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    Subject:      LIST: Alternate History Stories, 3 of 8
    From: (Robert B. Schmunk)
    Date:         1996/04/16
    Message-ID:   <4kv8e7$>
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    Archive-name: sf/alt_history/part3
    Rec-arts-sf-written-archive-name: alt_history/part3
    Version: 26
    Posting-Frequency: Quarterly
    Gold, Jerome, THE INQUISITOR (Black Heron 1991, 0930773136, 0930773144)
      %S ...
    Goldring, Maurice, LA REPUBLIQUE POPULAIRE DU FRANCE, 1949-1981: DE
         MASSU (10 MAI 1981) (Belfond 1984, 2714416454)
      %S ...
    Goldsmith, Howard, "Do Ye Hear the Children Weeping?", in <HV>
      %W Germany won WW2.
      %S An American couple rents a house in Munich and find it haunted by the
         previous occupant's Dachau experiments.
    Goldstein, Lisa, "Split Light", in TRAVELLERS IN MAGIC (Tor 1994, 031285790X);
         Gardner Dozois) (St. Martin's 1995, 0312132220, 0312132212; SFBC 1995)
      %W Shabbetai Zevi did not convert from Judaism to Islam in order to save his
      %S After recalling how he came to be imprisoned in Constantinople, Zevi
         foresees both futures that could arise from his decision.
    Goldstone, Cynthia, & Avram Davidson, "Pebble in Time", in <f&sf> Aug 1970; and
         LAUGHING SPACE: FUNNY SCIENCE FICTION (eds. Isaac Asimov & J.O. Jeppson)
         (Houghton Mifflin 1982, 0395305195)
      %W The Mormons bypassed Salt Lake and settled near the San Francisco Bay.
      %S A time traveler accidentally diverts Brigham Young and company.
         (Samuel French 1932)
      %W A black employee of Ford's theater prevented John Wilkes Booth from
         killing Abraham Lincoln.
      %S Lincoln rather than Johnson is impeached and tried for trying to fire
         Secretary of War Stanton, with more dramatic results.
      %C A three-act play first presented by the Morningside Players in New York
         City in 1932.
    Gordon, Deborah, RUNAWAY TIME (Avon 1995, 0380777592)
      %S Historical romance involving an altered Civil War.
    Gormley, Adrienne, "Children of Tears", in <AT>
      %S ...
    Gorodischer, Angelica, "De navegantes", in TRAFALGAR (Hyspamerica 1988)
      %W Spain pursued an even more aggressive colonial policy.
      %S An Argentine space traveler finds a planet exactly like Earth c. 1492, and
         he speeds up the "Spanish" conquest of all the "Americas".
    Gorodischer, Angelica, "El oro de Tiresias", in _Axxon_ #22 (Jul 1991)
      %W Peron never became president, and Argentina remained under the control of
         the military.
      %S Peron is imprisoned as he begins to become popular and dies in jail. 100
         years later, a student speculates about what might have been.
    Gotschalk, Felix C., "The Napoleonic Wars", in <BT>
      %W Napoleon was not defeated at Waterloo.
      %S Assassination attempts are constant in 1958 New Orleans, capital of New
         France and home of the Emperor-in-exile of Eurasia
    Graeme, Bruce: see Armstrong, Anthony, & Bruce Graeme
    Graham, Otis L., Jr., "1887: Whites and Indians--Was There a Better Way?", in
      %W ...
      %C ...
    Graham, Otis L., Jr., "1917: What If the United States Had Remained Neutral?",
         in <SAH>
      %W The United States was not drawn into WW1.
      %C ...
    Graham, Otis L., Jr., "1933: What Would the 1930s Have Been Like Without
         Franklin Roosevelt?", in <SAH>
      %W FDR was either not nominated for president in 1932 _or_ died at the hands
         of Zangara the next spring.
      %C ...
    Graham, Otis L., Jr., "1945: The United States, Russia, and the Cold War--What
         if Franklin Roosevelt Had Lived?", in <SAH>
      %W FDR enjoyed better health.
      %C ...
    Graham, Otis L., Jr., "1974: What If There Had Been No Watergate?", in <SAH>
      %C ...
         OF OURS AND ITS ALTER EGO (Basic 1977, 0465017631; Sphere 1979)
      %W King Antonio defeated the Portuguese invading the Kongo at Mbwila in 1665.
      %S Interaction of two worlds diverging from the battle, one with the Congo at
         the heart of Christianity and one like ours but post-nuclear war.
    Green, Roland J., "Exile's Greeting", in MICROCOSMIC TALES: 100 WONDROUS
         SCIENCE FICTION SHORT-SHORT STORIES (eds. Isaac Asimov, Martin H.
         Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander) (Taplinger 1980, 0800852389; DAW 1992,
      %W The American Revolution failed.
      %S HMS Bellerophon prepares to transport a defeated enemy leader to exile on
         St. Helena, but is he Napoleon?
    Green, Roland J., "The Goodwife of Orleans", in <Alt>
      %W Henry V of England did not die in 1422 and was able to consolidate his
         hold on the crown of France.
      %S A young woman from the village of Arc helps preserve English power in
    Green, Roland J., & John F. Carr, GREAT KINGS' WAR (Ace 1985, 0441302009)
      %C 1st sequel to Piper's LORD KALVAN OF OTHERWHEN.
      %S In their first attack on Lord (now King) Kalvan, Styphon's House hits him
         with three forces, but is defeated in all cases.
    --------------------------------, "Siege at Tarr-Hostigos", in THERE WILL BE
         WAR 8: ARMAGEDDON (eds. Jerry Pournelle & John F. Carr) (publ. unknown)
      %C 3rd sequel to Piper's LORD KALVAN OF OTHERWHEN.
      %S Lord Kalvan loses his citadel to the forces of Styphon's House.
    Green, Roland J., "The King of Poland's Foot Cavalry", in <AT>
      %S ...
    Green, Roland J.: see also Carr, John F., & Roland J. Green
    Greenland, Colin, HARM'S WAY (HarperCollins UK 1993, 0002239167; Avon 1993,
         0380768836; SFBC 1993; HarperCollins UK 1994)
      %S ...
    Griffin, Peni, "Books", in <IAsfm> Nov 1991
      %S A used bookstore gets alternative/fictional world customers.
    Grigg, John, 1943: THE VICTORY THAT NEVER WAS (Hill & Wang 1980, 0809073773)
      %W The US and Britain invaded France a year earlier.
      %C Discussion of Allied errors in WW2. Final chapter speculates that invading
         a year earlier would have given a postwar advantage to the West.
    Grimwood, Ken, REPLAY (Arbor House 1986, 0877957819; Thorndike 1986,
         0896218058; Berkley 1988; Ace 1992, 0441715923)
      %T German tr. by Norbert Stoebe as DAS ZWEITE SPIEL (Heyne 1994, 3453075250)
      %S At death's edge, a man has a chance to relive and change his life, again
         and again and again. In one life, he finds altered Hollywood history.
      %C Winner: 1988 World Fantasy Award for best novel
    Grousset, Rene, FIGURES DE PROUE (Plon 1949)
      %S ...
    Guedalla, Philip, "If the Moors in Spain had Won", in <IIHHO> (all eds.)
      %T German tr. by Walter Brumm as "Wenn die Mauren in Spaneen geseigt hatten",
         in DAS SCIENCE FICTION JAHR (ed. ...) (Heyne 1987)
      %W Ferdinand and Isabella's army was defeated at Lanjaron in 1491.
      %S An overview of the history of the great, enlightened Kingdom of Granada.
    Gunn, Eileen, "Fellow Americans", in <IAsfm> Dec 1991; and <AP>
      %W Hardball mud-slinging brought disgrace to LBJ in 1964, leading to the
         election of Barry Goldwater as president.
      %S Vignettes of 1991, when Bush is president and Quayle is veep, but Tricky
         Dick has a popular TV talk show that's been on the air for 20 years.
         HISTORY OF WORLD WAR II (T-K Graphics 1973); orig. in Int'l Federation of
         Wargamers newsletter
      %W The Axis adopted a coherent grand strategy, resulting in a quick victory
         at Stalingrad.
      %S Detailed account of German victory in WW2, ending with domination of
         Europe and Africa.
    Haffner, Sebastian, ANMERKUNGEN ZU HITLER (Kindler 1978, 3463007193)
      %T English tr. by Ewald Osers as THE MEANING OF HITLER (Macmillan 1979,
         0025472909; Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1979, 0297775723; Harvard Univ 1983,
      %C Biography of Hitler includes discussion of the Nazis making a peace after
         the fall of France.
    Hahn, Ronald M., "Hey, Mr. Spaceman", in EIN DUTZEND H-BOMBEN (Ullstein 1983)
      %S ...
    Hahn, Ronald M., & Harald Pusch, DIE TEMPONAUTEN: SCIENCE FICTION-ROMAN (Corian
      %W The first atomic bomb was used in 1943 on Berlin.
      %S An amnesiac time traveller is hunted by a competing time travel agency in
         the Klondike of 1896-97, where he meets Jack London, among others.
    Haiblum, Isidore, THE TSADDIK OF THE SEVEN WONDERS (Ballantine 1971; Doubleday
         1981, 0385171374)
      %T German tr. by Ingrid Herrmann as DER ZADIK DER SIEBUN WUNDER (Heyne 1994,
      %S Alternate events in Judaic history.
    Haldeman, Jack C., II, "The Case of the Snuffed Simian", in <AWC>
      %S ...
    Haldeman, Jack C., II, "Death of a Dream", in <AW>
      %W J. Egar Hoover decided to smear Martin Luther King, Jr. just before he
         gave the "I Have a Dream" speech, and the civil rights movement fell
      %S A decade later, MLK prepares to assassinate law-n-order President Richard
         J. Dailey and weeps over the race war which has been consuming the
    Haldeman, Jack C., II, "South of Eden, Somewhere Near Salinas", in <BAOF>
      %W James Dean became a race driver, Natalie Wood a reporter, and Sal Mineo a
      %S Dean and Wood come together at the Indy 500, but she frets about the
         dangers of his profession.
    Haldeman, Jack C., II, & Barbara Delaplace, "That'll Be The Day", in <AT>
      %S ...
