



Province Capitals


Capital of the province Empyres


Also known as "Neo Eden". Empyres is the technologically most advanced and most grandiose city of the empire.

Its one of the largest, too. Empyres' centre is full of modern skyscrapers, pillars made of steel, marble and glass.

They are silent giants which testify Empyres' power. The entire inner city is full of memorials, fillled by statues of former kings and old heros. Tram lines built on heavy columns above the streets, pervade the entire city like a spider web while floating TV-Screens inform the public with daily news. Even people from other metropoles are impressed by Empyres' glamour. 


The heart of the city is the royal palace. An amazing building which can mess with all the other skyscrapers in case of size and which combines the political bureaus and parliament with the emperor's home. Furthermore there is the central military academy of the Royal Army in one of the outer parts of the city.



Capital of the province Ondora


Ondora is the biggest metropole in Assiah. After the assimilation of the Ondorian Kingdom by Empyres, Ondora developed into an industrial and trading town which has dramatically grown due to the technological developments of the recent centuries. Today its the most importent commercial city of the empire although its giant industrial areas are slightly smaller than Suto's ones.


While the outer areas of the city are simple housing areas for the industry's workforce, the inner town is a lively mix of fun and business. Restaurants, all kind of stores, pubs, chinemas, theatres - there is nothing one cannot find or buy in Ondora.

Glowing advertisements, neon-scripts, lanterns and the neverending stream of people transform Ondora into a town which knows no sleep. No wonder that the town is extremely popular among adventurers who are a usual sight here.



Capital of the province Aischitar


Kaidalon is the intellectual and magical centre of the empire. The town was founded together with and by the Magicians Guild in the year 666. Its no big but therefore quite glorious city. The buildings of the inner town are highly decorated and hundreds of towers rise into the sky, like the spikes on a hedgehog's back. The giant, towerlike Great Academy for Magical Arts is the heart of the town, geographical and metaphorical. 


Kaidalon is a student town which explains the quite juvenile flair there. Near the academy are a lot of large and often quite luxurious dormitories. Logically the town does not only educate new magicians but is also the centre of all other magical issues and the magical shops here are famous for their wide variety of items which can't be found in any other town of Assiah.



Capital of the province Heron


Ellyras is a town with a very old history and its people are very proud of their origin. Although Ellyras has a huge industrial area, it cannot mess with Ondora or Suto. Instead Ellyras' trademark is its enormous airship harbour, the largest of the entire empire. There are traditional harbours at the coastline, too, the home of many fishermen and Ellyras' large fishing-industrie. Here rises the famous Kapran fish-market, the largest of its kind. Only here one can hope to purchase the delicious and rare Herony-Salmon.


Furthermore Ellyras is well known for its ancient inner town which survived all conflicts of the past, including the Great War against the Ondorian Kingdom centuries ago. One can also find the oldest trainline of Assiah here. 



Capital of the province Waoji


Wao is a cheerful and lively city with a unique history. Wao was founded by slaves who where sent from the continent Aziluth a few decades befor Eden's downfall. Their culture was absolutely different from that of other slaves.

They created their own little realm around Wao and stayed neutral and isolated from other nations.


Wao is famous for its colourful and exotic buildings and culture. Many people describe it as "different world".

Its most popular trademark is the amazing market which is built up every week. It spreads from the royal palace, which is actually a small village of its own, in the city's center through the narrow streets of the entire old town.

Wao is quite popular among tourists who want to see the exotic athmosphere of this unique city.



Capital of the province Grave


Grave-Town is a very old town and its centre is at least as old as Ellyras one. The life in the high mountains of the north made the people of the entire province very rough and simple, culture was just a secondary luxury. Other nations often described gravian people as barbarians.


Today Grave-Town is very proud of its martial history and especially the Grave-Guard, the beasthunters of the gravian province. Those warriors are much wilder and stronger than other beasthunters. Therefore they have to hunt much more dangerous creatures than the ones in the southern areas of Assiah.



Capital of the province Andmes


Addbach is a rather small and sleepy town. The Andmenian Kingdom had once been allied to the Ondorian Kingdom and so even today Addbach has very good relationships to the far larger metropole. Its no secret that many pacts between Addbach's mining industry and Ondora's forges are several centuries old. 

Addbach itself is well known for its beautyful and large cathedral in the town's centre. It had been built on order of King Harlatan in the 9th century. The reasons were unknown but some rumours tell that the king secretly worshiped a poweful demon, possibly an avatar of Karma.



