Mosby’s Scenario: Innovations. By jonwI’ 6/20/98 It was sweltering hot belowdecks, but that’s where the work had to be done, and therefor that’s where he had to be. Stripped nude, panting in the heat, he checked his work one final time. The channel now extended from the base of the foremast all the way back to the mainmast, under the deck. It contained five PVC tubes, carefully smoothed, with no sharp edges, and pulleys at every turn. Each tube carried the halyard, the rope used to raise and lower a sail, from the base of the foremast, under the deck, through the hold, and the cabins, to the base of the mainmast, where pulleys brought the ends to the windlass powered by the donkey engine. With this modification, he should be able to raise and lower every sail with the donkey engine. A major advantage for a ship over 100 feet long, with a crew of one. The anchor had its own windlass, designed to handle chain instead of rope, but now that had an electric motor, running from the schooner’s solar-cell recharged batteries. He’d even rigged a switch by the helm, at the far end of the schooner. The original ratchet handle was retained for emergencies, of course, as nothing ever worked perfectly. The real treasure, though, was a windvane controlled autopilot at the stern. The wind, working against the vane, controlled a small rudder at the very back of the schooner to hold the ship on course. Not having to hold the wheel all the time would be a big leap forward.... Emerging from the sweltering cabin, to the bright sunshine of the deck, the lion grinned to himself. Like the armored fighting vehicles he’d inhabited for so long, a steel ship grew HOT in the tropical sun. still, this was home and he was used to the heat. The deck still got hot underfoot though, but not so hot as to make him think about wearing shoes. He had arranged a few days off from his trading routes through the islands, a few days to remain docked at the WaterWings resort, to work on his projects. Sometimes you had to spend time now to save it later... He still had a few days before he had to set sail, to head for Timora, with a load of fishing boat parts, an icemaker, and a generator. It was a good time to test his innovations. Looking up with the skill of an old sailor, he read the wind, the sea, and the position of the sun, and concluded that conditions were right for a field test, before he had to get back to business. Turning, he started undoing the sail cover that held the canvas between the main boom and the yardarm. Sylvia Slipsunder wandered down to the dock, from the main lodge, the hem of her sarong trailing behind her on the sandy ground. Things at the resort were quiet, and with the small breakfast crowd out of the way, she felt like "getting out of the house" and going for a walk. Motion caught her eye, and she saw John Mosby moving about the deck of his schooner, purposefully, as if preparing for something. Padding out onto the dock, she watched for a moment, and then with a smile, called; "Morinn’, John. Whatcha doing?" John looked over his shoulder, as he struggled with a knot on the foresail sail cover. As he saw Sylvia there, he suddenly realized that he wasn’t wearing a stitch. Well, aside from the eyepatch that is.... "Uh, Mornin’, Sylvia, just getting Rusty here ready to go out. Want to make a short run, and check out some of the modifications I’ve been makin’... Sylvia looked back at the main lodge, and then around the quiet resort, and then back at John; "I haven’t had a chance to go for a ride with you on Rusty yet; would you mind if I tagged along?" John smiled; "Not at all, come on aboard. If this stuff doesn’t work, I’ll probably be able to use a hand". Have a seat until I get the sails ready, and then we’ll slip the moorings and get underway." As he stowed the foremast sail cover and bent to work on getting the fisherman ready, he told himself that Sylvia’s seen him nude enough times in the past, he shouldn’t be shy. Besides, dang near everyone at the resort dropped clothes as soon as they got off Kari’s seaplane anyways.... Still, he was amazingly self-conscious as he padded forward to prepare the jibs. Finally all was ready and he started the auxiliary engine, the diesel thrumming softly belowdecks. He untied the lines from the schooner, draping them over the pilings, awaiting their return, and kicked the diesel into gear. As they slowly motored across the lagoon, and out into open waters, Sylvia reclined on a bench the lion had built for guests and passengers, against the windward rail. She watched the land slide past, watched the seabirds wheeling, and watched the lion at the wheel, as he guided his ship. When they were clear of the lagoon, John motioned Sylvia