    Haldeman, Joe, THE HEMINGWAY HOAX (William Morrow 1990, 0688090249; Avon 1991,
         0380708000); rev. of "The Hemingway Hoax", in <IAsfm> Apr 1990; THE YEAR'S
         Martin's 1991, 0312060092, 0312060084); NEBULA AWARDS 26: SFWA'S CHOICE
         (HBJ 1992, 0151649340, 0156654725); and THE NEW HUGO AWARDS: VOLUME III
         (ed. Connie Willis & Martin H. Greenberg) (Baen 1994, 067187604X; SFBC 1994)
      %S A professor planning a Hemingway forgery is killed by a timeline protector
         and awakes as another timeline's version of himself.
      %C "The Hemingway Hoax" winner: 1990 Nebula for best novella, 1991 Hugo for
         best novella
    Haldeman, Joe, "No Future in It", in _Omni_ Apr 1979; THE BEST OF OMNI SCIENCE
         FICTION (ed. Ben Bova) (Omni 1980); and DEALING IN FUTURES: STORIES
         (Viking 1985, 0670806358; ROC 1993, 0451452585)
      %S In a bar discussion, a man claims to have traveled back in time and
         invested in all the right scientific inventions, but it didn't work.
    Hale, Edward Everett, "Hands Off", in _Harper's_ Mar 1881; HANDS OFF (J.S.
         Smith 1895); OUR CHRISTMAS IN A PALACE (publ. unknown); WORKS, VOL. 2
         CENTURY (eds. Isaac Asimov, Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg)
         (Beufort 1982, 0825300991); and <AH>
      %W Joseph was not sold into slavery in Egypt.
      %S A godling discovers the implications of altering an event, as he watches
         the Phoenicians take over the Mediterranean.
    Hamilton, Franklin, "What If--?", in 1066 (Dial 1964)
      %W William the Conqueror was beaten at Hastings and the Norman Conquest was
      %S Two possibilities; either fragmented England was later occupied by France
         or Harold united the land, but it spent the next millenium in isolation.
    Hammura Ryo, SENGOKU JIEITAI (Hayakawa Shobo 1971; Kadokawa Shoten 1978, 1979)
      %S ...
      %C Basis of the 1981 Kadokawa movie SENGOKU JIETAI.
    Harness, Charles L., "1894", in _Analog_ Aug 1994
      %W Prince Albert died of typhus two weeks early, and without his softening
         words, H.M. gov't sent an insulting message to the U.S. over the TRENT
      %S An H.G. Wells from a world where Britain intervened in the U.S. Civil War
         invents a time travelling machine and is sent back in time to save Albert.
    Harness, Charles L., LURID DREAMS (Avon 1990, 0380757613)
      %W Gambling debts did not force Edgar Allen Poe to quit the Univ Virginia,
         and he later lived to serve as a Confederate general at Gettysburg.
      %S Via astral travel, a 21st-century man searches for when/where Edgar Allen
         Poe's life turned to literature.
    Harness, Charles L., "O Lyric Love", in _Amazing Stories_ May 1985
      %S ...
    Harris, Raymond, THE SCHIZOGENIC MAN (Ace 1990, 0441753981)
      %W Cleopatra's son Kaisarion escaped the Romans _or_ Cleopatra murdered
      %S Through cyber-simulation a man visits Cleopatra's Egypt and tries to save
         her son Kaisarion. He awakes in a slightly altered present.
    Harris, Robert, FATHERLAND (Random House 1992, 0679412735; Hutchinson 1992;
         Thorndike 1992, 1560545569, 1560548959; Arrow 1993, 0099263815)
      %T Portuguese tr. A.B. Pinheiro de Lemos as PATRIA AMADA (Record 1993)
      %W Nazi Germany met greater success invading Russia, and after discovering
         that Britain had broken the Enigma code, forced a peace in the west.
      %S A cop in 1964 Nazi Berlin investigates an apparent suicide and finds
         himself unwrapping a 20-year-old cover-up of what happened to the Jews.
      %C Basis of the 1994 HBO movie FATHERLAND (see Campbell's "The shrinking of
    Harrison, Harry, "Down to Earth", in PRIME NUMBER (Sphere 1975)
      %S An accident apparently sends two astronauts sideways to an Earth where WW2
         is still dragging on in 1971.
    Harrison, Harry, A REBEL IN TIME (Tor 1983, 0523485549)
      %T German tr. by Bodo Baumann as IM SUDEN NICHTS NEUES (Bastei-Lubbe 1984)
      %S A racist army officer goes back in time to help the South win the Civil
         War; a black soldier follows in order to defeat him.
    Harrison, Harry, "Run from the Fire", in EPOCH (eds. Robert Silverberg & Roger
         Elwood) (Berkley/Putnam's 1975, 0399114602; Berkley 1977, 0425033155);
         CATASTROPHES (eds. Isaac Asimov et al.) (Fawcett 1981); and TIME WARS
         (eds. Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg) (Tor 1986, 0812530489,
      %S A man from our world aids others in timelines where the sun is about to go
         nova, including one where Europe is feudal and Iriquois run N America.
    Harrison, Harry, THE STAINLESS STEEL RAT SAVES THE WORLD (Putnam 1972,
      %T Spanish tr. by ... as EL INVASOR DEL TIEMPO (publ. unknown)
      %W Napoleon conquered England.
      %S Our hero goes back to fix time about to unravel.
    Harrison, Harry, A TRANSATLANTIC TUNNEL, HURRAH! (Faber 1972, 0571099963; NEL
         1976; Berkley 1974; Pinnacle/Tor 1981, 0523485050; Tor 1991, 0812515919;
         vt TUNNEL THROUGH THE DEEPS, Putnam's 1972, 0399109188; Berkley 1974,
         0425025659); orig. serial in _Analog_ Apr-Jun 1972
      %T German tr. by Tony Westermayr as DER GROSSE TUNNEL (Goldmann 1979)
      %W Spain remained Islamic after Christian defeat at Navas de Tolosa in 1212,
         and the War of the Roses fizzled after the early death of Louis XI.
      %S A descendant of executed British-American rebel George Washington is in
         charge of building the ultimate tunnel.
      %C See also the reference mat'l entry for Harrison's "Worlds Beside Worlds".
    Harrison, Harry, WEST OF EDEN (Bantam 1984, 0553050656, 0553249355; Bantam
      %T Portuguese tr. by Ana Maria Falcao as A OESTE DO EDEN (Gradiva 1986)
    ---------------, WINTER IN EDEN (Bantam 1986, 0553051636; Bantam 1987,
    ---------------, RETURN TO EDEN (Bantam 1988, 0553053159; Bantam 1989,
      %W Dinosaurs did not die out and did develop intelligence.
      %S Conflict between warm climate saurians and cool climate humans.
      %C Synopsis of trilogy in Lodi-Ribeiro's "Historias Naturais Alternativas".
    Harrison, Harry, "The Wicked Flee", in NEW DIMENSIONS I (ed. Robert Silverberg)
         (Doubleday 1971; Avon 1973); BEST SCIENCE FICTION STORIES OF THE YEAR
         (1971) (ed. Lester Del Rey) (Dutton 1972); and THE BEST OF HARRY HARRISON
         (Signet 1976)
      %S A scientist flees from 2017 of a world where the death of Henry VIII and
         imprisonment of Luther aborted the Reformation. An inquisitor follows.
    Harrison, Harry, & Tom Shippey, WARRIORS OF THE WAY (SFBC 1995, 1568651465)
    (----------------------------), THE HAMMER AND THE CROSS (Legend 1993; Tor
         1993, 0312854390; Legend 1994, 0099868202; Tor 1994, 0812523482)
      %W King Aella of Northumbria provoked a massive Viking invasion of England by
         executing a noted Viking leader.
      %S An half-English, half-Danish bastard thrall falls in and out with the
         invaders, finally becoming king of a religously-tolerant northern England.
    (----------------------------), ONE KING'S WAY (Legend 1995, 009930306X; Tor
         1995, 0312856911)
      %S King Shef decides to take the war against the Vikings to their homeland,
         with conflict and adventures throughout Scandinavia.
    ------------------------------, KING AND EMPEROR (Legend 1996; Tor 1996, not
         yet published)
      %S ...
    Harrison, Harry, & Tom Shippey, "Letter from the Pope", in <WMHB2>
      %W The last Christian king in England broke with the church.
      %S In 878, Alfred receives the letter from the pope that pushes him over the
    Hawthorne, Nathaniel, "P.'s Correspondence", in _United States Magazine and
         Democratic Review_ Apr 1845; MOSSES FROM AN OLD MANSE (Wiley & Putnam
         1846; Putnam's 1851; Ticknor & Fields 1854, 1865; Fields, Osgood 1871;
         Houghton, Osgood 1880; Houghton, Mifflin 1883, 1893; H. Altemus 1893; T.Y.
         Crowell 1903); and COMPLETE WORKS, VOL. 2 (Houghton-Mifflin 1882)
      %W Byron, Burns and Shelley lived longer lives, but Dickens died early.
      %S A letter describes encounters with various literary and politcal figures
         during the 1840s.
    Heinlein, Robert A. JOB: A COMEDY OF JUSTICE (Ballantine 1984, 0345313577,
      %S A man and a woman go hopping between worlds, apparently because some deity
         has it in for them.
      %C Nominee: 1984 Nebula for best novel, 1985 Hugo for best novel.
      %W The 1940 US election went another way.
      %S Memoirs of an immortal woman.
      %C A short discussion of alternate _universes_ is primarily a retroactive
         rationale to the Heinlein canon, but includes a few historical details.
    Herloev Petersen, Arne, "En plads i historien", in HAABET ER GROENT (Klim 1991)
      %W Egyptians never built tbe pyramids.
      %S A time traveller performs a match trick for pharaoh and inspires him to
         build the pyramids.
    Herloev Petersen, Arne, "En flue paa vaeggen", in HAABET ER GROENT (Klim 1991)
      %W The Swedish rebellion of 1521 was put down.
      %S A time traveller changes history to its main course by sneezing.
    Herloev Petersen, Arne, "Haabet er groent", in HAABET ER GROENT (Klim 1991)
      %W The Turks conquered Vienna in 1583
      %S A Turkish immigrant in Denmark suffers from racist attacks and changes
         history to live in a Muslim Europe.
    Herloev Petersen, Arne, "Soefaerden til Cipangu", in _Information_ Oct 1992
      %W Columbus sails to Japan
      %S A Jewish translator on the Santa Maria saves Columbus from mutiny by
         magically transporting the ship to Japan, thereby destroying the Americas.
