The Eaiea language, by Bruce Koestner, is designed to allow musical instruments the opportunity to speak words through combinations of pitches, and also to let singers speak two languages simultaneously.

Currently in the works is an extended piece for string quartet and two vocalists. It is hoped that the score will be finished sometime in 1998.

You may e-mail Bruce Koestner at Eaiea@aol.com

Eaiea letter-----Musical pitch-----Category
c------------------B--------------------Other living things

English Prefixes(shown at the ends of words in Eaiea)
dis, ill, in, non, un = l

Eaiea Prefixes(shown at the ends of words in English)
er, ist(one who) = be

ally, ly = aa
's(possesive) = bb
ist = bbe
(e)s = dd
cy = dda
ive = ddf
ic = ddg
tion = ee
ity = eed
plural(s,es,ies) = ff
est(most) = ffa
er(more) = ffb
ness = ffd
ance = ffe
ing = ffg
able = gga
ment = ggd
ure = gge
en = ggf
ed(past) = kk
less = ll
ful = lla


a = f
able = ag
abnormal = fgfl
about, approximately, nearly = aefg
about, concerning = aefg
above = fglaga
absolute = faeaf
absolutely = aeaf
absolutely not = aeafl
absurd = gagba
accept = gdfgafga
acceptable = gdfgafgagga
accident = aelfg
accurate = aead
adjacent = fefdlg
add = fea
afraid = gagld
after = fdfklg
age = fdfdf
agree = aeag
ahead = fgafaf
air = daja
alive = gca
alive (human) = gba
all = fad
allow = aeagd
also = fead
alto = idfegfag
always = fdfkla
am = abg
a.m. = fdfefala
amazed = gad
an = f
and = fea
angry = galga
angle = aflafaf
animal = cb
answer = aefa
answers = aefaff
any = ff
apart = fgdal
appalled = galgafeag
appreciate = gdbg
appreciative = gdbgddf
approve = aeagaea
April = Fdflafbfd
approximately = aefaf
are = ada
area = dfd
aren't = adal
arithmetic = efe
arm = ebgaf
armpit = ebgafa
around (surrounding) = fgafl
around (approximately) = aefaf
arouse = agfa
artery = ebafafafl
ask = aefli
asleep = agfl
assist = egaf
assume = aeagf
astonished = gad
astounded = gad
astute = aeagag
attempt = age
attract = gdfgkfa
August = Fdflafbfh
average = fef
average length = fefdg
average size = fefhg
average speed = fefeg
awake = agf
aware = agba
away = fefdag
awful = galfeag


back = flf
backward(s) = fgkf
bad = gal
bag = ededgdl
ball (round) = afafa
ball (for a game) = efafafa
baritone = idfegfl
bass (voice) = idfegflfeag
be = da
being = daffg
beat = gfefeaflage
became = fdfkgda
because = aefaef
become = fdfklgda
been = fdfkda
before(in the past) = fdfkg
before(ahead) = fgafaf
begin = fala
beginning = a
behind = fgkflf
believe = aeadg
bend(curve) = afl
benefit = deafag
benefits = deafagff
bent = aflaf
best = gafdfa
better = gafdf
between = fgfgf
big = fefha
billion = flflflflflflflflfla
blend = fgdg
bliss(joy) = gaga
block(n.) = afdfgafah
blood = ebaf
blood(blue) = ebafafaflfd
blood(red) = ebafafafld
blood(leukocytes) = ebafda
body parts = eb
bolt(bar) = edefgfga
boo(jeer) = aeil
bone = ebad
book = eagh
bored = gael
boring = gaelffg
bottom = fgalg
box = egedgda
brain = eba
break(time out) = fdfgl
bring = gdfefe
brings = gdfefedd
broken = glg
broken line = aflfaf
build = ed
bumpy = afgag
but = aefeae


