

0-499 The Age of Changes


Eden's Downfall.

Eden's slaves rebel and break free from their masters.

All slave camps within Assiah are destroyed in the slaves' rage.


First new settlements begin to grow.


First occurrence of the Great Demons.

First monsters appear.


More and more settlements are founded.

First unions and alliance are forged between nearby villages.


Increased apperance of skilled magicians due to refound Edeni writings and Freya's influence in the southern areas of Assiah.


First villages grow into cities.

First city states are founded.


The Grat Demoness Freya finds first followers and builds up her temple.

Freya's Realm takes shape.


Karma founds his dark realm in the north of Assiah.


First nations and kingdoms start to form all around Assiah. 

Wars break out everywhere.


The Kingdom of Grave is founded and destroys Karma's Realm together with allied avatars of Freya.


Most nations have stabilized and clear borders.


Wizard Wars.

Ondorian Kingdom is founded.


The Ondorian Kingdom conquers several smaller kingdoms.


The Heron Republic sends an exploration fleet to the western landmass where Eden used to be.

The troops find a deadly desert which avoids further explorations.


The Heron Republic sends a second fleet to the continent to explore the Akashesa-Desert and search for Eden's ruins.


Many ancient artifacts and machines are taken to the Heron Republic.


Relict Rush.

The Heron Republic starts to explore the newly found artifacts.

Other nations start their own explorations and researchs.

500-999 First Age of Technology


First working copies of Edeni machines are created in the Novarian Kingdom.


The Heron Republic creates first copies of Edeni machines and starts to invent new ways to use this technologies.


Technological breakthrough in the Heron Republic thanks to the genius Nomma Rhen. 

The Republic starts to realize its plans to use new technologies in public and military.


First Mana-Engine and Mana-Generators built by the Heron-Republic.


Festival introduction of the first Mana-operated train in the Heron-Republic.

Similar developments in other nations but with much less success.

All knowledge is stored in Ellyras.


The Ondorian tries to get the Republic's technological knowledge.

Negotiations fail.


Great War between the Ondorian Kingdom and the Heron-Republic. 

Many artifacts are destroyed.

Technological development stops.


End of the Heron-Republic.

The entire realm becomes part of he Ondorian Kingdom.


Magicians Guild is formed by Ondora's arch-mages.


Foundation of Kaidalon.


Twenty-Five-Years war between Ondora and Kaidalon


Independence War.

Foundation of the Empyrian City State.


Old textes about Ellyra's technological researches are found.

The Ondorian Kingdom's technological development is boosted.

Trainlines are built within the entire nation.


Thanks to spys several other Kingdoms, especially Chennoi and the Novarian Realm, get important information about Ondora's technology and begin to increase their own researches.


The Chennoi Kingdom grew to a dangerous rival to the Ondorian Kingdom. Both nations increase their military researches. 


Dark-Blood-War between the Ondorian and the Chennoi Realm.


Freya's Realm encloses the entire southern landmass and finally forms into the nation it is today.

897 The Ondorian Kingdom conquers the kingdom of Feldearth.
988 The realm of Hadrika is attacked and finally beaten by its neighboring country Schourim.

1000-1499 Second Age of Technology


New artifacts found near Empyres.

Thanks for the Ondorian Traitor Edelbert Cypher

Empyres can research and rebuilt most artifacts.

The growing city state increases it's research to surpass the Ondorian technology.


First flight of the first fully functional airship "Ikarus" built by Empyres.



First successful use of airships in war.

Empyres increases its terretory. Empyres is no longer a city state.

Due too its highly developed weapons, Empyres' army can mess with every other nation's military.


1st Inner Empyrian War


Novarian revenge-strike.



Economic crisis within the kingdom.


Thunder-War between the Chennoi Realm and Ondora.


Empyres starts it's invasion.


Battle around Ondora.

Empyres wins due to its superior technology and Kaidalon's support.


Battle around Grave-Town.

1500-1999 First Age of the Empire


Proclamation of the Empyrian Empire.

Beside Freya's Realm it's the only nation on the continent.


