SolReSol Associates
The following is a list of people who are interested in SolReSol
for some reason. This list is extracted from people who have
emailed me. Their presence here means nothing, but it may be
convenient to know of some other SolReSol-ists for some reason.
- Greg Baker
('Tis I) has no particularly good reason for wanting to
learn SolReSol. He's just eccentric.
- Michael
Winikoff is a computer scientist and musician.
- Ian Martin
writes experimental music and is wants to write a piece
that is both spoken and sung at the same time.
- Brandi
Weed is looking for sourcebooks.
- Rick Harrison
found the titles of the two books
we know of. He has tried inter-library loans,
book-sellers' networks, etc.
- Michael
Paulkovich will be in Munich in September - he will
divert via Paris to look in libraries there. He has some
friends in France looking elsewhere.
- Leland Bryant Ross wants to publish a bi-lingual book
(English and Esperanto) on Solresol.
- Jeff
Skinner has been interested in SolReSol for several
years now, and is patiently searching for more information.
He has uncovered much of the vocabulary mentioned here .
- Michael Raposo
wants to see the Lord's Prayer (the Our Father) translated
into SolReSol. Ultimately we wants to compose a song that
is also a story or poem.
Artificial Languages Laboratory is not a person
but has a great deal of useful information on constructed
languages in general.
Greg Baker
Last modified: Tue Sep 17 18:09:09 EST
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