Cispa-English Dictionary
Copyright © 1995 by Herman Miller. This document may be distributed freely
as long as the copyright notice is kept intact.
acark! yes!
acit! no!
acrak'! hear!
aic'ik' flammable
aic'it cold
ait'et'a to fry
ait'et'akiit fried
aitka to burn
aitpa hot, heat
aitrik candle
aitsa fire, flame
aitsiish fireplace, oven
aitsiishkiit baked, cooked
aitsiishta to bake, cook
aitwic' angry
ak two
ak'aish twelve
ak'iip twins
ak'iiric ten
ak'iiricriish 120
ak'iita mutual love
akas! alas! woe!
akcark controversial
akcriish twenty-four
akesh! here! present!
akii! greeting between close friends
akra double
aksaic sixteen
akskiic' peanut
aras! hello!
ark! help!
arkpa help
arkta to help
askwiri! certainly! of course!
ataik! I volunteer!
atriik! let's have a ritual!
ayiikca! exclamation of surprise
ca yes
caishpa small
caishrit small one; a term of affection
caric one gross; 144
carikep loved one, sweetheart
carikiit full
carita to fill
cariziik adult
cark true, certain
carkcit false
carkraikta to believe
carkrit judge
cartsa thunder
ceshkwarisa brown fungus
ceshpa black
ceshrik dark, brown
ci no
ci'ak both
cicritpa always, forever
ciik' through
ciik'ta to penetrate
ciipra behind
ciipsa tail
ciirk to feel
ciirktakiit feeling
ciirktaziit sentient being
ciishkra short
ciitka to use
ciitsa tool
cik such, what (a)
cik'atii chickadee
cik'ca source of power
cik'pa power
cik'rit lord
cipka to join, connect
cipsa joint
cipsik joining; mating
cipsikrit mate
cipta bond; to bond
ciptakiit bonding; bonded
ciric four
ciricriish forty-eight
cirik jumper
cirikit dance; chirikit ritual
cirikwic' grasshopper
cirisaic thirty-two
cirit everyone
cirita jump; to jump
cirizai kangaroo rat
cispa language; the Cispa language
cissa mouth
cissacip kiss; to kiss
cista speech; to speak, say
cistakiit word
cistik speaker; leader
cit not; the absence of
cita'i all, everything
citkii hate; evil
citriik stupid
citrik extinct tree rat
citsip slow
citwic' logic
crak'cit deaf
crak'sa ear
crak'saziit rabbit, hare
crak'ta hear, listen
cretra sandy
cretsa grain of sand
cretsic sand
cric'a to age
cric'it eternal
cricis well, ... (interjection)
criish twelve
criishta eleven
criishtacriish 132
crikiitra skill
crikwiipsa art
crippa solid, hard
cripsic earth, soil
cripta to dig
criptaziit mole (animal)
crissa claw
crista to cut, to scratch
cristakiit carved inscription; writing
cristakit to carve an inscription; to write
crit-zayiip ancient
critpa time
critra old, age
critriik ritual-master; priest
cwispa spirit
cwissa wind
ec'it healthy
ecpa disease
ecra sick
eshca to confuse
eshpa confusion
eshta to puzzle
eshtasa puzzle
eshtatrik'sa puzzle-box
ic and, also
icta to add
ik one; a, an
ik'pa broken
ik'ta to break
ikakpa number
ikakta to count
iki they
ikpa alone
ip past-tense; was, were, had
iri he, she, it
istra pregnant
istrik child; young one
istrit child; offspring
it or
itpa choice
itpaca to choose
ka'ait to catch on fire
ka'ec to get sick
ka'ec'it to get well
ka'ik to join, to unify, to become one
kaca to give
kacesh to darken
kacrip to solidify, to freeze
kaikshaic forty-eight
kaipsik music
kairicip tongue-joining
kairicit tasteless
kairikat'a to lick
kairikiiri tongue-click; Zaik equivalent of a laugh
kairipsa taste, flavor
kairisa tongue
kairisik tongue-gesture
kairita to taste
kaish six
kaishcriish seventy-two
kaitpa sweet
kaitsic juice
kakii to fall in love
kakiip to come alive
