Here 'tis, folks... It's my version of what porn-hounds call a "wall-to-wall," which is to say non-stop sex with little or no pretense of plot. Well, there is a plot of sorts, and even a little introspection, but I wanted a totally unpretentious series of sex acts that doesn't even aspire to anything deeper. In the end, it's about 12,000 words of nonstop sex, which the serious reader can easily disregard and the porn-enthusiast can enjoy.

In the end, however, I kind of painted myself into a corner, and it turned out to be harder (heh-heh... I said "harder") than I expected. The contests, the characters, the actual sex... Well, out of a real plot context it's more difficult to write than one might expect. Anyway, here it is... What happened upstairs during "Mark of the Zombie" when Narisha decided to challenge the local ladies of the evening to a contest. And don't give me any hell about the physical impossibility of Narisha doing five guys at once... It's fantasy fer chrissakes...

I had some requests for more fantastic sex, i.e. with fantasy creatures like griffons and stuff, but in the context of the setting that proved difficult. I also originally had a half-elven character named Shashanna in this story, but I cut her out, since I think I want her to appear in another tale some time in future.

On the other hand, I suspect Narisha will get her ashes hauled by some other interesting beasties... I'm considering doing a few "solo" adventures with her, since some of the forces unleashed in this short story will come into play in future.

PS - Bet you've never read a story that includes the phrase "lascivious calenture" before, huh?

Narisha’s Night
by Anthony Pryor

The upper floor of the tavern extended for the length of the building, with a broad central hall, and small rooms along either side. The hall apparently served double duty as a waiting room and as overflow for the women, as it boasted a small bar, couches and a large bed at one end.

There were five women there, and all looked up in some surprise as Narisha entered.

“Demoness!” said the dark-haired woman. Her face was angular, with a maturity of character that also showed considerable grace and beauty. Her eyes were dark as her hair, but reflected the lamplight brightly. “You’ve come to join us!”

Narisha nodded and bared her fangs good-naturedly.

“You set me a challenge, woman! I don’t take such things lightly.”

“Ah,” the woman replied. She was clad in a simple white shift that was ever so slightly small for her voluptuous frame; two large breasts strained at the cloth, and beneath it Narisha saw the faint outline of substantial aureola. She felt her breath quicken slightly.

“I’m Terei,” she said. “I suppose that I’m the chief whore here, since I’m the oldest.”

“Narisha. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” The demoness stepped forward, carefully placing one foot in front of the other, allowing the women to drink in her tall, crimson-skinned body. Let them see what they’re up against, she thought. “So I take it we have a deal?”

“That depends on the deal,” Terei replied. “Have a seat and I’ll introduce you to my girls. And we can discuss things. The men won’t start arriving for a while yet.”

Narisha glided onto a couch, between a dark-skinned veldt woman and a pale blonde northerner, her hair in a thick braid down her back. They both regarded her with looks that were curious, and not a little bit apprehensive.

“The woman on your right is Quandal,” Terei said, indicating the veldt-woman, “and on your left is Frega, who just arrived from Cold Island a month or so ago.”

Narisha accepted each woman’s proffered hand, and gently raised them to her lips. Quandal smiled shyly, while Frega seemed uncertain how to respond.

“Forgive Frega,” Terei said. “She’s shy as yet.”

“It’s all right,” Narisha said, purposely meeting Frega’s gaze and holding it tightly. “I like shy women.”

Frega looked away, suppressing a giggle.

Terei beckoned, and the other three women approached.

“Hilare is our resident redhead,” Terei said, indicating a short, well-built woman with green eyes and a mischievous expression. “I’m afraid that she confirms all the stories about her kind.”

“And I think we match well, your skin and my hair,” Hilare commented as Narisha took her hand and kissed it, then gasped suddenly as Narisha pressed it to her breast.

“And I,” Narisha said, “live up to all the stories about my kind, as well.”

“I’m eager to learn more,” Hilare said, wickedly, casting Narisha a saucy wink, then stepping back.

The last woman was a human, short and sandy-haired, with an impish, triangular face and large brown eyes. She held out her hand gravely, looking even more apprehensive than Frega.

“Chali is shy,” Terei said. “She seems to love her work, however. Don’t you, dear?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Chali replied, stepping back.

“Chali’s never been with another woman,” Terei said. “I think you make her nervous.”

Narisha grinned again. “She needn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do, but I think I can make it worth her while. What do you say, my dear?”

Chali looked down shyly and didn’t reply.

“Despite her shyness, I think she could probably out-fuck any of us,” Terei said. “You may find her to be intensely competitive.”

Narisha lay back. “Surrounded by beautiful women, about to fuck hordes of men,” she sighed. “It’s been far too long since I’ve been in such a situation.”

“So,” said Terei, “what do you think we should do? The men will be arriving soon.”

“You threw down the gauntlet,” Narisha said. “You tell me what you want. I’ll accept whatever challenge you want to give.”

“There is,” Quandal said quietly, “the matter of payment.”

Narisha laughed. “No worry there, my lovely. I’ll pay you all for a full night’s work. More if you can defeat me.”

All the women looked happy at this, even Chali, who looked up and smiled tentatively at Narisha.

“Defeat you how?” Terei asked. “We’re as open to suggestion as you are?”

Narisha considered this. Her heart had already started to beat faster, and she felt her nipples begin to swell beneath her leather halter.

“Perhaps a series of contests,” she said. “Suggested by you and your girls. We play for honor, not gold, of course... I’d not rob you of your livelihood. Despite what many say, whoring is an honorable profession. I’ve considered it on occasion myself.”

“You’d do very well at it,” Chali said, softly. “You’re very pretty.”

“Why thank you, little one,” Narisha replied. “Perhaps you aren’t as shy as your mistress claims.”

“Very well,” Terei said. “We’ll nominate one or more of us to go against you, and we’ll decide how to score the contest. Let’s say that the winner determines her reward.”

“I like that,” Narisha said. “And I say we get to business quickly before I explode. I want to see all of you getting fucked.”

Terei grinned. “And I think we feel the same way about you.”

Narisha narrowed her eyes, and gazed at each woman in turn.

“I’ve a contest to suggest before we begin,” she said, voice dropping to a predatory whisper. She reached behind her neck and began to loosen her halter. “Want to see what I look like naked?”

A chorus of replies answered her, from a shy nod by Chali to an enthusiastic “YES!” from Hilare.

Of course, Narisha didn’t care... She was ready in any event. She quickly removed her halter and flung it aside, reveling in the hungry stares that the women cast at her large, shapely crimson breasts and the single black gem that winked and sparkled on her pierced nipple. She stepped out of her breechcloth, but left her sandals on – partial nudity always seemed to appeal to her partners. She reclined on the couch, head on Quandal’s lap, legs draped across Frega.

“Lovely,” said Terei. “Would you like to see us, as well?”

“That,” Narisha said, voice rising to a commanding tone, “is a silly question. Strip, all of you. I can’t wait any longer.”

Moments later, all seven women were naked, reclining on the couch or in chairs. Terei stepped toward Narisha and crouched on the floor beside her. She was every bit as lush and voluptuous as her silhouette had suggested – breasts as large as Narisha’s, belly rounded, hips wide and inviting, legs firm and columnar. Her hair fell around her like a cloak.

“What contest did you have in mind, demoness?” she asked. “We’re eager to begin, as well.”

Narisha closed her eyes and sighed, snuggling down against Quandal, who stroked her hair.

“Who of you can come the fastest? The most?” she asked. “I’m so excited now I really must touch myself just to break the tension.”

Terei stood, looking at Narisha proudly. “I think I can claim that title, mistress,” she said. “Besides, as the oldest, I’d claim the right to be your first opponent.”

“Excellent,” Narisha said, rising to face Terei. Her hands encircled the woman’s waist, touching her soft flesh gently. “We sit in chairs facing one another and see who can make herself come first. Then, I suppose we could see who can come the most. That will prime us for the men. And,” she added, wickedly, “for each other.”