The political structure of the new empire takes form.

Its divided into several provinces, mostly based on old realms.


The Great Academy of Magical Arts in Kaidalon celebrates its opening.

Its the new center of all magical issues and knowledge within the Empire.


Empyres shares its technology with the conquered provinces.

Trainlines are built and under the emperor's controle, all provinces grow to the same technological level.


Rebellions spread from Waoji through many other provinces.

Empyres increases its troops and controle within each province.

Many local leaders are executed.


2nd Inner Empyrian War.


Rebellions in many loyal Provinces, especially Empyres itself due to the Empreror's incompetent behaviour during the war.


Creation of a constitutional monarchy.

First parliament of the Empyrian Empire is formed by representants of all provinces. 


Last Wizard War.


Introduction of firearms in the Empire's military.


Chennor produces secretly more firearms than allowed.


3rd Inner Empyrian War


The time of stagnation begins.

Empyres reduces its technological development to almost zero.

Most firearms and modern weapons are destroyed.

The Empire's military is reformed and made into the Royal Army.


Local rebellions due to Empyres' new anti-technology politics.

2000-today Second Age of the Empire


Cultural renessaince in most parts of the Empire.

The political and scientistic calmness causes many people to focus on cultural matters instead.


Kharak-Wars. Enormous Orc-invasion in the eastern parts of the Empire. 


A new, seldom Edeni computer causes much interest within the Empire. 

The Emperor gives a special permit for researching the artifact.


Scientists finally discover the secrets of the Edeni-Computers.

The technology-prohibition is finally redone and a new age of digital technology begins.


First computers are developed.


Foundation of Regena.


The new technologies of mass-production cause an explosive growth of the Empire's industries.

Many new technologies become available for normal people.




Important Events

Eden's Downfall

Once the entire continent had been dominated by the powerful culture of the giant city state Eden.

Furthermore it's a well known fact that all humans living in Assiah descend from Eden's slaves. The monstrous city had many slave camps everywhere on the continent. Most of this rather large settlements cared for Eden's nurishment in form of large plantations and farms.


The reasons for Eden's downfall are unknown. There are many legends and theories about the city's destruction. 

Later on one didn't even find any ruins where Eden used to be, only a enormous dead desert. During the night when Eden died, and the following days, the slave camps fell into chaos. The Edeni soldiers had no idea what to do now and almost all slaves saw their chance to break free from their suppressors.


Rebellions started and bloody fights began. But the Edeni troops were still shocked and confused by Eden's fall and lacked a proper organisation. Furthermore there was no chance for any support. In the end the slaves overwhelmed the last soldiers of Eden. In an act of rage and old hatred, they killed most of the soldiers and destroyed the camps.

When the people calmed down, only ruins were left and so even the last remainings of Eden had been destroyed.

Although most of the former slaves regreted what they had done, they had to go on and built up new settlements.


Most Edeni machines had been made useless, so the people had to work with whatever useful they could find and civilisation started from zero. It took many centuries until there had been towns again on Assiah and first nations took shape. 


Karma's Realm

When people started to worship the Great Demoness Freya and when she built up her own temple, her brother Karma 

was full of envy. Not much later he created his own realm in the north of Assiah with his own temple in its center.


His realm was a perverted parody of Freya's area. He didn't protect the people within his sphere of control but terrorized them. In the end his realm was nothing more than a twisted wilderness populated by deformed monsters that had once been human. Karma enjoyed the neverending ogry of violence and obscenity before him.


In the year 245 the Kingdom of Grave was founded. Karma's realm endangered the young kingdom.

The founder and king of Grave, Arthos Fay, a strong and martial man, didn't want to tolerate such a danger. So he took the risk and built up an army to annihilate the Great Demon's terretory.


The saga tells that the Great Demoness Freya sent a few of her avatars to support the kingdom.

Although the number of casualities was enormous in the end Karma had to give up his dream and disappeared while his realm was fully destroyed. Today the area belongs to the province of Grave. Only small settlements exist in this cursed lands. People try to avoid the area near the ruins of Karma's temple.