    Hermansen, Sjur, "Alternativ naatid", in _Algernon_ Jan 1992
      %W Germany won WW2, with a "Nazi-style Glasnost" in the 1990s.
      %S Two friends contemplate founding a new party, "The Environmental
    Hernandez, Lea, "Al Einstein--Nazi Smasher!", in <AW>
      %W Albert Einstein became a professional musician, and later a spy.
      %S On a mission to Peenemunde, Al meets temptress Eva Braun and the evil
         dictator Schicklgruber.
    Hersey, John, WHITE LOTUS (Knopf 1965; Bantam 1966; Vintage 1990, 0679727509)
      %W Warlord-run China conquered the US in an undescribed war in the mid 1900s.
      %S Story of an Arizona girl who is taken into slavery in China.
    Hertel, Francois, "Lepic et l'histoire hypothetique", in JEREMIE ET BARABBAS
         (Le Jour 1966)
      %W Montcalm defeated Wolfe, leading to French victory in the French and
         Indian War.
      %S 1940s Canada as a prosperous, ultra-Catholic nation.
    Hirose Tadashi, EROSU (Hayakawa Shobu 1971)
      %S ...
    Hiyama Yoshiaki, ""THE BIG REVERSAL"" (trans. of Japanese title) (publ.
      %W The battleship Yamato was not sunk.
      %S ...
    Hiyama Yoshiaki, ""THE DECISIVE BATTLE ON THE AMERICAN MAINLAND"" (trans. of
         Japanese title) (Kobunsha ...)
      %W Japan attacked Seattle on May 7, 1942.
      %S ...
      %C A translated excerpt accompanies Pollack's "Japanese refight the war, and
         win, in pulp fiction".
    Hoffman, Nina Kiriki, "Visitors", in _Weird Tales_ Winter 1991/92
      %S A woman is visited by her future self, telling her to commit suicide
         because everything gets worse, but she has been visited before.
    Hogan, James P., THE PROTEUS OPERATION (Bantam 1985, 0553050958)
      %W The Nazis remained an obscure political party _or_ Churchill did not
         return to the British cabinet after the 1939 German invasion of Poland.
      %S Beleaguered Americans from 1975 go back in time to prevent Nazi victory in
         WW2 and promote US atomic weapons research. Unfortunately it's not their
         own past.
    Hohlbein, Wolfgang E., "Im Namen der Menschlichkeit", in JUPITER (ed. Thomas Le
         Blanc) (Goldmann 1985)
      %W A peaceful revolution overthrew Rome and Jesus became the new "Caesar".
      %S Travelers from a peaceful Empire are sent back in time to undermine the
         Toltecs, but their time machine crashes near Jerusalem, 30 AD.
    Holford, Castello, ARISTOPIA. A ROMANCE-HISTORY OF THE NEW WORLD (Arena 1895)
      %W The first settlers in Virginia discovered a reef of pure gold and set up a
         Utopian colony.
      %S History of the land of Aristopia, from its founding to its final takeover
         of N America 300 years later.
    Holm, John: see Shippey, Tom
    Holt, Tom, YE GODS (...)
      %S Includes visits to alternate worlds based on Greek mythology.
    Hood, Gwenyth, THE COMING OF THE DEMONS (Morrow 1982, 0688007767)
      %W Aliens disrupted the execution of Conradin Hohenstaufen in 1268 Naples.
      %S Trying to fix things without technological interference, the aliens become
         involved in the conflict over who should be Holy Roman emperor.
    Hood, Ken, DEMON SWORD (HarperPrism 1995, 0061054100)
      %S Alternate Scottish highlands where Christianity is a minor sect and
         England pays tribute to Tartar overlords.
    Hoyle, Trevor, THE GODS LOOK DOWN (Panther 1978; Ace 1982, 0441294979)
      %S During an attempt to travel into a potential future, a man finds himself
         retrieved from a red ocean by a slave ship traveling to New Amerika.
    -------------, SEEKING THE MYTHICAL FUTURE (Panther 1977; Ace 1982)
    -------------, THROUGH THE EYE OF TIME (Panther 1977; Ace 1982)
      %S ...
    Hull, E. M., "The Flight that Failed", in SCIENCE FICTION ADVENTURES IN
         DIMENSIONS (ed. Groff Conklin) (Vanguard 1953); and ADVENTURES IN
         DIMENSION (ed. Groff Conklin) (Grayson 1955)
      %S A man from a world in which Germany won WW2 comes back to a flight that
         had been shot down to save it and change his past so that Germany lost.
    Hunt, Stephen, FOR THE CROWN & THE DRAGON (Green Nebula 1994, 0952288508)
      %S ...
    Ing, Dean: see Reynolds, Mack, & Dean Ing
    Iverson, Eric G.: see Turtledove, Harry
    Jablokov, Alexander, "At the Cross-Time Jaunters' Ball", in <IAsfm> Aug 1987;
         Dozois) (St. Martin's 1988, 0312018541); and THE BREATH OF SUSPENSION
         (Arkham House 1994, 0870541676)
      %S An art critic of Shadow worlds is haunted by marital trouble and assassins
         as he visits various worlds.
    Jablokov, Alexander, "Beneath the Shadow of Her Smile", in THE BREATH OF
         SUSPENSION (Arkham House 1994, 0870541676)
      %S ...
         OF 1807 (Tickner & Fields 1983, 0899191983)
      %W The American expedition to explore the Arkansas River was not canceled.
      %S The trip to Pike's Peak and sidetrip to Santa Fe, as seen by a young
    Jacobs, Will, & Gerard Jones, THE BEAVER PEAPERS: THE STORY OF THE "LOST
         SEASON" (Crown 1983, 0517549913)
      %S Extraordinary efforts are made to keep "Leave It to Beaver" on television
         for one more year.
    Jacobson, Dan, THE GOD-FEARER: A NOVEL (Bloomsbury 1992, 0747512582; Macmillan
         Atheneum 1993, 0684196603; Sceptre 1993, 0340594952)
      %W There was no Jewish revolt against Rome, and Judaism rather than
         Christianity became the dominant religion of Europe.
      %S C. 1400, an old Jewish man recalls the part he played as a youth in the
         persecution of a Christer girl for witchcraft.
    Jakes, John, BLACK IN TIME (Paperback Library 1970)
      %S ...
    Jeanne, Rene: see Laumann, E.M., & Rene Jeanne
    Jenkins, Will F.: see Leinster, Murray
    Jennings, Philip C., "Captain Theodule and the Chileland Kommandos", in
         _Amazing Stories_ Jul 1991
      %S Realities of European colonization and imperialism are turned upside down.
    Jensen, Reidar, "Brev til min venn Wolfgang Wegener, februar 1924", in
         HISTORIEN SOM IKKE VILLE SLUTTE (Gyldendal Norsk 1978)
      %W WW1 never took place, and Lenin died in Switzerland in 1924.
      %S A letter-writer tells his friend about this strange Russian exile.
    Jeschke, Wolfgang, DER LETZTE TAG DER SCHOEPFUNG (Nymphenburger 1981; Heyne
      %T English tr. by Gertrud Mander as THE LAST DAY OF CREATION (St. Martin's
         1982, 0312470614; Century 1982, 0712600426)
      %W Mexico stretched from Canada to Venezuela _or_ the Axis enjoyed greater
         success in WW2.
      %S A US attempt to steal Arabian oil using a pipeline in the past runs into
         trouble vs. people from other timelines.
    Johnson, James B., "Conestoga History", in _Analog_ May 1987
      %W ...
    Johnson, Peter, GORDON OF KHARTOUM (Patrick Stephens 1985, 0850597916)
      %W Gordon was rescued from Khartoum in 1885.
      %S ...
    Johnson, Robert B., & Billie Niles Chadbourne, TIMES-SQUARE SAMURAI; OR, THE
      %C ...
    Jones, Charles O., "What If There Had Been a Nixon Presidency Without
         Watergate? (1973)", in <WIESSF>
      %W The Watergate break-in never happened or was never discovered.
      %C Hostile relations between Nixon and Congress still existed, causing the
         Democrats to reorganize Congress in defense.
    Jones, Diana Wynne, THE LIVES OF CHRISTOPHER CHANT (Greenwillow 1988,
         0688078060; Knopf/Bullseye 1988)
      %W Magical laws were codified in the early 1300s, replacing scientific
      %S After dream-traveling to other timelines, an English boy becomes the great
         mage Chrestomanci.
    ------------------, CHARMED LIFE (Greenwillow 1977, 0688801382; Macmillan 1977,
         0333214269; Knopf/Bullseye 1989, 0394820320; Mammoth 1993, 0749714735)
      %S Two English children go to live with Uncle Chrestomanci.
    ------------------, THE MAGICIANS OF CAPRONA (Greenwillow 1980, 0688802834,
      %S Two children from powerful, magic-working Italian families cannot perform
         magic themselves, but save the city of Caprona from an enchanter.
    ------------------, WITCH WEEK (Greenwillow 1982, 0688015344; Knopf/Bullseye
         1989, 039480600X; Mammoth 1993, 0749701749)
      %S Chrestomanci visit a timeline where Guy Fawkes blew up Parliament, somehow
         disrupting magic in other timelines, including ours.
         1976, 0684147386; Warner 1977)
      %W Custer was the sole survivor among elements of the 7th Cavalry wiped out
         at the Little Bighorn.
      %S Army commanding General William Sherman orders Custer court-martialed for
         disobeying orders and negligence.
    Jones, Gerard: see Jacobs, Will, & Gerard Jones
    Joergensen, Per C., "Neste aar i Jerusalem", in _Algernon_ Jan 1992
      %W Chaos elsewhere made imperial Russia the sole superpower, and about to
         start a war with the Baghdad Califate in a different '91.
      %S A Jewish refugee tries to get out of Jerusalem.
    Kagan, Janet, "Love Our Lockwood", in <AP>
      %W Minor candidate Belva Ann Lockwood was elected US president in 1888.
      %S During the election of 1892, Lockwood personally leads the way to
         universal suffrage.
    Kagan, Janet, "Space Cadet", in <BAOF>
      %W Dan Quayle became president, or an actor, or a soldier, or an astronaut.
      %S Pres. Quayle tries out the 'Things As They Should Be' machine, seeing
         other rolls he might have filled, but makes a mistake while visiting Mars.
    Kagan, Robert A., "What If Abe Fortas Had Been More Discreet? (1969)", in
      %W Supreme Court Justice Fortas was less eager to supplement his income and
         was less cozy with LBJ's White House.