“Accepted,” Terei said. “Chali, Hilare, move the chairs.”

The two women complied, sliding a pair of overstuffed chairs into the center of the hallway.

“It’s not fair you get her first,” Hilare complained. “I can come as fast as you can.”

“Silence, youngster,” Terei said, sternly. “I’m oldest and I go first. Any more complaints and you’ll get the belt.”

Hilare grinned. “Oh, do you promise, my love?”

Terei ignored her.


The two women sat facing each other, naked, eyes locked, legs splayed apart. Their knees touched, each pushing on the other’s as Narisha and Terei slipped fingers into the moistness between their thighs.

"Lovely," Terei gasped, lips moist, breath coming faster. Her breasts rose and fell faster and faster as she went, nipples swelling. "You're so lovely."

"Hardly fair," Narisha replied, her own voice strained with oncoming orgasm. "Hardly fair that you excite yourself by looking at me."

"Can't help it," Terei replied. "You can't help being the way you are." She bit her lip. "Those big, lovely breasts... Oh, gods..."

Narisha grinned in response and cupped one breast in her hand, squeezing it and presenting her nipple to Terei.

"Like it?" she asked. "Like this big, soft breast?"

Terei nodded, breathing harder.

The demoness squeezed her nipple and slid her finger into the ring that pierced it.

"Like to suck on it?" Narisha asked.

I'm probably completely destroying my chances of winning, she thought, but it's so damned much fun.

"Yes..." Terei's voice was almost pleading. "Yes, I'd love to suck on it."

Narisha tugged on the ring, stretching out her nipple, and gasped briefly.

"Hurts so wonderfully," she said. "I love it."

Behind Terei, the other women were watching intently, variously shy, in the case of little Chali to openly lustful in the case of the redheaded Hilare, who gaped with wide eyes and stroked her own breasts with light, delicate fingers.

"Guess what I'm thinking about?" Narisha asked.

"I don't know," Terei replied, fingers moving faster and faster against the ripe pink flesh between her thighs. "I'm thinking about you."

"That makes us even," Narisha said, her own fingers glistening crimson stroking the blue-black of her cunt. "I'm thinking about you, too. I'm thinking of what you're going to look like when you're getting fucked."

Terei's only reply was a deep gasp.

"What you'll look like as a big cock slides into your cunt."

"You..." The other woman's eyelids fluttered as she stroked herself. "You're going to..."

"Maybe if you're sucking a cock while you get fucked from behind..." The demoness spoke in a low, insistent voice, still tugging at her pierced nipple. "Don't you love coming while there's a big cock in your mouth?"

"You're going to... lose..." Terei gasped.

"I don't mind," Narisha said, matter-of-factly. "I don't mind making you come without even touching you."

"Ohhhhhhhh." Terei's body tensed, her stomach knotting, shoulders flexing. "Ohhhh..."

"And I'm thinking of... Oh..." Now, Narisha's voice broke as the first tremors of her own orgasm began to shake through her. "Thinking of... How sweet... you... taste..."

Simultaneously, both women's voices rose to a crescendo and they convulsed, hair flying, breasts bobbing. Behind Terei, Hilare could contain herself no longer and stepped behind her mistress, hands encircling her large, soft breasts, stroking and pinching at her erect nipples as she came.

"That's it," Narisha whispered, still stroking herself and feeling another wave of climaxes come over her. "Stroke her well, woman. Help her come."

"Mmmm." Hilare nuzzled at Terei's neck, then began to bite.

"Hilare..." Terei gasped. "Oh, sweetness..."

"I'm coming again," Narisha said, words tightly controlled. "Was the bet for speed or quanity?"

"I don't..." Terei replied, head thrown back, abandoning herself to Hillary's touch. The redheaded woman's hands were still busy at her breasts, stroking and squeezing. "I don't... remember... Ohhhhhh... OHHHHHHHHH!" She bucked and writhed against Hilare, who held her tight and continued to busy herself at the dark-haired woman's neck and ear, and pinched her nipples tightly, distorting the pink flesh between her fingers.

"Another...?" Narisha asked, still stroking. "I must keep up... Yes..." She fixed her gaze on Frega, the shy northerner, who watched the process, transfixed. "She's getting help... I want it, too... You, get over here and help me."

Frega jumped at the words, but hastened to obey them, gliding forward obediently. She was tall, firm-bodied, with a single white-blonde braid down her back. She regarded Narisha with wide blue eyes above high cheekbones and a strong jaw.

"What should I do?" she asked, standing uncertainly before Narisha.

"Whatever I say," Narisha replied. "Suckle me, woman. Suck my nipples while I touch myself."

Frega kneeled down and looked somewhat dubiously at Narisha's heaving crimson orbs, each topped with a swollen blue-black nipple.

"Lick, woman," Narisha said in a voice that demanded obedience. "Take one in your mouth and lick it. Bite it, too. As hard as you wish. I love that."

The northerner hastened to comply, taking one large breast in both hands and encircling its nipple with her lips. In a moment, she was sucking enthusiastically, and one hand crept toward Narisha's other breast, this one with the pierced nipple.

"Ahhhhh," Narisha sighed. "So very good, woman. Yessss..."

Then she gazed over at where Terei sat in her chair, leaning back, legs splayed. Hilare's red-tressed head bobbed between them, and as Narisha watched, the Lastlander pulled back, a strand of gleaming spittle stretching from Terei's moist cunt lips to her tongue.

"Bitch," Narisha said, not unkindly. "You're getting too much help."

Terei's eyes met hers. They were wide and glassy, those of a woman drunk on pleasure.

"You're free to accept help, as well," she said. "Oh, Hilare..."

"Then we're onto another wager," Narisha told her. "Who can come the most from the attentions of these lovely women's tongues?"

"Done," Terei breathed. "And who won the last wager?"

"I didn't pay attention," Narisha said. "I think it was a draw."

"Fine. Oh, lick me, Hilare. Lick my cunt."

Hilare, who seemed completely absorbed in her task, nodded and looked up at Terei.

"I'll lick your cunt, dearest," she said. "Lick you until you come."

Narisha reached out and took Frega's braid in one hand, drawing her close. The northerner gasped, then sighed, moving in unison with Narisha's urgings, as if giving herself up totally to the demoness' will.

"You like to lick pussy?" Narisha demanded, holding the blonde woman's face close to hers.

Frega nodded. "Yes."

"Then lick," Narisha said, pressing her head down. "Put your face between my thighs and lick."

It was as if all of Frega's reluctance had vanished, replaced by a quiet determination to serve regardless of command as she pushed Narisha's thighs apart and gazed lovingly on her hairless black cunt lips.

"Spread them apart," Narisha ordered. She cradled her own breasts in her hands, teasing at her nipples, still moist from Frega's attentions. "Spread them with your fingers and lick."

Frega complied, opening up the soft flesh to reveal the rich pinkness of their interior, like a tropical flower in bloom. Slowly, then with increasing force, she licked at them, sliding her tongue between Narisha's inner lips, lapping up the moisture that poured from her, then attacked the demoness' swelling clitoris with pointed tongue and gentle lips.

"Where did you find this one?" Narisha demanded, alternately stroking Frega's hair and caressing her own nipples. Sweat beaded her forehead and ran from her breasts now, as she felt yet another orgasm approaching. "She knows more than she lets on."

"Same place as I found this one," Terei replied, indicating Hilare, totally lost in her attentions between the older woman's thighs. "I think that licking pussy is a natural talent for some women. They just... Oh, gods, Hilare... They just don't always... Always know it... Yesssssssss..." She settled back, stroking her breasts.

Narisha felt a soft touch against one shoulder and looked up. Standing beside her, face a mixture of shyness and open desire, was Chali, gloriously naked, radiating a warmth that Narisha could almost literally feel.

