At da temp, in tota la mondo, estab un comuna lang. | |
da=this; est=to be; -ab=past tense | |
Virs irab orientae, et los findab horizonta pays in Shinar, et los finab et habitab at da place. | |
vir=man; -s=plural; orient=east; -ae=adverb, so in this case orientae=towards the east | |
Los parlab to un et la alions, "Nos facu briks, et baku los completae." Los usab brik anstat de roc, et asfalt per col. | |
un et la alions=each other.; los=they; -u=imperative; nos facu=let us do/make | |
Next los parlab, "Facu, nos constructu urbisim, cum torre qui touch la ciel, raisonop nos estov celebra, et nos no estov separateda super tota la tero. | |
Facu means "do it", and is used as an interjection meaning "Come on"; urb=town; -isim=big/forceful; urbisim=city; raisonop=so; -ov=future tense; -eda=passive participle. Like English -ed. EL constructs passive tenses like English, so estov separateda means "will be separated"; super=over/above/on | |
But la Don subae venab, vid la urbisim et la torre, qui la virs constructab. | |
La Don parlab "Par-us estion de un populo qui parle un lang, los unfin fac da; prox-futurae los posov fac toton qui los vol. | |
Transliteration: The Lord said "By-use-of being one people who speak one language, the begin to do this; soon they will-be-able to do all that they want to".
par-us=by use of (an implement); estion=being; un=one (*not* a - EL has no indefinite article); fin=to finish/end; un-=makes exact opposite; unfin=to start/begin | |
Facu, nos subae iru et confond lostra lang, raisonop los no comprendov un et la alions." | |
lostra=their. Similarly nostra=our, vostra=your(plural) | |
Raisonop la Don separatab los, de da place, to super tota la tero, et los finab construct la urbisim. | |
de=of/from | |
Da est qua raison it estab nomenateda Babel - raison da place la Don confondab la lang de tota la mondo. De da place, la Don separatab los super tota la tero. | |
raison=reason/because; qua raison=why; nomen (n)=name; nomenat (vt)=to name | |
Translated 26 September 1995 from the NIV by Philip Hugh Hunt. |