such time as I have another "real" POP server.

Okay, enough of that crap. On to the stories.

About 1/2 finished (as opposed to 2/3 as last reported). Two parallel stories, one in which the "Conqueror"'s crew investigates the treasure of an ancient zombie master, the other in which Liv, Narisha, Daedora and the "Skate" crew search for them through the seedy backwaters of Shark Harbor. I'm hoping this will turn out, since it was written during the various crises surrounding my divorce, so if it's uneven I beg your indulgence :)

Okay, we know what we REALLY read these stories for... mindless sex. Well, maybe not, but I can hopefully also be forgiven for occasionally wanting to write a story that's pretty much nothing BUT sex. "Narisha's Night" involves an incident from "Zombie" in which Narisha bets some of the local Shark Harbor ladies of the evening that she can out-"boink" them in a single night. I spun it off from "Zombie" because I figured it would slow down the action (kind of like intercutting Liv's lesbian orgy scene with the exciting climax of "Jungle Goddess"). It's what the adult film industry refers to as a "wall to wall," i.e. mindless sex with little plot, which also means that you can skip it if you like story, and read it if you like brain-free porn :)

Okay, I'm going to actually combine the two plot lines, and tell the two threads at the same time. In "Armada," Wulf sets sail along with his allies, bound for the invasion of Elfland. Meanwhile, Livia, Narisha, Daedora, the "Conqueror" and company (big cast in this one), land in Litharna and help raise forces to save the realm from the marauding elf/undead army. It all ends in a big battle in which the fate of the elven invasion is sealed. (You will notice that I've shortened the epic by one installment, since I want to get to the exciting conclusion as soon as possible.)

Big finish. Wulf hastens to warn the Silver Lady about Thae'lynn's invasion while the humans and their bizarre allies (including orcs, ratlings, jarreks and loyalist elves) sail south to the Elven Isles and a final confrontation with Thae'lynn, the dark elves and their daemonic comrades. I'm still not sure where I'm going to fit the sex in here, but I'll try. A few characters might get killed off, too; let me know who you'd like to see live/die/be gravely wounded.

Young Wulf, with his human and Wolfen lovers, encounter an ancient civilization that has been hanging around since the mysterious catastrophe. Ruled by three near-immortal sorcerers, the kingdom has been in a state of cold war for centuries, until Wulf's arrival unbalances things. War, violence, sword fights, rescues, intrigue, and some out of the ordinary sex, as always.

Other stories will include Li Shu's rescue of her sister (and all that that entails), Wulf's underwater adventures, Wulf's desert adventure, and the return of Ushandra and her little bundle of joy, aka Wulf's daughter, who is going to end up being an adventurer in her own right (and no, Wulf is NOT going to sleep with his daughter -- that's both creepy and disgusting).

I've got lots of new art and stories to post (all arrived while I was in transit, dammit), as well as my new .pdf edition of "Stormking." I'm still trying to figure out how to concatenate two Pagemaker files into a single .pdf documents (anyone know how to do that?), and once I'm done with that, I'll post it (I've gotten almost all the artists' permission to post their pix; it's gonna look way cool).

I'm redoing the map of Stoneburg with Profantasy's City Designer -- it's going to look awesome, but I may have to post it in sections in order to get the right level of detail. I'll be adding some other city/dungeon, country maps as well -- I have a nice map of the Wild which I'll put up once it's done, as well.

Well, that's probably enough chatter for now. Wulf and I are back on-line and ready to roll, so keep in touch and more will be coming soonly.

best from Sunny SoCal,

PS - My icq name is goloban, and my number is 12955073, so feel free to add me to your list if you like...

Wulf Newsletter #6
February 19, 2000

This is the irregular newsletter for the Wulf Archives; it's also something of a personal newsletter, given recent events. It's going to everyone who's written me lately, people who have expressed interest in Wulf, folks I want to annoy, etc.  If you don't know who the hell I am or who the hell Wulf is, then by all means let me know so that I can remove you from my mailling list. Also, let me know if you get multiple copies of this silly thing so that I can delete duplicate addresses.

Greetings. It's been a long time, and I won't bore you with any more excessive whining about the disasters of my life. Damn, things are in an uproar. I'm actually taking a couple of hours here to get my site in some decent shape so that I can go away for a couple of weeks and not have everything fall completely apart.