"Demoness," she said. "I've... I've never touched a woman before. Could I please kiss your breasts?"

Narisha grinned. Her fangs were fully out now; she wondered if her face was showing stripes yet.

"Take it, then. Suckle to your heart's content."

Now, the Veldt-woman, Quandal, had settled beside Terei, and was kissing and caressing her, even as Hilare continued to intently lick and suck between her thighs.

Chali's tongue and lips embraced Narisha's swelling nipples, flicking at her piercing, then softly licking and teasing the other.

"Is this how it is done, mistress?" Chali said, softly. "I so want to please you."

"You are wonderful," Narisha assured her. "Perfect." She sighed, giving herself up to the attentions of the two women.

The pressure of Frega's mouth grew unbearable, as the northerner alternated between lapping at Narisha's clitoris and thrusting inside her with a stiffened tongue. When Frega slid two fingers into Narisha's tight canal, she felt an inexorable wave of oncoming orgasm rush over her.

"Yes," she gasped, pressing Chali's head against her breast with one hand, and Frega's face against her cunt with the other. "Yes, darling... Oh, gods and devils... Yesssssss..."

Then the wave hit, almost literally, and she felt a rush of fluids gush from her cunt, spewing across Frega's face and splashing onto the floor. Surprised at first, the northerner took the flood with enthusiasm, swallowing as much as she could and rubbing her face in what remained.

"Gods," Terei said, wonderingly. "You come like a man."

Narisha did not reply, deep in the throes of orgasm, feeling yet another wave rush out of her, drenching Frega's face and hair.

"Ohhhh," Terei sighed, watching with wide eyes. "I'm going to come for you."

"Come... then..." Narisha grunted, body tense, holding the two women's heads tightly against her. "Come... now..."

"Yessssssssss..." Terei cried out, clutching a breast in one hand and biting at the other. "I'm coming for you, Narisha... Ohhhhhhhhhhhh..."

She writhed for almost a minute, orgasms rising and falling, until at last she collapsed, tangled in a heap with the other two women.

Narisha now lay on the floor, her chair overturned in the violence of her orgasm. Chali lay with her head pillowed on the demoness' large, soft breast, and Frega lounged happily between her thighs, licking up the last of her sweet juices.

"So lovely," Terei sighed, stroking Quandal and Hilare's heads and faces. "You have brought such pleasure with you, demoness..."

Narisha grinned. "Now, shall we bring in the men?"


"This is your lucky night," Narisha said, grinning broadly as the first group of men entered the room. There were about a dozen, and they were a mixed bag, ranging from the handsome to the homely, from a muscular, scarred mercenary to a somewhat soft-looking merchant with a bag full of coins.

The mercenary looked her up and down. He was a tough-looking man with an ugly scar disfiguring an otherwise handsome face.

"Demon?" he said, wonderingly. "I never thought to see your kind here. What do you mean that this is our lucky night?"

Narisha met his gaze. He would certainly do for at least one of their contests -- possibly more if he had the stamina.

"It's all free tonight," she said. "I'm picking up the tab. You men just have to cooperate in our little contest."

The mercenary frowned, while several of the men behind him broke into grins.

"What's the catch, demoness?" he asked. "Nothing in this world is free."

Narisha shrugged. "You have to fuck us all," she said, voice lascivious. "And you have to do it the way we want you to. Think of yourselves as game tokens on a gambling board."

The mercenary seemed satisfied at that. "That," he said, "is how I'm usually treated. Perhaps I can make a few side-bets myself."

"That's the spirit," Narisha said. "Now, for our first game, Frega insists that she can make a man come before I do. Who wants to volunteer?"


"This is an easy one," Terei said. "Hilare has volunteered to be the first to face Narisha."

The red-haired woman grinned. She stood beside Narisha, flaming red ringlets half way down her back. Her green eyes continued to hold a mischievous spark, bright against the pale expanse of her flesh. Her breasts were medium-sized, with prominent nipples. Narisha looked at them approvingly; they were erect, nearly the length of the first joint of Narisha's little finger.

"Such sweet nipples you have, sister," she commented. "I'd be honored if you'd let me suck on them later."

Hilare snorted with laughter. "Demoness, I'm counting on it. But for now we've a contest to attend to."

"Yes," Terei said, and turned to the crowd of men who variously sat and stood about the room. They ranged from short, balding merchants who had obviously enjoyed far too much rich food, to grim scarred mercenaries and sailors. These last were Narisha's favorites, but she was willing to be flexible this evening.

"We are holding a series of contests tonight," Terei continued. "The first is to see which of these two women can make their man come first. Any volunteers?"

There was no shortage. Several men stepped forward, among them a one-eyed mercenary with a prominent scar across one side of his face. Narisha's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him -- she had a weakness for the type, though in the past none had ever managed to remain with her for more than three nights running.

"You, sir," she said, stepping up to him. He was clad in a loincloth, vambraces, greaves and sandals. Slipping an arm around his shoulders, Narisha felt glorious in her nakedness as the warrior's one good eye took in the lushness of her body. "You wish to help us?"

The man nodded. "I've been gone a while," he said in a deep voice. "I've missed a woman's touch."

Narisha looked at him. "Are you sure you want to be the one I get off first? I can make it last all night if you wish."

He shook his head. "I'm willing. Perhaps later, we can do more, if my body cooperates."

The demoness flashed fangs and a fierce expression. "I hope it does."


Hilare had chosen a young blonde sailor with a shy grin. Perhaps, Narisha thought, kneeling down before the mercenary, who was now naked, too, his body an intriguing landscape of scars and sculpted muscles, she hopes he's young and will come quickly. And, she added to herself, that he can get it up again right away.

"Any restrictions on what we can do?" Hilare asked, standing behind the man, stroking his muscular chest. "I've so many tricks for this." The blonde man rolled his eyes and grinned again, but said nothing.

"None at all," Narisha said, encircling the mercenary's cock in one hand. "Fuck him any way you want so long as he comes. And," she continued, watching the flaccid organ begin to swell to thick tumescence, "I suggest you get a move on."

Hilare laughed and winked, pushing the young man down onto a low couch. All around them, the men and women watched, alternately smiling or staring, slack-jawed. Little Chali crouched at the feet of a portly merchant, stroking his groin as he watched.

Sure enough, the blonde sailor was erect before Hilare even touched him, his cock springing up like a tree brought to sudden life by a druid. Looking for all the world like a young woman at a delicious meal, her freckle-spattered face lit up with enthusiasm, Hilare seized the organ and ran her tongue up and down it, eliciting a deep moan from the man.

"I suppose we should hurry up, don't you think?" Narisha said.

"If you want to win, we do," the mercenary replied. "What you're doing is an excellent start, however."

Narisha nodded and bent herself to her task. The man's cock was good-sized, thick and filled her hands solidly. She tugged at it with both hands, feeling the skin grow warm.

"Such a smooth cock to go with such a hard and scar-covered body," she whispered, then ran her tongue around its knobbed head. "I can hardly wait to taste you."

The mercenary groaned, and she knew she was going in the right direction.

"Taste your come in my mouth," Narisha hissed. "I love to taste it... Every man is different..."

With that, she enveloped the hard organ, fitting her lips carefully over its head, and without preamble, sliding it deep into her mouth. All around her, the audience gasped its approval, and some began to kiss and touch. Chali had already gotten the merchant's cock out and was kissing it with gentle lips. The sight made Narisha even more excited and determined to make the mercenary come.

Hilare now stroked the sailor's cock across her breasts, leaving gleaming trails of her spittle. She teased it with the protruding tip of one nipple, then moved atop him, pale thighs straddling his hips.

"Want to fuck me," she whispered, looking down at the man, her hands stroking his chest.

"Yes," the sailor replied with deep sincerity.

"Well you've got to come," Hilare told him. "You can only fuck me if you come."

"I'm not worried about that," the man assured her.

