Hello Dave! Wednesday August 25 1993, Dave Creek writes to Lance Reichert: LR>> Later in your post, you did address the most important issue, tho': LR>> should production cease, what ammo will be most universally desired (for LR>> barter) and what firearm will be easiest to maintain & find ammo for. LR>> Thanks. DC> I think the most desirable ammunition from a barter standpoint DC> would be 22 long rifle. This cartridge can't be reloaded since it has DC> the priming in the rim. Also, there are probably more 22 rifles and DC> pistols in existance than all other calibers combined. DC> As for firearms that would be easy to maintain and find ammo for, a DC> single shot 22 rifle (single shots have less parts to break). For a DC> larger hunting rifle, any rifle that uses military ammunition, 30-06, DC> 308, or 223. And don't forget the 12 gauge shotgun. An excellent bit of insight! I might add a .410 shotgun (single shot pack gun) although it will be a bit harder to find ammunition....they are cheap and have few parts to break. They can be used for a variety of game and slugs are available. John Mudge --- * Origin: -->point MUDGE bbs * V.32b * Shelton, WA USA<-- (1:352/111)