1Br. Hures il munn inter hav yn linghedig e yn cant commyn. Now the world whole had one language and a speech common. 2Br. Sig il pobol summoden di'l est, ysses ligavan yn luin in Sennar e la^ s'ysteblivan. As the people moved of/from_the east, they found a plain in Shinar and there self_established. 3Br. Ysses digevan il yn a'l altr, "Gwenitz, gwans a fager brics e cogher les interevent." Ysses ysavan brics in log di bedr, e arill per chelcin. They said the one to-the other, Come, let-us-go to make bricks and cook them entirely. They used bricks in place of stone, and clay for mortar. 4Br. Afos ysses digevan, "Gwenitz, gwans a eddifigar per nos yn giwdad, cun yn tyr che tang a'ls cels, sig nos fagians yn novn per nos e no scians ysparied pas syss la fag di la der inter." Afterwards they said, Come let-us-go to build for us one city, with one tower that reaches to_the heavens, so we make a name for us and not be scattered one-step over the face of the earth entire. 5Br. Mais il Tiern gweniv a vas a widder la giwdad e'l tyr che'l pobol eddifig. But the Lord came to down/low to see the city and_the tower that_the people had-built. 6Br. Il Tiern digev, "Ec'h, altresi yn pobol che barol il linghedig medissiv, ysses yst han gyvnidiad a fager. Hures ys la^ no haverai negarad ren a les che ysses provassen a fager. The Lord said, See, just-as a people that speaks the language same, they this have begun to make. Now (he) there not will-have denied one-thing to them that they would-try to make. 7Br. Gwenitz, gwans a vas a ystyrddir sew linghedig di les sig ysses no c'hompruinnessen ren di'l yn a'l altr." Come, let-us-go to down/low to confuse self's language of them so they not would-understand one-thing of_the one to_the other. 8Br. Sig il Tiern yspariav di la^ syss tud la der, e ysses calvavan a eddifigar la giwdad. So the Lord scattered from/of there over all the earth, and they ceased to build the city. 9Br. Ho es perc'he sa afell Babel -- perc'he la^ il Tiern ystyrddiv il linghedig di'l munn inter. Di la^ il Tiern les yspariav syss la fag di la der inter. That is why she is-called Babel -- because there the Lord confused the language of_the world whole. From/of there the lord them scattered over the face of the earth whole. andrew@earthlight.co.nz (Andrew Smith)
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