As I have so often told everyone, I am getting a divorce from my wife Clio; it wasn't my idea, and it isn't what I want, but I haven't been left with a choice. I am taking the opportunity for a change of scene and am moving to the Los Angeles area. Departure date is Tuesday, Feb. 22, with arrival a couple of days later. No, I don't have a job, no I don't have a place to stay, and no I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to do, but whatever it is, I need to do it. How's that for vague.

Not much new on the Wulf site right now, though tonight I intend to add a couple of pictures from readers, and update a few other items. The site will probably remain on hiatus for a couple of weeks while I get settled, but rest assured that I will keep all informed of my whereabouts and future plans. Wulf will endure.

I'm about 1/2-2/3 of the way through this one; it was written under pressure, so I can't guarantee it'll be a real barn-burner, but it should at least be fun. In this exciting epic, Li, Tanu, Theanna, Skrall and the crew of the Conqueror investigate a lost treasure and inadvertently disturb the rest of a legendary zombie-priest. Meanwhile, Livia, Narisha, Daedora, and the crew of "Skate" are in pursuit, and hopefully arrive in the nick of time. Oh, yeah, and Narisha undertakes a bet with some of the local prostitutes to see who can go longer. Stay tuned :)

Wulf and the fleet leave to invade elfland.

IN DIM ECLIPSE Liv, Narisha and their allies try to save Litharna from the elf/undead army.

Armageddon. Light and dark elf battle for supremacy and no one will be the same.

Back to young Wulf and his wolfen lover, trapped in an ancient subterranean kingdom.

After that, I'm not sure where we'll go, but I'm relatively certain that I'll stick with shorter works for a while. These multi-part epics are starting to get tedious... ;)

The Alex site is still up, but still on hiatus. I need to get the discussion board fixed before I go any further, but that will have to wait until after I've moved and settled in.

Everyone keep in touch! I haven't forgotten you, and the Archives will soon be back and better than ever. I'm hoping for some adventure over the next year or so, and I will definitely be including you in my various explorations. Stay cool and I'll see you all soon. Feel free to write and let me know how you're doing, or to find out what I'm up to. The brainkick address will remain active for as long as there's a brainkick service, so there's no excuse for you not to write :)

best, Anthony

Wulf Newsletter #5
December 7, 1999

Well, it's been a long time, hasn't it? This is the lastest Wulf Archives newsletter, sent out semi-regularly by yours truly, with information on the site, Wulf's latest adventures, planned expansions, etc. If you don't know why you're getting this, or if you don't want it anymore, by all means write and let me know!

Now, to bring you all up to date:

A short Wulf story about our hero's early years, captured and sold as a slave by a very attractive Wolfen female, with predictable results. Interestingly enough, this may lead to another cycle of stories about Wulf, Akumi the Wolfen slaver and their new friend, the ex-slave Yashi, in their return to civilization and adventures in the Wild.

There's more art at the Art Gallery, including some cool animated gifs from one of our favorite contributors, Drool, new stuff from Cyanure and Kurt Moller, and more to come.

Finished the Demon Realms and Dark Elf Lands page... Learn the inside story of those two most mysterious races.

I'm asking you all for help in rewriting my novel, "Descending Angel" featuring my cyberpunk/horror hero Alex St. John and his female companions. This page is a little different from Wulf -- it contains background and character descriptions, along with existing Alex St. John stories such as "Demonslayer" and "Beyond the Pavement," as well as (soon) the full text of the original novel. I hope to get guidance and help from anyone who reads the page -- comments, suggestions, ideas,
etc., then exploit the hell out of you by rewriting the novel and making lots of money. Don't worry, I'll thank you for your help :) If you're interested, check into the page. It's not finished yet (other things like work and Wulf have taken precedence), but you can see it in its incomplete glory at  http://www.wanfear.com/~marawuti/alex/alex_start.htm. Let me know if this works for you!

And what's coming:

It has begun -- at last Li Shu and company meets Livia and company, and guess what happens? Well, there are certainly zombies, swamp gods and others. Oh, yeah -- there's sex, too :)

Wulf and Thae'lynn's army set sail for vengeance and violence.

Getting it ready for you! (Bonus points to anyone who recognizes the reference.) With several exciting, well-written pieces of Thystra fiction in hand, and a couple in process, I think it's time to create a separate page for it! Once I get a fine piece titled "Redshade" properly formatted, it will be up. Within a week, I hope, but I'm a dumb flake and it may take longer.

