






Humans form the largest group of intelligent beings in Assiah. 

All humans living today are the decendants of Eden's slaves who once broke free during Eden's downfall. In their hatred they destroyed most remainings of Eden und had built up civilisation again. The population grew rapidly and new settlements were founded. Mankind was developing very well. 


Today they dominate the continent in form of the Empyrian Empire and Freya's Realm. 


Elves or Light Elves


The elves are an mysterious race of humanoid beings. Elves are smaller and physically weaker than humans but they have a natural sense for magic and even elf children are often as good as professional human sorcerers.  There are not many elves and they all live isolated from the rest of the world somewhere in the forests of the province Gura, in their legendary hidden town Jerusia. 


Nevertheless there have always been a few light elves that decided to leave their home to become adventurers. Those elves may never return and the place of Jerusia is magically deleted from their memory. Elves that are born outside Jerusia are extremely rare, instead most elven adventurers have a relationship with a human and their bloodline is absorbed by the human one. Today there is not even one pure elven family outside of Jerusia that is older than three generations.


Many scientists are sure that the elves are the decendants of survivors from Eden. Many old documents and elven legends give enough evidence. Furthermore the elven DNS is very similar to the human one. But up to know one hasn't decided yet if the elves are a human subrace or the other way round. 


Dark Elves


Dark elves have the same anatomy as the so called light elves except for skin and hair colour. They have a dark brown skin and mostly lightblond, white or grey hair. They live on the largest island in the north of Assiah, close to Icla.   

There are no reports about the size of their settlements or about their society’s structure. But it’s a well-known fact that little groups of dark elves regularly enter northern parts of the empire for enslaving innocent humans. Their superior technology and magical skills, as well as the fact that they do not attack directly entire villages but “just” capture single persons, make efficient ways for stopping them almost impossible. According to current information, dark elves use their slaves exclusive for their entertainment or sexual satisfaction whereby they often make use of their highly developed magical technology to transform them into suitable forms.


Up to know the Empire has not yet declared as a serious danger which would probably cause an expensive attack on the northern mainisle. Furthermore the dark elves' settlements seem to possess similar camouflage magic like that of the light elves' town Jerusia. Furthermore there seem to be no male dark elves. It is assumed that dark elves are fathered either by male slaves or in an artificial way.




Orcs are a quite young and very unusual race which has alreadly been studied by many scientists.

It's known that the ancestors of all living orcs were created during the Last Wizard War by the 2nd Wizard of the conclave, Garamor Dendo Hungor He transformed and crossed different animals, mostly cats of prey and reptiles, for creating a perfect warrior race. His giant army of successful orc warriors, huge and highly aggressive monsters, was destroyed in front of Kaidalon's gates at the end of the war. Only his rather failed and banished experiments survived, less strong and rather peaceful orcs that founded a new species on the eastern landmass of Assiah. Scientists assume that there are at least 7 big Orc-tribes and at least 4 bigger villages or small towns nowadays.


All orcs have green skin and an animal, slightly feline, face with long tusks and a flattened nose.

Furthermore there are huge physical differences between the different tribes and especially the orcoid genders and they seem to have their own importent roles within their society.

- Male orcs are normally taller (approx. 6-7 Feet) and stronger than normal humans.

Although they possess an animal shrewdness and quick reflexes, their logical thinking is comparable to that of a 15-year-old human child. Despite their apparently brutal and rough behaviour, they are nevertheless sociable and peaceful beings, even towards humans. It's obvious that Hungor saw their ancestors as failures because of this attributes.

- Female orcs were probably created as "birthing-machines" by Hungor for his armies. They are much smaller and weaker than male orcs and their facial features are softer and less animal. Their inner sexual organs are more productive and bigger than that of human women could ever be and so it's no wonder that female orcs can give birth to at least 5 children per year despite the fact that most female orcs have not more than 6 children in their entire life.

- Genderless orcs are the most seldome "gender" and they always have the roles of leaders.

They are even taller and stronger than male orcs but also possess higher intelligence and softer facial features of female orcs. Usually an orc settlement has not more than one or two genderless orcs who are praised and respected by their fellow orcs. 


There have already been attacks of orcs on adventurers and traveling merchants but nevertheless orcs are rather peaceful beings and there are even peace treaties between the empire and most of the tribes. Princess Lilith even thinks about joining the orc's villages and lands peacefully to the empire.   