Wizard Wars

Due to Freya's influence and the natural curiousity of mankind, many humans learned how to controle Mana.

During the centuries after Eden's downfalls, the number of such magically skilled people grew, furthermore most became more and more powerful until first professional magicians appeared who had fully mastered to use even the most powerful spells in the old language of Eden. 

In 321 hundreds of them wandered to the west of Assiah, near the Wyvern-Mountains. 

The powerful arch-mage Jinges Garm (some historians believe that he was a half-demon) joined them together with his words of domination over the skill-less people. A bizarre but powerful army formed and began an invasion from town to town. Only when the city state Ondora united with small surrounding Realms, the invaders could be stopped.


All innocent magicians were, however, spared which was influenced by the fact that they voluntarily made their skills available for all nations of Assiah, especially the newly founded Ondorian Kingdom.


Ondorian Kingdom
founded in 321

The Ondorian Kingdom emerged from the alliance which had been formed by Ondora with its surrounding realms and city states during the Wizard Wars.


The  kingdom quickly grew to a large and powerful nation, perhaps the most powerful for many centuries and it was well-known for its aggressive nature and its skillful army. In addition it made most use of the new class of the magicians


Relict Rush

After many unbroken and mostly functional machines or artifacts of Eden had been taken to the Heron-Republic, a true histery began among the scholars. They wanted to reveal the secrets of those artifacts under all circumstances. Their aim was to rebuilt those machines and to bring back the days of technology. That’s why the council of the Heron-Republic offered many quantities of gold to everyone who could bring new artifacts.


Of course this attracted innumerable adventurers who headed to the big Akashesa-desert for finding artifacts.

But because of the unexpected dangers of the desert and the number of deaths, the Relict Rush fell asleep already after not more than one year.


Great War


Ellyras', the Heron-Republic's capital, technological progress caused much interest in most other nations and many of them tried to research Edeni technology with the same success. But they all failed.


The Ondorian Kingdom which began to see a serious competitor in the Heron Republic, tried to get Ellyra's knowledge by negotiations. But all attempts failed because the Heron Republic had already noticed it’s increasing superiority and didn’t want to endanger it. At the beginning of the year 614 the Ondorian Kingdom started a large assault onto the rival nation.

Not even the Republic’s new warmachines were able to stop Ondora’s more combatrehearsed troops who were supported by many warlocks, combat-magicians who belonged to Ondora's military.


In 615 the Heron Republic was officially defeated and dissolved, whereby its area became part of the Ondorian Kingdom. Ondora’s actual war goals remained however unequalled because some extremistic scientists preferred to destroy the technological knowledge stored in Ellyras before it could fell into the enemy’s hands.


Foundation of Kaidalon and the Magicians-Guild
in 666

After the Wizard Wars magicians were nothing more than mercenaries who offered their services to everyone who had enough money or they were elements of a nation's military or government. The best example was the Ondorian Kingdom with its countless number of warlocks and political sorcerers.


But in the 7th century  some of the most powerful and wisest magicians, almost all archmages from Ondora, founded the Magicians’ Guild, in order to organise their profession. At the same time they built the city of Kaidalon. It should become the headquarter of the new guild and be used as haven for all magicians where they could exchange their knowledge and teach their students.      


Kaidalon was founded far away from the big nations. Although the area where the town was growing originally belonged to the small Realm of Cartas, the nation didn't disturb them because it's few soldiers had no chance against hundreds of well-trained magicians. Furthermore Cartas hoped that an alliance with Kaidalon could bring some useful advantages. 


Twenty-Five Years’ War


Until Kaidalon had been created, the Ondorian Kingdom made much use of political and especially military magicians. Those talented occupation class granted the kingdom’s large prosperity and a military superiority.


But the foundation of Kaidalon changed everything. Most magicians risked the long journey and moved to the new city to be together with others of their class. The Kingdom was going to lose this important economic and military factor. 

The destruction of Kaidalon seemed the one and only solution.


