Anglo-Saxon English

1AS.  And eall seo eorthe haefde an getheode and ane tungan.

2ASa. And hit geeode the in hira wandriend eastan, hi comen to 
2ASb. landscipe smethes landes in thaem lande Shinar, and thaer hi 
2ASc. macoden hira stocwic.

3ASa. And hi saegdon an to othrum, Cumath, uton macian tigelan, 
3ASb. byrnende him wel.  And hi haefdon tigelan for stane, lecgende him
3ASc. togaedre mid clibbre eorthan.

4ASa. And hi saegdon, Cumath, uton macian ceastre, and an torr the his
4ASb. top astigth swa heah swa heofon; an uton macian great naman for us,
4ASc. swa we ne moton beon eardstapan ofer thaem andwlitan thaere

5ASa. And se Dryhten sag to seonne tha ceastre and thone torr the tha 
5ASb. cildru manna timbroden.

6ASa. And se Dryhten saegde, Seoth, hi sindon eall an folc and haefdon eall
6ASb. an getheode; and thes is anan thaet or thaes the hi moton don; and nu 
6ASc. hit hi ne onhagie healdan fram aenig gemynde hira.

7ASa. Cumath, uton sigan and niman aweg thaet ondgit hira getheodan, swa
7ASb. hi him ne magon swutelian to anum othrum. 

8ASa. Swa se Dryhten God him asendth in aelc endan thaere eorthan; and hi
8ASb. gealdon timbriende hira ceastre.

9ASa. Swa hit waes genemnede Babel, forthaem thaer se Dryhten nom aweg 
9ASb. thaet ondgit eallra getheodan; and thonan se Dryhten him asende ofer 
9ASc. andwlitan thaere eorthan.

Translator:, based on Basic Anglo-Saxon English text

The books I referred to for the record are:

Wordcraft, Stephen Pollington (1993)
A Guide to Old English, Bruce Mitchell and Fred Robinson (1988)
Teach Yourself Old English, Leslie Blakeley (1964)

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