Narisha redoubled her effort, cradling the mercenary's dangling testicles in one hand and stroking his chest with the other. The heat from the big cock was growing by the second, and she was certain he was approaching the verge of orgasm.

"I want..." she said, then swallowed him again. "I want you to..." Again. "I want you to come in my mouth."

"Yes," the mercenary gasped. "I will... I will..."

Now Hilare was bouncing up and down on the sailor, his cock sliding in and out of the wet pink portal between her thighs. Holding herself up with one hand, she twisted at a long nipple with the other. She was as close to orgasm as the man.

"Come," Narisha demanded. "Come now."

"Yesssss..." The mercenary threw his head back, holding Narisha's head and thrusting into her.

She released his cock letting a rush of semen splatter across her lips and tongue.

"Oh, yes," she whispered as another jet of fluid struck her, this time splashing her breasts. "It has been a long time, hasn't it?"

"Yes," the mercenary said, gratefully. "It has..."

Moments later, both Hilare and her sailor cried out in the throes of orgasm. The red-haired woman leaned back, pulling on her nipples. Narisha watched with growing excitement.

I'll have those, she thought. I'll suck on them and make her fuck me with them. Yes.

Hilare looked at Narisha. Her expression was bright, but her eyes were glazed with the drugged look of orgasm.

"It seems you won by a nose, sister," she said. "I think I owe you a good cunt-licking later."

"That and more," Narisha sighed. "But a fine job nevertheless."

Hilare flopped onto her back, hair flying. If possible, it seemed as if her nipples were even longer. "It is nice to be appreciated every now and them," she sighed. "Now what next?"


Chali looked down at Narisha as she reclined on the couch. The human woman was covered in a light sheen of sweat, and her eyes were still slightly glazed from a half-dozen orgasms. Short, with a pert fact that reflected a deep innocence she didn't really have, Chali seemed a mass of contradictory appearances -- a whore with the face of an angel.

"Mistress Narisha," she said, softly. "You know I've never been with another woman before."

Narisha nodded. "So you've told me. Yet you suckled at my breasts well enough."

"Yes, mistress. They were so beautiful, I couldn't help myself. I'm so shy with women, mistress, but I want them nevertheless."

"I see. You are shy with women, but you've no qualms about fucking total strangers."

Chali looked embarrassed. "I know, Mistress. I do love it so, but I don't really know why."

The demoness nodded sagely. She was still naked, streaked with sweat and semen, but it only seemed to enhance her savage beauty. Her hair was in disarray, framing her face like a blue-black thicket, and her yellow eyes burned with desire as she looked the younger woman up and down.

"You do it for love, not money," she said. "The money is good, of course, but it's really the fucking that you love."

Chali nodded shyly. "I suppose, Mistress." She kneeled down beside the couch. "I love the men. I love the way they feel and the way they touch me. Sometimes I come just from thinking about it."

Behind her, the other women were busy with customers, variously fucking and sucking in twos and threes. For their part, the men were being men, and making the most of the opportunity presented by Narisha's generosity. For the moment, the wager was suspended, and all were left to their own devices.

Narisha reached out to languorously stroke Chali's straight, sandy hair. It was soft, like Chali herself. Deep in the human woman's gaze, however, Narisha saw a flowing font of desire and passion that might if released put her own to shame. It excited her, and her heart began to beat faster at the thought.

"What do you wish of me, little one?" Narisha asked, now stroking Chali's cheek. The woman responded like a cat, moving her head slowly up and down in rhythm with Narisha's caresses.

"The other women have offered to take me and teach me new ways of loving," she said softly. "But until now I haven't been able to do it. I've wanted to, yes. And I've no problem letting all the men take me any way they wish. But the thought of another woman... Mistress, it makes me so excited, yet so fearful..."

"I understand, little one," Narisha replied. "My people have no such qualms. We make love to whomever we wish whenever we wish. Males, females, other species... It doesn't matter. We live for pleasure, wherever we find it. I know that such thoughts are strange to humans and elves and the other lesser races..." (Narisha couldn't help but let some of her ancient prejudices show through, but Chali, lost in the sensation of the demoness' hands on her, didn't seem to notice.)  "...but I am a willing teacher, and a patient mistress."

"Oh, Mistress," Chali sighed. "Would you show me how to make love with a woman? I've wanted you since I first saw you."

"That long?" Narisha said, amused. "Of course, my little pet. Anything to advance the cause of enlightenment. Will you do whatever I tell you?"

Chali nodded, eagerly. "Yes, mistress. Anything."

Narisha sighed. "The perfect pupil. An eager virgin."

Chali's eyes met hers. "It has been long since I was a virgin, mistress. Now, with you, I am one once more."

"So sweet, my little darling," the demoness said. Her heart was hammering now, a persistent throb spreading through her loins. This youngster presented a mixture of innocence and desire, of submissiveness and power, as she had not experienced in years. She reminded Narisha in many ways of Livia.

And that thought excited her, too. To have taken Livia back when she was an innocent, a wide-eyed girl in the bloom of womanhood... Gods and ancestors, such a notion...

She moved to a sitting position and patted the couch beside her.

"Come, child. Sit."

Dutifully, the young woman sat beside her. She was a small woman, young-looking but obviously old enough to know what she was doing. Her breasts were slightly larger than would have been aesthetic for her frame, but this seemed only one more of her many contradictions. Narisha knew that this was no innocent -- she'd taken on at least a half-dozen men so far, and seemed eager for more.

Narisha reached out and gently touched her face. Chali's eyes locked with hers at the graze of Narisha's fingers, and a faint moan escaped her pale lips. A pointed pink tongue licked her lips briefly, and Narisha saw a the two ripe breasts begin to rise and fall faster.

"A friend of mine once told me a story," Narisha said, conversationally. "It was about another woman he'd known -- a noblewoman from an old family. She had wanted to know the passions of the flesh, but her family ignored her. At last she sought solace with her own sister, who, once asked, proved only to happy to initiate her into those pleasures."

Chali sighed. "Oh, Mistress. Truly? With her own sister?"

Narisha smiled. "The same. I loved the story. So wrong and forbidden. Yet so beautiful. I brought myself off several times thinking on it. In the end I did meet the woman, but never her sister."

"And did you...?"

Narisha shook her head. "I was in a very strange place at that time, housing a goddess inside me and managing the passions of two other women. It's a long story."

"Tell it to me some time."

"I shall. In the meantime, however, I'm thinking of the story, of how much it excited me to deflower another woman, to take her innocence in my hand and gently violate it. To be the first."

"And that's what you are thinking of now?"

"It is, child, it is." Narisha took a handful of Chali's hair and held it, firmly but not painfully. "Why do you want me, child? What would you like of me?"

Chali's eyelids fluttered, as if she was experiencing a waking dream and wasn't sure if it would end or not.

"Oh, mistress," she said, softly. "I've so often watched the other women while they were fucking with men. I've wanted to go be with them while they did so, to touch them, and taste them. I love to watch men's cocks slide inside them, into their cunts, or their mouths. I love the way the men come, and how their seed splatters all over everything. But I love watching the women come most of all... The way their bodies tense, the way their faces twist, their eyes close. A woman coming is one of the most beautiful things in the world, Mistress. I always wanted to be like a man, to make a woman come, and see that beautiful expression on her face, and know that it was me who did it, me who made them so beautiful."

Chali paused and moved closer. Her eyes began to burn with the same intensity as Narisha's, reflecting a lascivious calenture -- a fever whose only surcease was the passionate touch of another as lost to her own lusts as Chali herself. Fortunately for Chali, Narisha was just such an individual.