call = eaigi
calm = agfefel
can(able) = gea
can't = geal
careful = gaeg
carry = gdga
caution = agldae
cautious = gaeg
center = afag
certain = aeafa
challenge = agegf
challenges = agegfff
chance = aegf
charge = gfgaf
cheek = ebkege
chest = ebjeg
chin = ebahijkfl
chipped = glfadf
choice = aefbfa
choose(elect) = aefbf
circle = afaf
circumference = afafafaf
clever = aedga
clock =efdfi
clockwise = afafaf
close(adjacent) = fefdlg
close(almost equal) = aefaf
closed =fgagl
cold = dgkgl
comma = eafgef
command = eaefaf
comment = eaef
communication = ea
complement(praise) = aeia
complete = fal
composer = beiec
compound = fgdfea
comprehend = aeae
concave = aflfl
concerning = aefg
conclude = falal
cone = afafafahg
confident = aeafa
conflict = agega
congratulate = gage
conscience = aeaga
conscious = agb
construct = ed
contemplate = aeaegfdf
continue = fdfgaf
contradict = aeael
converse = eaif
conversation = eaifee
convex = aflfa
cool = dgkglg
copy = flagf
cornea = ebhf
corner = aflafa
correct = aead
corrupt = glgfg
corruption = glgfgee
cost = efgf
could = geag
couldn't = geagl
count = fefea
counter-clockwise = afafkf
cover = gdfgfag
cracked = glgfaf
crescent = afaflfa
critical = gaglg
crooked = aflaf
crowbar = edegdfgkf
cube = afdfafah
curious = gae
current = fdfgag
curve = afl
cut = gdaflalg
cynic = begaeadgflg
cynical = gaeadgflg


danger = agld
date = fdfef
day = fdfe
date = fdfh
dead(human) = gbal
dead(other) = gcal
deaf = ial
death(human) = gbl
death(other) = gcl
decagon = afla
deceased(human) = gbal
deceased(other) = gcal
deceive = aeldaed
December = Fdflafbfl
decide = aefbgf
decision = aefbg
decimal = fldf
degree(temperature) = dgkgf
deliver = gdfgkfgfg
delivering = gdfgkfgfgffg
dense = fegh
deposit = gdgla
depth = fefdalg
deride = aeil
desire = gagda
detail = aedf
devil = abcdefghijkl
diagonal = afafdaf
diameter = afafafa
did = gefdfk
didn't = gelfdfk
different = flagal
difficult = aglae
difficulties = aglaeff
disagree = aeagl
disagreement = aeagggdl
discipline = agaf
discover = aefdfag
disgusted = galgafeag
dislike = gagadl
dispute = aeaglg
disputed = aeaglgkk
distance = fefd
distant = fefdag
divide = fekf
divine = abcdefghijklad
do = ge
don't = gel
does = gedd
doesn't = geddl
donate = gla
dot = afa
dotted line = afgafa
double = fbeg
doubt = aeadgfl
down = alg
drawn to = gafgaf
drill = edeafaf
drill bit = edeafafe
drum = eigfefea
drummer = beeigfefea
drumstick = eigfefeaegdd
dry = dagfl
dull = dgafl
dumb(stupid) = aelaeg
dumber = aelaegffb
duplicate = flagf


ear = ebi
eardrum = ebia
earth(soil) = dada
easy = agae
east = fafafafa
editorial = eaefb
editorials = eaefbff
edge = aflal
education = eaeaega
egregious = feagagba
egregiously = feagagbaaa
eight = fi
eighteen = flafi
eighty = fli
elbow = ebgafdg
elect(choose) = aefbf
electricity = dae
element = daf
eleven = flafa
eliminate =fekl
eliminated = gl
else = flagl
emotion = gab
empty = gld
endeavor = age
end = l
ending = falal
enemy = bfal
enemies = bfalff
energy = agd
enjoy(like) = gagad
enough = fefafga
enter = fgafg
enthusiastic = gagae
entire = fad
epidemic = aglglfeaef
equals = aef
equilateral triangle = afcfa
error = aelf
eternal = fdfala
every = fefa
everything = fada
everywhere = fgdfefa
evil = lgal
exact = faeag
example = aeaed
excellent = gafeag
excited = gagag
excitement = gagagggd
exclamation point = eafgeaga
excuse(forgive, pardon) = agaglg
exhibit(show) = hea
exhibiting(showing) = heaffg
exit = fgkfg
expect = aefgf
expected = aefgfkk
experience = g
extremely = feagfeag
eye = ebh
eyelash = ebhegege
eyelid = ebhege