      %C Speculation that the effect of a more liberal court in the 1970's would
         have most noticeable in four cases, particularly one involving busing.
    Kantor, Mackinlay, IF THE SOUTH HAD WON THE CIVIL WAR (Bantam 1961); rev. of
         "If the South had Won the Civil War", in _Look_ 22 Nov 1960
      %W Grant was killed on 12 May 1863 and Sherman died in the Vicksburg debacle.
         Also, occupation of Culp's Hill led to rebel victory at Gettysburg.
      %S Vicksburg, Gettysburg and the end of the war, followed by a review of US,
         CS and Texas history until reunification in the 1960s.
      %C Synopsis in Fadness's "What If the South Had Won the Civil War?".
    Katze, Rick, "Bobbygate", in <AK>
      %W JFK did not die in 1963 and ran for reelection the next year.
      %S A reporter stumbles onto links between Robert Kennedy and a break-in at
         the Republican national headquarters, and Joe Kennedy has to take charge.
    Katze, Rick, "Worldcon Blues", in <AWC>
      %S ...
    Kaye, Lenny, "If Elvis Had Lived", in THE COMPLETE ELVIS (ed. Martin Torgoff)
         (Delilah 1982)
      %W Elvis Presley was rushed to the hospital in time to prevent his death in
      %S Elvis shapes up, goes back to his musical roots and receives a medal from
         President Reagan.
    Kazantzakis, Nikos, TELEUTAOIS PEIRASMOS (publ. unknown)
      %T English tr. by P.A. Bien as THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST (Simon &
         Schuster 1960)
      %W Jesus fled his doom.
      %S Jesus dreams of the possible result.
      %C Basis for the 1988 Martin Scorsese movie THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST.
    Keen, Tony, "Napoleon's Airship", in _Visions_ ... 1990 (4:3)
      %W Napoleon had a dirigible to supply aerial intelligence at Waterloo.
      %S A British time traveler seeking to reverse his country's subjugation finds
         he isn't the only meddler at Waterloo, and he won't be the last.
    Kessel, John, "The Franchise", in _Asimov's Science Fiction_ Aug 1993; and
         OF THE YEAR (ed. Pamela Sargent) (Harcourt Brace 1995, 0151001073,
      %W After meeting Babe Ruth, George Bush decided to become a professional
         baseball player, and later that year Fidel Castro did likewise.
      %S The 1959 World Series becomes a personal battle between the Giants' ace
         pitcher Castro and the rookie Senator first baseman.
      %C Nominee: 1994 Hugo for best novelette.
    Kilian, Crawford, THE FALL OF THE REPUBLIC (Ballantine 1987, 0345342739)
      %S Mental Trainables of 1998 use information gained from the future of a
         similar timeline to speed up the end of an American Emergency.
    ----------------, ROGUE EMPEROR (Ballantine 1988, 0345350782)
      %S Intemporal Agent Jerry Pierce investigates the assassination of the Roman
         emperor Domitian in another timeline by means of an antitank weapon.
    ----------------, THE EMPIRE OF TIME (Ballantine 1987, 0345325381)
      %S Pierce tries to find out how disaster struck Earth in the future, visiting
         alternate Earths along the way.
    King, Tappan, "The Crimson Rose", in <AO>
      %S Mary Tudor's false pregnancy was true, and Spain's grip on the English
         throne held.
      %W Mary's son falls hostage to pirates while in the New World and there meets
         his Aunt Elizabeth.
    King, Tappan, "The Mark of the Angel", in <AW>
      %W Wounded while on a mission from Rome to Paris in 1943, amnesiac Angelo
         Roncalli became a member of the Fench underground.
      %S In 1961, Pope John Paul XXIII is reminded of his days in the Resistance.
    King, Tappan, "Patriot's Dream", in <AP>
      %W Leila Morse accepted Samuel Tilden's proposal, putting backbone into his
         effort to be president during the Electoral College debate of 1877.
      %S In 1896, Sam and Leila Tilden tell a reporter how it all happened, and how
         Tilden became the Great Reformer and head of the Liberal Party.
         (Harper 1991)
      %S ...
      %C Follow-up to Silverberg's UP THE LINE.
    Klein, Edward: see Chesnoff, Richard Z., Edward Klein, & Robert Littell
    Knight, Damon, "What Rough Beast", in <f&sf> Feb 1959; BEST FROM FANTASY AND
         SCIENCE FICTION: 9 (ed. Robert P. Mills) (Doubleday 1958; Ace 1959; vt
         (Gollancz 1969; Award/Tandem ...)
      %S A man from Novo Russie has the mental power to fix things by altering the
         events that caused them.
    Knox, Ronald, "If the General Strike had Succeeded", in <IIHHO> (1931, 1972,
         1974 eds. only)
      %W The 1926 British general strike succeeded.
      %S An imaginary 1930 London Times shows the social impact of the strike.
    Koja, Kathe, & Barry N. Malzberg, "In The Last Chamber", in <AT>
      %S ...
    Koja, Kathe, & Barry N. Malzberg, "Literary Lives", in <AO>
      %S Two possible relationships between Ernest Hemingway and Dorothy Parker.
    Komatsu Sakyo, "Chi ni wa heiwa o", in _SF Magajin_ ... 1961; and CHI NI WA
         HEIWA O (Hayakawa Shobo 1963)
      %W The US invaded Japan at the end of WW2.
      %S ...
    Koning, Hans, "Ifs: Destiny and the Archduke's chauffeur", in _Harper's_ May
      %S Short descriptions of numerous ifs: e.g., delaying the Nazi invasion of
         Poland to 1941, making William III a heterosexual, etc.
    Koontz, Dean, LIGHTNING (Putnam's 1988, 0399133194; Thorndike 1988,
         089621222X); included in THREE COMPLETE NOVELS (Putnam's 1993, 0399138439)
      %W The US and Great Britain attacked the Soviet Union after defeating the
      %S After falling in love with a 1980s woman, a time traveler from 1944 Berlin
         reshapes her life, and inadvertently changes history.
      %C Explicit AH content is brief, appearing only at the end.
    Kornbluth, C.M., "Two Dooms", in _Venture Science Fiction_ Jul 1958; A MILE
         (ed. Robert Silverberg) (Ballantine 1970); THE BEST OF C.M. KORNBLUTH
         (Doubleday 1976, 0345254619; Taplinger 1977, 0800807235); WHAT IF? VOLUME
         1: STORIES THAT SHOULD HAVE WON THE HUGO (ed. ... Lupoff) (Pocket 1980);
         <HV>; THE WORLD TREASURY OF SCIENCE FICTION (ed. David G. Hartwell)
         (Little, Brown 1989, 0316349410); THE FANTASTIC WORLD WAR II (ed. Frank 
         McSherry, Jr) (Baen 1990, 0671698818); and THE GREAT SF STORIES: 20 (eds. Isaac 
         Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg) (DAW 1990, 0886774055)
      %W The US did not develop the atomic bomb.
      %S A Los Alamos worker concerned about the power of the bomb is given a
         glimpse of the Axis partition of America.
    Kress, Nancy, "And Wild for to Hold", in <IAsfm> Jul 1991; <WMHB3>; MODERN
         CLASSIC SHORT NOVELS OF SCIENCE FICTION (ed. Gardner Dozois) (St. Martin's
         1994, 0312105045); and WOMEN OF WONDER: THE CONTEMPORARY YEARS: SCIENCE
         FICTION BY WOMEN FROM THE 1970S TO THE 1990S (ed. Pamela Sargent)
         (Harcourt Brace/Harvest 1995, 0156000334)
      %S 22nd-century people trying to prevent past mass bloodshed kidnap four
         historical figures, one of whom is an angry Anne Boleyn.
      %C Nominee: 1992 Hugo for best novella.
    Kress, Nancy, "Ars Longa", in <BAOF>
      %W Walt Disney was convinced by one his teachers to turn away from the vile
         commerce of cartoons to the higher calling of true art.
      %S An interview with that teacher in preparation for an article about
         Disney's first exhibition, at age 49 in a public library.
    Kress, Nancy, "The Battle for Long Island", in _Omni_ Feb/Mar 1993; and THE
         ALIENS OF EARTH (Arkham House 1993, 0870541668)
      %S In 2001 Long Island, a Hole opens up and occasionally emits wounded
         soldiers from different Battles of Long Island.
    Krohn, Wolfgang: see Boehme, Gernot, Wolfgang van den Daele, & Wolfgang Krohn
    Kruas, Stephen, "Frame of Reference", in _Analog_ May 1988
      %W Albert Einstein accepted an invitation to visit CalTech in 1925 and while
         in transit was arrested after delivering a lecture in Louisville, KY.
      %S Clarence Darrow humiliates William Jennings Bryant at a trial to decide
         whether Einstein violated a law against contradicting the Bible.
    Kube-McDowell, Michael P., ALTERNITIES (Ace 1988, 0441017746)
      %W Different timelines spun off a cosmic bubble in late 1950, with US and
         Soviet gov'ts of varying degrees of liberalism/repression.
      %S A right-wing US seeks a crosstime bolthole for its leaders as nuclear war
         grows closer.
    Kube-McDowell, Michael P., "Because Thou Lovest the Burning-Ground", in <AW>
      %W After failing several university exams, Mohandas Gandhi met a Thuggee
         cultist along the road and became his disciple.
      %S Gandhi's new education and the violent movement he starts years later
         after the massacre at Jallianwalla.
    Kube-McDowell, Michael P., "I Shall Have a Flight to Glory", in <AP>
      %W Barred from the presidency in 1877 by subterfuge, Samuel Tilden turned the
         tables on James Garfield in 1880.
      %S With Charles Guiteau at his side, Garfield vainly attempts to convince
         Tilden that they can fix the corrupted electoral system.
    Kube-McDowell, Michael P., "The Inga-Binga Affair", in <AK>
      %W It was revealed during WW2 that Navy officer John F. Kennedy was having an
         affair with a suspected Nazi spy.
      %S Alerted that the FBI is taping his trysts, JFK plots to get out from under
         his father's control.
    Kurland, Michael, PERCHANCE (Signet 1989, 0451157656)
      %W Columbus's first voyage had a fourth ship _or_ the Americas were invaded
         by Europeans c 1000 BC _or_ Germany won an early WW1.
