The DataPacRat
aka Data, aka Day, aka DPR, aka Dee
Reference text
General desc:
Rat, female, white-furred, pink-skinned
Approximate general refs:,,, (NSFW),
Eyes: Blue. Nearsighted - wears visor rather than goggles or glasses.
Hair: Dyed two shades of blue: pure blue and dark blue.
Spiky. Often prefers a semi-mohawk - right side of head shaved down to fur.
Facial jewelry: Made of iridium.
- Above right eye: horizontal piercing, appears as two visible studs.
- Right ear: five rings.
- Left ear: two rings
Refs, mainly for hairstyle: (my best SL approximation, which is very approximate; ignore the 'stubble', eye-color, etc): Snapshot 1_001.png , Snapshot 1_002.png , Snapshot 1_003.png
Body: Athletic/gymnastic, 'small is beautiful'
Mammaries: Two human-like breasts, plus four nipples on belly.
Pubic fur: None. Same as the rest of her fur, if anything somewhat thinner and lighter.
Hands: Four fingers plus thumb.
Legs: digitigrade.
Ref: Rat Lass.gif
Signature clothing: Photographer's safari vest, pockets filled with tools, gizmos and gadgets
Furryish expressions ref:
Usual Outfit:
(... which I thought out and wrote down, and /then/, looking for reference images, found .)
- Right thigh: thigh holster
- Left thigh: sheath
- Body: "Utility belt" vest (aka safari/photographer's vest, aka absurdly oversized toolbelt)
- Google Images: Photographer's vest
- (She's a packrat of more than data, and is over-fond of gizmos the size of credit cards or pens.)
- Set of stuff stuffed into vest's pockets and pouches one day:
- 40mm grenades (HEDP, buckshot or flechette, flare, smoke, riot gas, nonlethal impact sponge, video camera, and grapnel-and-line ala the XM688 ).
- food bars
- caribiner attaching water bottle
- gnaw-sticks to keep teeth sharpened
- multitool
- mini first-aid kit, radiation dosimeter
- personal sanitation supplies, eg wipes, comb, etc
- wallet: cash, ID, credit-card-size thingies (eg, lockpick kit, mirror, fresnel lens, card-shaped blade, card-sized multitool, etc)
- repair stuff: duct tape, paracord, rubber bands, safety pins, plastic bags, sewing kit, bandanna, mini electronics parts kit, etc
- dustmask, spare goggles, earplugs, etc
- emergency mini oxygen tank and breather mask
- mini copter-camera controlled by wrist-thang
- workgloves
- a gadget that can be unfolded into a watertight basin for freefall, with entry-ports to push hands or objects into without letting out water, and an attachment valve for a water-bottle or faucet... that is, a portable kitchen sink. :)
- Left forearm: Wrist computer thang
- effectively an 'iphone 42' in a custom-3D-printed case, with external keyboard and extra ports, and flashlight at wrist
- has the old Commodore C= logo,
- Due to backstory (involving a novel solution to a problem similar to the classic SF story "The Cold Equations" and a surgical robot), she is actually a quadruple amputee, with double shoulder and hip disarticulations. Her usual arms and legs are realistic-looking and -moving prosthetics, attached with a technique based on gecko-based setae. She prefers not to remove her realistic prosthetics in public, save for occasional maintenance, daily cleaning, and each night when she puts them in their case to recharge. (Her tail is entirely natural.)
- She keeps the attachment areas clean-shaven. The amputations were professionally done by a remote-controlled surgical robot, so there is little-to-no visible scarring.
- She also has a set of spares, without the relatively expensive realistic coverings, to use when her usual prosthetics are being recharged, repaired, upgraded, or whatnot.
- she usually waits to put on her legs until she gets dressed.
Misc details
- Preferred language and script, in-character (eg, for wrist-thang computer): a descendant of Lojban, written with Tengwar characters Google Images: Lojban and Tengwar
- Preferred timekeeping system: The Tranquility Calendar (with modified days of the week: Venusday, Saturnday, Solday, Lunaday, Marsday, Mercuryday, Jupiterday)
- Job: Technical/data support for an orbital-junk clean-up crew, specializing in obsolete hardware and networking/comm protocols
- Other notes:
- When she hit puberty, she rewarded the local electronics geeks and tinkerers who finished projects she approved of, or who helped her figure out a tough project, with sexual rewards of appropriate levels
- Invests most of her excess money in a research group working on the prerequisite technologies for uploading minds into computers.
- Aspires to practice the principles of rationality described here
DPR's logo

Meaning: The characters are Tengwar, the word is Lojban. Transliterated into English/latin characters, it reads ".iacu'i". The simplest English gloss is "I'm skeptical". More specifically, ".ia" means "I believe" while ".ianai" means "I don't believe", with ".iacu'i" at the neutral point between those extremes. Those who apply Bayesian analysis never 'believe' anything with 100% certainty (save for tautologies), nor disbelieve anything completely at 0% (save for paradoxes) - 0 And 1 Are Not Probabilities. Thus that middle ground, from 0.00000000...1% to 99.9999999...%, is the realm of Bayesian thought. Thus, this logo also means, in a sense, "I'm Bayesian".
DPR's quotes
, which, transliterated into English/latin letters, reads "li te'o te'a vei pai pi'i ka'o ve'o su'i pa du li no .i je'a melbi!". It is a multi-level pun, expressing the most beautiful equation she knows, in the most beautiful language she knows to express it in, using the most beautiful characters she knows to write that language, and proclaiming the beauty of all of those at once. One rough gloss into English would be "The number given by the sequence (Napier's constant to the power of (Ludolph's constant times the imaginary unit), plus the multiplicative identity), is equal to the number (the additive identity). (Unspecified something assumed from context) is most beautiful!".
