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Subject: LIST: Alternate History Stories, 6 of 8 From: (Robert B. Schmunk) Date: 1996/04/16 Message-ID: <4kv8sb$> Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written,soc.history.what-if,alt.history.what-if,rec.answers,soc.answers,alt.answers,news.answers [Subscribe to rec.arts.sf.written] [More Headers] Archive-name: sf/alt_history/part6 Rec-arts-sf-written-archive-name: alt_history/part6 Version: 26 Posting-Frequency: Quarterly REFERENCE MATERIAL Alkon, Paul J., "From Utopia to Uchronia: L'AN 2440 and NAPOLEON APOCRYPHE", in ORIGINS OF FUTURISTIC FICTION (Univ Georgia 1987, 082030932X) %C Includes extensive discussion of Geoffroy-Chateau's NAPOLEON ET LA CONQUETE DU MONDE, with comments on Renouvier's UCHRONIE. Alkon, Paul J. "Alternate History and Postmodern Temporality", in TIME, LITERATURE AND THE ARTS: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF SAMUEL L. MACEY (ed. Thomas R. Cleary) (Univ. Victoria 1994) %C Essay covering novels from W. Moore's BRING THE JUBILEE to R. Harris's FATHERLAND which distinguishes between those which further an understanding of historical contexts and those which collapse past and present in a negative ahistorical postmodernism. Angenot, Marc, Darko Suvin, & Jean-Marc Gouanvic, "L'uchronie, histoire alternative et science-fiction", in _imagine..._ #14 (Autumn 1982) %C ... anon., "Tom Shippey: A Man of Many Parts", in _Locus_ Jul 1994 %C An interview with an author, including discussion of AHs co-written with Harry Harrison: "A Letter from the Pope" and THE HAMMER AND THE CROSS. Ash, Brian (ed.), THE VISUAL HISTORY OF SCIENCE FICTION (Harmony 1977, 0517531747, 0517531755; Pan 1978) %C Includes discussion of AH (pp 116, 121-123) and parallel worlds (142-144), with bibliographies. Boireau, Jacques, "La machine a ralentir le temps", in _imagine..._ #14 (Autumn 1982) %C Contrasts utopian French AHs with distopian American AHs. Brie, Marc-Andre, "Quelques reperes pour une bibliographie de l'uchronie", in _imagine..._ #14 (Autumn 1982) %C A bibliography of AH. Brownlow, Kevin, HOW IT HAPPENED HERE: THE MAKING OF A FILM (Secker & Warburg 1968, 0436098644; Doubleday 1968) %C Description of the making of IT HAPPENED HERE, a movie directed by Brownlow and Andrew Mollo, about a nurse in Nazi-occupied Britain. Campbell, Christy, "The shrinking of FATHERLAND", in _Sunday Telegraph_ 26 Jun 1994 %C Description of how Robert Harris's FATHERLAND became a made-for-television movie not quite true to the novel. Carrere, Emmanuel, LE DETROIT DE BEHRING: INTRODUCTION A L'UCHRONIE: ESSAI (P.O.L. 1986, 286744070X) %C ... Carter, Paul A., "The Fate Changer: Human Destiny and the Time Machine", in THE CREATION OF TOMORROW: FIFTY YEARS OF MAGAZINE SCIENCE FICTION (Columbia Univ 1977, 0231042108) %C Includes short discussion of some Change the Past stories (e.g., Moore's BRING THE JUBILEE and Ryan's "The Mosaic"). Carter, Paul A., "The Phantom Dictator: Science Fiction Discovers Hitler", in THE CREATION OF TOMORROW: FIFTY YEARS OF MAGAZINE SCIENCE FICTION (Columbia Univ 1977, 0231042108) %C Includes short discussion of some WW2-related AH stories (e.g., Dick's THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE and Mullally's HITLER HAS WON). Chamberlain, Gordon B., "Allohistory in Science Fiction", in <AH> %C Extensive discussion of what AH is and is not. Clute, John, "Hitler Wins", in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION, 