DAI (pronounced "Day") BLACKCLAW was done as a surprise gift for me by the very talented model sculptor, CALGOR. Unfortunately the pictures I shot of his work do not do them justice, but they will give you a glimpse of their creator's talent.

Oh, and did I forget to tell you? Calgor is a scientist in RL. :-)

DAI (side) by Calgor DAI (front) by Calgor DAI (top) by Calgor
Dai (side)
Dai (front)
Dai (top)

If you'd like to drop an e-mail to Calgor regarding his sculptures, I'm sure he'll tell you about his site where he has placed a lot more of them. Besides, he likes e-mail (don't we all?). :-)

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The character of Dai Blackclaw is copyright © Lionus Goldenmane.