Language: Latino Moderne
Text translated: Genesis 11:1-9, from Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
Translator: Rev. David Th. Stark
Website: < >
Date translated: December 6, 1996
1. E tote le terra era de uno lingua, e del mesme parolas.
2. E il era que quando illes eran exiliate del oriente, que venivan
a un plateau in le terra Shinar, e habitavan ibi.
3. E un homine diceva a su proximo, Vamus! Que facemus briccas
pro un edificio, e que los incendiamus per foco. E havan pro lor
uso le briccas como petras, e pro lor uso era pice como mortero.
4. E dicevan, Vamus! Que construemus pro nobis un citate e un
turre, e le capite sue sera in le celo; e que facemus pro nobis
un nomine de parvor que sereamus dispersate trans le facie de
tote le terra.
5. E Jehovah descendeva a vider le citate e le turre que le filios
del homine eran construente.
6. E Jehovah diceva, Ecce, le populo es uno, e lor lingua es uno
pro illis totes; e isto, que han comenciate facer...e nunc, nihil
de tote que intrigarean facer sera impedite.
7. Vamus! Que descendemus e confundemus lor lingua ibi, al fin
que un homine ne poterea comprehender le lingua del proximo sue.
8. E Jehovah los dispersava de ibi trans le facie de tote le terra,
e cessavan construer le citate.
9. Pro iste causa le loco es vocate Babel, proque Jehovah confundeva
ibi le lingua de tote le terra, e anque Jehovah los dispersava
de ibi trans le facie de tote le terra.
Fin del texto in Latino Moderne
(also by D. Th. Stark)
1. And all the earth was of one language, and of the same words.
2. And it was that when they were exiled from the East, that they came to a plateau in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there.
3. And a man said to his neighbor, Let's Go! Let us make bricks for a building, and let us burn them with fire. And they had for their use the bricks as stones, and pitch was for their use as mortar.
4. And they said, Let's go! Let us construct for us a city and a tower, and its head will be in the heaven; and let us make for us a name from fear that we may be dispersed across the face of all the earth.
5. And Jehovah descended to see the city and the tower which the sons of the man were constructing.
6. And Jehovah said, Behold, the people are one, and their language is one for them all; and this, which they have commenced to do...and now, nothing of all which they may scheme to do will be impeded.
7. Let's go! Let us descend and confound their language there, to the end that a man may not be able to comprehend the language of his neighbor.
8. And Jehovah dispersed them from there across the face of all the earth, and they ceased to construct the city.
9. For this cause the place is called Babel, because Jehovah confused
there the language of all the earth, and also Jehovah dispersed
them from there across the face of all the earth.
End of text in English.