2ND ED. (eds. John Clute & Peter Nicholls) (St. Martins 1993, 0312096186) %C Encyclopedia entry citing various stories involving Axis victory in WW2. Cron, Thomas, "Christianity in Alternate History", in _Radio Free Thulcandra_ #20 (Feb 1990) %C Overview of fiction involving altered events in religious history. Demandt, Alexander, UNGESCHEHENE GESCHICHTE: EIN TRAKTAT UBER DIE FRAGE, WAS WARE GESCHEHEN, WENN--? (Vandenheock+Ruprecht 1984, 1986, 3525334990) %T English tr. by Colin. D. Thompson as HISTORY THAT NEVER HAPPENED: A TREATISE ON THE QUESTION, WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF--? (McFarland 1993, 0899507026) %C Arguments for and against counterfactual history. Chapter 5 is titled "Examples" and includes a synopsis of Toynbee's "If Alexander the Great had Lived On". Edwards, Michael J., & Brian Stableford, "Time Paradoxes", in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION, 2ND ED. (eds. John Clute & Peter Nicholls) (St. Martins 1993, 0312096186); rev. of Edwards's "Time Paradoxes", in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION: AN ILLUSTRATED A TO Z (ed. Peter Nicholls) (Granada 1979, 0246110201; vt THE SCIENCE FICTION ENCYCLOPEDIA, Doubleday/Dolphin 1979, 0385147430) %C Encyclopedia entry citing various titles. Fadness, Fern Bryant, "What If Booth's Bullet Had Missed Lincoln?", in THE PEOPLE'S ALMANAC #2 (eds. David Wallechinsky & Irving Wallace) (Morrow 1978, 0688033725; Bantam 1978, 0553011375) %C Synopsis of Waldman's "If Booth had Missed Lincoln". Fadness, Fern Bryant, "What If Napoleon Had Won at Waterloo?", in THE PEOPLE'S ALMANAC #2 (eds. David Wallechinsky & Irving Wallace) (Morrow 1978, 0688033725; Bantam 1978, 0553011375) %C Synopsis of Trevelyan's "If Napoleon had Won the Battle of Waterloo". Fadness, Fern Bryant, "What If the British Had Won the Revolutionary War?", in THE PEOPLE'S ALMANAC #2 (eds. David Wallechinsky & Irving Wallace) (Morrow 1978, 0688033725; Bantam 1978, 0553011375) %C Synopsis of Sobel's FOR WANT OF A NAIL.... Fadness, Fern Bryant, "What If the South Had Won the Civil War?", in THE PEOPLE'S ALMANAC #2 (eds. David Wallechinsky & Irving Wallace) (Morrow 1978, 0688033725; Bantam 1978, 0553011375) %C Synopsis of Kantor's IF THE SOUTH HAD WON THE CIVIL WAR. Giordano, Ralph, WENN HITLER DEN KRIEG GEWONNEN HAETTE: DIE PLANE DER NAZIS NACH DEM ENDSIG (Rasch & Roehring 1989, 3891362641) %C Primarily a discussion of the Nazi's actual plans for world conquest, but includes a synopsis of Deighton's SS-GB. Gouanvic, Jean-Marc, "Pourquoi un 'Special Uchronie'", in _imagine..._ #14 (Autumn 1982) %C AH discussion in conjunction with a special issue of _imagine..._, with essays and stories by Angenot, April, Boireau, Brie and Le Brun. Gouanvic, Jean-Marc, "Quebec uchronie", in _imagine..._ #14 (Autumn 1982) %C Primarily a synopsis of Hertel's "Lepic et l'histoire hypothetique". Hacker, Barton C., & Gordon B. Chamberlain, "Pasts that Might Have Been", in _Extrapolation_ Winter 1981 %C Bibliography of AHs published before 1981. ------------------------------------------, "Pasts that Might Have Been, II: A Revised Bibliography of Alternative History", in <AH> %C 61-page listing of AHs published before 1986, with short synopses and publication histories. Harrison, Harry, "Worlds Beside Worlds", in SCIENCE FICTION AT LARGE: A COLLECTION OF ESSAYS, BY VARIOUS HANDS, ABOUT THE INTERFACE BETWEEN SCIENCE FICTION AND REALITY (ed. Peter Nicholls) (Gollancz 