Jiritte hiksenti catsikl ikKenuikki, tisichtitta likwsith.
The Kenuki, wood-mice people, speak Jirit.
Jirit "Jirit"
-te "name"
hiksen "language" (i.e., "a language called 'Jirit'")
-ti "topic of sentence"
catsik "speak"
-l "present tense" (in a general sense, not necessarily at this moment)
ik- "definite plural"
Kenuki' "Kenuki" (note the elision of k and the assimilation of the glottal stop)
-ki "ergative" (subject of the transitive verb "catsik")
ti- "indefinite plural"
sichti' "person"
-ta "descriptive noun" (qualifying ikKenuikki)
likwsi' "wood-mouse"
-th "adjective"
ti- plural te- name ak- definite singular ik- definite plural ta- indefinite singular ti- indefinite plural -ti topic of sentence -ta descriptive noun -th adjective -kh adverb -mi forTypical verb prefixes and suffixes:
ti- plural ni- all ci- some l- I, me k- you, we, us s- he, him, she, her, it, they, them -l general present -lan present, currently happening -lik past, continuing into present -ki past, completed action -ci polite command -t future -ech negative -int question -l I (ergative) -k you, we (ergative) -s he, she, it, they (ergative)Examples: from tikwsa "to like": khtikwsal "I like you", stikwsarech "I don't like him", cirikwsent "do you like some of them?" From chak "to give": kechakki "I gave it to you", tischaklikek "we have been giving it to them", lchak "give it to me", cichakhtint "will you give to some of them?" From kasleh "to learn, to teach": kekaslelan "you are learning", lkasleh "teach me", tikkaslekis "she taught us".
catsik to speak chak to give hiksen language Hwaki' elf Jirit Jirit kasleh to learn, to teach Kenuki' Kenuki (Mizarian wood-mice people, Apodemus kenuki) lakw food leskw room likwsi' wood-mouse ltessi' ritual stage nakku to show sat only sichti' person staku to enter tek to allow, permit, let tel way tikwsa to like Utsuki' human ya to be yakw to have Yaruki' Eki (Mizarian long-eared mice people, Malacothrix eki)
Ziptick, the kangaroo-rat-people, speak Tcharitti. Xu cakint'a ziqtik'e' nxiric'i s'iwq'e' hic'arit'i'a.
Zanaka, the dormouse-people, speak Kakizi. Zanaka yu zoritan no ni Kakizi le tagarisu.
Izumu, the jumping-mouse-people, speak Kélásse. Izumu nuluké'úa sille Kélásse.
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