Ä [159] Fidonet: FIREARMS (1:352/111) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FIREARMS Ä Msg : 28 of 99 + 29 From : Lee Holloway 1:375/34.5 Tue 12 Apr 94 22:43 To : John Needham Subj : Hiding Firearms ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hello John! 09 Apr 94 22:42, John Needham wrote to All: JN> This may be a weird question, but I sorta need help or a JN> suggestion as to were I can hide a handgun(s).. I have considered JN> a safe, but I don't want the kids to know I have it or where it JN> is, and I also want fast access to the gun for self defense.. JN> Maybe someone can share with me where they keep there JN> handgun(s)... Thanks in advance, -JN There are small wall safes , that you can have fast assess to, hide them behind a hinged picture etc. Also there are small safes from beffored tec that scan your finger prints to open. they are fast & small. As far as the kids know it's a locked box they can not open. You could also place the Bedford safe in a wall behind a picture. Chances are thewy would never look there. Lee --- GoldED 2.42.G0214 * Origin: Student of the Feather Walker (1:375/34.5) Ä [159] Fidonet: FIREARMS (1:352/111) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FIREARMS Ä Msg : 29 of 99 - 28 + 30 From : Dennis Rogers 1:3631/7 Wed 13 Apr 94 19:23 To : John Needham Subj : Hiding Firearms ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hello John! Saturday April 09 1994 22:42, John Needham wrote to All: JN> This may be a weird question, but I sorta need help or a suggestion as to JN> were I can hide a handgun(s).. To keep a firearm out of kids way. That is the 64 thousand dollar question. Have you ever herd the old joke about how to get a jar open when the lid is stuck? Put it infront of a 5 year old and tell him to leave it alone. To the point, you can be assured of this. Whereever you put a hand gun in your house, shop, car or where ever, your kids will find it. I will assume that your kids are old enought to really understand right from wrong and make this suggestion, it's what I did with my nephew. Take them to the rifle range one day. Use the hotest load your fire arm will take, or as I did, borrow a bigger gun. (12 gauge with 3" mag). Let the kid shoot it. When he/she gets up. You shoot it at a target such as a gallon jug of solid jello, after telling the kid that this is basicly the same as a person. Let them see what kind of dammage it can do, form both ends. I find that even kids can respect a firearm, and when they do it works better than just telling them NO. Now they understand why. Dennis --- GoldED 2.41 * Origin: Trivial Nuisances Greenwood S.C. 803-229-0979 (1:3631/7) Ä [159] Fidonet: FIREARMS (1:352/111) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FIREARMS Ä Msg : 30 of 99 - 29 + 39 From : Owen Harlan 1:104/251 Thu 14 Apr 94 10:05 To : Tony Weeks Subj : HIDING FIREARMS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ***SNIP*** TW> Seriously, it's TW> easier to gun proof your kids than to hide your guns. When my TW> daughter was nearly old enough to pull a trigger I became TW> concerned with leaving loaded guns around so I decided to teach TW> her how powerful a gun really is. I took her with me shooting TW> and I put 5 milk jugs full of water on a log and shot it from 15 TW> or 20', we both got wet and the concussion knocked the other 4 TW> jugs off the log. This was a very biased example but it got the TW> point across. My kid has never played with guns and now that TW> she is 10, she becoming a very good shot. To the point that it TW> won't be to long before she'll show up the old man. Thanks for the good illustration, I'll use it with my children. Still, I doubt that it completely solves the liability problem (legal and personal) that exists when your daughter brings friends home and they discover your loaded guns. You don't train all her friends using this method do you? Seems like you have to both train children where possible, but also mechanically secure them in the event that their friends find them. How have you dealt with this problem of having your daughter's friends in the house? --- FLAME v1.0 * Origin: The Grotto Lounge BBS -- Arvada, CO -- (303) 421-7186 (1:104/251)