Capital of the province Feldearth


Allerbest is a quite large town built around the top of a mountain. The famous royal fortress is placed on the highest point directly on the top itself, allowing an amazing view onto the surrounding valleys.


After Ondora's dominion, freed by Empyres, Allerbest quickly flourished and today Feldearth is one of the empire's most importent ore and iron supplier. In 2231 Allerbest allied to Rheydt to produce the best known arms in Assiah.

Today Feldearth also produces metal parts of high quality for other industries all around Assiah.



Capital of the province Gura


Like Aischitar, Gura is full of large, dense forests. 

It is no suprise that the small province mostly lives from those forests. Batargo is the empire's largest producer of timber

and it's woodchoppers are well known for their experience and their unique, traditional suits.


Batargo itself is a small and old fashioned town rather isolated from the rest of the empire.

Many tourists descripe the place as traditional and somehow homely. Furthermore the most obvious feature of the town is the extremly tall golem tree near the city hall. With more than 100 feet it overtops every building of the town. 



Capital of the province Baldris


Baldris had once been a small mountain-kingdom, well known for its wild and martial inhabitants.

None of the other kingdoms ever tried to conquer it until Empyres' invasion. But even Empyres, with its superior technology and overwhelming number of troops, had problems to defeat the small nation.

Baldrian warriors were brave and skilled fighters. Today many of the royal army's best soldiers origin from this province.


Boras is a town of average size which has adapted to the empire's standards. Like Addbach and Allerbest it mosty lives from mining although Boras produces more coal than metals. Many different kinds of jewels can be found here, too,

and has become very popular among Assiah's jewelers. 



Capital of the province Whei


Emfas is more a large village than a town. It was only chosen to be the province's capital because its the largest settlement on the island. Although it once lived from fishery, the town has become a quite popular place among tourists and thus built up many hotels and attractions for the people from the mainland.



Capital of the province Parax


Parax is the medical heart of Assiah. Thanks to the many abnormal and often poisonous creatures living in the province's dense forests and mountains, it has a very large ressource for thousands of medicines and alchemical substances.


Like almost all towns of the eastern landmass, Geddas is rather small and not comparable to the large and modern cities of the central landmass. Nevertheless its the core of Parax's medical industry and well-known for its large alchemical-market. Some substances can only be bought here which makes it a famous destination among Assiah's alchemists.



Capital of the province Styx


Gehenna is a large and modern harbour city and the former capital of a rich and powerful nation. The Realm of Styx had once been an ally of the Novarian Kingdom. Both nations were forged together to withstand Ondora.

Even today both provinces have many economic and traditional pacts.


Gehenna is built in a break within the cliffs of the coastline which allows access to the sea.

Two centuries ago this break was artifically enlarged to accommodate larger facilities and modernized ariship harbours.

One of the cities most unsual features is the silvergate bridge which spans over the entire break.



Capital of the province Haarikon


Once the province of Haarikon had been a small nation conquered and absorbed by the old Areol Princedom, a realm governed by the decendants of a gravian prince and thus a close friend of the Kingdom of Grave. 

When the empire was founded, Empyres decided to free Haarikon from the broken princedom.


Before the princedom's invasion Gentik had already been Haarikon's capital and thus even today the people of Gentik are very proud of their hometown's resurrection. Although the hatred vanished during the centuries, there is still a strong rivalry between Haarikon and Aerolin focused on their capitals. Gentik itself lives from agriculture and is a small but lively town which is well known for its cheerful inhabitants and the extremely high number of holidays. 



Capital of the province Aerolin


Herois had already been the capital of the Aerol Princedom and is still very proud of its history and relationship to the old monarchy of Grave. Unlike Grave-Town Herois tries to emphasize it's royal history and the "Wyvern Crown", the city's official emblem, is an often seen symbol here. 


Furthermore the large city is a very importent economic connection to the province of Grave. It's no surprise that the city is full of life and salesmen. Herois is a very rich and famous for it's excellent banks. 



Capital of the province Merloin


Ind is a small but very popular city among tourists. It's a beautyful town, famous for it's white and slightly rounded architecture and the huge amount of vegetable decorations. Ind is surrounded by peaceful and protected forests but much more unique is the city's position. It was built around the lower end of a huge waterfall. 



Capital of the province Ofas


Because the province Ofas has neither a political nor an economic importance, Mufas is a small and not very shiny capital. The town lives from tourists and fishery. Although the weather and coastline in Ofas is not comparable to Whei, many people come here to see the mysterious and deadly Akashesa desert where they hope to see traces of the ancient Edeni culture or to find a precious artifact. 



