
1 Rihdonan piedra iura duska doumjeys eyt digyan ol lunyoys.

2 Sot katasin ijerkenk legoyskut, nietumuysas Sinearel tyiart kemenneys eyt
tyokuysas maghenk rompenk.

3 Eyt doumasin repyejin viis: "Kuytunk spatehjeys eyt jinnink kodo
tirhijangi." Kuytoytyis ebayspatehjeys arul szenole eyt rihdonuysas
wadrays arul ixeere.

4 Doumasin: "Szenolunk arul skineriys szoys eyt rammiys, reni jotur=EEofyi
ycipan ygzeh. Hikuf hocafumu suotahheys eyroti kyandot=EEofunu piedra
!tyiaszef is allative, a case which means 'onto', that is, over the earth.

5 Kunillan fumetonk Kloyno szoys eyt rammiys reni szeynolasin.

6 Douman: "Ronnert =EEicas jam cif, ol legauraf, reni tugama ol eyt duska
lunyoys. Littee redin spicellaykas, rot =EEis net doj=E9a. Cif czas kuytti

7 Ajunk pivotenk lunyokanjeys, ovye rot ziilafasa repyijel siavays."

8 Ar kyandottayka Kloyno jando gassef iurank, eyt kammotan szenole szoys.

9 Szoys firoytavo qie Babelangi, dorme pivotayka Kloyno legoysjel
lunyoys tyupart eyt kyandottayka jando rompof gassef iurank.

  I decided to submit a passage to the Babel text database. I translated
Genesis 11:1-9 into Zegzolt, my own model language. I used the Finnish
Bible version of 1992 (and compared it a little with the English one).
Here is the thing:

Some notes:
 =EE should be i with a circumflex (i^) and =E9 should be e with an acute
accent (e'). Gz, sz, and cz should be g, s and c with a wedge above them,
respectively. Y after vowels is [i] and forms a diphthong, it's [i] in the
beginning of the word, too; after consonants it palatalizes (?) the
consonant. Vowels are clear as in Italian. Double consonants and vowels
(only ee and ii appear)  are pronounced long. -- I can't give the complete
pronunciation chart here, and I don't have it in the Internet, either, at
least not yet. Things must be given time to develop.

Here's some information about Zegzolt:

Zegzolt is mainly based on Finnish, which is obvious considering that I'm
a Finn and I started this language many years ago when I was rather young.
Vocabulary is mostly invented, but some words are loans from a source or
another. I had difficulty with translating past tenses, because there are
two different modes in the past. (Imperfect and preterit, they are used
roughly as their corresponding tenses in Spanish.)

So - Please ask if you have any questions.

Toni Keskitalo

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