fabulous = gafeag
face = ebahijk
facetious = gagbeak
fail = flgl
failure = flglgge
fair = galaf
fall(down) = gfl
false = aeld
family = fed
family(human) = bfed
far = fefdag
fast = fefea
fear = gagla
February = Fdflafbfb
feel(touch) = gf
feel(believe) = aeadg
feeling = gfffe
few = feflfa
fifteen = flafe
fifth = fege
fifty = fle
fight = ageg
find = gdlal
fine(okay) = gaf
finger = ebgae
fingernail = ebgaeae
finish(conclude) = falal
finish(end) = l
finished = gla
fire = dak
five = fe
fix = edg
flat = afga
flawed = glgf
flounder = aglaeageg
follow = gfgfkf
fond = gagaf
food = ka
food tools = eka
fool(idiot) = beaelaeg
fools(idiots) = beaelaegdd
foot = ebgf
for = dfg
forehead = ebahijkfa
forever = fdfala
forgive(excuse, pardon) = agaglg
format = aed
forty = fld
forward = fgaf
found = gdlalf
four = fd
fourteen = flafd
fourth = fde
fraction = fadf
Friday = fdfefi
friend = bfga
frighten = gagldf
from = dfad
front = faf
fuel = efd
function = ega
funny = gagb
future = fdfkl


gain = feala
gained = fealakk
game = efa
gas = daj
gentle = gfefel
get = gdfefd
gigantic = fefhafeag
give = gdfgkfg
glue = ededgagad
go(beginning) = a
go(start) = dfdf
goal = efdfg
going = dfdfffg
god = abcdefghijkla
gone = gl
good = ga
great = gafeag
greed = gagdafeag
grip = gdgf
ground(soil) = dada
group = fed
group of people = bfe
grow = feah
guarantee = aeaea
guess = aegag
gum(mouth) = ebkadege


hair = ebegege
half(decimal) = flfafb
half(fraction) = fldfe
halt = fefefl
hammer = edegfefea
hand = ebga
happier = gagfffb
happiest = gagfffa
happiness = gagfffd
happy = gagf
hard(difficult) = aglae
hard(solid) = dgda
hardware = ede
has = gda
hasn't = gdal
hate = galg
have = gd
haven't = gdl
hazard = agld
he/she(that person) = baf
head = ebahijkg
healthy = agaga
hear = ia
heart = ebagebaf
heavy = fefga
heel(foot) = ebgfg
height = fefdlag
hello = a
help = egaf
her/him(that person) = bafa
hexagon = afg
hi = a
high = fegfa
high tone =idlag
him/her(that person) = bafa
hit = gfefea
hold = gdg
hole = afafl
holy = abcdefghijkld
home = eda
hot = dgkga
hour = fdfaflg
house = eda
how = aege
however = aefeaf
huge = fefhafeag
human = ab
humor(funny things) = gagbea
humor(give in to) = gdfgkfgdfa
hundred = flfla
hundred thousand = flflflflfla
hurry = fdfefea
hurt = aglga


I = b
idea = aedg
idiot(fool) = ebaelaeg
idiots(fools) = ebaelaegff
if = aefla
ignorant = aelaeg
ignorance = aelaegffe
ill = aglgl
illogical = aeageal
I'm = babg
imagination = aegaed
immense = fefhafeag
imply = aeage
impossible = aelg
improve = gafdfg
in = la
in(enter) = fgafg
incomplete = falgl
incorrect = aeld
information = ae
injured = aglga
input = fgafgd
insane = gabl
inside = fgafgdf
insinuate = aeage
insult = aeial
insulted = aeialkk
insulting = aeialffg
insults = aeialff
intelligent = aeaefg
intelligence = aeaefgffe
intersection = afblafag
intimidated = gaglda
is = ad
is(equals) = aef
isn't = adl
isolate = gdfaea
isosceles = afcfb
it = ac
it's(it is) = acd


January = Fdflafbfa
jaw = ebadk
jeer = aeil
jerk(obnoxious person) = begaeial
jerks(obnoxious people) = begaeialff
job = egae
journey = dfga
joy(bliss) = gaga
joyful = gagf
July = Fdflafbfg
June = Fdflafbfaf


kill = lgcl
knee = ebgfadg
knife = edeaflal
knot = afagag
know = aeaef
knowledge = ae
knuckle = ebgaedf


