An Act to provide for the extension of the Boundaries of the Province of Manitoba
44 Victoria, S.C. 1881, c. 14
[Assented to 21st March 1881]
WHEREAS, by an Act of the Legislature of the Province of Manitoba, passed during the session thereof held in the present year of Her Majesty's reign, and intituled "An Act to provide for the extension of the boundaries of the Province of Manitoba" the Legislature of that Province hath consented to the increase of the same by the alteration of its limits, as hereinafter enacted, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter expressed: Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House or Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:--
1. The Province of Manitoba shall be increased as hereinafter defined, that is to say, so that the boundaries thereof shall be as follows:--"Commencing at the intersection of the International Boundary dividing Canada from the United States of America by the centre of the Road Allowance between the twenty-ninth and thirtieth ranges or townships lying west of the first principal meridian in the system of Dominion Land Surveys; thence northerly, following upon the said centre of the said road allowance as the same is or may hereafter be located, defining the said range line on the ground across Townships one to fortyfour, both inclusive, to the intersection of the said centre of the said road allowance by the centre of the road allowance on the twelfth base line in the said system of Dominion Land Surveys; thence easterly along the said centre of the road allowance on the twelfth base line, following the same to its intersection by the easterly limit of the District of Keewatin, as defined by the Act thirtyninth Victoria, Chapter twentyone, that is to say, to a point where the said centre of the road allowance on the twelfth base line would be intersected by a line drawn due north from where the westerly boundary of the Province of Ontario intersects the aforesaid International Boundary Line dividing Canada from the United States of America; thence due south, following upon the said line to the International Boundary aforesaid; and thence westerly, following upon the said International Boundary Line dividing Canada from the United States of America, to the place of beginning," and all the land embraced by the said description not now within the Province of Manitoba shall, from and after the passing of this Act, be added thereto, and the whole shall, from and after the said date, form and be the Province of Manitoba.
2. The terms and conditions upon which such increase is made are as follows:--
(a) All the enactments and provisions of all the Acts of the Parliament of Canada which have, since the creation of the Province of Manitoba, been extended into and made to apply to the said Province, shall extend and apply to the territory by this Act added thereto, as fully and effectually as if the same had originally formed part of the Province and the boundaries thereof had, in the first instance, been fixed and defined as is done by this Act,--subject, however, to the provisions of section three of this Act.
(b) The said increased limit and the territory thereby added to the Province of Manitoba shall be subject to all such provisions as may have been or shall hereafter be enacted, respecting the Canadian Pacific Railway and the lands to be granted in aid thereof.
3. All laws and ordinances in force in the territory hereby added to the Province of Manitoba at the time of the coming into force of this Act, and all courts of civil and criminal jurisdiction, and all legal commissions, powers and authorities, and all officers, judicial, administrative and ministerial, existing therein at the time of the coming into force of this Act, shall continue therein as if such territory had not been added to the said Province; subject, nevertheless, with respect to matters within the legislative authority of the Legislature of the Province of Manitoba, to be repealed, abolished or altered by the said Legislature.
4. This Act shall come into force only upon, from and after a day to be appointed in that behalf by proclamation of the Governor published in the Canada Gazette.
William F. Maton