(1) wa- 'first person' ku- 'second person' 0- 'third person'
(2) second person acting on first person (2>1) second person acting on third person (2>3) first person acting on third person (1>3) third person acting on different third person (3>3')Each relation has a particular prefix associated with it; these prefixes are homophonous with (and have the same origin as) the intransitive and stative prefixes (with the exception of le- 2>1, which isn't available with an intransitive or stative predicate), but their semantic content is different because of the nature of the predicate to which they attach:
(3) le- 2>1 ku- 2>3 wa- 1>3 0- 3>3'Conflating these relations gives the person hierarchy:
(4) 2>1>3>3'The three operators which act on these relations are: 1) direct, where relations proceed in the order specified in the person hierarchy; 2) inverse, where the person hierarchy is reversed (i.e. 3'>3>1>2); and 3) reflexive, where the second term of the direct relation is replaced by a second occurrence of the first term. These operators are each associated with a particular verbal grade, and will be discussed in the section Verbal Grades.
(5) ROOT BASE tepa 'speak' [tepa] lua 'lie' [luwa] kea 'flow' [keja]As with nouns, monosyllabic roots are an important class of exceptions to base formation. For roots consisting only of a single light syllable, this syllable is reduplicated to form the base:
(6) ROOT BASE ti 'be small' [titi]For heavy monosyllables, a copy of the vowel is repeated after the coda; this forces the coda to become an onset for a second syllable. This is illustrated below:
(7) ROOT BASE pai 'dig' [pa.ya] nen 'live' [ne.ne]
(8) You tickled me. (2>1) You were kissing him. (2>3) I saw my brother. (1>3) The cat ate the mouse. (3>3')The normal grade of a verb which is unbound in phase is equivalent to the root. Since some of these roots consist only of a single light syllable, the vowel will be lengthened to conform with the minimal word requirement:
(9) ROOT NORMAL GRADE (unbound) tepa 'speak' tepa taleka 'hunt' taleka lua 'lie' lua pai 'dig' pai nen 'live' nen ti 'be small' tiiThe bound phase forms are derived from the base by lengthening the final vowel of the base. This is illustrated below for the roots given in (9).
(10) ROOT BASE NORMAL GRADE (bound) tepa [te.pa] tepaa taleka [le.ka] talekaa lua [lu.wa] luwaa pai [pa.ya] payaa nen [ne.ne] nenee ti [ti.ti] titii
(11) I tickled you. (1>2) He was kissing you. (3>2) My brother saw me. (3>1) The mouse was eaten by the cat. (3'>3)There is some pragmatic force in the use of the l-grade for third person arguments, which I have indicated by using a passive sentence. It should be stressed, however, that the l-grade is not a passive (Tepa does not have a passive).
The formation of the l-grade is similar to the formation of collective plurals for nouns. For unbound phase, an /l/ is inserted before the final syllable of the base. For bound phase, a sequence of /l/ and a copy of the rhyme of the base-initial syllable is inserted before the final syllable of the base; the final vowel is lengthened.
(12) UNBOUND BOUND /tepa/ telpa [telba] telepaa [terevaa] /taleka/ talelka [tarelga] talelekaa [tarere3aa]
The formal characteristic of the geminate grade is the geminate consonant which occurs medially in the base. After gemination, the bound phase is formed by lengthening the final vowel:
(13) UNBOUND BOUND /tepa/ teppa [teppa] teppaa [teppaa] /taleka/ talekka [tarekka] talekkaa [tarekkaa]
(14) 0- puplu 3>3'- pick:PAUC 'They picked it.' or 'He picked some.' (15) 0- puluplu 3>3'- pick:DIST 'They picked it.' or 'He picked a lot.'When overt noun phrases accompany a verb as arguments, the verb is not marked for number.
(16) 0- pulu huhma nemaa 3>3' pick fruit:PAUC man:B 'The man picked some fruit.' (17) 0- pulu humahma nemaa 3>3' pick fruit:DIST man:B 'The man picked a lot of fruit.'Go back to the introduction.