language = ea
large = fefha
last = flga
laugh = igagb
law = eaeg
lazy = aglf
lead(in front) = gfgfaf
learn = aeaega
least = fefla
lecture = eaiae
left(opposite of right) = flfl
leg = ebgfa
less = feke
let = aeagda
let's = aeagdabfg
letter(alphabet) = eafa
level = afga
level, not = afgag
lie(untruth) = aeafal
life = gc
life(human) = gb
lift = gdgfa
light(not heavy) = fefgl
light(visual) tools = eh
like(enjoy) = gagad
like(such as) = aeaeda
likely = aefefaf
line = af
lip = ebkfa
liquid = dag
listen = iae
live(happening now) = fdfd
live(with life) = gcg
live(with human life) = gbg
lives(plural of life) = gbff
living = gca
living(human) = gba
lively = gafefea
livid = galgafeag
loan = gdfbgdfbafdf
location = df
logic(reasoning) = aeage
logical = aeagea
long = fefda
loose = agadl
lose(can't find) = gdla
lose(not win) = flg
loss = feka
lost(didn't win) = flgkk
lost(can't find) = gdlaf
loud = iglag
lousy = galfeag
love = gag
low = fegfl
low tone = idalg
lubricant = ededgagadl
luck = aegfaegf
luck, good = aegfaegfa
luck, bad = aegfaegfk
luck, none = aegfaegfl
lung = ebje
lying = aeldaeffg


magazine = eaghfdf
make = ed
many = fefafa
March = Fdflafbfc
master = begfgfaf
mathematics = efe
maximum(ultimate) = fefaga
may(might) = aegaf
May = Fdflafbfe
maybe = aeg
me = bg
medicine = egd
mediocre = galaf
medium(average) = fef
medium high = fegfag
medium height = fegfg
medium low = fegflg
medium speed = fefeg
mezzo-soprano = idfegfa
middle = afag
middle = fgfg
might(may) = aegaf
mighty = aga
million = flflflflflfla
mind = gdfbg
minus = fek
minute(60 seconds) = fdfaf
misery = gagal
miserable = galfeag
mistake = aelf
misunderstand = aeael
mix = fgdg
Monday = fdfefc
money = efg
month = fdflafb
more = feae
most = fefaf
motion(speed) = fefe
mouth = ebg
move = fg
much = fefafg
multiply = feaf
murder = lgbl
muscle = ebag
music = ie
musical composition = iec
musical instrument = ei
musical language = eaiea
music composer = beiec
musician = beei
must = gedga
must not = gedgal
my = gdfb
mystery = aegaglg


nail = edegfefeae
name(of person) = bef
nasty = gald
near = fefdlg
neck = ebahijkgl
need = gagd
negative = fk
nerve = ebae
never = fdfka
new = fdfag
next = fafeag
night = fdfhl
nine = fj
ninteen = flafj
ninety = flj
no = ael
nonagon = afj
none = fefl
normal = fgf
north = fafafa
nose = ebj
nostril = ebja
not = aela
not very = feagl
note(tone) = id
nothing = flda
November = Fdflafbfk
now = fdfga
nowhere = fgdfefl
number = ef
nut(for screw) = edeafafga


obnoxious = gaeial
occupy = gdfd
octagon = afi
October = fdflafbfj
of = fga
off = fgdl
off(switched on) = egdl
okay(fine) = gaf
old = fdfagl
on = fgd
on(switched on) = egd
one = fa
only = faef
onward = fdfgaf
open = fgag
operate = gde
opinion = aefb
opportunity = fdfae
orbit = fgafafd
order(command) = eaefaf
organization of people = bfe
organize = aeda
our = gdfbf
ourselves = bfgf
out = al
out(exit) = fgkfg
output = fgkfgd
outside = fgkfgdf
oval = afafb
over(above) = fglaga
overwhelmed = gak
own = gdae


pain = agla
palm(of hand) = ebgag
pamphlet = eaghfefdl
paragraph = eafgf
parallel = afb
parallel, not = afbl
pardon(excuse, forgive) = agaglg
part = fadfd
pass(not fail) = fafg
past = fdfk
pat = gfefeg
pay = efgkfg
penalty = agal
pentagon = afe
people = abfe
percent = fadfa
perfect = faea
period(at end of sentence) = eafgel
person = ab
pet animal = cbbfga
piece = fadfd
pitch(tone) = id
pitchless = idadgl
pity = gaglga
place(location) = df
place(put in) = gdgla
plan = aed
plane(smooth surface) = afga
plant(not animal) = cc
plant parts = ec
please = agagda
pleased = gagfa
pliers = edegdgf
plot(plan) = eaea
p.m. = fdfefalal
plus = fea
point(dot) = afa
pole(as in north and south) = afafafah
positive(certain) = aeafa
possible = aega
possibly = aeg
pound(beat) = gfefeag
power(strength) = agagd
powerful = aga
powerless = agl
practice = aefdf
praise(complement) = aeia
pray = abcdefghijklaeae
precise = faeag
predicament = aglga
predict = aefdfkl
predictable = aefdfklgga
present(now existing) = fdfg
previous = fafekg
pride = gagab
prize = deafagd
probable = aefefaf
problem = aglg
procedure = aed
procrastinate = fdfklgf
project(big job) = egaeg
promise = aeaea
protect = ege
protection = agege
pull = gdfgkf
punctuation = eafge
punishnent = agal
push = gdfgaf
pyramid = afcafah


