dis·till also dis·til (d¹-st¹l") v. dis·tilled also dis·tilled, dis·till·ing dis·til·ling, dis·tills dis·tils. --tr. 1. To subject (a substance) to distillation. 2. To separate (a distillate) by distillation. 3. To increase the concentration of, separate, or purify by or as if by distillation. 4. To separate or extract the essential elements of: distill the crucial points of the book. 5. To exude or give off (matter) in drops or small quantities. --intr. 1. To undergo or be produced by distillation. 2. To fall or exude in drops or small quantities. [Middle English distillen, from Old French distiller, from Latin distill³re, variant of d¶still³re, to trickle : d¶-, de- + still³re, to drip (from stilla, drop).] --dis·till"a·ble adj.
Source: The American Heritage Dictionary