over to the wheel; "Hold her into the wind while I get the sails up; I’ll be right back." Moving forward to the mainmast, he started the donkey engine, watching critically as it coughed into life. Taking the jib halyard, he wound the rope around the drum, and pulled tight. Kicking the winch into gear, he took in the rope hand over hand as the jib slowly rose at the front of the ship. When that line was tight, the small triangular sail fluttering in the breeze, he flipped it off the still turning drum, tied off the line, and turned to the halyard for the mainsail. This was the largest sail on the ship, and the most difficult one to raise. The yard arm, also known as a gaff, liked to stick as its forked end moved up the mast, despite rollers and grease. He took three turns around the drum, kicked the winch into gear and watched, muttering a silent prayer, as the yardarm slowly rose. As it rose, he pulled on the other halyard, the rope that adjusted the angle of the yardarm with respect to the mast, trying to keep it pretty much above the perpendicular. It was quite a juggling act. Finally the halyards were both tight and he kicked the winch out of gear, the donkey engine speeding up as the load was released. Tying them off, he turned to yell back at Sylvia; "Head off to the east a bit." As the ship turned from pointing straight into the wind, to taking the wind across the starboard (right) bow, the lion pulled in the jib sheet (the rope that controls the angle of the sail with respect to the wind) until the sail filled with wind and started pulling. He then pulled in the main sheet, trimming that sail as well. Padding back to Sylvia at the wheel, he turned to look critically at the sails and then reached down to take the engine out of gear, shutting off the auxiliary engine, and feathering the prop so that it would turn the generator to recharge the batteries. The solar cells were good, but as expensive as they were, he had not yet been able to afford enough to meet his needs. Giving Sylvia a quick kiss he grinned; "Glad you haven’t forgotten how to sail". She kissed him back, and as he padded off to raise the other sails, calling back; "I get in a little practice every once in a while, but I’ve never handled anything THIS big!." Using the donkey engine, the lion raised the staysail (innermost of the three jibs), then the foresail (the rectangular sail behind the foremast), and then the flying jib (outermost of the three jibs). The fisherman, the huge rectangular sail stretched between the peaks of the foremast and mainmast came next, and he breathed a sigh of relief as all his modifications worked as he had desired. He now had all the sails set with a LOT less running around, and a lot less physical effort. The schooner sliced through the waves on a broad reach, the wind perpendicular to their line of travel. This was the direction that would yeild them their best speed, given the wind. It also yielded enough force to heel the little ship over at a considerable angle, the leeward (downwind) rail almost in the water. The lion watched for a moment or two, and then padded back to the stern, to fiddle with a strange contraption. He adjusted a tall thin vane, sticking vertically up from a gymballed gear mechanism hung off the stern. It remained vertical even with the way the ship was heeled over. When he had it as he wanted it, he watched it move for a minute and then returned to Sylvia and the ship’s wheel. Watching the indicator, he carefully centered the rudder and then threw a lever, locking the wheel. Wrapping his arms around Sylvia’s waist, he pulled her back from the wheel, to hold her close, as he watched the sails, turning occasionally to look at the ship’s wake, and at the vane. Sylvia looked at him curiously, her head tilted up and back. Catching her curious expression, John grinned; "wind powered autopilot. Had to build it from drawings, as you can’t buy them anymore, but I admit, the design seems to be a good one. The wind acts on the vane, and the pressures turning the vane cause it to move a small rudder behind the ship. The small rudder acts as a "trim tab", correcting our course. As long as the wind doesn’t change direction, neither will the ship. Lets take a seat and see how it does..." John sprawled on the deck, leaning back against the weather rail (in this case a steel "wall" just about waist high, on the windward, or weather side of the ship), his head tilted back to watch the sails. Sylvia grinned, and walked past the bench he’d settled next to, to join him on the deck, snuggling against him, her gaze on the horizon, in the direction the ship was headed. John figured that when she cuddled against him on the deck, instead of sitting on the