


Monsters and Demonspawns


"Monster" is the common term for all kinds of unnatural animals. According to the common definition an animal only counts as monster when it has magical abilities, a human intelligence, when its body is absolutely in contrast to usual biological norms or when it is a unique being that does not fit into its ecosystem.


There are three groups of those beings:

- Monsters with an unknown origin.

- Monsters that origin from normal animals that were transformed by magically oversaturated areas or other magical


- Demonspawns.


Almost all monster belong to the third group. Demonspawns are animals which had been directly transformed/created by a demon. Most of them are very aggressive beasts but luckily most of them are only unique creations. Nevertheless there are rumours that most known stable monster-species had once been created by a demon.

Especially Karma and his avatars are well known for such activities.




 Dragons are a mysterious, very old race of majestic and magical creatures. Though they look like 

 reptiles they also have elements of mammals and cannot be put into any known category. Dragons 

 are huge, strong and highly intelligent. Though they are extremely powerful, they are seldomly seen. 

 They usually live in Assiah's mountains hidden from mankind and just watching passivly the human

  race. It's still a riddle from where they come and how they came to existence. All scientiests that searched for them to find the answer, never saw any dragons.


All peaceful contacts between humans and dragons are legends and tales. Seldomly they have a true core. The only certain events are attacks of black dragons. This possible sub-species tends to overly aggressive behaviour and sometimes they went berzerk due to unknown reasons.  There are many different descriptions about the details of a dragon's appearance. But all describe them as at least 30 feet high creatures covered in an armour of huge, scaly plates and with large leathery wings. 




 Manticoras are a rather seldom but dangerous type of monster. They are big and strong mavericks  

 who live in the dense forests of the eastern provinces. Scientists think that those creature origin from

 magically oversaturated areas within the centres of those forests, although it's hard to believe that

 such a massive species could be created this way. Although Manticoras are usually rather sluggish,

 they have no limits in case of prey and would attack a group of humans without hesitation.


The special trademark of this race are the poisonous spikes on their tails. Furthermore this poison is a very valuable substance for alchemist and its used for some of the strongest known medicaments and elixirs. The province Parax is well known for its excellent beasthunters who are specialised in hunting Manticoras and who have become a quite important factor for the province's medical industry. 




 Tarasquees are very brutal reptiles which live in the north-east of the province of Grave. 

 They live mostly in the valleys within the mountains. They are usually more than 12 feet tall and their

 jaws are strong enough to break up even heavy armours. They attack everything within their

 sight, so it’s very dangerous to get close to these creatures. Tarasquees live from middelsized

 animals, like stags and capricorns. Usually they stay in a passive position and wait hidden near a bunch of rocks or a tree until a possible prey comes near them. They can sprint unexpectedly fast for a short time.


Those creatures are one of Grave's emblems. During the foundation of the old Gravian Kingdom, the tarasquee-riders of the royal army had been one of the most feared troops. Although tarasquees are not easy to handle, they can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of a skilled beastmaster.




"Troll" is a special term for all kind of monsters that had once been humans. Unlike other human transformees, trolls have lost any traces of their human minds. They are dump animals. Most of them even show a unnatural aggressiveness  

They belong to the normal preys of beasthunters, since trolls tend to break into human settlements to release their anger.


Almost all trolls had once been arrogant humans who dared to insult a demon. Especially Karma's avatars can be very creative in case of the punishment. That's the reason why there is no physical norm for trolls although most are very big and strong. Luckily trolls are sometimes able to reproduce.




Wendigos belong to the most successful type of monsters. They have spread all over the continent and become a permanent pleague, especially for farmers. Wendigos live and hunt in packs like wolves but they are much bigger and stronger than their canine counterparts. Therefore Wendigos are less quick and flexible. Furthermore their lack of fur keeps them in the warm valleys and plains of Assiah.

It's just logical that Wendigos are one of the beasthunters' major prey, since those creature tend to attack livestock.  




 Once, during the Ellyras-Ondora-Conflict in the 14th century many Ellyrian rebels sacrificed

 themselves for being transformed into brutal beasts by Mammon. As animal berzerks they caused

 death and fear among the Ondorian troops. The Ondorian soldiers called them Wraiths, named by

 violent ghosts from their home's myths.


But even their furiousness wasn't able to stop Ondora and most of the Wraiths where killed.

A few of them survived and were able to flee into the woods. There they founded a new species. Today the forests in the province Heron have become the new home of the Wraiths, especially the big Vauwn-Forest west of the city Ishtadar. Usually they avoid humans but when a pack attacks a little village or a farm, they show a terrifieing violence. Many adventurers fear Heron's woods just because of their "ghosts".


Wraiths are a bestial parody of humans or rather apes. They are strong and very quick in the dense forest.

Furthermore they are quite smart. Seldomly beasthunters are able to catch them.




 Wyverns are the so called little brothers of the mighty dragons although it's very probable that there is

 no relationship between those two species. Wyverns live only in a rather small habitat in the mountain

 range on the central landmass of Assiah. The Wyvern-mountains got their name due to the high

 population of wyverns there. Nevertheless there had been sightenings of Wyverns in other areas of

 Assiah especially in the eastern provinces like Hjelios and Parax.


Wyverns belong to the biggest and most dangerous animals in Assiah. They are less aggressive than Tarasquees but still a enormous danger when provocet. Although they may look akward on the ground, they are very elegant fliers. They even hunt their preys (middle-sized animals of the mountains. Somtimes even other predators like bears or wolves) in flight. 

Scientists suppose somesort of magical support which allows those creatures to fly, since their rather heavy anatomy doesn't fit their awesome movements in the air.