I intend to get all the stories saved in .zip format for easier download. Now that I've got your attention, send me some mail and tell me what format you want. Word 6? Word 7? Word Perfect? .txt? Presently I'm leaning toward .rtf because it's portable and can be read by just about everyone. I'm hoping someone sends me Adobe Acrobat so I can create universally portable docs with formatting, pictures and everything.

Personal News:

My departure from Egghead.com approaches. If Y2K doesn't kill us first, I will probably free myself some time in January. I have had a couple of very promising interviews, and I may be moving up in the world shortly. Wish me luck; I will keep y'all informed. And don't worry -- I'll still write Wulf. And we hope to move to a new home some time this spring... One which we'll OWN.

My "real" novel is coming off the back burner and will be back underway soon.

I'm thinking of migrating to a more recognizeable domain such as wulf.brainkick.com. I would, of course, leave pointers from the old domain, or simply redirect traffic. Whatcha think?

That should do it for now. Hope everyone's doing well... Feel free to write, suggest, criticize, comment, etc. And don't forget to use the discussion board!

wulf forever,

Wulf Newsletter #4
October 18, 1999

Here it is again, the latest info from Wulf central, home of everyone’s favorite sex-and-swordery heroes and heroines. As always, if you got this message by mistake or if you don’t want it anymore, or if you get multiple copies, let me know and I’ll make instant amends. This is most assuredly not intended to be junk mail, nor is it sent out for commercial purposes.

Visit Wulf at http://www.brainkick.com/~marawuti

E-mail me at marawuti@brainkick.com

Here are the current and planned Wulf tales, along with estimated completion dates. I’m using the Q1, Q2, etc. format that those damned computer game companies use, so I can give myself enough wiggle room. Despite this, don’t hold me to any of these dates, though I think I can guarantee you that these stories won’t fall as far behind schedule as, say “Prey” or “The 11th Hour.”

GATES OF STEEL (current)
Is up at my website, and will soon be posted to alt.sex.stories (like you’d be able to find it amid all the f*cking Spam). Follow Wulf into the heart of enemy territory. Thrill to barmaids going psycho. Enjoy the pleasures of Council Spire, where everyone parties hearty under pain of death. See Wulf do four different women in as many hours. Stare in horror as Jae and Violent Bahb turn their technical know-how to Wulf’s cause. Meet new allies and old friends. See Wulf get chained to the wall and pleasured to within an inch of his life (good work if you can get it, huh?). It’s all there for your reading pleasure…

Now in production, the further adventures of “The Conqueror,” and its crew of misfits, including everyone’s favorite sexy tiger babe Li Shu. See what happens when they brave the misty backwaters of Necrotia. Watch the sparks fly when Li and Theanna meet our lusty trio of heroines from “Jungle Goddess.” More undead than you can shake a stick at. More sex than most humans experience in a year. More sword fights than the average “Highlander” episode. At least that’s the plan.

ARMADA (Q2, 2000)
The word comes down that the great crusade is about to begin. Wulf and company sail north toward the culmination of Thae’lynn’s plans. When the elven isles fall to her, she will be able to open dimensional gates all across Thystra, leaving the world open to Mazzor’s daemonic minions. Expect Wulf to have a thing or two to say about that, as he and his fearless comrades finally part company with Thae’lynn and her army and hasten to warn the Silver Lady. Will Wulf finally get to enjoy carnal
knowledge of a demigoddess? And what about those elven statues? Do you think they’ve stood guard long enough? We shall see.

IN DIM ECLIPSE (Q3-4, 2000)
“The Conqueror” sails north to help save Litharna. You see, Skrall and Squit have relatives who might be able to come help the beleaguered humans. Imagine it. Humans, dwarves, orcs, ratlings, and maybe a few errant lizard men, all fighting together for justice against the elves and the undead. Damn, I love turning cliches on their ear.

Now it comes to the final confrontation between good and evil. Well, kinda good and kinda evil. Well, nothing’s truly black and white is it? Thae’lynn is now bolstered by daemons and chaos warriors (and we all know what badsasses THEY are), and the Silver Lady is besieged in her citadel. All seems lost until the alliance forces, fresh from their victory up north, arrive, racing to rescue the elves from themselves. Expect the end to be brutal, though, and nothing to be the same in
Thystra afterwards. Got a kind of shocking ending planned, so stay tuned. God only knows when I’ll get this one done, but I’ll shoot for the above date.