1976, 0575021780; Harper & Row 1976, 0060131985) %C On writing AH and the reasoning behind A TRANSATLANTIC TUNNEL, HURRAH!. Helbig, Joerg, DER PARAHISTORISCHE ROMAN. EIN LITERARHISTORISCHER UND GATTUNGSTYPOLOGISCHER BEITRAG ZUR ALLOTOPIEFORSCHUNG (Freie Universitat Berlin 1987; Lang 1987, 3820415157) %C Republication of a dissertation on AH, with focus on two general types (intellectual study of history vs. fictional allegory) and a 30-page bibliography. Abstract appears in _English and American Studies in German 1987, Summaries of Theses and Monographs, A Supplement to Anglia; Zeitschrift fur englishe Philologie_. Leccia, Pierre, "Uchronie: l'histoire detournee", in POLITIQUE/FICTION (ed. ... Riche) (publ. unknown) %C Brief discussion and bibliography of AH. Leeper, Evelyn C., "A Discussion of Likely Change Points for Alternate Realities, Universes and Histories", in _Alternate Worlds_ #1 (Jan 1994) %C Report on AH panel discussion at the 1993 WorldCon. Lem, Stanislaw, "The Time-Travel Story and Related Matters of SF Structuring", (tr. Thomas H. Hoisington and Darko Suvin) in _Science-Fiction Studies_ vol. 1, pp. 143-154 (Spring 1974) %C Discusses SF treatments of time-travel, paradox loops, and the chronocracy (including Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder", W. Moore's BRING THE JUBILEE, and Asimov's THE END OF ETERNITY) in terms of the philosophical or historical inquiry present in the text. Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson, "Historia Sertaneja Alternativa", in _Megalon_ #29 %C ... Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson, "Historias Naturais Alternativas", in _Megalon_ #29 %C Discussion of AHes which involve divergences in natural history, including synopses of Harrison's "West of Eden" trilogy, Dick's THE CRACK IN SPACE, Farmer's TWO HAWKS FROM EARTH, and Turtledove's A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson, "Paralelos vs. Alternativos", in _Megalon_ #30 %C ... Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson, "Peste Negra Alternativa", in _Megalon_ #31 %C ... Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson, "Universos Paralelos vs. Alternativos: Existe Diferenca", in _Somnium_ #46 %C ... McHale, Brian, POSTMODERNIST FICTION (Methuen 1987, 0416363903, 0416364004) %C Includes short descriptions of a few AHs in chapters "Worlds in collision", "A world next door" and "Real, compared to what?". McKnight, Edgar Vernon, Jr., ALTERNATIVE HISTORY: THE DEVELOPMENT OF A LITERARY GENRE (Univ. North Carolina-Chapel Hill 1994) %C A doctoral dissertation. Morton, Michael, "Introduction to Sealion", in _Alternate Worlds_ #1 (Jan 1994) %C Scenarios for Operation Sealion, including synopses of Cox's OPERATION SEA LION, Longmate's IF BRITAIN HAD FALLEN and Macksey's INVASION. Nicholls, Peter, "Time Travel and Other Universes", in THE SCIENCE IN SCIENCE FICTION (Knopf 1983, 0394713648, 0394530101) %C Includes subchapters "Alternative Universes in Science Fiction" and "Alternative Universes in Physics". Pierce, John J., "On the Edge", in GREAT THEMES OF SCIENCE FICTION: A STUDY IN IMAGINATION AND EVOLUTION (Greenwood 1987, 0313254567) %C Subchapter "The Possibility Binders" discusses time travel, parallel worlds and AH stories, including some French and Japanese tales. Pollack, Andrew, "Japanese refight the war, and win, in pulp fiction" in _The New York Times_ 4 Mar 1995 %C Discussion of a surge in WW2-related AH fiction in Japan and