John Mosby's Scenario: Stress Relief By jonwI' & John Henry August 12, 1998 Author's note: These events take place after the stories "Tiger, Tiger." and "Birds of a Feather" in John Henry's scenario. James had been depressed after the departure of the vixen that he'd become involved with. Pretty much everyone at the resort was giving him a wide berth, during the few times he made an appearance. He seemed to be spending a lot of time wandering aimlessly in the outlying forested areas. But sometimes giving him leeway just wasn't enough. It was a quiet evening in the middle of the week. The schooner was back at WaterWings, after making a cargo run to the outer islands. John and Hank were taking a break, reveling in a ground that wasn't constantly in motion, and in Sylvia's superior cooking. It was after dinner one evening, and they were on the porch of the main lodge, sitting back, feet up. John had a glass of Brandy, and Hank was slowly and carefully filling his pipe. Hank didn't smoke often, but he did occasionally, when he was trying to relax and enjoy himself. John had never objected, finding the aroma of the pipe, and the exotic tobaccos Hank used rather nostalgic, as his grandfather had smoked a pipe. Sylvia objected in principle, and made sure Hank smoked out doors and down wind, growling dire warnings should he tempt any of her children to take up the "foul habit." James, on the other hand, was a bit more vocal in his objections. It might have had something to do with his reportedly superior sense of smell.. "Are you burning that garbage again?" the big tiger growled, stalking over to the porch rail, to stare at Hank. Hank calmly pulled the pipe from his mouth, to blow a cloud of smoke straight up towards the ceiling. John watched, from where he was seated, noting that the cloud of smoke was actually blowing away from James, and thinking that he must have a sensitive nose indeed. After a moment, Hank just nodded; "Yup." Then he put the stem of his pipe back in his mouth and drew deeply, to exhale through his nose. James just growled and turned, to stalk off upwind. As he left, he growled back over his shoulder; "That's a filthy habit, and I'm sure you will have cause to regret it someday!" Hank just grinned at John; "I've already lived longer than most in my profession; I wonder what he thinks will happen to cause me to regret it?" James returned to his cabin, where he fired up his laptop. Getting out on the web, he started a specialized search string. After a while, he purrrred and sat back. "Yes, that should do quite nicely..." Typing in shipping instructions and credit card information, he hit the enter key with a flourish, grinning in anticipation. It was about a week later when the package arrived in his mailbox at the main lodge. No one seemed to take the least interest in it, which was good, James thought. He watched carefully over the next few weeks. Half the time the schooner was off somewhere, on this errand or that, but when it was in port, he stalked his quarry quietly, watching, always ready. Finally one evening, that damnable rabbit was sitting on the porch again, raising a foul smelling cloud. After a bit, he rose and stretched, heading into the main lodge, probably heading to the water closet. And he left his tobacco pouch behind, on the porch rail... James looked around and slunk over, to appropriate it, for a moment. It was three evenings later when it happened. The schooner had been at Waterwings, taking guests out on half day "sailing tours", and it was the evening when Kari's seaplane had arrived with new guests, preparing to take those heading home back the next morning. The conversation in the dining room had been spirited, and more than a few furrs had retired to the porch for a nightcap. Again, Hank pulled out his pipe, and moving politely to the downwind end of the porch, had proceeded to fill his pipe, as he talked to a middle aged lady coyote. She was obviously single, and somehow the two had gravitated together... Hank smiled and nodded; "I think you might be right." And putting his pipestem into his mouth, he struck an old fashioned kitchen match. Holding the flame to the bowl of his pipe, he took a draught.. and the world exploded, his pipe erupting like Mt. St. Ignatz. Hank stood frozen, the charred stump of the match still poised above the bowl of his pipe. But the pipe was now charred and blackened as well, as was most of his paw holding the match and most of his face. He looked like something out of a child's cartoon, wide eyes staring whitely from his blackened face. Slowly he lowered his pipe to look at the bowl in wonder. James couldn't help himself. He'd been watching from the far end of the bar, knowing what was coming, unable to resist the temptation to watch, even if it meant associating with all these... people. And the look on Hank's face was just