bench, that that was sufficient invitation for him to put his arm around her. They snuggled wordlessly for a while, just enjoying the motion of the small ship, and the sights and sounds as the schooner moved away from the island. After a while, John’s paw started to draw lazy circles in the fur of Sylvia’s shoulder, and a short while after that, her paw rested on his thigh. Gradually, they started caressing each other, the motions tentative at first, but growing with intensity as the land receded behind them. By the time the island was out of sight, they were kissing hotly, John’s paw cupping one of Sylvia’s breasts as her paw stroked the length of his now quite hard shaft. John broke the kiss, and gave a quick look at the sails, the straightness of the wake, and the motion of the windvane. With a grin, he rose, to take Sylvia’s hand, leading her towards the bow of the ship. "Got an idea, something you might like..." Sylvia giggled as he led her down the length of the schooner to the very bow. The bowsprit stuck straight out from the ship’s bow, angled slightly upwards, but on either side was a heavy net, like a cargo net, stretching from the tip of the bowsprit aft to the heavy brackets that held the anchors, forming a sharp "V" on either side of the bowsprit. Taking one last look around, John climbed over the bow, on the windward side of the bowsprit, to lay down on the netting on his back, his cock standing proud. Sylvia watched for a moment as the ship crested another ocean swell, the bow rising and falling. As the bow plowed into the next swell, the spray spattered at her, and soaked the lion. She grinned and followed, climbing over the rail, to settle herself on top of John, her legs on either side of his hips. Moments later he drove his cock up into her pussy, finding her quite wet and ready. Their lovemaking was slow, matching the rhythm of the ship moving through the swells, the motions of the ship powering his thrusts into her, the breaking waves refreshing them. John’s paws found her breasts, to squeeze lightly as he slowly thrust his hips upwards, sliding his cock deep into her wetness, his eye closed tight against the spray. After a while, Sylvia rose to a more vertical position, one hand on the bowsprit to her side for balance, the other curled in the netting as she started to ride his cock at a rate and frequency at odds with the sea. As she moved, she watched the look on his face, knowing that he wasn’t far from cumming. John felt her shift, watching through slitted eye. He took advantage of her move to slide one paw down her belly, to rub hard at her mons, one finger seeking out her clitty... Sylvia moaned as he rubbed her, his touch triggering her climax. She gasped and moved even faster, as her pussy spasmed around his cock, her juices flowing, only to be washed away by the sea spray. John shuddered, able to hold back no longer. Arching his back, he let out a roar as his cock started spurting, filling Sylvia with his cum. Unfortunately, the next swell was a particularly large one, and the schooner dug deep, the wave breaking over his head, filling his mouth, leaving him spluttering. Sylvia eeped and then laughed as the water swirled around them, gone almost in an instant, leaving John spluttering and choking. Finally, when he’d caught his breath, he started laughing too. "Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea" he gasped. Sylvia just shook her head and bent to kiss him, as the bow dropped again, water swirling around them both once more. John climbed out of the aft companionway (sheltered ladder to the lower deck), and handed Sylvia a large towel. In the heat and the sun, they were both almost dry again, but still, the towel was helpful to get the water out of her ears, and her long hair. John was rubbing his mane vigorously, as he padded over to the helm. A grunt drew Sylvia’s attention, and she wandered over to see what was the matter. "Wind’s shifted" he rumbled. "The windvane took the change OK, but we’re now headed a lot further North than we were." Pulling a chart from a locker, he studied it for a moment, and then the compass. Padding back to the windvane he made a small adjustment, the schooner slowly turning under them. After a moment trimming the sails he turned to grin at Sylvia; "now that we’ve worked up an appetite, how about some lunch?" Bethany was helping with lunch back at the main lodge when Rale walked in, to poke at the food, searching for something to eat. "Seen Mom?" she asked as she concentrated on slicing coldcuts. Rale, his mouth full of cheese slices, only nodded. After a moment he swallowed, and nodded again; "She went out with Captain Mosby on Rusty. Guess they’re making a day of it" Bethany just