      %S An apprentice from Philadelphia meets an amnesiac girl who can blip
         between timelines, and a lot of people are hunting for her.
    Kurland, Michael, A STUDY IN SORCERY (Ace 1989, 0441790925)
    ----------------, TEN LITTLE WIZARDS (Ace 1988, 0441800572)
      %S More stories about Garrett's LORD DARCY.
    Kurland, Michael, THE UNICORN GIRL (Pyramid 1969, 051503391X)
      %S Crosstime junket, with a stopover in Garrett's LORD DARCY world.
    Kurland, Michael, THE WHENABOUTS OF BURR (DAW 1975)
      %S Crosstime adventure involving slightly different versions of the US
    Kurland, Michael, & S.W. Barton, THE LAST PRESIDENT (Morrow 1980, 0688036104;
         Lorevan/Critic's Choice 1985, 0931773091)
      %W The Watergate break-ins went undetected.
      %S Nixon & Co.'s further activities (more break-ins, internal confinement
         camps, canceled elections, etc) provoke a military coup.
      %C Borderline AH, as names have been changed.
    Kuttner, Henry: see Padgett, Lewis
    Lackey, Mercedes, "Jihad", in <AW>
      %W After Deraa, T.E. Lawrence experienced a revelation and preached holy war.
      %S Led by the now-Muslim Lawrence, the Arabs capture Damascus without British
    Lackey, Mercedes, & Larry Dixon, "Dance Track", in <BAOF>
      %W Isadora Duncan drove an ambulance in WW2 Italy, met Ettoire Bugatti and
         after he offered her a job, pushed her way to becoming a race car driver.
      %S In the late 1950s, Duncan has retired from driving but works as chief
         mechanic for a hot young driver out of Hollywood.
    Lafferty, R.A., "Assault on Fat Mountain", in <BT>
      %W The state of Franklin resisted suppression by N Carolina and became
         independent Appalachia.
      %S Backwater USers constantly complain about the wealth of Appalachia.
    Lafferty, R.A., "Entire and Perfect Chrysolite", in ORBIT 6 (ed. Damon Knight)
         (Putnam's 1970; Berkley 1970); STRANGE DOINGS: STORIES BY R.A. LAFFERTY
         (Scribner's 1972, 0684125307); and THE GOLDEN ROAD: GREAT TALES OF FANTASY
         AND THE SUPERNATURAL (ed. Damon Knight) (Simon & Schuster 1974,
      %S A group of people from the Africa of Erastothenes's world-map goes sailing
         and lands on the Africa of our world.
    Lafferty, R.A., "Interurban Queen", in ORBIT 8 (ed. Damon Knight) (Putnam's
         1970; Berkley 1971, 0425019705); SURVIVAL PRINTOUT (eds. Leonard Allison,
         Leonard Jenkin & Robert Perrault) (Vintage 1973, 0394718577); LOOKING
         AHEAD: THE VISION OF SCIENCE FICTION (eds. Dick Allen & Lori Allen) (HBJ
         1975, 015551184X); CAR SINISTER (eds. Robert Silverberg et al) (Avon 1979,
         0380453932); RINGING CHANGES (Ace 1984); and <AH>
      %W Trolleys took the place of the automobile in America's growth.
      %S An older man reminisces about when he had to choose between investing in
         trolleys or autos, and then helps hunt down an auto outlaw.
    Lafferty, R.A., "Rainbird", in _Galaxy_ Dec 1961; THE SEVENTH GALAXY READER
         (ed. Frederick Pohl) (Doubleday 1964); STRANGE DOINGS: STORIES BY R.A.
         LAFFERTY (Scribner's 1972, 0684125307); BEYOND TOMORROW: AN ANTHOLOGY OF
         MODERN SCIENCE FICTION (ed. Lee Harding) (Wren 1976, 0858851695); AGAINST
         TOMORROW (ed. ... Hoskins) (Fawcett 1979); and THE GREAT SF STORIES: 23
         (eds. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg) (DAW 1991, 0886774780)
      %S An 18th-century inventor grows old, then uses a time machine to go back to
         give himself advice. His younger self repeats the process, etc.
    Lafferty, R.A., "Selenium Ghosts of the Eighteen Seventies", in UNIVERSE 8 (ed.
         Terry Carr) (Doubleday 1978, 0385124751; Popular Library 1978)
      %W Television was invented 60 years earlier on somewhat different principles.
      %S A review of an early television series.
    Lafferty, R.A., "The Three Armageddons of Enniscorthy Sweeny", in APOCALYPSES
         (Pinnacle 1977, 0523401485)
      %S In a world in which the World Wars were never fought, a man produces comic
         operas based on events in our world, thereby corrupting his own.
    Lafferty, R.A., "Thus We Frustrate Charlemagne", in _Galaxy_ Feb 1967; WORLD'S
         BEST SCIENCE FICTION: 1968 (eds. Donald A. Wollheim & Terry Carr) (Ace
         1968); ALPHA 1 (ed. Robert Silverberg) (Ballantine 1970); NINE HUNDRED
         GRANDMOTHERS (Ace 1970, 0441580505, 0441580513); TRANSFORMATION (ed. ...
         Roselle) (Fawcett 1973); and AS TOMORROW BECOMES TODAY (ed. Charles W.
         Sullivan) (Prentice-Hall 1974, 0130500399, 0130500216)
      %T German tr. by Karl H. Kosmehl as "Karl der Grosse, frustriert", in <SVW>
      %T German tr. by Gisela Stege as "So frustrieren wir Karl den Grossen", in
         DIE FUSSANGELN DER ZEIT (eds. Karl Michael Armer & Wolfgang Jeschke)
         (Heyne 1984)
      %S Future scientists experiment with the battle at Roncesvalles, altering
         their past without realizing it.
    Laidlaw, Marc, "His Powder'd Wig, His Crown of Thornes", in _Omni_ Sep 1989;
         <WMHB2>; and OMNI VISIONS ONE (ed. Ellen Datlow) (Omni 1993)
      %W After Benedict Arnold's betrayal of West Point, George Washington was
         captured, tortured and executed.
      %S 200 years later, an art curator stumbles upon AmerInds who regret their
         part in Washington's torture and have elevated him to a Christ figure.
    Lansdale, Joe R., "Letter from the South Two Moons West of Nacogdoches", in
         _Last Wave_ #5; and BY BIZARRE HANDS (Avon 1989, 0380712059)
      %T German tr. by Nobert Stresau as "Brief aus dem Suden, zwei Monde, westlich
         von Nacogdoches", in <HSL>
      %W Jesus was run over by a donkey cart and John the Baptist became the
      %S A letter from one AmerInd to another reveals the divisions in a N America
         controlled by Japanese, Aztecs and various tribes.
    Lansdale, Joe R., "Trains Not Taken", in _RE:AL_ ...; and BY BIZARRE HANDS
         (Avon 1989, 0380712059)
      %W Japan colonized the western part of N America and Europe the east, leaving
         no major frontier.
      %S James Hickock meets Bill Cody on a train in the Dakotas, and both lament
         their uninteresting lives as businessmen.
    Laski, Harold J., "If Roosevelt had Lived", in _The Nation_ 13 Apr 1946
      %W Roosevelt did not die in 1945.
      %S Ponderings on changes in America's place in the world, including control
         of the bomb and the start of the Cold War.
    Laski, Marghanita, TORY HEAVEN; OR, THUNDER ON THE RIGHT (Cresset 1948)
      %W Conservatives won the 1945 British elections.
      %S A class-ridden utopia.
    Laumann, E.M., & Rene Jeanne, SI, LE 9 THERMIDOR...: HYPOTHESE HISTORIQUE
         (Tallandier 1929)
      %W Robespierre escaped the guillotine.
      %S ...
    Laumer, Keith, WORLDS OF THE IMPERIUM (Ace Double #... (Ace 1962); Berkley
         1977; exp Tor 1983, 0523485425; Tor 1986, 0812543790, 0812543807); orig.
         serial in _Fantastic Stories_ Feb-Apr 1961
      %S A man from our world becomes an agent for a world run by an Anglo-German
         imperium, and visits another where civilization fell after Germany won
    -------------, BEYOND THE IMPERIUM (Pinnacle/Tor 1981, 0523485131; Tor 1986,
         0812543815, 0812543823)
    (-----------), THE OTHER SIDE OF TIME (Berkley 1965; Walker 1971; Signet 1972);
         orig. serial in _Fantastic Stories_ Apr-Jun 1965
      %S Our hero is trapped in a timeline where Napoleon won a glorious victory at
         Brussels in 1814.
    (-----------), ASSIGNMENT IN NOWHERE (Berkley 1968; Dobson 1972, 0234776323)
      %S The last Plantagenet visits a timeline where Richard Couer de Lion avoided
         battle at Chaluz but succumbed to French conquest in his old age.
    -------------, ZONE YELLOW (Baen 1990, 0671720287)
      %S Concluding with conflict versus a crosstime invasion of rat-like
    Lavrek, Andrija, "Nemacka 1942" ("Germany 1942"), in _Sirius 91_
      %W Hitler was assassinated shortly after the Austrian Anschluss.
      %S A crosttime traveller needs repairs to his machine.
         (The Author 1899)
      %W The French invaded England in 1805.
      %S Once ashore, Napoleon has trouble deciding what to do next.
      %W Marilyn Monroe and JFK both survived the 1960s.
      %S Both attempt comebacks in 1993. 
    Lazarchuk, Andrei, "Inoye Nebo", in SVYASHCHENNY MESYATS RIN' (Terra Fantastica
      %W Hitler was killed in 1943, and as a result Germany won WW2.
      %S In 1991, the Third Reich begins to disintegrate.
    Le Brun, Claire, "Les chansons de geste: la tentation de l'uchronie au moyen
         age", in _imagine..._ #14 (Autumn 1982)
      %C ...
    Leacock, Stephen, "The Hohenzollerns in America", in THE HOHENZOLLERNS IN
         Lane/Bodley Head/S.B. Gundy 1919)
      %W Kaiser Wilhelm and family members were exiled to America after WW1.
      %S Their voyage across the Atlantic, in 3rd-class steerage, and the Kaiser's
         final days as a street pedlar.
    Leacock, Stephen, "If Germany Had Won", in THE HOHENZOLLERNS IN AMERICA, WITH
         Head/S.B. Gundy 1919)
      %W Germany won WW1.
      %S Farcical entries from the New York Imperial Gazette during 1925.