kariik sense; to sense
karit to hire
karkcit spotless
karkpa dirty
karksa dirt
kasip to accelerate, to get faster
kaskairi bad tasting, disgusting
kaskwic' cockroach
kaspa bad
kassik evil
kaswic' sad, unhappy
kat on
kat'a onto; to put, to touch
kat'atriik touch-ritual
kat'awiik crazy
katip to get wet
katra off; to take
katrik' to enter
katrit to improve
katsa gift
kayiik to be frightened
kayiip to cross, to get across
kazari to go under
kazata answer; to answer
kaziik to cross over
keksha this (pron), this one
kekshi these (pron)
kekshiish here
keppa center
kepsa heart
keptrik' in the middle, between, among
kesh this (adj)
keshi these (adj)
keshtra to come
ket'a to meet
ki present-tense; am, is, are, have, has
kiic'a to make
kiic'ik' maker
kiica to attract
kiicit tribe
kiickwic' ant
kiicpa family
kiicparit relative
kiikat'a love-touch; hug
kiiksha light
kiikwic' butterfly
kiipca to give birth
kiipcarit infant
kiipsa life; to live
kiipsakit alive
kiiric five
kiiricriish sixty
kiirik small friend; a term of affection
kiirikwic' cricket
kiirikwic'tip cricket soup
kiirisaic forty
kiirit friend
kiiriziit bird
kiirt mother
kiirtpa female
kiirtpakiic sister
kiirtrik young girl
kiirtrit female person; woman, girl
kiirtsari sex, gender
kiisha magnet
kiishkwic' firefly
kiishpa white
kiita love; to love
kiitik loved one
kiitka plan
kiitra manual
kiitrik finger
kiitsa hand
kiitsik handshake, agreement; to agree
kiiwic' empathy
kiizik dear
kip less
kiripsa reason
kispa soft
krasca to cook, to prepare food
krassa food
krasta to eat
kriic shell
kriic'it slug
kriickwic' beetle
kriicra turtle
kriicraziitrik snail; mollusk
kriicta to hide
kwarikwic' termite
kwarisa fungus
kwarita to decay
kwek'sa noise
kwic'ik insect
kwic'tip insect soup
kwiipa beautiful
kwiipcik artist
kwiipcista poetry
kwiiprik pretty, cute
kwiipsa beauty
kwiiptesh flower
kwiirtsa forest
kwiirtsakwic' swarm of insects
kwiirtsarit crowd (of people)
kwista to sleep
kwistaras dream
kwistarasca to dream
kwistazai dormouse
raiksa head
raiksha need, necessity
raikta to think
raiktakiit idea
raish must
raishpa necessary
raishta to need
rassa eye
rassaceshpa blind
rassacis face
rasta to see; to look
rastipta to cry
riic'a to make sense, to understand
riic'it nonsense
riikca to teach
riikcik' teacher
riikpa knowledge; to know
riiksha air
riikshaziit glider; flying squirrel
riiksik telepathy
riikta learning; to learn
riiktakiit master
riiktarit student
riishpa breath; to breathe
riishtra to fly
riitpa reason, sense
riitsa mind
rikciit incisor file
rikcik toothless
riksa tooth
rikta to gnaw
rippa beginning, start, origin
ripta to begin, start
rispa illusion
risparit thrinn (alien from the planet Nithra or Hralta)
rista to fool, trick
ristacik' trickster
ritsa person
sa the
sa'i the (pl.)
saca to do
saic eight
saicriish ninety-six
saisaic sixty-four
sara with
sari father
sarikiic brother
sarikiirt sex, gender
saripa male
saririk young boy
saririt male person; man, boy
satrik' in, inside
shepsa rock, pebble
shepsic stone (material)
si again, back
siicra young
siirppa clean
siirpta to clean
siish place; to put
siishtra to go
siishtrik' in place
sipca to hurry
sippa speed
sipra fast
sisiishtra to return
sit enough
skiic' acorn
skiic'ra oak tree
skiic'tip acorn soup
skiri quite
skitpa point
skriic'a to drop
skriic'ta to fall
skriic'tip waterfall
skwiipsa wheel
skwiipta to turn, roll
skwik' how
skwik' ciirk? how are you?