"I love men, of course," the young woman continued. Now she began to stroke at Narisha's face, and it was the demoness' turn to sigh and moan softly. "I love their cocks; I love how hard they get, and I love that it's for me. That they want me so, that they're so hard and willing to do anything to please me, so that I will please them. I like to put them in my mouth and suck them almost until they come, then stop and tell them to touch me and pleasure me before I'll continue. They always do. None ever seem to complain, not even the cruelest soldier or the most thoughtless mariner. I always want to come before they do. It's like I'm giving them a reward, the right to come. And the better I come, the better I make them come. If they're good, they can come on my breasts. If they're very good, they can come in my mouth. If they're very, very good, they can fuck me and come inside me. And if they're very, very, very good, and I want them to, I let them fuck my ass and come that way. I don't do that often, however. Only if I truly like them."

"Do you like it?" Narisha asked, voice tight. "Being fucked in the ass?"

"Sometimes," Chali replied. "I think Hilare likes it more, though."

"What do you like about women?" Narisha whispered. Their faces were only a hairsbreadth apart, lips almost brushing as the demoness spoke. "What do you want to do to them? What do you want them to do to you?"

Chali took two deep, quavering breaths before responding.

"I want to touch them. I want to feel that smooth, soft skin. Touch them all over. I love to watch their breasts rise and fall and bounce up and down while they're fucking. I like the way their breasts swing forward and back when they're on their knees getting fucked from behind. I love the smooth, soft skin on their bellies, and their thighs. I love to look at their cunts, all open and soft and pink, especially when they're being eaten. Sometimes they eat each other, or a woman comes and pays to do so. I love that the most. That soft, pink tongue inside that soft pink cunt... Oh, gods..." Chali's eyes rolled up in her head and she sighed deeply once more. "Once, I watched Hilare and Frega with Terei. They took turns sucking her, eating her. Then they did it together, both of their tongues together inside her. Gods, I want that... Gods... I wished I could do it, but I couldn't. I was... I was afraid. As if I wouldn't be good enough."

"I think you've nothing to fear on that score," Narisha said. "I'm almost coming just listening to you talk."

Chali smiled shyly. "Thank you, mistress." She looked over to where Quandal was busy sucking a man's cock. "And I think of them, and of fucking them, and I come without even trying. What I'd like most of all is to lie on top of one of them -- Terei or Hilare maybe -- and let a man fuck me from behind while she licks my cunt. To feel a cock inside me, and a woman's tongue on my clit... Perhaps stopping to suck him sometimes, to lick my juices off his big, fat, hard, cock... Gods, that would be beautiful..."

Narisha shuddered briefly, then once more locked gazes with the younger woman.

"Enough, you little tease," she said. "Kiss me now. I'll show you how a woman makes love to another woman, and you'll never need fear again."

"Oh, mistress..." Chali's voice overflowed with desire, and an instant later the two women's lips met, tongues intertwining, arms enfolding each other, their naked bodies held tightly together.

"I'm going to be fucked by a beautiful woman," Chali whispered, lips against Narisha's. "I'm so lucky..."

"And I'm going to fuck a sweet little flower who's never felt a woman's touch before," Narisha replied. "Which of us is luckier?"


Now Narisha lay facing Chali, and the young woman kneeled between her legs, stroking the soft crimson flesh of her thighs.

"Touch me," Narisha breathed. She cradled a breast in her hands, stroking her nipple as it swelled to heavy prominence. "Touch my cunt. Just on the outside. Run your fingers along it."

Chali obeyed, her fingers tracing the outline of Narisha's hairless, blue-black cunt lips. They were moist, swollen from her exertions. Chali stroked more firmly, then drew her finger to her lips and licked at it.

"It tastes like you," she said, softly. "It's so sweet."

"Sweet for you, darling," Narisha said, lazily, head lolling on a pillow of thick black hair. "The sweetest nectar in the universe is the juice of a beautiful woman."

Chali sighed. "You are so beautiful, mistress." Gently, she teased Narisha's cunt lips apart, gazing longingly at the pink flesh within.

"Like it?" Narisha asked. "Do you like how I look inside? I'm wet for you, you know."

"Mistress..." Chali whispered. "May I lick it? Please?"

"Lick it," Narisha commanded, reaching a hand down to take the back of Chali's head. "Taste your first cunt, little one."

Then Chali was between her thighs, face buried in moist flesh, tongue running eagerly up and down Narisha's open cunt. She moaned softly.

"You taste so sweet," she said, voice muffled against Narisha's wet flesh. The demoness' juices gleamed on Chali's face.

"Ahhhh," Narisha sighed. "Are you sure you've never done this before?"

Chali lapped with a stiff tongue, flicking it across Narisha's sensitive clitoris.

"No, mistress, I haven't," she said, "but I've watched." She enveloped Narisha's lips with her mouth and sucked, swallowing the sweet overflow from the demoness' cunt, then released her, making the demoness gasp again. "I've watched the other women."

"Did you..." Narisha began, then broke off as Chali began to stroke with two fingers. "Did you touch yourself?"

Chali nodded, and flicked her tongue across Narisha's clit again.

"I played with myself and made myself come. I imagined that they were licking me while I did it."

"You little liar," Narisha said, teasingly. "You've done this before, admit it... Ohhhh... No one can lick pussy like that the first time."

Chali grinned. "Truly, mistress? Do I lick your cunt so well?"

"Oh, gods, yes," Narisha replied, stroking her nipples lightly. "You lick cunt very, very well, little one."

"Enough to make you come?" The question, asked in a tone of perfect innocence and curiosity, made Narisha's heart beat faster.

"Y... Yesss, enough to make me come." And the heat was rising, far faster than Narisha had expected, an inward focus of the lust and wickedness she felt as she watched Chali's sweet lips embrace her, and her tongue graze the wet, swelling prominence of her clit.

"Do you like this?" Chali asked, then softly began to lick and suck at Narisha's cunt lips, gently taking them between her teeth and working her way up and down.

"Oh, yes," Narisha replied. "I do. Yes."

Gods, it was happening again... The demonic mistress held captive by the sweet innocent... Visions of Livia flashed through Narisha's mind, and thoughts of the way her lover had changed... Narisha wasn't sure she liked what she saw, and pushed them to the back of her mind, concentrating instead on the sweet young face between her thighs... Gods, she was going to come again...

"Oh, darling," Narisha sighed. "Oh, you beautiful child... Have you... Have you ever..." Words came with difficulty now, as she squeezed at her own breasts and felt her nipples distend with growing intensity. "Have you ever been licked? Ever felt a woman's tongue inside you?"

"No, mistress," Chali replied, then licked some more, and began to slide her fingers into Narisha's tight, wet canal, triggering a sharp moan. "I've wanted it so, but I've never done it. Would you be the first?"

Narisha nodded, looking down at her with an expression that was close to desperation. "Yes, darling. I want to be the first woman to taste your sweet, sweet cunt. Yes."

"Gods," Chali sighed. "I'm sucking you." She took Narisha's entire mound in her mouth. "I'm sucking this beautiful cunt."

"Yesssssss," Narisha sighed. "Yes, suck me... Suck my cunt... Godddsss..."

Then Chali's lips enveloped her clitoris tightly, sucking hard, tongue flicking across it. Narisha's eyes widened as a new rush of sensations passed over her.

"Oh, you can't be... You can't never have done this... Oh... Oh..." The heat of orgasm finally rushed through her, like the rush of hot air from a roaring fire. "OH, sweet little one.... AHHHHHHHHHH..."

Narisha's back arched, and her thighs locked around Chali's neck, holding her tight against the sopping pubic mound. Chali didn't stop, but kept licking, and sliding fingers into her, moaning with her own excitement as she did so. The contractions went on for almost a minute until they at last subsided, leaving Narisha limp and trembling.

"Gods," she whispered. "And the night is still young."


Now it was Chali's turn, and the young woman responded to Narisha with unbridled enthusiasm, lying on the couch, holding her wide-splayed legs by the ankles, head tossing back and forth, eyes closed, biting her lip. Narisha licked at the open pink lips, lapping up the sweetness that dripped from them, imagining herself sucking at the sweetest honey imaginable.

No, she thought. Sweeter than honey. Sweeter because it is mine, and sweeter because I am the first to taste it...

