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    Subject:      Napoleon's continued empire - afftereffects
    Date:         1996/08/11
    Message-ID:   <4um4bc$>
    Newsgroups:   soc.history.what-if
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         Thanks to all those who have posted an e-mailed ideas.  Here are
    some aftereffects of my timeline's Napoleon's actions, based on what's
    been said - there's some parts I've left open, but others can discuss -
    namely, after the French colonize more of Africa, they have to go to
    Asia, I would assume - what would they do there?
         A recap on whats transpired - Napoleon pushed through the Ottoman
    Empire in the hope of reaching India.  After the Great War, as its
    called, goes from 1810 or so to 1816, the Ottomans are decimated,
    Portugal controls Arabia, Britain and France are very war weary, the
    British control the rest of the ex-Ottoman Empire in Asia, with France
    starting to acquire African colonies, such as those held by the Ottomans
    save for Egypt, which is British.
         The Napoleonic puppet France installs as Sultan controls only Asian
         Hapsburgs own all the Balkans save for Greece.  Britain has sold all
    of Oregon to the U.S. to pay for the war.  Russia owns the Dardenelles,
    but Britain would like to see the Ottomans or Hapsburgs get them, now
    that N. is cowed.  N. still owns the Low Countries, Germany west of the
    Rhine, and Switzerland, as well as France, in 1817.
         1820:  Whig reforms working in Britain.  France starts to set its eyes
    on the Ruhr Valley.  Meanwhile, thanks to the formation, together with
    the Hungarians and the Orthodox Balkans, of the Tri-Monarchy, the
    Austrian Empire is bigger & stronger than OTL, and they begin to dicker
    with the Russians over the Bulgarian coast of the Black Sea.  Russia
    wants it and Moldavia to link it with the Dardenelles, Austria wants to
    keep it and also control the Dardenelles.  Britain agrees to support
    Austria. (They only let Russia get the Dardenelles because they knew
    other nations would be there to control the, since theres no land
         1821:  The British look uneasy as the French start to mass troops on
    their side of the Rhine, looking ready to overrun the Ruhr Valley. (Im
    assuming it was the British who poisoned Napoleon.  If not, substitute
    a relative.)  They wait for the nations of the Ruhr to make the 1st move,
    as France is still rebuilding..
         Britain declines to fight France unless its necessary, as they are
    still jittery about entering a lengthy war that could easily be a
    stalemate again.
         1824:  Russia, having acquired the Caucasus, decides they want more
    of Turkey.  Having not been damaged nearly as much by N.s forces, they
    attack from Odessa and Constantinople, as well as on land.  The Ottomans
    receive much needed help from the Austrians.
         1825:  As the United States thanks the Lord they havent become
    involved in European affairs, the more powerful Russians find the
    French jumping into the fray.  Britain watches as the continents two
    major powers duke it out, deciding that if one becomes too weak, they
    will jump in to support the loser, even if its the French, to preserve the
    balance of power.
         1827:  The Treaty of Washington, sponsored by John Quincy Adams
    and by the British, gives the Dardenelles to Austria as part of a quasi
    independent nation of Macedonia.  It is hoped that, by placing the region
    under the auspecies of the more powerful Hapsburgs, the Russians will
    not be able to make the Black Sea a Russian Lake anymore.
         1829:  The Turks attempt to create a new Constitution as in OTLs
    1870s, hoping that this will solve their problems.  However, having
    been treated to N.s anti-Muslim ruler for so long, a revolt occurs in
    Ankara.  Britain, Prussia, and Portugal rush to settle what could
    be a civil war by carving out spheres of influence.  Turkey is carved into
    colonies despite French attempts to control the entire nation.  N. quickly
    backs out when Prussian forces attack across the Ruhr, and a bloody
    stalemate occurs as the powerful French push the Prussians back.
         Meanwhile, in the U.S., John Quincy Adams begins a 2nd term, without
    Andrew Jacksons big win at New Orleans thrusting him into the national
    spotlight.  Hes captured Florida from the Spanish, and won more Indian
    battles, but thats about it.
         Political parties are re-forming, here around whether the U.S. should
    keep expanding or not.
         1835:  Macedonias place as a puppet state still smacks of freedom for
    them, and the desire for independence starts to spread to other national-
    ities in the Hapsburg Empire.  France and Russia compete here, France
    trying to help the empire stay together, Russia trying to break it apart
    so they can grab some lands.  Britain, meanwhile, starts intrigue in
    China as in OTL.