TIGER, TIGER (with apologies to William Blake) (Q2, 2001)
Back to shorter works, thank goodness… Wulf and Li are reunited and once more take up the quest to find and rescue her sister. And you all probably know what THAT means…

Interspersed through these will be shorter works, vignettes or scenes, including one called “Wulf, Wolf,” which involves Wulf’s experience with a female Wolfen slaver, the story of how Daedora accidentally set up Livia and Narisha, and possibly some stories (ala X-Men, as suggested by some readers) showing Wulf and company at leisure and not going off saving the world.

I’m still scheduled for layoff come January 31, though there’s a possibility it might come earlier. I’ll still get my severance, however, which is cool.

My wife, Clio, has been traipsing all over the nation, setting up networks, installing Y2K software and doing geeky things. This means she’s gone for periods from 5-15 days at a time, which leaves me as a single parent, and responsible for pretty much the entire household. Those of you who do this all the time – I don’t know how you manage. And if you have more than just one kid, well, my hat’s off to ya.

I'm about 10,000 words into a new "serious" novel, and I’m still writing reviews and rewriting press releases for pcgame.com. It’s getting me a steady stream of free games and even a small stipend, which I intend to use for more furniture.

Yes, furniture. We’ve got a lovely velvet couch, my daughter’s getting a really cool bunk bed, and we’ve got our eyes on all the other items we’ll need to furnish the house we’re planning on buying this spring. In other good news, the real estate market in Portland has finally crested, and prices are heading down. They say it’s a buyer’s market, which is music to my ears. I’ll keep you all posted.

Best y'all,

Wulf Newsletter #3, September 9, 1999
Welcome to the third official Wulf Newsletter. In my standard disclaimer, I'll tell you that this newsletter is for people who have written to me over the years and want new information about Wulf the Freelance, his new site, his adventures, my life and loves, etc., etc. As always, if you get multiple copies or if you have no idea who I am or why I'm writing you, please let me know so I can unsubscribe you.

You asked for it, but you still haven’t got it. "Gates of Steel," Wulf's latest adventure, is still in production despite my own personal goal of having it finished by the end of last month. I was unhappy with a couple of sequences, and figured it was better to take my time and do a better job than rush it out just to have something. Being the sole responsible adult in the household while my wife is off fixing servers across the country doesn’t help, either. I’m shooting for Sept. 30 now, so keep an eye out. “GoS” sends Wulf deeper into the power structure of Thae'lynn's army, where he learns of her secret and diabolical plans for Thystra. He also discovers the dangers of psychotic barmaids, meets a couple of new and unexpected allies, and is trapped in the Council Spire on festival night, and forced to pleasure a goodly number of women (poor baby).

Coming up next: Skrall and crew are in dire straits in the swamplands of Necrotia, that is until the "Skate" shows up, with our trio of awesome sword and sorcery babes on board (that would be Livia, Daedora and Narisha for the uninitiated). That's next on deck, so keep an eye out.

I've fought one miniature battle in the Litharnan campaign, and have a second on the drawing board, pitting the Nazi-esque elves and their Undead allies against the heroic but overmatched Litharnans. Using the Warhammer rules, the first resulted in an overwhelming victory for the forces of evil, which is unsurprising. The battle narrative (which will eventually include photos and battle maps), is now up at http://www.brainkick.com/~marawuti/extras.html, soon to be joined by a second battle report. As of press time, the second battle, the Battle of the Firwood, is up in scenario form with nifty maps and stuff, though I have yet to actually fight it.

I've added more art from Drool, Christi and Morgalla (and am going so far as to write Drool's art into the stories), and reorganized the site by artist for the benefit of those folks with slower connections. Plus, I have art from Cyanure 99, a European fan with a nice eye for glamour shots. Keep up the good work, people! This kicks ass.

WHAT'S COMING (so to speak)
I've got a number of ideas for future developments on the site -- I've had a couple of folks express interest in writing fan fiction, which I am all for (though I reserve the right to determine whether the stories "really" happened or not), and I've gotten a couple of suggestions for future works. I'm also interested in finally reading and reviewing some of the outside erotica sites and stories (particularly "Naked Blades" and "Grey Archive" sites), and I'll be putting up some reviews of pertinent or interesting videos, books, etc. (particularly the animated "Redwall" series, generously sent to me by one of our loyal readers... which means yes, I'll review all sorts of material, not just porn). Anyone who wishes to submit reviews or comments may feel free to do so. I also want to do a letters page with interesting e-mails, so keep those cards and letters coming.