quadrilateral = afd
quadruple = fdeg
quarter = fafadfd
quest = egaefl
question = aefl
question mark = eafgeaefl
questions = aeflff
quick = fefea
quiet = igalg
quintuple = fegeg
quote = eaefef


radius = afafafafldfe
random = aegfg
rather = aefbfag
reasoning(logic) = aeage
reasonable = gabaf
receive = gdfgafg
recommend = aefba
rectangle = afdfb
refer = aefg
regard = aefg
regulation = eaeg
rehearse = aefdf
release = gdgl
repair = edg
repeat = flage
repel = gdfgafa
repulsed = gafgkf
require = gagda
respect = gaeb
responsible = egaed
responsibility = egaedeed
rest = agflf
result = aefad
retina = ebha
retreat = gfgkf
retrieve = gdfefd
return = fgkfgkf
reverse = fgkf
rhombus = afdfl
rhythm = fdfi
rib = ebadebje
right(correct) = aead
right(opposite of left) = fafa
right angle = aflafafaflj
right triangle = afcflj
rise = gfa
risk = aegfb
romantic = gagaga
rough = dgafgag
round =afafd
rub = gfagadla
rugged = dgdg
rule(law) = eaeg
run(operate) = gde
rush = fdfefea


sad = gagl
safe = agag
said = eaigkk
same = flaga
sane = gaba
sarcasm = aeldaeg
sarcastic = aeldaegddg
sarcastically = aeldaegddgaa
sardonic = galdi
satin = abcdefghijkl
Saturday = Fdfefk
saw(for cutting) = edeaflalg
say = eaig
scalene triangle = afcfg
scare(frighten) = gagldf
scared(afraid) = gagld
screw = edeafafg
screwdriver = edeafafge
screwdriver(phillips) = edeafafgeg
second(after first) = fbe
second(1/60th of a minute) = fdfa
section = fadfd
secure = agag
sentence(combination of words) = eafg
separate = fgdal
septagon = afh
September = Fdflafbfi
serve = gdfgkfgdfa
set(put in place) = gdgla
seven = fh
seventeen = flafh
seventy = flh
shame = galgb
share = gdfbgdfba
shelf = egeafga
shell = egeagege
short = fefdl
should = geg
shouldn't = gegl
shoulder = ebgafl
show(exhibit) = hea
showing(exhibiting) = heaffg
shut = fgagl
shy(timid) = gagldg
sick = aglgl
side = afgal
sight = h
sight tools = eh
silence = igael
silly = gagbg
simple = agae
sing = ieai
singer = beieai
singers = beieaiff
single = faeg
six = fg
sixteen = flafg
sixty = flg
size = fefh
skin = ebege
skull = ebadba
slam = gfefeaga
slave = begfgfkf
sleep = agflg
sleepy = agflga
slice = gdaflal
slide = gfagadlg
slip = gfagadl
slippery = dgagadl
slow = fefel
small = fefhl
smart(wise) = aeaefg
smooth = dgafga
soft(feel) = dgdl
soft(quiet) = igalg
solution = aefag
some = feflaf
somehow = aegef
something = aegdfd
sometime = aegfdf
somewhat = aegdf
somewhere = aegfd
song = iecf
soprano = idfegfafeag
sorry = gaglg
sound = i
sound tools = ei
south = flafafa
speak = eai
speaking = eaiffg
speed = fefe
speedy = fefea
sphere = afafa
spin = fgafaf
spiral = afafg
spirited = gafefea
sport = efag
spread = gdfga
square = afdfa
start = a
start = fala
steal = gdfbagdfb
sticky = dgagad
stop = fefefl
stop = l
storage = egea
story = eaea
strength(power) = agagd
stress(emotional) = gagdafl
stress(physical) = gdafl
strong = aga
struggle = aglaeageg
stuck = agadg
study = aeaege
stumble = gfldg
stupendous = gafeag
stupid(dumb) = aelaeg
subtract = fek
succeed = faga
success = fagag
such as(like) = aeaeda
suffer = aglag
suggest = aefba
Sunday = fdfefa
suppose = aegaga
sure = aeafa
surprise = aegafdf
surrender = gdlg
surround = fgdfdf
suspect = aeagf