smiled. They had a picnic lunch on deck, in the shade of the sails. The chicken was cold, as were the baked beans. As was the Ale. Snuggling, they watched the small island appear and grow close. As Sylvia put away the lunch plates, John disconnected the "autopilot", and guided the schooner into a small cove, turning into the wind at the last moment. With the sails fluttering, he hit the button that dropped the port anchor. Nothing happened. As the ship started to drift towards shore he hit the other button, and the starboard anchor hit the water with a splash, chain rattling out of the chain locker. John checked that the anchor had took hold, watching the shore carefully, and then went about lowering the sails, leaving them heaped on deck. All but the jib, which he left fluttering like a flag. Returning to the stern, he took a smaller anchor, and swinging it around and around over his head, he tossed it out to one side of the boat. He then used this anchor to pull the stern of the boat to one side, so that the ship was now angled into the wind. Sylvia watched curiously, wondering what he was up to. As he returned to the bow, she padded padded after him. He turned to grin at her, and holding the lower corner of the jib. Waiting for a lull in the wind, he backed to the far side of the bow; as the wind freshened, the jib filled, ballooning out. As it took the wind, he took a short run and leapt, the sail carrying him some twenty feet to the side of the schooner, raising him high in the air. Just as he was at the peak of his arc, he let out a yell, and released the corner of the sail, to dive into the clear blue water with a splash. A moment later he climbed from the sea, using the ladder rungs he’d welded to the hull. Dripping, he grinned at Sylvia, and gestured to the now flapping sail; "care to give it a try?" Sylvia grinned and shrugged, and moved to the far rail, as the lion caught the corner of the sail, and waited for a lull in the wind. When it came, he pulled the sail back, handing it to Sylvia. As the wind freshened, he took her by the waist, helping the sail lift her, watching with a grin as she went flying upwards, hanging on the end of a wind-powered swing, to release the sail and with arms and legs waving, to splash down into the water. They laughed and played, acting like children, the years forgotten, swinging from the sail, until exhausted, Sylvia swam to the beach of the little island. She lay on the sand panting, her chest heaving as she stared up at the blue sky, and puffy white clouds. John swam over a minute later, to flop down on the sand, in a comical manner, his head landing square between her thighs. She eeeeped as his rough tongue licked upwards against sensitive flesh. Jumping to her feet, with a giggle, she dashed off into the jungle, with John in hot pursuit. They played "hide and seek", with John "stalking" Sylvia, never quite catching her, until finally he surprised her, pouncing from the bushes in a small jungle clearing. Their bodies dappled by the sunlight filtering through the trees, they made love again, John covering her body with his, his hips bucking sharply as he drove his cock into her hard, until they both screamed with release. The water again hissed under the bow of the schooner as they sailed back towards WaterWings. John had been daring, raising the sails while still in the inlet, the remote control for the anchor windless working pretty much as desired, the small ship gaining way and clearing the island. Once again they were sailing under the "autopilot" as John struggled with a tangle of anchor chain left by the windless. The system wasn’t perfect. Not yet. Sylvia padded forward to where he was working. Tapping him on the shoulder, she waited while he extricated head and shoulders from the chain locker, and then she handed him a cold bottle of ale. He purrrrred and nodded his thanks. When he tilted his head back to drink the bottle, almost at a single gulp she giggled and bent over to nuzzle his neck. Putting down the bottle, he grinned at her; "Again?" When she grinned he just shook his head; "Sylvia, you certainly are amazing. Not that I’m complaining in the least!" Taking her by the paw again, he led her to the windward side of the schooner by the mainmast. "This time we have to keep a lookout for land; we should be getting close, and I don’t want to run aground. The best view, of course, is from up there." He gestured upwards. The masts were supported on either side by shrouds, strands of heavy stainless steel wire running from the edge of the deck to near the top of the mast. Horizontal lines connected the shrouds forming like a ladder; these are called ratlines, and permit the crew to climb the shrouds, to