how it relates to current Japanese attitudes about the war. Includes translated excerpt from Hiyama's ""THE DECISIVE BATTLE ON THE AMERICAN MAINLAND"". Schmunk, R.B., & Evelyn C. Leeper, "The Year It Might Have Been: An Alternate History Divergence List", in _Alternate Worlds_ #1 (Jan 1994) %C Reprints Appendix A of this bibliography, a list of dates on which 700 AH stories diverge from our own history. Shetterly, Will, "The Captain's Story", in _Captain Confederacy_ (vol 2) #1 (Dec 1991, Epic Comics) %C How Captain Confederacy comics came to be. Shippey, Tom, & Brian Stableford, "History in SF", in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION, 2ND ED. (eds. John Clute & Peter Nicholls) (St. Martins 1993, 0312096186); rev. of Shippey's "History in SF", in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION: AN ILLUSTRATED A TO Z (ed. Peter Nicholls) (Granada 1979, 0246110201; vt THE SCIENCE FICTION ENCYCLOPEDIA, Doubleday/Dolphin 1979, 0385147430) %C Encyclopedia entry which includes citation of a few AH titles. Stableford, Brian, "Alternate Worlds", in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION, 2ND ED. (eds. John Clute & Peter Nicholls) (St. Martins 1993, 0312096186); rev. of "Alternate Worlds", in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION: AN ILLUSTRATED A TO Z (ed. Peter Nicholls) (Granada 1979, 0246110201; vt THE SCIENCE FICTION ENCYCLOPEDIA, Doubleday/Dolphin 1979, 0385147430) %C Encyclopedia entry citing various titles. -----------------, "An Introduction to Alternate Worlds", in _Alternate Worlds_ #1 (Jan 1994) %C A much expanded version of the "Alternate Worlds" essay in ESF2, in conjunction with the premier issue of _Alternate Worlds_ magazine. Stableford, Brian, "Parallel Worlds", in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION, 2ND ED. (eds. John Clute & Peter Nicholls) (St. Martins 1993, 0312096186); rev. of "Parallel Worlds", in THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION: AN ILLUSTRATED A TO Z (ed. Peter Nicholls) (Granada 1979, 0246110201; vt THE SCIENCE FICTION ENCYCLOPEDIA, Doubleday/Dolphin 1979, 0385147430) %C Encyclopedia entry citing various titles. Stableford, Brian, "A Note on Alternate History", in _Extrapolation_ Winter 1980 (21:395) %C Discussion of Disraeli's "Of a History of Events Which Have Not Happened". Teitelbaum, Sheldon, "Playing with History", in _Los Angeles Times_ 7 Jul 1992 %C General discussion of AH, but focusing on the work of Harry Turtledove. Trudeau, Noah Andre, "What Might Have Been", in _Civil War Times Illustrated_ Oct 1994 %C Discussion of the U.S. Civil War in AH novels. Tucholsky, Kurt, "Was ware, wenn...?", in GESAMMELTE WERKE (eds. ... Gerold-Tucholsky & ... Raddatz) (Rowohlt 1960-62) %C Commentaries on use of AH for political satire. Turtledove, Harry, untitled, in _The Del Rey Books Internet Newsletter_ #24 (Jan 1995) %C Short discussion of four principles to follow when writing AH: read a lot, do research from primary sources, obtain first hand experience, and omit 95% of what you learned from the final text. Van Herp, Jacques, "Dans les corridors de l'espace-temps", in PANORAMA DE LA SCIENCE-FICTION: LES THEMES, LES GENRES, LES ECOLES, LES PROBLEMES (Gerard 1973; Marabout 1975) %C ... Versins, Pierre, ENCYCLOPEDIE DE L'UTOPIE, DES VOYAGES EXTRAORDINAIRES ET DE LA SCIENCE FICTION (L'Age du Homme 1972, exp 1984) %C ... -- Robert B. Schmunk,
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