skwik'a method, way
skwiri much, many, very
skwiric 512
stiip too, too much
stik'pa danger, dangerous
striisa home
striitra to go home
ta that (adj), then, than
ta'i those (adj)
tacarkpa honest
tacrak'ta to listen, pay attention
tacrista to cut out
tacwista to blow
taik I
taikra we
takacta to give out, distribute
taket'ra goodbye
takiirit lover
takiish to illuminate, to light
takiri that reason
takrasta to feed
tarasta to look for, search, seek
tasa that (pron), that one
tasi those (pron)
tasiish there
tasiishtra to leave
tasiishtrik' away
tatriikrit one who is holding a ritual
tekcit chaos
tekpa order
tekrit ruler, chief
teksha plant
tekshakras herbivore, vegetarian
tekshasiish garden, park
teksik government
tep more
teri Your (His, Her) Majesty
teshkait fruit
teshpa green
tetsa metal
tiirkta to try
tiirp three
tiirpcriish thirty-six
tiirpsaic twenty-four
tiita to have
tipcit dry
tipkit rain
tippa wet
tippaziit fish
tipsic water
tra for, to, in order to
traik today
traikpa day
traiksa sun
traiksi yesterday
traikta tomorrow
treshpa gray
tric' gray rat
tric'a to excite
tric'rik mouse
triik ritual
triikrik custom, greeting
triiktakwic' bee, wasp
triishta to climb
triishtaziit squirrel
trik' in, inside, interior
trik'ra out; to remove
trik'sa box
trik'ta into; to insert
trip able; can
tripsik may
trispa furry
trissa fur
trissaziit mammal
trit good
trit'a to enjoy
tritkairi delicious
tritpa fun
tritwic' happy
wic'kat'a to touch (emotionally); touching
wic'pa emotion
wiikpa blue, purple
wiiksa moon
wikpa shadow
wikrit shadowy figure
yaikca to hurt (someone)
yaikpa pain
yaiktrik' (to be) in pain; to hurt
yiic'ta to run
yiikca to scare
yiikcarit ninja knight
yiikcit fearless
yiikra afraid
yiikwic' fear; Yeequitch (Mizarian moon)
yiip across
yiipca crossing, bridge
yiipsa another
yiipsik communication
yiipta to change
yiiptakiit change, metamorphosis
yiiptasa mutant
yiirica to name
yiiripsa name
yiirk'at'a near death
yiirkca to kill
yiirkcik killer
yiirkcit immortal
yiirkpa death; dead
yiirkta to die
yiit what
yiita human
yiitakiicit humanoid
yiitarik dwarf, pygmy, halfling
yiitik who
za if, whether
za'eshta to surprise
zaca to ask
zaicis rat
zaiik Zaik; squirrel-like Mizarian
zaiikrik young Zaik; Zaikling
zaikiicit Mizarian rodent "primates"
zaish you
zaisha rodent
zaishi you (plural)
zakii intense love
zakiish bright
zakiri why
zapsa question
zari under
zaric seven
zaricriish eighty-four
zarikat'a to hang (from)
zarikta to bite (off)
zarisaic fifty-six
zaritrik' below, beneath
zasiish where
zatep most
zatrissa hair
zayiip vast
zazacpa demanding
zazaisha rodent of unusual size
zaziriit zoray (alien from the planet Addzoray)
zeriik elf
ziik over
ziikic nine
ziikicriish 108
ziiksha sky
ziiktra to grow
ziiktrik' above
ziirkca to open
ziirktra to enter (through a door)
ziishpa sky blue
ziita to want
ziitrik small animal; invertebrate
ziitsa animal
ziitsakras hunter; carnivore
ziitsic meat; blood
zik future-tense; will be, will have
zipca to end (cause to stop)
zipcit endless
zippa end
zipta to end (come to an end)
ziriit zireen (alien from the planet Zireenia)
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Cispa-English Dictionary is maintained by Herman Miller (