    Lee, Rand B., "Knight of Shallows", in _Amazing Stories_ Jul 1983; THE YEAR'S
         (Bluejay 1984, 0312944837, 0312944829); and THE 1984 ANNUAL WORLD'S BEST
         SF (eds. Donald A. Wollheim & Arthur W. Saha) (DAW 1984)
      %W Margaret Thatcher was assassinated and the Falklands crisis went nuclear.
      %S Barely AH tale in which a man hunts a murderous version of himself through
         different Key Wests.
    Leiber, Fritz, THE BIG TIME (Ace 1961; Gregg 1976, 0839823347;
         Collier/Macmillan 1991, 0020698410); orig. serial in _Galaxy_ Mar & Apr
      %T Portuguese tr. by Josi Sanz as A HISTORIA I OUTRA (Expressco e Cultura
      %S At a Snake enclave somewhere outside space and time, a soldier preaches
         ChangePeace as the enclave maintainer disappears.
      %C Winner: 1958 Hugo for best novel
    -------------, "No Great Magic", in _Galaxy_ Dec 1963; THE SECRET SONGS (Rupert
         Hart-Davis 1968); THE CHANGE WAR (Gregg 1978, 0839824939); THE GREAT
         1980 BY TWENTY ALL-TIME FAVORITE WRITERS (eds. Frederick Pohl, Martin H.
         Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander) (Harper & Row 1980, 0060133821); and
         CHANGEWAR (Ace 1983, 044110259X)
      %S The Snake vs. Spider battlefield moves to an anachronistic performance of
         MACBETH before Elizabeth I.
    -------------, "Catch that Zeppelin!", in <f&sf> Mar 1975; THE WORLDS OF FRITZ
         LEIBER (Ace 1976; Gregg 1979, 0839824777); THE 1976 ANNUAL WORLD'S BEST SF
         (eds. Donald A. Wollheim & Arthur W. Saha) (DAW 1976); SHIP OF SHADOWS
         (Gollancz 1979); NEBULA WINNERS ELEVEN (ed. Ursula K. Le Guin) (Harper &
         Row 1977; Bantam 1978, 0553117424); THE HUGO WINNERS, VOLUME FOUR (ed.
         Isaac Asimov) (Doubleday 1985, 0385189346); THE BEST OF THE NEBULAS (ed.
         Ben Bova) (Tor 1989, 0312931751); and <WIW>
      %S The son of Marie Sklodowska and Thomas Edison invented an electric cell
         which lead to pollution-free automobiles, and a change in the outcome of
         WW1 created a more humane and scientifically advanced Germany.
      %S Caught by the Change Winds, the author finds himself in an 1937 New York,
         meeting his historian son for lunch and discussing points when history
         might have turned for the worse.
      %C Winner: 1976 Hugo for best novella
      %C Non-AH entries in series include THE CHANGE WAR and "Try and Change the
         Past" (_Astounding_ Mar 1958, and THE BEST OF FRITZ LEIBER).
    Leiber, Fritz, "Business of Killing", in SCIENCE FICTION ADVENTURES IN
         DIMENSIONS (ed. Groff Conklin) (Vanguard 1953)
      %S A traveler finds a parallel world in which wars are treated as business
    Leiber, Fritz, "Destiny Times Three", in _Astounding_ Mar 1945; FIVE SCIENCE
         FICTION NOVELS (ed. Martin Greenberg) (Gnome 1952); and BINARY STAR #1
         (ed. ...) (Dell 1978, 0440105641)
      %S In the future, someone gets a "probability machine" that lets him make
         real all the possible outcomes from various choices.
    Leigh, Stephen, RAY BRADBURY PRESENTS DINOSAUR WORLD (Avon 1992, 0380762773)
    --------------, RAY BRADBURY PRESENTS DINOSAUR PLANET (Avon 1993, 0380762781)
    --------------, RAY BRADBURY PRESENTS DINOSAUR WARRIORS (Avon 1994, 0380762803)
    --------------, RAY BRADBURY PRESENTS DINOSAUR CONQUEST (Avon 1995, 0380762838)
      %S Three teen-agers are enmeshed in chaotic time-storms, etc., unleashed by a
         time-travelling hunter and guide.
      %C Somewhat-more-AH sequels to Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder". Third volume
         in series is Leigh & Miller's DINOSAUR SAMURAI; fifth is Leigh & Miller's
    Leigh, Stephen, & John J. Miller, RAY BRADBURY PRESENTS DINOSAUR SAMURAI (Avon
         1993, 038076279X)
    --------------------------------, RAY BRADBURY PRESENTS DINOSAUR EMPIRE (Avon
      %C In same series as Leigh's DINOSAUR WORLD.
    Leinster, Murray, "The Other World", in 6 GREAT SHORT NOVELS OF SCIENCE FICTION
         (ed. Groff Conklin) (Dell 1954); and <BAW>
      %S Ancient Egyptian priests discovered a parallel uninhabited world and
         sustain themselves by looting ours, for merchandise and slaves.
    Leinster, Murray, "Sideways in Time", in _Astounding_ Jun 1934; SIDEWAYS IN
         ANTHOLOGY OF THE 1930S (ed. Isaac Asimov) (Doubleday 1974, 0385024193);
         THE BEST OF MURRAY LEINSTER (ed. J.J. Pierce) (Ballantine 1978; Garland
         1983, 0824042107); and THE TIME TRAVELERS: A SCIENCE FICTION QUARTET (eds.
         Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg) (Donald I. Fine 1985, 0917657349)
      %S On 5 Jun 1935, portions of Earth swapped places with their analogs in
         other timelines and a professor tries to take advantage of it.
    Leinster, Murray, TIME TUNNEL (Pyramid 1964)
      %W Napoleon established a permanent dynasty.
      %S Men from our world use a time tunnel to investigate odd historical
         memories and a mysterious scientist in 1804.
      %C Not to be confused with Leinster's THE TIME TUNNEL or TIMESLIP! A TIME
         Dufour & Roux 1780)
      %W AmerInds discovered Europe before vice versa.
      %C Explicitly AH content seems limited to part 4.
    Lethem, Jonathan, & Carter Scholz, "Receding Horizon", in _CRANK!_ #5 (Summer
      %W Franz Kafka did not die of tuberculosis in 1924, and moved to Hollywood.
      %S His career working with Frank Capra.
    Lewis, Anthony R., "...But the Sword!", in <AW>
      %W Francis Bernardone of Assisi became a Crusader rather than a priest, but
         quit in disgust after witnessing the sack of Constaninople.
      %S Francis is drafted by the pope to lead a new militant order and leads the
         crusade that recaptures Jerusalem in 1221, causing his later canonization.
    Lewis, Anthony R., "In the Beginning...", in <AWC>
      %S ...
    Lewis, Anthony R., "Keep Watching the Skies", in <AWC>
      %S ...
    Lewis, Lloyd, "If Lincoln Had Lived", in ABRAHAM LINCOLN: HIS LIFE, WORK AND
         CHARACTER (ed. E. von Wagenknecht) (Creative Age 1947)
      %C ...
    Lewis, Oscar, THE LOST YEARS: A BIOGRAPHICAL FANTASY (Knopf 1951); included in
         A TREASURY OF GREAT SCIENCE FICTION VOL. 2 (ed. Anthony Boucher)
         (Doubleday 1959)
      %W Lincoln survived Booth's assassination attempt and suffered an unpopular
         second term trying to implement a humane Reconstruction.
      %S Diary and newspaper excerpts about the last month of Lincoln's presidency
         and his vacation in California during the summer of 1869.
    Ley, Olga, "Checkmate in Six Moves", in <BT>
      %W Kerensky had Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin arrested in Jul 1917 and shipped
         back to Switzerland.
      %S How it was done, with an afterword promoting tourism in the 1975 Russian
    Linaweaver, Brad, "The Bison Riders", in TALES FROM THE GREAT TURTLE (ed. Piers
         Anthony & Richard Gilliam) (Tor 1994, 0312856288; Tor 1995, 0812534905)
      %W The Aztecs did not fall to the Spanish.
      %S An AmerInd from our timeline visits during his dreamquest a N America
         where the Aztecs war against the N American tribes.
    Linaweaver, Brad, MOON OF ICE (Arbor House 1988, 0877959455; Tor 1993,
         0812520203); rev. of "Moon of Ice", in _Amazing Stories_ Mar 1982; and
      %W FDR was impeached in 1942, and Nazi Germany used nuclear weapons in 44 to
         win the war in Europe.
      %S The diaries of Joseph Goebbels and his daughter describe the victory, and
         an SS plot 20 years later to kill all non-Aryans via biological warfare.
    ----------------, "Under an Appalling Sky", in GRAILS: QUESTS, VISITATIONS, AND
         OTHER OCCURRENCES (eds. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Edward E.
         Kramer) (Unnameable 1992; Penguin 1994); and GRAILS: VISITATIONS OF THE
         NIGHT (eds. Richard Gilliam,  Martin H. Greenberg & Edward E. Kramer) (ROC
         1994, 0451453042)
      %S A int'l expedition, dominated by Nazis trying to discredit Judaism, hunts
         for the Holy Grail and finds...yeti.
      %C Also in series is Linaweaver & Ritch's "The Littlest Stormbringer".
    Linaweaver, Brad, "The Other Scabbard", in EXCALIBUR (ed. Richard Gilliam,
         Martin H. Greenberg, & Edward E. Kramer) (Warner 1995, 0446670847, not yet
      %S ...
    Linaweaver, Brad, "Unmerited Favor", in <AW>
      %W Jesus preached a more militant line.
      %S He hands out weapons and takes his new followers out into the desert to
         confront Satan. Several are angered they're not attacking the Romans.
      %C Conceivably, this might be secret history.
    Linaweaver, Brad, & William Alan Ritch, "The Littlest Stormbringer", in MICHAEL
         MOORCOCK'S ELRIC: TALES OF THE WHITE WOLF (eds. Edward E. Kramer & Richard
         Gilliam) (White Wolf 1994, 1565041755)
      %W In same timeline as MOON OF ICE.
      %S Boys attending a Hitler Youth camp in SS-run Burgundy perform a ritual
         which summons Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion, Elric of Melnibone.
    Littell, Robert: see Chesnoff, Richard Z., Edward Klein, & Robert Littell
    Livy (Titus Livius), AB URBE CONDITA
      %T English tr. by B.O. Foster as AB URBE CONDITA (Harvard Univ/Heinemann
         1926, 1948, 1957, 1963, 1975, 1982, 0674992105, 0439991910)
      %W Alexander the Great lived longer and turned west to attack the Romans.