For those who follow the ins and outs of my personal life, it seems that as of Jan. 31, 2000 I will be looking for a new job. Egghead.com's merger with Onsale.com has resulted in the expected layoffs, though in this case I've gotten five months (!) notice, and will be receiving a very generous severance package. If I can transition quickly into another job (any job), my $$$ will be intact and we can start shopping for that house we've been wanting. Never thought the silver lining would be quite so big, but what the hell, I'm not complaning...

In other good news, I've started writing game reviews for pcgames.com. My first (and audition) review was for "Hidden and Dangerous" (a great game with some REALLY bad bugs), and I'm working on "Civ II: Call to Power" (a good game that’s no better than its predecessors). Go check 'em out. Right now, I'm writing reviews in exchange for the games themselves, which ain't a bad deal really.

My "real" projects remain stalled; my agent has told me that my latest Victorian-era fantasy novel is in essence “good but not great” and she only reps “great” books (I can understand that, all things considered). I'm interested in producing a "prequel" of sorts, however, set in the same world about 200 years earlier. It'll stand on its own, though, and won't require sale of the first novel. My e-publishing project is still viable, though I haven't had a chance to work on it for a few weeks. I'll keep y'all informed.

Wulf Archives Newsletter #2.5
August 10, 1999
This is the irregular newsletter for the Wulf Archives, my collection of Internet fantasy fiction. If you're getting duplicates of this message, or if you don't know who I am and want to get taken off this list, please let me know right away.

Okay, I promised myself I'd send out newsletters at least once a month, but since the site is just getting underway, I guess I'm sending out a little more frequently than that. I'm sending this brief announcement out just to get up to date with the new newsletter subscribers (I've gotten a good number of them), and to let you know that there are a few new items up at the site.

Hi, all... I got quite a flood of new people over the past couple of weeks, so I figured I'd send something to confirm that you are indeed on my mailing list and getting my newsletter. Welcome; it's good to have you here. The site, in case you didn't remember, is at http://www.brainkick.com/~marawuti, and features all sorts of Wulf related crap, from the original stories to artwork to game statistics, character descriptions, and a discussion board. Check it out and let me know what you think. Also let me know if any of my links are broken or if you think of any improvements.

There's new art in the gallery from Drool, Christi and Morgalla, and my links page is FINALLY up, with info about my friends, associates, writers' resources, cool on-line erotica, fun stuff that I want to share with you and other stuff. Please let me know if  you would like to suggest some other links.

Still slogging away on "Gates of Steel." Still shooting for the end of August for completion. Next, we go back to the ladies of the "Skate" meeting the pirates of the "Conqueror" in the undead-infested swamps of Necrotia in "Mark of the Zombie."

I don't know, really...

That's it for now. Hope you're all doing well. Keep those e-mails coming; they make me feel less lonely at work :)


Wulf Newsletter #2
July 30, 1999

Welcome to the second big and exciting Wulf Newsletter (I speak facetiously, of course). You're getting this because you've written to me or otherwise expressed interest in the site and the Wulf stories, so if you don't want to get it anymore, or if you're getting multiple copies, or if I'm jamming up your mailbox unnecesarily, please feel free

to reply with an unsubscribe request and I'll remove you immediately. Personally, I hate getting crap that I don't want in my inbox, so I'll understand perfectly. I'm also looking into simply using a majordomo service for this list, so that I don't have to keep track of everyone who's asked to subscribe.

Well, it's been a busy month, and the site is almost totally completed. I still have the Links page to go, but that's at least underway. I'm contemplating some other changes, such as modifying how the News Page looks, and putting in links to individual opinion pieces or journal entries, rather than running them all together at once.

The Message Board
I goofed around with WWWBoard software so that I could run my own messageboard, then finally settled on one of those free commercial boards with the advertising banner across the top because I didn't want to be bothered with rewriting .ini files and stuff like that. However, this board had some interesting features, not the least of which was a 2000 maximum character limit, and an automatic censorship feature, which blipped words like "shit" but failed to detect "asshole," which I find amusing. I decided to dump that particular service, broke down and decided to do it myself.

So I worked with Ed, my sysad, and he put up phorum, which is a way cool, slick, modern-looking board with lots of cool features. I spent most of one afternoon trying to get the colors right, and finally it looks like a message board I can be proud of. Please feel free to post or comment any time!