so comical, he couldn't stop himself; he broke into laughter, a giggle at first, slowly evolving into a full throated roar. Obviously, all heads turned to look at James, and slowly understanding came to dawn in Hank's eyes. Setting his pipe down, he opened his tobacco pouch, to sniff cautiously at it. Removing a pinch, he placed it on the floor, and the struck another match, to touch it to the tobacco. There was an instantaneous flash, leaving a black spot on the floor. Looking up at James, his face a comical mask of black, the rabbit snarled; "YOU!" James instantly adopted a look of innocence, his paws held wide, palms towards Hank as if trying to push him back; "What makes you think it was me?" Hank just growled; "your warning about how I'd regret smoking some day, if nothing else.. I may not be able to prove anything. yet, but I still know you're behind it!" And with that, Hank gathered up his pipe and tobacco pouch, to stalk off towards the schooner. John watched Hank's receding back for a moment and then turned to James; "I don't think you know quite what you've started..." It was a small thing, but it started the practical joke war. James had returned from one of his treks through the woods, and after a shower, and a bite to eat from the refrigerator, he had turned on his laptop, to check the market. However, as it went through its usual startup procedure, a strange blue screen had appeared, and the speaker said in a strange machine-like voice; "DANGER! DANGER! Critical failure detected in power management system! Failure Imminent! Please stand BACK from the monitor to avoid the hazard of flying glass!" The message began to repeat itself as numerals on the screen started to count down. James stared at it for a moment and then chuckled. It was a practical joke from years ago, many generations earlier in the computer evolutionary cycle. It was from a time when folks knew little about computers; from a time when many a secretary had fled in panic at such a message. He folded his arms across his chest and grinned, waiting for the count down timer to finish, and for the computer to resume normal operation, so he could get into the operating system and delete the annoyance. He was completely unprepared for the detonation of the squib (small explosive device) underneath his trash can when the timer hit zero. Hank snuck away from the window, grinning wickedly. "Sylvia's going to be pissed; James left claw marks in the ceiling when that squib exploded. Wonder if he actually thought his computer had blown up?" he chuckled to himself. Hank padded into the schooner's galley, and stuck his head into the small refrigerator. The interior was neatly divided between carnivore and herbivore, and it took no time at all for Hank to put together a small salad. His mung bean sprouts had kind of a funny odor, barely detectable, and he wondered if they might be going bad. "Impossible" he thought to himself. Mung bean sprouts might, well, sprout, and start to grow, but they didn't rot. Certainly not in a refrigerator, anyway. Ignoring it, he added some vinaigrette dressing and carried his bowl topside, to sit on the deckhouse roof while he ate. It was later in the day when he started having problems. Problems that did not go unnoticed... John groaned and covered his nose with a paw. They were both hanging from bosun's chairs, little rope and cloth swings used to work aloft, as they tried to solve a problem with the halyard used to hoist the Fisherman, the big trapezoidal sail that hung between the fore and mainmasts. As fate would have it, he was down wind of the rabbit. And Hank had "broken wind" in a major way. "Jeez, Hank, what have you been eating?" Hank just shrugged, almost loosing the screwdriver he was wielding; "Dunno, just had a salad as usual for lunch. Maybe the mung bean sprouts were spoiled.." John looked curiously at the rabbit for a moment; "smell like asparagus?" Hank nodded; "why yes, why?" John just sighed and shook his head; "Back when I was with the 58th, we got into a practical joke war with the squids (Navy). This one pharmacist's mate came up with some sort of natural spores that he put in our chow. Gave the whole Company horrible gas for about three days. It was really grim; no one could go below because of the stench. And it rained all three days. Had to camp out in the well deck, live in our vehicles. And that day, the stew smelled like asparagus. I hate to say it, but I think you've been had again. That night, Hank was rudely ejected from the dining room of the WaterWings resort, much to James' delight. For the next two days he had to take his meals on the downwind side of the porch. Sylvia made it abundantly clear that whatever else happened, her guests were not to be disturbed or she'd see the lot of them off HER island. James was in fairly good spirits. He'd nailed that nasty rabbit