An introduction to Cispa
Copyright © 1995 by Herman Miller. This document may be distributed freely
as long as the copyright notice is kept intact.
Cispa is the most common language of the Zaik people of Mizar (Zeta Ursae
Majoris). The Zaik are best described as tail-less rodent-like humanoids,
about 5 feet tall on the average, with thick gray or brown fur and generally
squirrel-like features.
The sounds of Cispa are pronounced roughly as follows. (See the FAQ of the
Kirshenbaum phonetic system, from the USENET newsgroup sci.lang, for details of
the phonetic symbols.)
' [?] glottal stop (as in "uh-oh").
a [a] similar to "a" in "aha".
c [tS] like English "ch" in "cheese".
c' [tS'] ejective c.
e [E] as in "get".
i [I] as in "pit".
ii [i] like "ee" in "see".
k [k] as in "sky".
k' [k'] ejective k.
p [p] as in "speed".
r [r.] similar to American r, but without rounded lips.
s [s] as in "seek".
sh [S] as in "ship".
t [t] as in "stop".
t' [t'] ejective t.
w [w] as in "week", but without rounded lips.
y [j] as in "year".
z [z] as in "zip".
Pronouns are not normally used in the subject of a sentence: Kiita
[zaish]. "I love you." Za kiita? "Do you love me?" Skwik'
ciirk? "How do you feel?" The meaning is determined from context. In
isolation, a statement is assumed to have the subject taik "I", and a
question (beginning with a question word) to have the subject zaish "you
(sing.)" Question words include za "if", yiit "what",
yiitik "who", skwik' "how", zakiri "why", and
zasiish "where".
There is no verb "to be". It is simply left out of the sentence: iri
kwiipcik "he is an artist"; yiiripsa Tric'ik "my name is Tritchik".
The Shakespearean "to be or not to be" may be translated tra ki it cit
ki. The meaning of this phrase is clear when compared with the exclamation
Tra ki! "To being!" (a common Mizarian expression of the joy of being
Adjectives normally follow the noun they modify: triik cirikit
"dancing ritual"; kiitsa keshshi "these hands"; kriicra yiikcarit
yiiptasa siicrai "teenage mutant ninja turtles". For emphasis or variety,
the order may be reversed: zaishra trissa cicretra "your fur is all
sandy". Often, though, what appears to be an adjective before a noun may really
be an adverb: zaish cark riiktakiit crikwiipsa kaipsik "you are truly a
master of the art of music".
The suffix -i, which shows the plural, is attached to the last word
in an adjective-noun phrase, whether or not it is a noun. It is optional; a
noun without -i can be either singular or plural.
Comparison is expressed by the words tep "more" and kip
"less", in combination with the preposition ta "than": iri tep sipra
ta tric'rik "she is quicker than a mouse".
There are two systems of numerals in common use: octal (based on their
eight fingers) and duodecimal (for mathematical purposes). Both are used
Octal Duodecimal
1 ik 1 ik
2 ak 2 ak
3 tiirp 3 tiirp
4 ciric 4 ciric
5 kiiric 5 kiiric
6 kaish 6 kaish
7 zaric 7 zaric
8 saic 8 saic
9 ziikic (saic-ik) 9 ziikic
10 akkiiric (saic-ak) 10 akkiiric
11 saic-tiirp 11 criishta
12 akkaish (saic-ciric) 12 criish
13 saic-kiiric 13 criish-ik
14 saic-kaish . . .
15 saic-zaric 24 akcriish
16 aksaic 36 tiirpcriish
24 tiirpsaic 48 ciricriish
32 cirisaic 60 kiiricriish
40 kiirisaic 72 kaishcriish
48 kaikshaic 84 zaricriish
56 zarisaic 96 saicriish
64 saisaic 108 ziikicriish
120 akkiiricriish
132 criishtacriish
144 caric
Verbs are not inflected for tense, number, or person. Tense is marked by
the particles ip (past), ki (present), and zik (future).
These particles often stand next to a verb: ip cirikit "I danced", but
it is also common to place them at the beginning or end of a phrase: ip tasa
rasta "I saw that one"; ak critpa tiirkta ip "I tried it two times".
Other particles indicate mood or other changes to the meaning: trip
"can", raish "must", cit "not", za "if, whether". These
particles are often used in combination: Za trip arkta? "Can you help
me?" Raish ip cit sipra sit "I must not have been fast enough." Notice
that in this construction, the first (or last) particle modifies the entire
remainder of the phrase. There is a distinction between raish ip
kwistarasca / kwistarasca ip raish "I must have been dreaming" and
ip raish kwistarasca / kwistarasca raish ip "it was necessary for
me to dream". A phrase like raish kwistarasca ip would be ambiguous.
Other information on Cispa
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An Introduction to Cispa is maintained by Herman Miller (