The DataPacRat

aka Data, aka Day, aka DPR, aka Dee

Reference text

General desc:

Rat, female, white-furred, pink-skinned
Approximate general refs:,,, (NSFW),

Eyes: Blue. Nearsighted - wears visor rather than goggles or glasses.

Hair: Dyed two shades of blue: pure blue and dark blue.
Spiky. Often prefers a semi-mohawk - right side of head shaved down to fur.

Facial jewelry: Made of iridium.

Refs, mainly for hairstyle: (my best SL approximation, which is very approximate; ignore the 'stubble', eye-color, etc): Snapshot 1_001.png , Snapshot 1_002.png , Snapshot 1_003.png

Body: Athletic/gymnastic, 'small is beautiful'

Mammaries: Two human-like breasts, plus four nipples on belly.
Pubic fur: None. Same as the rest of her fur, if anything somewhat thinner and lighter.

Hands: Four fingers plus thumb.

Legs: digitigrade.
Ref: Rat Lass.gif

Signature clothing: Photographer's safari vest, pockets filled with tools, gizmos and gadgets

Furryish expressions ref:

Usual Outfit:

(... which I thought out and wrote down, and /then/, looking for reference images, found .)


Misc details

DPR's logo

DPR's logo

Meaning: The characters are Tengwar, the word is Lojban. Transliterated into English/latin characters, it reads ".iacu'i". The simplest English gloss is "I'm skeptical". More specifically, ".ia" means "I believe" while ".ianai" means "I don't believe", with ".iacu'i" at the neutral point between those extremes. Those who apply Bayesian analysis never 'believe' anything with 100% certainty (save for tautologies), nor disbelieve anything completely at 0% (save for paradoxes) - 0 And 1 Are Not Probabilities. Thus that middle ground, from 0.00000000...1% to 99.9999999...%, is the realm of Bayesian thought. Thus, this logo also means, in a sense, "I'm Bayesian".

DPR's quotes

li te'o te'a vei pai pi'i ka'o ve'o su'i pa du li no .i je'a melbi!, which, transliterated into English/latin letters, reads "li te'o te'a vei pai pi'i ka'o ve'o su'i pa du li no .i je'a melbi!". It is a multi-level pun, expressing the most beautiful equation she knows, in the most beautiful language she knows to express it in, using the most beautiful characters she knows to write that language, and proclaiming the beauty of all of those at once. One rough gloss into English would be "The number given by the sequence (Napier's constant to the power of (Ludolph's constant times the imaginary unit), plus the multiplicative identity), is equal to the number (the additive identity). (Unspecified something assumed from context) is most beautiful!".

"lu .iacu'i ma krinu lo du'u .ei mi krici la'e di'u li'u traji lo ka vajni fo lo preti", which approximates to "'Why should I believe that?' is the most important question.


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