take = gdfgafg
talk = eai
task = egag
taste = k
team = fed
technology = edf
tell = eaia
temperature = dgkg
ten = fla
tend = fgaefefaf
tendencies = gfdfgafff
tendency = gfefaf
ten thousand = flflflfla
tenor = idfegflg
terrible = galfeag
texture = dg
thankful = gagd
thank = gdb
thankful = gdblla
thank you = gdba
that = ded
that person = baf
that's = dedad
the = d
their = gdfbfa
them(people) = bfag
them(things) = defd
there = dfe
therefore = aefadf
there's = dfead
these = def
they(human) = bfa
they're(human) = bfaada
thing = dea
things = deaff
think = aeaeg
third(1/3) = fafadfc
third(after second) = fce
thirteen = flafc
thirty = flc
this = de
thousand = flflfla
thrilled = gagfafeag
three = fc
three dimensional = afch
throat = ebkl
through(inside) = fgfga
Thursday = Fdfdfh
tie = flag
tight = agad
timbre = if
time = fdf
time out = fdfgl
time tools = efdf
timid(shy) = gagldg
tiny = fefhlfeag
tired(weary) = agflga
to = dfa
toe = ebgfe
toenail = ebgfeae
together = fgda
tone = id
tone color = if
tone deaf = idial
tongue = ebka
too = feaga
tool = e
tooth = ebkad
top = fglag
tough = aglae
trailing = fgkflf
transformed = gadf
transportation = efd
trapezium = afdfg
trapezoid = afdfc
travel = dfga
tremendous = gafeag
triangle = afc
trillion = flflflflflflflflflflflfla
trip(stumble) = gfldg
triple = fceg
trouble = aglg
true = aead
truth = aeafaf
try = age
tube = afafafl
Tuesday = Fdfefd
tumble = gfld
twelve = flafb
twenty = flb
two = fb


ultimate = fefaga
unacceptable = gdfgafgaggal
unaware = agbal
unconscious = agbl
under = fgalga
understand = aeae
unexpected = aefgfkkl
unreasonable = gablf
unsure = aeg
untrue = aeld
up = lag
upon = fgdf
upset = galga
us = bfg


value = efgfaf
vein = ebafafaflf
very = feag
very high = fegfafeag
violent = galgae
vision = h
voice = eieai
volume(sound) = ig
volume(space) = fefh


wacky = gagbg
wait = fdfklg
wake = agfg
want = gagdf
warm = dgkgag
warning = agldae
was = adfdfk
wasn't = adlfdfk
water = daga
wave = afgflfa
we = bf
weak = agl
weakness = aglagd
weary = agflga
weariness = aglagdffd
we'd = bfgeae
weight = fefg
weightless = fefgk
well = agaga
we'll = bfadfdfa
went = fdfkgd
we're = bfada
were = adalfdfk
weren't = adalfdfk
west = flflafafa
wet = dagf
what = aegd
when = aegfdf
where = aegfd
who = befa
whole = fad
why = aegae
will = adfdfa
will be = fdfklda
win = fag
wise(smart) = aeaefg
wish = gagdfe
with = adg
without = adgl
wonder = aegaeg
won't = adlfdfa
word = eaf
words = eafdd
work = eg
working = egffg
worse = galfdf
worsen = galfdfg
worst = galfdfa
worth = efgfa
would = geae
wouldn't = geael
wrench = edeagad
wrist = ebgafd
write = eag
written = eagggf
writing = eagffe
wrong = aeld



year = fdfafaf
yes = aea
you = ba
your = gdfba
you're = baada


zero = fl
zone = dfd

Thank you for you interest in Eaiea.
You may email Bruce Koestner at Eaiea@aol.com .

Other construced language links:
constructed human languages
Jeffrey Henning's Home Page
Solresol revival project
Constructed languages