      %S A digression in book IX, 17-19, of this history of Rome patriotically
         suggests that the Romans would have beaten him.
      %C Almost certainly the oldest AH, written during the reign of Augustus (31
         BC-14 AD).
    Locke, Robert Donald, "Demotion", in _Astounding_ Sep 1952; and PRIZE SCIENCE
         FICTION (ed. Donald A. Wollheim) (McBride 1953; vt PRIZE STORIES OF SPACE
         AND TIME, ...)
      %W Hitler was killed during an Allied bombing raid.
      %S Change the past tale.
    Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson, "A Etica da Traicao", in _Isaac Asimov Magazine de Ficcao
         Cientifica_ #25; and O ATLANTICO TEM DUAS MARGENS (ed. Jose Manuel Morais)
         (Caminho 1993)
      %T French tr. by Jean-Pierre Moumon as "L'Ethique d'une Trahison", in
         _Antares_ #41/42
      %W After the Brazilian Navy defeat at Riachuelo, intervention by the USA, et
         al. led to Paraguayan victory in the Triple Alliance War, followed by the
         fall of Brazil.
      %S A modern Brazilian temporal physicist destroys his life's work and flees
         to Paraguay to prevent his timeline from being altered into ours.
    Long, Karawynn, "And Make Death Proud to Take Us", in <AT>
      %S ...
    Long, Norton E., "What If Napoleon Had Not Sold Louisiana? (1803)", in <WIESSF>
      %W Napoleon did not sell Louisiana to the US, and it was captured by the
         British during the Napoleanic wars.
      %C Speculation that Lousiana would have remained British/Canadian territory,
         and Texas and California Mexican, thus aborting US superpowerdom.
    Longmate, Norman, IF BRITAIN HAD FALLEN (BBC/Hutchinson 1972, 0563122269; Stein
         & Day 1974, 0812816692; Arrow 1975, 0099099004)
      %W Nazi Germany invaded England.
      %S After a narrative scenario of Operation Seeloewe, some speculative essays
         discuss the direction that the occupation would have taken.
      %C Originally presented as a BBC TV program.
      %C Synopsis in Morton's "Introduction to Sealion".
    Longyear, Barry B., "Collector's Item", in _Analog_ 27 Apr 1981; and IT CAME
         FROM SCHENECTADY (Warner 1986)
      %S A man finds a silver 1978 quarter and essays by his father's students
         about visits by a mysterious friend urging them to higher goals.
    Longyear, Barry B., "The Dreyfuss Affair", in _Amazing Stories_ Nov 1993
      %W Booth did not shoot Lincoln.
      %S An agent from the 22nd century is sent back to 1865 to fix a renegade time
         traveller's murder of John Wilkes Booth. Three possibilities are shown.
    Louvish, Simon, THE RESURRECTIONS (Four Walls Eight Windows 1994, 1568580142);
         (Bloomsbury 1992, 0747511918)
      %W Rosa Luxemburg lived to lead the Communist takeover of Germany in 1923,
         forcing the National Socialists to flee to America, and in 1924, the
         struggle for power in the Soviet Union was won by Trotsky rather than
      %S In the late 1960s, while the deaths of Mussolini and Trotsky bring turmoil
         to the rest of the world, Joseph Goebbels strives to put Adolf Hitler's
         other son in the White House.
    Ludwig, Emil, "If the Emperor Frederick had not had Cancer", in <IIHHO> (all
      %W Frederick did not die of throat cancer in 1888 and his reign as Kaiser
         lasted longer than 91 days.
      %S Overview of Bismarck's construct of a network of peace treaties while
         Frederick worked on liberalizing the domestic scene.
    Lukacs, John, "If Hitler had Won the Second World War", in THE PEOPLE'S ALMANAC
         #2 (eds. David Wallechinsky & Irving Wallace) (Morrow 1978, 0688033725;
         Bantam 1978, 0553011375)
      %W Nazi Germany used paratroops to invade England on 3 Jun 40, right in the
         midst of the Dunkirk chaos.
      %S The later history of Europe and how Hitler's successors tempered his worst
      %C Accompanies Fadness's "What if...?" synopses of other AHs.
    Lund, Gerald N., THE FREEDOM FACTOR (Deseret 1987, 0875799612)
      %W The Constitution was not ratified.
      %S ...
    Lundwall, Sam J., MORKRETS FURSTE (Delta Forlags AB 1975, 9172280522)
      %S Anarchists plot to destory civilization in a 1916 in which the US is a
    Lupoff, Richard A., "At Vega's Taqueria", in _Amazing Stories_ Sept 1990
      %S A mural showing an Aztec wearing a football helmet leads a man to doubt
         his sanity until he discovers he is shifting from one timeline to another.
    Lupoff, Richard A., CIRCUMPOLAR! (Simon & Schuster 1984, 0671499416; Berkley
         1985, 0425081931)
      %W The Earth were disk-shaped, with the North Hole at the center.
      %S Two groups, American and German, travel to the other side.
    ------------------, COUNTERSOLAR! (Arbor House 1987, 0877958580; Ace 1989,
      %S Albert Einstein races the Perons to counter-Earth.
    Lupoff, Richard A., INTO THE AETHER (Dell 1970, 0440038308)
      %W Muscovites drove the Muslims out of Spain, c. 1000.
      %S Adventures on a space-faring galleon.
    Lupoff, Richard A., "Jubilee", in <AT>
      %S ...
    MacCreigh, James: see Pohl, Frederick
    Macdonald, James D., & Debra Doyle ROBERT SILVERBERG'S TIME TOURS #3:
         TIMECRIME, INC. (Harper 1991)
      %S ...
      %C Follow-up to Silverberg's UP THE LINE.
    MacFarlane, W., "Ravenshaw of WBY, Inc.", in _Analog_ Mar 1970; and ANALOG'S
         LIGHTER SIDE (ed. Stanley Schmidt) (Davis/Dial 1982, 038527775X;
         Davis/Dial 1983)
    --------------, "Meet a Crazy Lady Week", in _Analog_ Aug 1970
    --------------, "Heart's Desire and Other Simple Wants", in _Analog_ Apr 1971
    --------------, "One-Generation New World", in _If_ Mar 1971
    --------------, "Country of the Mind", in _Analog_ May 1975
      %S A crosstime traveler hops back and forth from world to world (for no
         really coherent reason).
    Mackay, Scott, "The Sages of Cassiopeia", in <f&sf> Dec 1994
      %W Tycho Brahe's twin brother was born alive, but an idiot.
      %S ...
         (Macmillan 1980, 025780301; Arms & Armour 1980, 0853683247; Greenhill
      %W Hitler decided, just before Dunkirk, to invade Britain.
      %S A campaign history of July 1940, when Germany destroyed the RAF, invaded
         England and forced HM gov't to flee across the Atlantic.
      %C Synopsis in Morton's "Introduction to Sealion".
    MacLeod, Ian R., "Snodgrass", in IN DREAMS (Morrow 1992); and THE YEAR'S BEST
         Martin's 1993, 0312094248, 031209423X; vt THE BEST NEW SCIENCE FICTION:
         7TH ANNUAL COLLECTION, Robinson 1993, 1854872346)
      %W Upset by a studio exec during a 1962 recording session, John Lennon walked
         out on the Beatles and nobody asked him to come back.
      %S 30 years later, chronically unemployed Lennon is living in Birmingham when
         the Beatles pass through during their "Greatest Hits" tour.
    Mahr, Kurt, MENSCHEN ZWISCHEN DER ZEIT (Terra 1961)
      %S Hunt for a man who is trying to destroy the world financial system with
         dollars from a timeline suffering high inflation.
    Mahr, Kurt, 2 X PROFESSOR MANSTEIN (Terra 1961)
      %S A scientist from our world is transported to another to fight an alien
    Malzberg, Barry N., "All Assassins", in <WMHB1>
      %W Nixon was elected president in 1960 and Johnson in 1964 and 1968.
      %S In 1972, "the senator" runs again. Upset by his change of heart on the
         Vietnam war, "Lee" decides to shoot him and his running-mate in Dallas.
    Malzberg, Barry N., "Allegro Marcato", in <BAOF>
      %W Arturo Toscanini was uninterested in music as a child, and after
         immigrating to America, worked the San Francisco docks and learned
      %S "Art Tosca" manages the NY Yankees during four straight World Series
         championships, despite violent arguments with a slumping Babe Ruth in
    Malzberg, Barry N., "Andante Lugubre", in _Science Fiction Age_ May 1993
      %W Tchaikovsky lived much, much longer than 53 years and eventually emigrated
         to Hollywood.
      %S At age 99, Tchaikovsky attends a meeting of Jewish composers protesting
         Hitler's policies.
    Malzberg, Barry N., "Another Goddamned Showboat", in <WMHB2>
      %W Ernest Hemingway became a hack science fiction writer.
      %S In 1941, Hemingway is still struggling to get published when the latest
         issue of _Amazing_ arrives, featuring a story by a kid named Asimov.
    Malzberg, Barry N., CHORALE (Doubleday 1978, 0385131380)
      %S ...
    Malzberg, Barry N., "Fugato", in <AW>
      %W Leonard Bernstein was drafted by the US Army and classified 1A.
      %S Trapped in an Ardennes farmhouse two years later, infantryman Bernstein
         contemplates the path that led him there.
    Malzberg, Barry N., "Heavy Metal", in <AP>
      %W JFK argued with Chicago Mayor Richard Daley during the presidential
         election campaign of 1960.
      %S A look at the losing campaign, as Bob Kennedy tries to cure his brother's
         self-destructive activities.
    Malzberg, Barry N., "Hitler at Nuremburg", in <BAOF>; and _Pulphouse_ #17
      %W Hitler did not commit suicide as the Russians swept into Berlin.
      %S Maunderings as Hitler insists the Final Solution was Eichmann's idea, but
         other war crime defendants all claim they were just following his orders.
    Malzberg, Barry N., "In the Stone House", in <AK>
      %W Joe Kennedy, Jr., survived WW2 and was elected US president in 1952.
      %S Joe Kennedy's presidency collapses after the firing of SecState McCarthy
         and in 1963, Joe decided to end his brother's for betraying the family.
      %C Nominee: 1993 Hugo for best novelette.