get to the upper reaches of the mast. Anyone who’s ever seen an old pirate movie should know about them. Sylvia grinned and climbed the ratlines almost to the mast. With the schooner heeled over towards leeward (downwind), the angle was less than steep; it was more like climbing a sharply angled ladder. Carefully she turned, to face the sea and sky, leaning back against the web of steel and rope, her legs spread, her feet braced in the outermost rungs of the ratlines. John climbed behind her, to again cover her body, settling in between her thighs, pressing her into the rigging, his hard cock pressing once again against her sex. As the boat pitched, riding the swells, John slowly drove his cock in and out of her wet pussy. He’d lost so much of the edge that he’d had earlier, their bouts of lovemaking leaving him in a position to take it slow, to draw it out, until he was sure that she’d had several climaxes. In the rigging, they swung and swayed, the motions adding to the effect. Seeing how the island was drawing close, John knew he couldn’t take much longer, and slowly he increased the speed and power of his thrusts until he was slamming his cock into Sylvia, grunting with each thrust, his balls swaying forth to slap hard at her ass with each stroke. Janet kissed Phil softly, her body pressed against his. She’d seen her friend fishing off the north shore and had swum out to his boat to say hello. Of course things had progressed, and they’d wound up doing things other than fishing. It was a favorite rendezvous of theirs. As she lay there sleepily, something caught her eye and she rose up, to peer at the schooner racing past several hundred yards distant. She grinned as she saw the two midway up in the rigging, the lion obviously making passionate and energetic love to her mother!" Again John came with a roar, head thrown back, fangs bared, his cock spurting what little jism he had left into Sylvia’s willing pussy. He held her there, pressing her against the rigging until his panting had quieted. Kissing her softly, he slowly climbed down, his softening cock dropping free. After helping her from the ratlines to the deck, he turned to trot back to the stern, to disengage the autopilot, and to swing the ship towards the lagoon. James lowered his binoculars, and shook his head. "More energetic than I would have thought" he chuckled. "And more imaginative!" It was just at sunset as they moored the schooner, both still nude, both with matted fur, both oblivious to any onlookers, not caring what anyone might think. However, nothing went unnoticed, especially by Sylvia’s children.... Sylvia kissed John goodbye as they stood on the dock. As they hugged, she couldn’t resist a small tease and tilted her head up to whisper in his ear; "No little lions in my family yet; what do you think? Might that change soon?" She could tell instantly that something was wrong, by the way his face froze, by how his body stiffened. Then he relaxed and grinned; "Not yet, Sylvia; not from today, I’m afraid. It seems that years ago, my unit was part of a test, perimeter guards, way out in the desert. The test was of an enhanced radiation weapon. You remember all the controversy. Kills everything living but leaves the buildings standing? At any rate, some Staff idiot sent us to guard the wrong crossroads, and then the weapon proved to be more powerful than expected. We all got a real healthy dose of radiation." He chuckled and shook his head; "you should have seen us; sicker’n dogs for about a month, most of our fur falling out".. The upshoot is, I’m quite sterile. On the other hand, its no big deal (or so THEY say). There’s plenty of my sperm, frozen, in storage. Funny thing, that; you’d almost think they expected that to happen, that they did it on purpose.... Its possible for me to have children, just not in the normal way... so you’re safe.." John bent over to kiss her again, softly. When they separated, he gave her a soft swat on her rump and grinned; "for the moment anyways". And then he had swung back up onto his ship, to start folding the sails, cleaning her up for the night. Sylvia wrapped her sarong around her waist, and slowly padded back to the main lodge. It had been a most interesting day, one she’d remember. But for now, she was tired and wanted some dinner, and a bath, and some sleep in that order. As she stepped into the kitchen, to search for the dinner leftovers, Bethany and Janet grinned at her. Bethany shook her head; "mother, I can’t believe you’d EVER participate in such a hackneyed and worn out cliché! Sylvia just blinked; "What? How’s that?" Bethany broke into laughter as Janet grinned; "Friggin’ in the Rigging!" Sylvia just smiled. It would be a memorable day.