HTML page generated on Wednesday, June 04, 1997.

Web page comments welcome at lycan@yiffco.com
Have you read the Furry Content Index News! ( Saturday, March 08, 1997 )

Have you looked at http://db.yiffco.com today? Search functions are working! Mind you, you need to have a frame-compatable browser to use it, for now.

Link #suthetod

Todd G. Sutherland
3187 Bracknell Cres.
Ontario, Canada L5N 4W5

09/23/1996 01:18:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
61,817 bytes 691x696x256
*No Description

12/05/1995 12:00:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
85,853 bytes 990x765x256
*No Description

12/05/1995 12:00:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
60,310 bytes 685x744x16,777,216
*No Description

12/05/1995 12:00:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
131,901 bytes 578x748x2
*No Description

12/05/1995 12:00:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
21,841 bytes 342x542x16
Created and uploaded by: Todd G. Sutherland

10/05/1996 04:13:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
33,057 bytes 513x750x256
*No Description

10/05/1996 04:14:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
30,881 bytes 379x793x256
*No Description

12/05/1995 12:00:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
55,497 bytes 635x745x256
*No Description

12/05/1995 12:00:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
54,294 bytes 578x748x256
*No Description

09/23/1996 01:20:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
54,496 bytes 772x599x256
*No Description

10/05/1996 04:14:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
48,324 bytes 541x748x256
*No Description

09/24/1996 12:40:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
52,961 bytes 580x750x16,777,216
*No Description

12/05/1995 12:00:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
38,916 bytes 578x748x256
*No Description

09/24/1996 12:42:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
115,838 bytes 565x743x16,777,216
*No Description

08/30/1996 12:00:00 PM Sutherland, Todd G.
233,023 bytes 970x720x16,777,216
*No Description

[001] [002] [003] [004] [005] [006] [007] [008] [009] [010] [011] [012] [013] [014] [015]

Index by Owner - "S"

Furry Content Index by Creator

Furry Content Indexes

YiffCo Home Page

The files linked to these pages are COPYRIGHTED by their creators, existance in this index does not constitute the right for free use, printing or distribution without the prior consent of the owner of the copyrighted material.

The Furry Content Indexes, created and maintained by Lycan and placed on this site (www.YiffCo.com) by the kindness of Performix Corporation.

This index and the contents of the images it references are in no way affiliated with Performix Corporation, nor any of the sites this index may be linked to.

NOTE! The images listed in this index are stored on their respective archive servers, I have no control over the availablity of the remote servers nor of their content! If you are an artist and find your information in this index, it is because an image of yours is located on one or more of the public remote servers, not here on YiffCo. I only keep a thumbnail of publicly accessable images on this server. If you wish to have an image removed or added then please contract the remote archive administrator for removal of that image file, the index will follow suit in a few days. If you wish to be removed from the index, either use your authorization code to mark your record as hidden or contact me at lycan@yiffco.com.

All information contained in these pages are processed through the usage of MicroSoft Visual FoxPro 5.0 database application. All attempts were used to ensure proper data reporting, though some things still might be miss-linked. If you find data that requires updating, please contact me at lycan@yiffco.com.

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