         1837:  Texan forces win big a few months after the Alamo, wherein
    some U.S. fighters are killed.  Once elections are over, re-elected Daniel
    Webster sends Jackson and several other generals down to help Texas
    achieve independence, and at the same time sparks a war with Mexico.
         1838:  Revolts break out in Budapest, Bucharest, and Belgrade.  Berlin
    even sees some demonstrations, as does Paris, as Enlightenment Europe
    sees more demand for liberalism.  Austrian Empire breaks into a
    confederation like the British Empire of OTLs early 1900s.  One empress
    controls them, but the eight nations have autonomy in domestic matters.
    Knowing that Russia and France could both covet these quasi-nations, the
    nations sign a mutual defense pact with the British.  The Prussian
    Emperor, whose relative, Queen Victoria, hss just assumed the British
    throne, also agrees to protect them from Russian desires.
         1840:  This could be around the time Napoleon - or his son, if the
    British didnt poison N. - dies, leaving Louis Napoleon as emperor.  L.N.
    is more focused on acquiring colonies than he is on conquering EUrope.
    He also bears less animosity toward the British.  Hence, he starts to add
    to Indonesia, which was Dutch and fell into Frances hands after the Great
    War, by taking some small islands,.  One of his first acts is to order
    French ships into Japan to open their trade markets, hopefully bringing
    Japan into their sphere of influence.
         Meanwhile, early in the year, the U.S. completes its war with Mexico
    and adds all that they did in our timeline, plus some points south that
    werent as heavily populated by Mexicans 10 years earlier than OTLs war.
         An America weary of war elects Lewis Cass President.  Cass promptly
    admits Texas to the Union as per their request, but he begins a string
    of anti-slavery, anti-expansion Presidents.
         1852:  Martin Van Buren elects to serve only one term and not run
    again at 70, fortunate as the South had been threatening to secede over his
    hard-line abolitionist policies.  While several states have been added as
    slave states below Texas, it is becoming apparent that the Compromise
    of 1820 is not working, partly because the anti-expansion party is also
    composed mostly of Northerners.  James Bucnanan win election with the
    expansionist Democrats.
         1855:  Prussia, having defeated Austria in a minor engagement over
    the Sudetland, takes Warsaw in a surprise move against Russian forces
    trying to re-acquire the Dardenelles.  Russia is too focused on the south.
    They lose the war, and must give Germany Poland in the peace, while at
    the same time the conflict divided their forces and kept them from
    re-taking the Dardenelles.
         1857:  Because several northern, anti-slavery Presidents have
    appointed justices the Dred Scot decision goes against the slaveholder.
    The South demands an immediate Constitutional Amendment protecting
    slavery in the territories, but President Seward, knowing it couldnt
    gain the 3/4 necessary states, refuses.  After having defeated Buchanan
    for re-election, Seward finds himself in a civil war by June of 1858, as
    states begin to secede.  Amid pressure, he uses this as an opportunity to
    push through anti-slavery measures, including an EMancipation
    Proclamation in 1860.
         1858:  The Russians surrender Alaska to the British as part of the
    peace treaty ending the war against them.  Britain makes it part of
    Canada, and grants the nation dominion status.
         Meanwhile, the French Empire fights Germany to a draw when the
    Germans attack.  The fighting solidifies German control of the Ruhr
    Valley, however, and allow Germany to take parts of Belgium and the
    Netherlands.  Later that year, German unification occurs.
         1861:  Very late in the year, the U.S. ends their war.  When John
    Wilkes Booth decides to shoot the President for allowing the South to
    fall, the new President, Charles Sumner, outlaws slavery altogether and
    begins to push through massive integration measures.
         And where does Napoleon III look?  Well, stay tuned, because with
    the U.S. united, he cant support Maximillian as easily.  Therefore, the
    French send their navy en masse to China, push up from Southeast
    Asia, and hope to influence the Taipeng Rebellion, or at least grab
    some territory.  They have the northern half of Africa, except for a bit
    of Nigeria which is British.  Britain controls the southern half, except
    for a couple Portugese colonies.  So, Asia becomes a hot spot for
    colony grabbing.  Would China be able to be split into colonies?  With
    a more powerful Germany help...well,what do you think?

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