    Malzberg, Barry N., "January 1975", in _Analog_ Jan 1975; DOWN HERE IN THE
         DREAM QUARTER (Doubleday 1976, 0385122683); and 100 GREAT SCIENCE FICTION
         SHORT SHORT STORIE (eds. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D.
         Olander) (Doubleday 1978, 0385130449; Avon 1978, 0380507730)
      %W Nixon was elected president in 1960.
      %S A writer in that timeline tries to convince his editor to accept a series
         of stories based on the premise that Kennedy was elected.
    Malzberg, Barry N., "Kingfish", in <AP>
      %W Huey Long survived the assassination attempt in 1935 and became president
         in 1936 by stealing away FDR's vice-president.
      %S John Nance Gardner tells how he struck a deal with the Kingfish, and then
         how they dealt with Hitler.
    Malzberg, Barry N., THE REMAKING OF SIGMUND FREUD (Ballantine 1985); rev. of
         "Emily Dickinson--Saved from Drowning", in CHRYSALIS 8 (ed. Roy Torgeson)
         (Doubleday 1980, 0385170408)
      %W ...
      %S Freud is murdered by a disappointed patient, only to be reincarnated
         aboard a spaceship whose crew need analysis.
      %C Nominee: 1985 Nebula for best novel.
    Malzberg, Barry N., "Ship Full of Jews", in _Omni_ Apr 92; and <WMHB4>
      %W Columbus carried several hundred deported Jews along during his first
      %S Columbus argues with a rabbi about conditions below decks. Meanwhile, over
         on the _Santa Maria_, Torquemada plots.
    Malzberg, Barry N., "Turpentine", in <WMHB3>
      %W Radicals who took over the UChicago campus in 1968 went looking for the
         campus reactors.
      %S The radicals make extreme demands, forgetting that LBJ is a _vengeful_
    Malzberg, Barry N.: see also Koja, Kathe, & Barry N. Malzberg
         1993, 0575055154; Gollancz 1994, 0575057165)
      %W Rome never fell.
      %S A student, a mechanic and a servant at Britannia's Battle Dome flee into
         the "uncivilized" forests.
    -------------, A LAND FIT FOR HEROES: BOOK II: STAND ALONE STAN (Gollancz 1994;
         Gollancz 1995, 057505932X)
      %S ...
    -------------, A LAND FIT FOR HEROES: BOOK III: THE DRAGON WAKES (Gollancz
      %S ...
         1996, not yet published)
      %S ...
    Marr, Andrew, "Without Her", in _Alternate Worlds_ #1 (Jan 1994)
      %W Labour defeated the Conservatives in the 1978 British elections and
         Margaret Thatcher did not become Prime Minister.
      %C An abridged transcript of Martin Davidson's BBC-TV program examining a
         history of the UK in the 1980s with Thatcher as a backbench MP.
    Marriott, J.A.R., "If Queen Victoria--? An Historical Phantasy", in
         _Fortnightly_ Apr 1941
      %W William IV's heir was male.
      %S Effect of British retention of Hanover on German reunification and the
         world wars.
    Martin, George R.R., "Under Siege", in _Omni_ Oct 1985; and THE YEAR'S BEST
         SCIENCE FICTION, THIRD ANNUAL COLLECTION (ed. Gardner Dozois) (Bluejay
         1984, 031294487X, 0312944861)
      %T German tr. by Barbara Heidkamp as "Belagert", in <HSL>
      %W Fremont was elected US president in 1856.
      %S A mental time traveler trying to prevent the Russian capture of Sveabourg
         in 1808 fails, but later emigrates to America and becomes a Republican.
    Martin, George R.R. (ed.), WILD CARDS I (Bantam 1987, 0553261908)
    -------------------------, WILD CARDS II: ACES HIGH (Bantam 1987, 0553264648)
    -------------------------, WILD CARDS III: JOKERS WILD (Bantam 1987,
    -------------------------, WILD CARDS IV: ACES ABROAD (Bantam 1988, 055327628X)
    -------------------------, WILD CARDS V: DOWN AND DIRTY (Bantam 1988,
    -------------------------, WILD CARDS VI: ACE IN THE HOLE (Bantam ...,
    -------------------------, WILD CARDS VIII: ONE-EYED JACKS (Bantam 1990,
    -------------------------, WILD CARDS IX: JOKERTOWN SHUFFLE (Bantam 1991,
    -------------------------, WILD CARDS XI: DEALER'S CHOICE (Bantam 1992)
    -------------------------, WILD CARDS: CARD SHARKS (Baen 1993, 0671721593)
    -------------------------, WILD CARDS: MARKED CARDS  (Baen 1994, 0671722123)
    -------------------------, WILD CARDS: BLACK TRUMP (Baen 1995, not yet
      %W In 1946, a genetically-tailored virus from outer space was released in
         Earth's stratosphere, killing many but giving super powers to others.
      %S A series of "mosaic novels" explores the effect of the virus during the
         ensuing decades. Curiously, history isn't altered all that much.
      %C Though called mosaic novels, many of these volumes might be considered
         anthologies. However, individual entries for each story are not included
         in this list.
      %C Also in series are Martin & Miller's WILD CARDS VII: DEAD MAN'S HAND,
         Snodgrass's WILD CARDS X: DOUBLE SOLITAIRE, and Milan's WILD CARDS XII:
    Martin, George R.R., & John J. Miller, WILD CARDS VII: DEAD MAN'S HAND (Bantam
         ..., 055328569X)
      %C In same series as Martin's WILD CARDS I.
    Martine-Barnes, Adrienne, THE CRYSTAL SWORD (Avon 1988, 038075455X)
    ------------------------, THE FIRE SWORD (Avon 1985, 0380754541)
    ------------------------, THE RAINBOW SWORD (publ. unknown)
    ------------------------, THE SEA SWORD (publ. unknown)
      %W An alteration in the progeny of Henry II resulted in a different English
         royal succession. Also, magic works.
      %S A woman from our world visits a different olde England.
    Mason, David, THE SHORES OF TOMORROW (Lancer 1971, 0447752170)
      %S Exiles from different N Americas of 1965 meet.
    Masters, Roger D., "What If Napoleon Had Not Invaded Russia? (1808)", in
      %W Appendicitis and pneumonia prevented Napoleon from invading Spain in 1808,
         and reading Rousseau altered his tactics.
      %C A more devious Napoleon leads France to world power by isolating Britain,
         having built up the French fleet and made alliance with Russia and
    Maurois, Andre, "If Louis XVI had an Atom of Firmness", in <IIHHO> (all eds.)
      %T German tr. by Walter Brumm as "Wenn Ludwig XVI. eine Spur von Festigkeit
         gezeigt hatte", in DAS SCIENCE FICTION JAHR (ed. ...) (Heyne 1986)
      %W Louis XVI were more stubborn, retaining Turgot as finance minister.
      %S An historian from our world goes to Heaven and reads an encyclopedia entry
         on the reign of Louis XVI (1774-1820).
    Max, Nicholas, PRESIDENT MCGOVERN'S FIRST TERM (Doubleday 1973, 0385042124)
      %W By asking the voters if they could trust Nixon for 4 more years, George
         McGovern was elected president in 1972.
      %S An administration insider describes how McGovern's strong moral compass is
         diverted by playing politics to get his policies enacted.
    Mayer, Christian: see Amery, Carl
    Mazarin, Jean, L'HISTOIRE DETOURNEE (Fleuve Noir 1984)
      %W Germany won WW2 using atomic weapons.
      %S WW3 in 1989 against Japan.
    McAllister, Bruce, "Southpaw", in _Asimov's Science Fiction_ Aug 1993
      %W Fidel Castro accepted the contract offer from the New York Giants and
         became a profesional baseball player.
      %S While a struggling rookie pitcher in 1951, Castro's eyes are opened to the
         troubles at home and he arranges a meeting with countryman Desi Arnaz.
    McAuley, Paul J., PASQUALE'S ANGEL (Gollancz 1994, 0575054891; Morrow 1995,
         0688141544; Gollancz 1995, 0575059176)
      %W Leonardo da Vinci, the Great Engineer, kicked off the Industrial
         Revolution three centuries early.
      %S In 1518 Florence, an engineer and reporter Niccolo Machiavegli investigate
         a locked tower murder and attempt to prevent a war with Spain.
    McCleary, Rob, "Nixon in Space", in _CRANK!_ #6
      %S ...
    McDevitt, Jack, "The Tomb", in <WMHB3>
      %W Constantine was defeated by Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge, leading to
         the complete break-up of Rome and a never-ending dark age.
      %S C. 1700, a young man meets an old man excavating a tomb in a ruined city.
    McDonald, Ian, "The Best & the Rest of James Joyce", in _Interzone_ #58 (Apr
         Gardner Dozois) (St. Martin's 1993, 0312094248, 031209423X; vt THE BEST
         NEW SCIENCE FICTION: 7TH ANNUAL COLLECTION, Robinson 1993, 1854872346)
      %W James Joyce took up an occupation other than writing.
      %S In another timeline, Joyce consults with Carl Jung about troublesome
         dreams in which he becomes a musician or a physicist.
    McGarry, Terry, "The Best Little Worldcon in...", in <AWC>
      %S ...
    McHugh, Maureen F., "The Ballad of Ritchie Valenzuela", in <AO>
      %W Richie Valens got in trouble during a visit to Tijuana.
      %S A Hollywood film crew shoots a movie about the famous bank robber.
    McHugh, Maureen B., "The Lincoln Train", in <f&sf> Apr 1995; and <AT>
      %W Lincoln survived Booth's assassination attempt was so gravely wounded that
         SecState Seward ended up running the country.
      %S Southerners are shipped out west to starve among the Indians, but the
         Friends have started a new underground railroad.
      %C Nominee: 1996 Nebula for best short story.
    McHugh, Maureen F., "Tut's Wife", in <AW>
      %W Tutankhamen's widow sought a husband to protect her and to help spread the
         faith of Aten in Egypt.
      %S Ankhesenpaaten tries to manipulate a powerful general.
    McMullen, Sean, "A Greater Vision", in _Analog_ Oct 1992
      %W Aborigines in Australia progressed much much faster, developing steam
         engines by 22000 BC, atomic power by 10000 BC and rockets by 800 BC.
      %S Worried by Europe's increasingly speedy and warlike technological
         progress, aborigines decide to stop Columbus's expedition.
    Robert B. Schmunk,

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