Mailing List
The mailing list seems strong, with about 100 members. I had some messages come back as undeliverable, and one (count 'em -- ONE) unsubscribe request, so I'm confident that this list is solid. Everyone who gets this can feel free to write to me with any questions, comments, etc., that they might have.

One more note... Though in my first newsletter I said I wasn't going to change my e-mail address EVER again, NO WAY, NO HOW, NO SHIT, it turns out that you should be sending your correspondence to me as marawuti@brainkick.com. Now, I think everyone is doing that already, so it ain't a big deal, but it's just one more headache I gotta deal with :)

Now here's some of the things that you can look forward to over the next few months:

Gates of Steel
Wulf's next installment finds him still in lion-man form, still in dark elf territory, and feeling slightly pissed off. Moving deeper into enemy lands and closer to the heart of ultimate evil, Wulf himself is affected by the proximity to such wickedness and experiences something of a long, dark night of the soul. Yet, these things aren't without their benefits, and Wulf finds that friends and allies may crop up in the strangest places -- friends and allies who don't go unexpectedly psycho on you,

Mark of the Zombie
When Livia, Narisha and Daedora find Cap'n Skrall, Li and Theanna embroiled in foul goings-on amid the dark schemes of the Necrotian zombie-masters, violence and sex are sure to ensue. Hopefully not combined...

There's more art to come, from my various regular artists and new folks, as well as (I hope) photos of some of the miniatures I've painted in Thystra/Wulf style.

Links to my friends, my benefators and supporters, to some of the best erotic literary resources on the net. Suggestions for links are definitely welcome, and if you have a personal site you’d like linked to Wulf, by all means let me know.

Information on Thystran currency, calendar systems, languages, and other stuff that I throw together in my copious spare time.

I’ve gotten some interesting correspondence over just the last few weeks, and I’m interested in posting some of the choicer ones, hopefully to provoke some discussion.

More Gaming Material
The long-lost Dark Elf territory page, the Demon Realms, and (hopefully) AD&D statistics for those who are interested in appropriating Wulf and company for their very own rpg adventures.

And finally -- I'm issuing a call for suggestions. This is a cooperative effort between me, you, the artists, other aspiring writers and more. I'm open to just about anything, so if you have ideas for the page, for new stories, characters, exotic sex acts (!) or other features, do feel free to respond, let me know what you like, and I'll look into it. I can't guarantee I'll be able to comply with every request out there, but I'll do what I can.

I'd also like to point out that Wulf really belongs to the Internet now -- I never wanted him to be a proprietary character of any kind, so if you'd like to try your hand at some Wulf fiction/art/etc., you have my blessing. Just let me see what you're doing so I can link to it. The only caveat I can issue is that outside writing won’t really be part of the Wulf “canon,” and what I write remains the “official” storyline. Then again, Wulf has frequently been accused of exaggeration, so god only knows what sort of thing he will run into or how he’ll describe it.

Stuff I’d like to see:

- Are you using Thystra/Wulf in your RPG campaign? I’d love to hear about it.

- More art is always appreciated.

- Ideas for future stories.

- Your own stories, either from Wulf’s POV or (here’s a cool idea) other folks in Thystra encountering Wulf and having to deal with him. I’d love to see an outside character’s take on Wulf and company.

Anyway, that should do it for now. More anon... I'm going to try to get this newsletter out at least every month or thereabouts, so don't despair. See you all soon, and feel free to write.

Anthony Pryor-Brown

The Wulf Archives, Newsletter #1; July 1999

NOTE: The last thing I want to do is spam folks with information and messages that they don't want. You got this message because you'd e-mailed me over the past year or so. If you don't want to get any more messages from me, by all means reply to this message and put "unsubscribe" or "get me off your fucking mailing list you loser" or something constructive like that in the subject field, and I'll take you off immediately. Also, let me know if you get multiple copies of this message, and what your preferred e-mail address is.

Now, that said:

Well, hi all, and what an eventful year it's been. I'm writing this message to all the folks who have expressed interest in the tales of Wulf the Freelance to bring you up to date on recent events in our lives and in the saga of Wulf and his Internet adventures.

First off, I should probably make some introductions. My name is Anthony Pryor-Brown, I'm 38 years old, married with one child, two cats, one dog and one cockatiel. My wife's handle is Clio, and she's got her very own web site as well (www.techno-muse.com). I'm a writer for egghead.com, a leading Internet retailer, and Clio is the NOC supervisor for a major telecommunications firm.