"Oh..." Chali's voice rose in a squeak. "Oh, mistress... Please... Please, would you put your fingers in me?"

Narisha looked up at her, across what seemed like leagues of sweet pink flesh. She deliberately took a long, painstaking lick at Chali's cunt and clitoris, then began to stroke her with one, then two fingers.

"That's it," Chali sighed, eyes closed, gripping a pillow with white-knuckled fists. "That feels so good..."

"It will feel better, I guarantee it," Narisha said, sliding her middle finger into Chali, feeling the tightness there. "Gods, woman. How many men have you fucked tonight?"

"Mmmm... I don't really know, mistress," Chali sighed. Now she stroked a pink nipple with one hand, and the other crept down toward her thighs. "I never keep track..."

"You're still tight as a drum, my dear," Narisha told her. "I'm amazed."

"All the others say that I amaze them too," Chali said. "Isn't it wonderful?"

"Quite," Narisha replied, and began to apply her tongue to Chali's clit. "Quite wonderful."

Then Chali's finger joined Narisha's tongue against the swollen nub of flesh. Two, now three of Narisha's fingers filled the younger woman up, and for long minutes they lay locked in embrace, until at last Chali's voice rose up, in pitch and volume, and she rocked against Narisha's tongue, pressing herself harder and harder, then...

"Mistress..." Chali gasped sharply. "I'm coming..."

Narisha met her gaze again, her face still buried in the dark thatch between Chali's thighs. She pressed back, devouring the sweetness of the young pink cunt, feeling a sudden contraction close around her fingers. Still, she kept thrusting and licking, driving Chali to another wave of orgasm, then another.

"Oh, mistress..." Chali sighed. "Please... Please... stop... enough... I can't stand any more..."

With that, Narisha released her, and they both lay panting for a time, gathering their strength in the fading glow of climax.

"Mistress..." Chali said, voice slurred as if she had been drugged. "Oh, mistress, it's as I'd always dreamed."

Narisha grinned. "Always happy to serve the desires of the young and the beautiful," she said. "In short, it was my pleasure."


"The bet," Narisha said, reclining on a velvet chaise, legs draped on either side, "is who can suck off the most men in a given period of time. Who will be timing?"

Terei raised her hand. Beside her was a large hourglass, borrowed from the bar below. "I will keep time, and Chali will keep score," she said. "The one who has brought more men off in the allotted time will be the victor."

"That," said Quandal, with no small trace of pride, "would be me." The black woman lay on a chaise beside Narisha, her sleek ebony skin gleaming in the torchlight.

"We shall see," Narisha replied. "I've been told I've a fair amount of skill in that area, and I suspect I've been at it longer than you."

Quandal returned her gaze evenly. "We'll have no cheating, either," she said. "We've got to see the man come."

"To that, I have no objection," Narisha said, with a feral grin. "I've been looking forward to seeing that hot, white come all over your lovely black skin."

"I've thought the same thing," Quandal said. "I've been hoping to see a man splatter his seed all over your beautiful red face and soft black lips."

Narisha shuddered briefly and pleasurably. "I'll offer you a prize should you win, Veldt-woman. Should you bring more men to orgasm in the time, I'll lick your lovely black body clean."

Quandal smiled and looked down at herself. "That will be a fine prize. Should you win, I will do the same for you."

"Then I cannot lose," Narisha said, dreamily. She looked over at Frega, who stood near the stairs. "Bring a couple of men over. I can scarcely wait to begin."


Narisha lay on her back, head over the edge of the couch, a long, thick cock distending her lips. She could have taken someone smaller, but her competitive spirit was up and she wasn't about to do the easy thing. She scarcely noticed what the man looked like, only that he had a big cock and hadn't come yet. In and out the big organ slid, slick and hot, and as its heat grew, Narisha knew that he was close.

With one hand, she tickled the man's balls, feeling him grow tense as she did so. She released him and ran her tongue along the cock's underside.

"What are you waiting for?" she whispered. "Aren't you going to come yet?"

He did, stroking himself to orgasm -- strictly speaking, she wasn't making him come, but no one seemed to notice. A spurt of hot white semen spat across her, splashing all the way to the heaving surface of her sweat-streaked breasts, then trailing off across her neck and face. Narisha eagerly licked up the last few droplets, letting them drip across her lips, then looked to see another man. She didn't have to wait long, as a second candidate stepped forward. This cock was smaller, but it was already hard, so she suspected she wouldn't have to work as hard.

Then she spared a glance over at Quandal. Three men stood before her, and she sucked at each one in turn. All three looked close, and as Narisha watched, the first loosed his load across the Veldt-woman's ebony face and black hair. An instant later the second came, decorating Quandal's skin with still more hot white fluid. It dribbled off her chin and dropped down onto her heavy breasts, stringy white hanging from one erect nipple.

"You're ahead, woman," Narisha commented, taking her second man's cock in her hand. "I may get to taste all of that soon."

That seemed to please the third of Quandal's men, who splashed more semen onto her face and shoulders. The black woman grinned at Narisha. Her face was streaked with come, but as Narisha watched, three more men stepped forward.

"Better hurry, sister," Quandal said. "Time is passing."

Narisha sniffed, and looked at the men who were still waiting. There were five of them that she could see, and others in the shadows beyond, fucking the other whores.

"All of you," she said, beckoning. "When I'm done with this one, come and get it. I'll take you all at once."


I've not done something like this in years, Narisha thought as wave after wave of warm pleasure washed over her. Come to think of it, have I EVER done anything like this?

She wasn't sure. And she wasn't in any position to talk about it. She lay on her back on the chaise, a hard cock in each hand, another thrusting intensely between her breasts as the man pushed them together and stroked her nipples, and a fourth in her cunt, sliding with feverish intensity. Her legs were thrown over the fourth man's shoulders, and his hips slapped heavily against her buttocks as he fucked her.

Narisha's head hung over the edge of the chaise, and the fifth and final cock was in her mouth, slick with spit, fucking her with the same passion as the one in her pussy.

She didn't remember what the men looked like; by this time, fucked repeatedly and covered in the fluids of a dozen others, she no longer cared. Narisha lay in the middle of a fleshy nexus, connected to but separate from every other woman in the room, experiencing the near-spiritual comradeship of human desire.

She had a vision of herself as a being of pure sex, pure lust-driven rutting with no further purpose than pleasure, or any existence beyond the sheer animal release of orgasm. And in that vision, she saw liberation, as if all the cares beyond the walls -- the ship, her crew, the quest for the Conqueror, the terrible war that raged on and on -- none mattered, and none could intrude.

This sensation, this movement, these thoughts... They were more powerful than any force Narisha could imagine, from magic to the great ships and siege engines of the warring armies and navies. If only it could be released, be shared... The tattered and weary world might be healed, and its pains forgotten...

Orgasm struck as suddenly as lighting, and Narisha tensed, crying out, muffled by the cock in her mouth. The man inside her thrust again, and she felt her cunt grasp him as it contracted. With a cry, he came, come filling her, then pulled out, unleashing the rest of his load across her thighs and belly.

The rest came like a chain reaction. The man at her breasts exploded a gush of semen across her flesh, joined a moment later by the two she was jacking off, and at last the cock in her mouth let loose with a final, unstoppable flood of hot come, which dribbled from her mouth, across her cheeks and into her hair.

"Go," she commanded, feeling her voice rise into a bestial snarl. "Leave me."

Urged on by the force of her words, the men stepped back, leaving Narisha to lie, panting on the couch, drenched in semen, small clusters of orgasm still rumbling through her body.

"Gods," she whispered. "Gods and ancestors..." The image still burned fiercely inside her, of the sacred prostitute, serving the world and healing its wounds through the purity of her sex. Her heart hammered, and a final orgasm racked her.

Narisha opened her eyes, to see Quandal sitting on the edge of her couch, eyes concerned. Her face, neck, shoulders and breasts were streaked with semen.

