0- alekku pilii hatuu =ta =n tea e= su= 0- husa 3>3'- dispute:G wind:B left.hand:B =at =and sun SS= ?= 3- be.strong =tte a= 0- teka yu =qea numa e= 0- humu e= 0- kami =INDF DS= 3- move there =along traveller SS= 3- wrap SS= 3- be.warm h<un>umu =pu <INST>wrap =in'The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was strong(er), when a traveller came along wrapped in a warm cloak.'
hakekelluu a= 0- pisite =tte e= 0- qa"- kusu numaa agree:PAUC:L:B DS= 3- be.able =INDF SS= 3>3'- CBA- remove traveller:B ne- h<un>umuu e= senna ne e= 0- husa nu =qu 3- <INST>wrap:B SS= think:G DEM SS= 3- be.strong DEM =to'They agreed that the one who was able to make the traveller take off his cloak should think himself stronger than the other.'
0- pusii pilii hatuu =ta ne- husa -sui =ma 3- blow:B wind:B left.hand:B =at 3- be.strong -NESS =with'The North Wind blew with his strength.'
hu= 0- pusii -n 0- pusii hu= 0- humuu -n 0- humuu and= 3- blow:B -and 3- blow:B and= 3- wrap:B -and 3- wrap:B ne- h<un>umuu numaa ne =ume 3- <INST>wrap:B traveller:B DEM =around'But the more he blew, the more closely the traveller wrapped his cloak around him.'
tupee =ta luwaa pilii hatuu =ta finish:B =at lie.down:B wind:B left.hand:B =at'Finally, the North Wind gave up.'
0- ilinii kami =ma tea 3- shine:B be.warm =with sun'Then the Sun shone out warmly.'
hu= tiappe 0- kusuu ne- h<un>umuu numaa and= immediately 3- remove:B 3- <INST>wrap:B traveller:B'And immediately the traveller took off his cloak.'
hu= 0- qa"- yakke a= 0- husa ne =qu tea and= 3- CBA- say:G DS= 3- be.strong DEM =to sun'And so the North Wind had to admit that the Sun was strong(er) than he was.'
Then the second one said to the first, "You go first." When he (the first) swam by and went around the bend, the people said, "There is an otter going downstream." They came out and watched the otter swimming. "So?" the other one said, "Did you hear wh at they said? You are an otter." "Come! You too," said the first. "They will say the same of you. You are an otter." "All right. I will go," said the other, and he floated slowly down the river. Then (people said), "Look, another one. There is an other one." Then he came to the first, saying, "See? I am not an otter. I am 'another one.' The people said that I am 'another one.'"
The end.
0- pali kukki kin keala =qea hu= 0- tetka usu =qu 3- swim otter:PAUC two river =along and= 3- come:PAUC bend =toTwo otters were swimming downriver and came to a bend.
hu= yu =le 0- pipte a= 0- yasa nekne upe =ka and= there =from 3- see:PAUC DS= 3- dwell person:COLL shore =onFrom there they saw people living on the shore.
hu= 0- yakke pepemee kin ha= ku- teka yu =pte and= 3>3'- say:G friend:PAUC:B two != 2- go there =upThen the two friends said to each other, "You go ahead."
hu= 0- yake =ni mu= ma ha= ku- teka yu =pte hu= yake =nu and= 3- say =this NEG= 1 != 2- go there =up and= say =that mu= ma NEG= 1Then the one said, "Not me. You go," and the other said "Not me."
hu= 0- alelekku 0- alelekku and= 3- argue:G:PAUC 3- argue:G:PAUCAnd they argued and protested for a long time.
hu= 0- yake =ni ha= ku- teka isiha and= 3- say =this != 2- go firstThen one said, "You go first.
ku- pilte nekenee hu= 0- yakeyke 0- kuki yu 2>3- see:L people:COLL:B and= 3- say:DIST 3- otter thereThe people will see you and say 'There is an otter.'"
0- papli keaqea 3- float:PAUC downstreamThey were floating downstream.
0- yake =nu mu= wa- kuki 3- say =that NEG= 1- otterThat one said, "I am not an otter."
0- yake =ni ku- susu 3- say =this 2>1- equalThe first said, "But you are just the way I am.
wa- lukelukee -pa mamma 1- thing:DIST:B -HAVE 1:PAUCWe are the same in every way.
wa- kukki mamma 1- otter:PAUC 1:PAUCWe are both otters."
hu= 0- yake =nu mu= ma wa- site nule and= 3- say =that NEG= 1 1- another justThe other said, "No, I am just 'another one.'"
hu= 0- alekku and= 3- argue:GIn this way they argued.
hu= 0- yake =nu ni =qu ha= ku- teka isiha and= 3- say =that this =to != 2- go firstThen the second one said to the first, "You go first."
a= 0- pali =ni hu= 0- teka usu =ume 0- yake nekne 0- kuki DS= 3- swim =this and= 3- go bend =around 3- say person:COLL 3- otter e= 0- teka keaqea SS= 3- go downstreamWhen he (the first) swam by and went around the bend, the people said, "There is an otter going downstream."
hu= 0- teka yu hu= 0- ulukee a= 0- pali kukii and= 3- come there and= 3- watch:B DS= 3- swim otter:BThey came out and watched the otter swim.
0- yake =nu na 3- say =that na"So?" the other one said.
su= ku- napa a= yakee ?= 2>3- hear DS= say:B"Did you hear what they said?
ku- kuki 2- otterYou are an otter."
0- yake =ni ha= ku- teka 3- say =this != 2- come"Come! You too," said the first.
0- yake susu ku =le 3- say same 2 =about"They will say the same of you.
ku- kuki 2- otterYou are an otter."
0- yake =nu naa. wa- teka. 3- say =that good 1- go"All right. I will go," said the other,
hu= 0- pali e= 0- tuula keala =qea and= 3- float SS= 3- be.slow river =downand he floated slowly down the river.
hu= 0- yake ha- pite site and= 3- say !- see anotherThen they said, "Look, another one.
0- site yu 3- another thereThere is another one."
hu= 0- teka =nu ni =qu e= 0- yake na mu= wa- kuki and= 3- go =that this =to SS= 3- say na NEG= 1- otterThen he came to the first, saying, "See? I am not an otter.
wa- site 1- anotherI am 'another one.'
0- yake nekne a= wa- site. 3- say person:COLL DS= 1- anotherThe people said that I am 'another one.'"
0- tupee 3- finish:BThe end.
Go back to the introduction.