I started writing the Wulf stories several years ago. The first story was just a fun exercise inspired by Bill Willingham's Ironwood comic series, but once I discovered the Internet, and particularly Usenet, I found a new outlet for my work, and started cranking out the Wulf tales. Some time later I added a web site and the rest is history.

Over the years, we changed isp's with some regularity, some because we disliked the service, and others for reasons beyond our control (when I was laid off from Spiretech and lost my free account there, for example). As a result, I get many messages from people along the lines of "Where are you? Have you stopped writing?" or "I finally found you! I thought you'd vanished from the Web!"

This first bulletin is to inform everyone that Wulf now has a new and, hopefully, permanent home at http://www.brainkick.com/~marawuti. I hope that this new site will please everyone, and give Wulf the space and attention he deserves. Mind you, many of the pages aren't up yet (the dreaded "under construction" status), but I decided that getting the site on-line took priority over tweaking and re-tweaking to get it just right, which might have taken months.

Presently, the Wulf stories are there, along with gaming background material, FAQ, a cast of characters, and other fun stuff. In future, I intend to have a gallery of Wulf-inspired images, a full chronology of Wulf's adventures, links to other classy sites (and to my personal buds who need the publicity), an archive of .txt and .zip files so you can download the whole mess if you want, and a message board where you can snipe at each other and at me if you wish. I'm also going to be going over the stories and reworking them slightly to eliminate any inconsistencies or dumb slip-ups that may have slipped through (I recently had a correspondent take me to task for writing stories that were inconsistent with the maps I'd drawn, so I'm acutely aware of the problem).

That's all in the future, however, and I'll put each new page up as I write it. As I do with most of my correspondents, I note that "real life" and "real writing" takes precedence over poor Wulf sometimes, and things aren't done on any kind of set schedule. If it seems like I'm taking too long on something, by all means bug me about it, but I'm not always as prompt as I should be.

And for those who are wondering, the latest (Wulf-less) Wulf story, "Jungle Goddess" is up on the website, featuring "all-girl" (WHY do they have to call them GIRLS, anyway...?) sex of all sorts and a pretty cool storyline involving lizard men, an ancient goddess and a necromancer who looks like Marilyn Manson and dies really messily. The next installment will feature Wulf (in Chuma form still) and is called "Gates of Steel." I hope to have it done in a couple of months, but as noted above, real life has a tendency to interfere.

I will also be reposting ALL the Wulf tales to Usenet as a way of attracting attention to this website, so I'm looking forward to some cool new correspondents.

In personal news, I'm still working for egghead.com and though it's far from the best environment in the world it at least pays the bills. Clio, Devon, the clan and I will probably be looking to move to a new house in about a year, when we can afford to actually BUY one of the damned things, an event which I am looking forward to enormously.

I just sent a revised copy of my novel "The Queen's Lancers" (a Victorian-era, Kipling-style fantasy adventure without a single trace of sex in it) to my agent, and am waiting to hear what she thinks of it. I also have a proposal out to FASA for a new Battletech product, and I may also get some freelance editing/proofreading jobs as well, so life may be busy very soon.

My investigation of e-publishing (you know, the websites where they charge you $3-$5 to download a book) has led me to start work on a short, standard fantasy adventure as an experiment. I want to see if I can get an e-publisher interested in it, and if so, see if I can actually make some money in the deal. It's an interesting notion, but I'm not putting a great deal of intellectual or artistic effort into the book (it's a girl-with-a-dragon story that's so predictable you can set your watch by it), but I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out. I will keep all you folks informed as to how it all comes out.

And finally, you will note that this message originates from marawuti@wanfear.com. This is my "Wulf" e-mail address, as opposed to my other addresses, so that I can be assured all mail to it is about my on-line writing. In responding to this message, or in just general correspondence, please use that e-mail address. I don't plan on changing it ever again, so this WILL be the place to send questions, comments, suggestions, dirty jokes, etc., regarding me and the Wulf series.

Anyway, I've rambled on way too long. Hope that you can come visit the new site, and hope that this message is informative and entertaining. Let me know if you have any ideas, comments, etc., and I will do my best not to ignore them totally. :)

Best, Anthony Pryor-Brown

MINOR CORRECTION: Contrary to my baldfaced assurance that I will never change my address again, my preferred "Wulf" address is ACTUALLY marawuti@brainkick.com, which is linked to all the e-mail tags on this page. Don't worry, though -- both addresses will work just fine.