"lu .iacu'i ma krinu lo du'u .ei mi krici la'e di'u li'u traji lo ka vajni fo lo preti", which approximates to "'Why should I believe that?' is the most important question.
Relevant Tropes - Dee:
- Brainy, in a good way:
Science Hero,
Playful Hacker,
Nerds Are Sexy,
Hot Scientist,
Geeky Turn-On,
Too Clever By Half,
Proud To Be A Geek,
sometimes goes as far as being The Spock,
Blue Oni,
Cute Badass Bookworm,
Genius Book Club,
enjoys giving Mathematicians' Answers,
Measuring The Marigolds: repudiated,
enjoys For Science! chic for the cool factor,
Shorter Means Smarter. Occasionally annoyed that society overall hasn't completely Outgrown Religion, and
Hates Small Talk.
- A practical Engineer:
A Wrench Wench,
who builds,
fixes, and adapts her own occasionally-cute
army, who collectively can do just about anything, the occasional one of which rises to the status of sidekick. Knows how to be a Blacksmith when the 3D printers break down.
A Plucky Girl. Her knowledge of the planning fallacy and her counters for it make her seem to be
Crazy Prepared and
Properly Paranoid, with various
Hidden Supplies.
Technically a Handicapped Badass and halfway to being a Robot Girl, due to having lost her limbs by turning a no-win scenario in an Escape Pod into a Life Or Limb Decision. She was later
Rebuilt as a
Cyborg with
Easily Detachable,
Arms And Legs.
Cybernetics Don't Eat Her Soul.
A Meganekko who wears Specs of Awesome that double as Cool Shades, and is nearsighted enough to be almost Blind Without Em.
Is a Small Girl with a Big Gun, her Weapon of Choice:
a pistol-grip Grenade Launcher,
Hand Cannon,
which is Awesome Yet Practical because Guns Beat Lasers. Often uses Unusual Grenades, (kept in her Utility Vest) allowing it to nearly act like a Swiss Army Gun. Also keeps a
Knife as an Emergency Weapon, due to being a Combat Pragmatist.
An Atheist, who believes
Death is the end, and You might as well do good while you're alive and thus
Living Forever Is Awesome, if possible, and likely through technological means. Also prefers using an Alternative Calendar.
Is a Rodent of Unusual Size,
isn't a Dirty Rat,
a bit of a Species Rebel in that she doesn't have any particular fondness for dairy products. Is a Misfit Lab Rat in several senses.
Poster Gallery Hacker Cave: rather geeky and technical posters. Microchip layouts and network maps; a star chart; a list of corrolories to and variations of Murphy's Law; They Might Be Giants, the Beatles, and Mozart; the furry-verse versions of Einstein sticking his tongue out, Nikola Tesla surrounded by lightning, and Rosie the Riveter; Raphael's "The School of Athens"; etc. And lots and lots of bits of salvaged junk that she hasn't finished repurposing yet.
Dyes her hair blue. Partially a Shy Blue-Haired Girl; smart, friendly, and rational, and a natural inclination to introversion, but not exactly 'shy'. It's Improbably Spiky, and with her Blue Eyes, Curtains Match The Window.
Her Probable Future:
Ridiculously Successful Future Self,
Xanatos Gambits,
Xanatos Speed Chess,
Magnificant Bastard,
Reasonable Authority Figure,
Iron Lady.
Possible 'Final' Destiny:
A Last Dance Thanatos Gambit,
with optional Cryonics to keep it from necessarily being permanent...
Dee's Home
- In freefall. (Eg, )
- In earth orbit, in a modular shipping-like container with a hexagonal cross-section, about 2500 cubic feet, which is usually attached to a larger freefall habitat made of many such containers.
- Window/cupola through which can be seen Earth, Ref:
- Lots 'n lots of mesh-net bags tied and velcroed along most of the walls/ceiling/floor. Contain random gear: clothes, electronics, tools, foodpacks, 3D printer, etc
- Bungee-like cords stretched at a variety of angles, so there's almost always one in reach
- Posters of, eg, network maps, a 6510 microprocessor map, paintings of moonscapes or habitat-landscapes, etc
- Long glassy tubes along walls containing water and algae, both for decoration and as a backup life-support system
- Vaccsuit, elastic body-hugging style
- Bed: coffin-like, slides opens on one side, padded interior. Fresh air vent in head end (she likes the breeze on her face), air outtake on other end. Not much bigger than she is /without/ her legs, to avoid banging around to much in her sleep. Opposite the door is a niche, protected by padded bars she can flip open or close with her tail, containing a junk-based prosthetic right arm, in just about the right spot for her to press her shoulder against its shoulder, which she uses to open and close the bed's entrance and collect her usual arms from their recharging slot.
- Shower: a 'slosh-bag', looks much like an oversized duffelbag, hooked to water outlet at one end and drain at the other. Also has a breathing-mask with air hoses to avoid inhaling water.
- Junk-bots: As a hobby, Dee collects random parts from salvaged orbiting junk, and turns some of the pieces she can't sell into useful self-propelled tools. Usually hand-to-arm-sized. Networked to work together, some have propellers, some have air-pumps to jet with, some have claws or hands; she mostly uses them to get her breakfast, and otherwise deliver objects from one place to another. (io9 story on present-day networked minirobots using similar principles, which links to the video.)