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    Subject:      Re: WI: Russian Pacific North America
    From:         "Doug Hoff" <>
    Date:         1997/01/28
    Message-ID:   <01bc0cae$d65d1ac0$77efaec7@doughoff>
    Newsgroups:   alt.history.what-if
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    Andrew S Goldstein <> wrote in article
    > In a brief lapse of mental clarity, I wrote:
    > > (James Walter Frusetta) writes:
    > Aaaarghh...forgive the typo.  I meant that the Russians would liberate it
    > for the Americans.  Or not.  Anyway, how likely is it that the Russians 
    > would sell us part of Alaska?  What was the reason for Seward's 
    > purchase...was it a land grab, for strategic reasons, or to take 
    > advantage of the natural resources (mostly fishing and timber at that
    Actually, from what I have read, I thought Seward bought Alaska because he
    saw it as a bridge to the Asian markets.  Also, he figured western Canada
    would gravitate towards the US if sandwitched between US territory (seems
    kind of funny, huh?  This was also the period when folks thought the US was
    going to annex Mexico and Central America to control the land between it
    and a canal.).
    If the Russians held onto Alaska, the Japanese would probably have grabbed
    it during 1905.  Probably only be a minor operation, since the Russkies
    would be very busy in Manchuria, and it is unlikely that they would have
    garrisoned Alaska very heavily.
    T. Roosevelt probably would have made the Japanese disgorge Alaska during
    the peace process, tho.

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