Capital of the province Novaris


Novariel is a large and rich city with a very productive industry which can mess with Ondora and Suto.

Many buildings and monuments in Novariel remind of the days of the Novarian Kingdom although the royal family itself has faded away centuries ago. Furthermore Novariel's inner city belongs to the oldest and most beautyful ones in Assiah.



Capital of the province Sharin


Nuanda is a quite large town and the organisational core of the economically very importent province Sharin which had once been a small kingdom called Schourim.

Sharin is the connection between Ondora's industries and Freya's Realm which has almost no own industry and thus has to import almost everything from the empire. Due to it's importance as trading town, Nuanda is quite popular among salesmen and the economic upper class society. Many millionaires and businessmen live here in extraordinary villas.  



Capital of the province Ganzrune


Ganzune had once been a military and stubborn nation which refused to join neither the Ondorian Kingdom nor the Chennoi Kingdom. It was very famous for its proud and strong knight chapters. Those strong and brave warriors protected the realm against many dangers like the wyverns which live in the nearby mountains.


Even today Rheydt's fortresslike inner city reminds to the old days of war and battle. The city is well known for it's excellent weapon-smiths and its unusual large number of runesmiths. Many adventurers travel here, just to purchase one of those famous weapons, although the town itself is also a lively and adventurer-friendly place. 



Capital of the province Ceolly


Siurav is the former capital of the ancient realm Hadrika which existed from the early 8th to the late 10th century.

Several smaller nations and independent towns  had once been merged into a single realm by the very powerful sorceress Jomira, rumours and old legends tell that this almost immortal queen was actually a half-demon or at least made a pact with a demon. Despite it's unusual leader the realm became storied for its mighty army made of a strange race of beastmen, the results of Jomira's cruelsome experiments on living beings.


In the end of the 10th century Hadrika suffered from inner conflicts caused by former servants of the royal family.

Jomira's grip began to loose. The neighbouring country Schourim saw a chance to eliminate the danger coming from the aggressive nation. Thus it attacked Hadrika. With the majority of its military involved in the rebellion, Jomira had nothing to fight back the invaders. In the end Hadrika was completely defeated by Schourim and made into part of its own realm.

The so called warbeasts, Jomira's inhuman soldiers, were freed and integrated into the normal society as well as possible.

Today there are no warbeasts anymore, their bloodlines either absorbed by the human ones or died out because of isolation. Nevertheless Ceolly is the province with the highest number of naturally born transformed humans. Usually they have a tail, feline ears or patches of fur, the heritage of the freed warbeasts.


Siurav itself is a rather small town with one of the oldest centres in Assiah. The streets and buildings still origin from the days when Jomira controled the area. Only Jomira's palace was destroyed during the war. A huge market square was built there instead. 



Capital of the province Chennor


For many centuries the Chennoi Kingdom had been the most powerful rival of the Ondorian Kingdom and there had been many battles and wars between both nations. It was Empyres' invasion which ended the official conflict between them.

Nevertheless even today there is a constant rivalry between the provinces that developed from the former nations.


Lartas, the capital of the Chennoi Kingdom had been destroyed during the invasion, so the second largest city, Suto, had

been chosen by Empyres as replacement. Since those days the town has grown much larger although it cannot mess with the hugest metropoles of Assiah, like Ondora or Empyres itself. Therefore Suto has grown a very large and effective industrial area which is a constant rival to Ondora's industry. The town itself is not very colourful and rather plaine. The town's heart is its industry and therefore it lacks most entertainment despite some very impressive buildings and monuments in the old town which shall remind to Chennor's power and wealth.



Capital of the province Hjelios


Ucere is the capital of the so called "outback". Like most cities on this landmass, Ucere is very small and has not much to offer. Nevertheless the town has often sent out expedition teams to search for Edeni artifacts and there are rumours that there is a secret military research facility somewhere near Ucere.



Capital of the province Wien


Once Winth's realm had been part of the Heron Republic until the Great War against Ondora.

After Empyres invasion when the first emperor divided his new realm into several provinces, the area which is now known as Wien, was meant to be part of the province Heron. But the quite large city Winth refused to be part of Heron and thus was allowed to reign over its own province.


Like Herois, Winth is a very traditional town and is still proud of  its very old royal family from which the province's governor traditionally origins. 