But the black magic and the will of Kaidalon’s inhabitants were stronger than expected and the war actions slowed down. The conflict took almost twenty five years, only consisting of small battles and four larger attack waves. But Kaidalon was always successfully able to resist. In 875 the new Ondorian king gave up the plans of his predecessor and made peace with Kaidalon.


Empyrian Independence War


Once the lively metropole Empyres belonged to the Novarian Kingdom.

The city was an economic centre of the realm since it connected the harbour towns with the central land and the capital.

But unlike other cities, the people of Empyres were uncontent with their situation as underling of a dominant monarchy. 


When the city grew, this spirit of independance became much louder.

The Novarian king ignored the peoples' protests and demands. After some time he even enunciated several sanctions and surpressed the swelling unwill of Empyres. The city was too important to free it from his controle. It was a logical consequence that those unrests got out of hands. A rebellion began and the rebellion tansformed into a war.


Empyres was built for never being taken over by a hostile nation. In the end the defence-installations of the city turned against the Novarian Kingdom. It took years but Empyres endured every attack until the Novarian king gave up and accepted Empyres independance as a city state. 




When the Chennoi Realm grew to a serious danger for the Ondorian Kingdom, several smaller agressive skirmishes took place between both nations. The Dark-Blood-War was the first climax of a long fiendship.


The reasons for this short but aggressive war was a provocation by the Chennoi Realm. The young nation had overun the strategically important town Oronth and captured one of the king's nieces. Ondora striked back with all its power. The final battle of the conflict was a massacre. The Chennoi's army was almost destroyed. Probably Ondora had started an invasion if their own casualities hadn't been this high.




Not surprisingly the Novarian Kingdom never really accepted Empyres' independance. Although the growing city state was an important economic factor for the Kingdom, the royal family only waited for a chance to attack Empyres and take it back into it's own domination.


This unstable relationship between both nations grew more acute in the year 1158. Empyres' technological developments hadn't been a secret and the Novarian King feared a rising danger for his realm.

To stop Empyres' growth he quit all relations with the city state and created new economic trainlines to replace Empyres' former role as connection to the harbour cities. His plan was to cut the city off from all resources it usually had gotten via bargain. Of course Empyres didn't tolerate the Kingdom's breach of contract and took military measures to ge its resources. 


The city state attacked and took over several important harbour towns of the Novarian Kingdom.

The result was a rather short war. The Kingdom was not able to overpower the technological superiority of Empyres.

The city created its on small realm from the conquered areas and grew to a fully independant nation.


1st Inner Empyrian War


Despite Empyres very well organised takeover of the former Novarian areas and creation of its own nation, there had been opposite direction within the government that condemned the king's aggressive politics. Many people were on those critics' side and protested against the conflict with the Novarian Kingdom.


But the king ignored them. He surpressed the protests with an unexpected violence and brutality. Harmless critics and protesters were killed. The unrests grew into a civil war. The entire nation was split into two groups - the loyal troops which followed the king and the rebels that tried to undo Empyres' development and fought on the side of the conquered areas which wanted back into Novarian domination. The Novarian Kingdom used this conflict to start a revenge-strike against Empyres. Nevertheless the royal troops had been successful and defeated the rebels as well as the Novarian army.

But to calm down people the king left the throne and gave the crown to his more popular son.




The town Ellyras was never able to accept its annexion into the Ondorian Kingdom and became very soon well-known as a city of unrests and rebellions. The Ondorian military was twice as strongly represented as in every other city of the kingdom.


The most terrible rebellion which caused a huge crisis within the kingdom began in the year 1330.

The largest group of the town’s rebels had carefully prepared a plan with all other rebels, in order to make Ellyras independent again. In the night of the 14th March in 1330 they killed or kidnaped almost all Ondorian officers and politicians with purposeful terrorist attacks and lured all important institutions into chaos. At the same time all city gates were locked while allied magicians used their most powerful protection-spells on them.


Due to collaboration with the town’s citizens and raving tactics it took more than 6 years to reconquer Ellyras.

The Ellyrian defenders became feared for their suicidal “Wraiths”, willing rebels that have been transformed into frenzied beasts by Mammon.