"You win, sister," she said. "Chali says you had seven. I only managed five."

"No," Narisha replied, feeling her old spark return with even greater energy. "You win. The contest was to suck them off. I fucked them, so I'm disqualified."

Quandal's face broke into a grin. "And so..."

Narisha slid off the couch like a stalking cat and crawled toward the black woman.

"And so..." Narisha rose slowly to her knees, facing Quandal. "And so, this..."

Narisha's lips embraced those of the black woman, tongues thrusting.

"You taste like come," Narisha whispered.

"So do you," Quandal replied. "I taste even better further down."

As a reply, Narisha began to kiss her way down the black woman's white-streaked neck, licking at her flesh, lapping up the remnants of five men's passions.

When she reached Quandal's breasts, she paused, looking at them with a fascinated expression.

"Lovely," she said. "You like to have them come on your breasts, don't you?"

Quandal nodded. "I like how it feels."

Narisha stroked at the two breasts, rubbing the streaked semen into the dark skin.

"Lovely," she repeated, and ran her tongue around one nipple, then the other. Quandal shuddered.

Now, with broad strokes of her tongue, Narisha laved at the veldt woman's breasts, feeling her stiffen with each touch.

"Haven't had enough, have you?" Narisha hissed, suddenly forceful. "Want more, do you?"

Quandal nodded with jarring enthusiasm. "Yes. More. I want more."

"You want me to eat you, dearest?" Narisha felt a sudden rush of power. "Like I've eaten all the others? I won't stop until I've had all of you, you know that don't you?"

"Then," Quandal said, dreamily, lying back on the chaise, "have me now. And don't forget the rest of that come."

"Gladly." Narisha slid up onto the couch between Quandal's thighs. "I think I missed a spot."

Moments later, after licking up the last of the copious semen from Quandal's face and shoulders, Narisha slid her face between the woman's twin ebony thighs, enfolding her swollen black lips with her own.

Gods... The taste was indescribably... Perhaps her moments with Chali had heightened her taste and desire for the sweetness of a woman's cunt, but the taste of Quandal was a heady one, filling Narisha with more energy and the almost unbearable need to take the veldt-woman, make her beg, and give herself completely up.

When Narisha's tongue grazed the black woman's swelling clitoris, she seemed to get her wish, for Quandal's entire body convulsed, and she seized Narisha's head, pressing against her, thighs scissoring open and closed with the rhythm of the demoness' touch. The clit swelled more in Narisha's mouth, growing in size until she felt as if she held a small penis, an erect member that could be sucked and licked and teased.

For long minutes, Narisha did so, sliding the dark woman's clit in and out of her mouth as if she was sucking a man. Quandal said nothing, but her moans communicated her needs implicitly, rising with each touch, falling as Narisha let her go, then rising even louder as she sucked again.

Nearby, the other whores were busy again, the men excited by the tableau before them. Frega had two of them, one fucking her from behind, the other in her mouth. As Narisha spared them a glance, one of the men pulled out and spurted semen across the blonde woman's thighs.
Hilare was busy giving oral pleasure to three men, first a few sucks at one, then more at the second and more at the third. Again, as Narisha watched, one of the men came, unleashing his seed into the red-haired woman's mouth. Hilare swallowed, but a single dribble of white fluid dripped out, down her chin. With a grin, she went on to the next man.

Even as she continued to suck at Quandal's clit, and felt the black woman tense with oncoming orgasm, Narisha sought out Chali, and saw her nearby. She crouched between Terei's thighs, and was busily licking at the woman's slick cunt. Terei caught Narisha's gaze and smiled, nodding in gratitude.

Then Quandal came, face contorted in something that would otherwise have been considered pain. She tugged at one nipple with one hand and stroked Narisha's blue-black tresses with the other, her voice rising above the moans and sighs of the room's other occupants.

Then she fell back, panting.

"Oh, demoness," she sighed. "We're so glad you decided to join us."


Terei, Frega and Quandal lay in variously exhausted poses, panting heavily or staring into space. Hilare and Chali were nowhere to be seen, but Narisha, on the other hand, was feeling more randy than she had in decades. It was as if sexual excess energized her demon's soul rather than exhausting it.

"Oh, poor dears," she said, standing, hands on hips before the weary quintet. "Had enough, have you? Ready to concede defeat?"

"Hardly," Terei said, weakly. "We're just getting our second wind."

"I've never lost my first wind," Narisha said. "All this only serves to make me want you more. Do you wish to continue?"

Terei nodded. "I'm game if you are. What contest would you propose now?"

Narisha looked at Quandal. "You have the men with the biggest cocks all ready for us?" she asked.

Quandal nodded. "I think that Hilare and Chali are busy keeping them hard for the next round."

Narisha whistled. "Impressive girls, both of them. Tell them not to let them come, though. We've more work to do."

"And what," Terei asked, voice tired but edged with anticipation, "kind of work would that be?"

"Which of you," Narisha said, grinning wickedly, "likes to take cocks up the ass most?"

A voice piped up from the stairwell.

"That would be me," Hilare said, stepping onto the landing. She was as sweat-soaked and tired-looking as the rest, but a glint of determination still shone in her eyes. "And I will take you on any day of the week."

Narisha nodded. "I thought you'd be the one. Shall we?"

"Biggest wins?" Hilare asked.

Narisha nodded again. "Sounds good to me."


They each had three men, all of whom were rock-hard and looked likely to remain that way. Narisha noted with a smile that one of her men was the mercenary she's sucked off, standing with a relaxed, neutral expression, his cock standing to attention like a good soldier.

He was the smallest of her three, but he was still big. As for the other two, Narisha barely saw faces, only thick organs ready to give her what she needed. She positioned herself on the couch, on hands and knees, buttocks thrust up toward the men. Beside her, Hilare did the same, thighs tense, buttocks presented aggressively. She rocked back and forth softly, stroking her nipples on the velour surface of the chaise.

The red-haired woman looked at Narisha.

"I knew you liked to take it in the ass," she said. "I saw it in your eyes the moment you walked in. I was right, wasn't I?"

Narisha nodded. Behind her, the mercenary stepped forward. Dutifully, Frega stroked oil from a small pot onto his cock.

"I always come when I get fucked in the ass," Hilare whispered. A man, his cock about the same size as the mercenary's, stepped up behind her, and Chali applied oil like a priestess anointing a sacred idol. "Don't you?"

"I come just thinking about it," Narisha replied. "But then, I come thinking of just about anything."

Wordlessly, the mercenary fitted his cock to the puckered orifice between Narisha's ass cheeks. She tensed as she felt the big organ slip inside, tight against her. Further it slid, slowly but persistently. The warm sensation passed through Narisha and she felt herself beginning to melt.

"Oh, my," she whispered. "You're very good... You've done this before?"

"Yes," came the reply. "The whores in the Wild Lands preferred it this way; they didn't want to be got with child."

"Very... Oh, yes, that's it... Very sensible," Narisha gasped, feeling the cock slide deliciously home, then slide out and begin to bore in again.

"This one is good, too," Hilare said. Her man was almost all the way inside her as well. "I like a man who knows how to fuck up the ass... They're the best, you know?"

"You," Narisha replied, voice tight, "are a talkative little minx, and after this is all finished I expect you to talk to me in great detail."

"Mmmmm, promise," Hilare replied. The man pulled out and thrust in again, faster this time. "And you said you'd... mmmm... suck my nipples, didn't you? I've been keeping them hard for you..."

Narisha sighed. The mercenary was working faster now, as she relaxed and gave him more unrestricted access to her asshole. Her fingers crept between her thighs and began to massage her clit. How many times had she come tonight? It was well beyond counting...

Hilare fixed the mercenary with an intense stare.

"Fuck her," she commanded, voice hard. "Fuck her ass really hard. She loves it that way."