After Ellyras’ reconquest the conflict was not over yet. It took years to redo the caused damages and the Ondorian military was also heavily decimated. Furthermore there were constantly rebellions and strikes. This continuous state of emergency held on up to the beginning of Empyres’ Invasion.




During the Ellyras-Ondora Conflict the Chennoi Kingdom saw to take some important areas from Ondora.

The Chennoi king even hoped that a successful campaign may even cause the kingdom to collaps.

But he underestimated Ondora's skillful military and the war was over before it could even really begin.


Start of Empyres’ Invasion


For two generations the royal family of Empyres already planned the conquest of all other realms in Assiah by force and the creation of an enormous empire under Empyres’ dominance.


The weakining of Ondora's  military, Empyres' most dangerous rival, caused by the Ellyras-Ondora-Conflict and the Thunder-War, was the perfect opportunity for attacking. Due to its quick technological development and their unique airships, Empyres' rather small armies were absolutely superior. 

And so the Empyrian Empire was founded in the year 1500.


2nd Inner-Empyrian War


At the beginning of the Empyrian dominance there were a lot of unrests within the new empire. Many cities and villages didn’t want to accept it and reclaimed their independence and/or their old areas. Innumerable, usually violent rebellions, strikes and attacks were the results.


Although Empyres was successfully able to keep those unrests under control, the situation escalated in the winter of the year 1602. The provinces Waoji, Chennor, Ganzrune, Feldearth and Ondora had united, for tearing off their areas from the empire. Thanks to the new technology they had received from Empyres, those provinces were able to secretly upgrade and extend their armies.


In the year 1602 the rebels started surprisingly an open war and killed or inprisoned all imperial representants.

The provinces were already taken in in 1606 but a guerrilla war followed until the year 1608.


The Last Wizard War


In the year 1766  seven former masters of the large Kaidaloni Akademy, among them also its headmaster Elil Marduk,

turned against the empire and created the Conclave of the Wizards.


Their goal was the conquest and establishment of their own realm, in which they could undisturbedly follow their researchs and/or most perverse desires as tyrannic rulers.

Short time after the foundation of the Conlcave, all seven wizards began to develop their sphere of influence from different positions within empire. Because of their enormous powers and their knowledge about forbidden magic (e.g. the necromancy), they became a serious danger and it almost seemed as if they were able to win. There were even rumors that those wizards had allegedly formed alliances with minor demons or had become half-demons.


But at the beginning of the year 1767  things changed in an advantageous way for the Empyrian defenders

when an armed force consisting of all imperial troops conquered all bastions of the wizards one by one. 

The Last Wizard War became one of the best known events in Assiah's history, due to many fantastic rumours and legends about the war whereby some might have a true core. So it had become a popular setting for novels, movies and even comicbooks.


A popular example for the many strange events during the war is the disappearance of the city Athla.

Nobody knows what happened but when the imperial forces arrived nothing was left of the entire town and its dominator Batraal, the 6th wizard of the Conclave. No traces where left, not even ruins.


3rd Inner-Empyrian War


When Empyres developed first firearms and made them the new standard wargear of its army, Chennor was the first province which equipped its own army with them and started to produce those weapons. At the beginning of the 20th century Chennor even began to produce more weapons than it was allowed by Empyres’ conditions.


Thereby the province actually only wanted to surpass all other provinces on this industrial area and take the guidline.

But Chennor's new Governeur Ilaia Nero (assumption of office in 1944) used this overproduction to equip its army further with firearms. He even created a secret special troop that was trimmed for handling those weapons and additionally learned the handicraft of the sniper. Nero’s goal was a putsch and the assumption of the Empire. Due to skillful negotiations he was also able to count on support by Ganzrune and Waoji.


In 1950 he started his blitz. 1955 the war ended with the taking of Chennor and the capture of Nero.

As a consequence of the province's infamous abuse of modern technologies and the brutality of the war, Empyres forbade all provinces the further production of modern weapons, stopped even all technological developments and started its new anti-technology politics. 


A further consequence of the war was the destruction of all local armies of each provine and the creation of a central, imperial army. The Royal Army was founded.