The mercenary's strokes came faster, more intent. Narisha looked at the man fucking Hilare, and gave back in kind.

"Shove it into her," Narisha hissed. "Make her come. She wants it."

Dutifully, both men fucked faster, and Narisha felt her hips move involuntarily to meet the mercenary's thrusts. Faster now, almost as if he was fucking her cunt. Her fingers moved faster, too, stroking her clit with single-minded intensity.

"I'm coming," Hilare announced, pressing her face against the chaise, staring at Narisha, mouth held open in an "o" of concentration. "Ahhhhhhhhh..."

With that, her man pulled out and launched his come across her buttocks and back, a burgeoning fountain of released desire. A moment later, as the second man -- his cock bull-thick and dark -- stepped behind Hilare, the mercenary cried out and came, splashing his own load across Narisha's crimson skin.

They kept pace through the second pair, each with larger cocks, straining the two women's orifices. Narisha's was less gentle than the mercenary, but at least he came quickly, his semen joining the first man's on the flesh of her buttocks and thighs.

The last two men were epicly hung, like living statues... However, Narisha thought, he's got nothing on dear Wulf when he's that lion-man. A sudden rush of loss and sorrow passed through her, and she realized how much she missed the man.

He's all right, she told herself as the third and biggest cock began to slip, hairsbredth-by-hairsbredth, into her anus. He'd love to know what I'm doing. He says he doesn't want to know, but he loves it, the dear... Thoughts of what she'd do to Wulf next time she saw him invaded Narisha's mind, and she moved enthusiastically to envelop the massive organ that buried itself into her ass.

"Oh, yes!" Hilare was already coming again, and the third man wasn't even half-way inside her. "Oh, gods, I love big cocks..."

"That's the spirit," Narisha replied. "Oh, my..." She teased her clit once more, and in a moment she was close to orgasm as well. "Oh, yes, they're lovely, aren't they?"

"Especially when they're up your ass," Hilare's eyelids fluttered. "Especially... Ohhhh..."

The big man's cock was all the way inside her now, and the man's hands gripped her buttocks tightly.

"Oh, gods." Hilare looked behind at the man. "I've never had such a big cock in my ass. Never. Fuck it for me. Fuck it hard."

Now both men started to fuck in earnest, and Narisha felt the unbearable heat of pleasure/pain that she always felt when being fucked this way. Again, she moved to meet the man, despite the strain that the huge cock was putting on her. She stroked her clit, feeling her own juices bathing her thighs, and moving swiftly toward another mind-numbing explosion of release.

"Yeeeeeesssssssssssss..." Hilare was coming again. "Come!" she ordered the man. "Pull out and come so I can see it!"

The big cock slipped out and the man stroked himself to orgasm, adding a third mass of semen to Hilare's pale white flesh.

Narisha's man didn't last much longer at the sight, but when he pulled out, she swiftly turned to face him, just in time to accept a stream of semen, splashing across the gap between the man's big cock and her welcoming lips, splashing onto her outstretched tongue.

"Yes," she sighed, accepting the last of the man's come into her hand, then licking it off slowly and lasciviously.

Hilare lay on her stomach, gazing lazily at Narisha. Semen covered her ass cheeks, thighs and the small of her back.

"Who won?" she asked. "I wasn't keeping track."

"I think you did," Narisha said. "You made the last one come first. But since they were all about the same size, maybe it was a draw. I don't care."

"Mmmmm." Hilare licked a semen-covered finger. "I don't think I do either."

After a few minutes, lying and listening to the moans and cries of the other whores and their customers, Hilare rolled onto her back, heedless of the seed covering it. Her nipples were hard and long, her breasts and face flushed.

"You promised something," she said, teasingly. "And I don't think I have the strength to resist if you were to force yourself on me."

Never one to deny a challenge, Narisha rose and moved quickly to the couch. She flung herself onto Hilare, eliciting a brief, excited cry from the red-haired whore.

Narisha lay atop Hilare, feeling the softness of the sweet body beneath her.

"Now," she whispered, "I think I'll just force myself on you."

Hilare shuddered, arms sliding around Narisha's back and holding her close.

"You must," Hilare replied. "I'd be terribly disappointed if you didn't."


Hilare came at least once simply from Narisha sucking at her nipples. They were as sweet as Narisha had imagined, and she had sucked them as if they were small cocks. The results were about the same, though less messy than with a man, which Narisha reflected was both a good thing and a bad thing.

Now they lay together like dragons locked in battle, each of their faces buried in the other's sex. Hilare's cunt was alive with juices, and the attentions of both men and women. It was the opposite end of the spectrum from her moment with Chali -- now, Narisha felt grateful to be the last in a long line of lovers, the one who gave the red-haired woman her final, most mind-shattering orgasm of the night.

And Hilare's technique was almost flawless, as well; she alternated nibbling and biting softly at Narisha's clit, then licking at her cunt-lips and toying at them with her fingers. Narisha came after only a few moments of Hilare's attention, and was by now well along the way to a second (she had long since lost count of how many she'd had during the course of the evening).

Most of the men were gone by now; a few die-hard observers, already exhausted by orgasm and the attentions of the other whores, watched with some sparks of interest -- the one-eyed mercenary was there, Narisha noted gratefully. The other women seemed barely able to bestir themselves, yet they continued to watch as Hilare and Narisha, deeply engrossed in each other, seemed to merge into a single crimson-and-white creature.

Like in the jungle, Narisha thought. Like the Goddess... As she felt Hilare tense above her, and felt the woman's moans reverberate through her body, and as Narisha redoubled the pace of her licking and teasing, the memory of her moments inhabiting the body of a goddess back in Xesh returned to her...

It is like that always, came the thunderstruck realization. When we make love, and create a world unto ourselves, away from the horror and violence out there, we are like the gods themselves.

Ancestors, she thought as Hilare came, screaming fit to wake the dead. We ARE gods...

And as Narisha herself came, her cries joining Hilare's, and the watchers once more stared in blank amazement, she felt a sense that endless power and contentment was within her grasp...

She sighed as they slid apart, then enfolded Hilare in her arms and kissed her, tasting herself on the other woman's tongue.

"If only you knew," she said, softly, "the gift that you have given me."


The revels were ended, the men had gone. Morning approached, and even the most enthusiastic of the whores lay in semi-slumber around Narisha. Gods and ancestors, even she was feeling tired.

"You're all so lovely," Narisha said. "I will have dreams about you."

"And we of you," Terei said. "So who won our contest?"

Narisha shrugged. "It was all just a sham on my part," she said. "I wanted a chance to fuck you all."

"There's no subterfuge necessary for that," said Hilare. "We'd have fucked you for free."

"Not fair," Narisha said. She rummaged in her belongings. "I've paid for all the men who've been here, but I think you've earned yourselves a fine bonus." She pulled out a bag of coins. "Imperial suns and dragons," she continued. "Spend them wisely."

Terei stared.

"Thank you, demoness," she said in wonderment. "Thank you so."

"No," Narisha said. "Thank you."


The sky was gray with oncoming dawn, the moons and stars were fading as Narisha strode unsteadily from the tavern. In the harbor was the Skate and a return to the deadly cares of the world, to quests and blood and war and danger.

She looked behind her briefly. The women stood on the balcony, all looking weary but satisfied, clad in their white shifts, and all waved happily. The gold Narisha had left them was equal to a month's income, and every one had urged her to return. Chali, in fact, had begged Narisha to stay and join with them, at least for a while. There was a spark of something more than simple lust in the young woman's eyes, and a plea that was deeper than mere desire in her voice.

In the end, Narisha had refused, not without reluctance. There was work to be done, and perils to face, and she was not about to allow Livia or any of the others to face it without her.

Yet, deep in her mind, there was a seed planted, a thought that Narisha knew could be nurtured to full, glorious bloom.

Just wait, Narisha thought, returning the women's waves as she walked down the muddy, deserted street. I may be back sooner than you expect.

-- END --

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