good. They weren't even sure Hank was the victim of a practical joke, let alone sure that he was responsible. As he returned to his cabin from his walk, he noticed the door ajar. Looking up, he saw the bucket perched on the top of the door and grinned. "How childishly simple" he purrred to himself. Carefully removing the bucket, he walked to the sink in the small kitchen, noting the foul odor of the liquid that the bucket contained. He carefully poured the bucket's contents down the drain. It was then that he realized that the trap had been removed from below the sink, and all the water had just run all over his feet, all over the floor. And all the towels seemed to have disappeared from the bathroom. With a growl, he turned to search for something to clean up the floor with, as the foul smelling liquid slowly seeped into the carpet. The next day, the carpet really started to stink. "Whatever was in that bucket was FOUL" James growled to himself. "I'm going to have to request Sylvia have the carpet shampooed..." Stopping for a moment he reflected on that and then grinned; "Yes, Shampoo. Exactly the solution for the problem.." John purrrred softly. One of the few luxuries he'd installed on the old schooner was a decent head (lavatory). Admittedly it had to be shared by all on board, but as he had frequently been the only one on board, he'd done it to his own tastes, and for a furr of his own dimensions (more than a little on the large side). In fact, he'd gutted an entire "stateroom", to put in a decent sized tub with shower, head (nautical toilet), and sink. Even so, he barely had room to turn around, but it was a heck of a lot better than what had been "original equipment". It'd been a long day. They'd taken some folks from the resort out scuba diving, sailing to a suitable reef, and then anchoring while the folks swam around. They'd made it back by mid-afternoon, not because their charter had tired of the reef, but because all the air tanks were empty. They'd finished the day doing some painting, the constant battle with rust on a steel ship. Now he was ready for a good cold shower, a cold brew, and some of Sylvia's good cooking. Stepping into the tub, he turned on the water, and got himself good and wet. On ships, fresh water is usually at a premium, and even though he was tied up to the dock, power and water lines connected, old habits die hard. After getting wet, he turned off the water and grabbed his bottle of shampoo. With a mane like his, he went through a lot of the stuff, usually buying what was inexpensive in bulk. This brand was something new, and he sniffed curiously at it, thinking he didn't remember it smelling like that.. Shrugging it off, he finished lathering up his mane and then reached for the bottle of liquid soap, soaping the rest of himself down. Turning the water back on, he started rinsing himself off, and that was when he noticed he seemed to have an awful lot of hair on his paws... and in the drain.. to the point the drain plugged. Wondering what was going on, he bent down to pull the clump of hair from the drain, only to notice the clog almost immediately reform. The roar of outrage caused Hank to levitate almost a foot out of his seat. He'd been waiting patiently for his turn at the shower, reading an old magazine. He'd wondered what was taking the lion so long, and when the door to the head opened, he understood... Sylvia shook her head for the dozenth time. "Hold still or I'll only make it worse!" she sighed. John was at a low boil, his lips pulled back to show his fangs, as he struggled to hold himself rock still. Sylvia had a set of clippers and she was doing her best to trim what was left of his mane into something halfway presentable, while Hank and her children watched. "THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN MAKE THIS PRESENTABLE!" the lion growled, his tone of voice only making the kids chuckle. "Someone's gonna DIIIIIIIEEEEEEE" Rale chortled. Hank nodded solemnly; `and if it had been me that'd hit the shower first, well, I'd probably be naked. At least hairball here, er, ah, make that "hairless" here, had so much hair the stuff didn't have time to take him down to bare skin..." Janet looked up and smiled; "Are you sure it was something in the shampoo? After all, the way you two live on that ship, it could just be the creeping crud..." The lion growled; "No, we tried it on a small patch of fur. Just a dab. Took the hair off down to the skin in about a minute." To prove his point he held up his right paw, a dime sized spot bare on the inside of his forearm. Sylvia finished and stood back, critically examining her work. John looked at her curiously; "don't barbers usually hold up a mirror to show their vict. uh, customer the results of their handiwork?" Hank just coughed; `Uh, John, you don't want to. um, well, you'd just bust the mirror." The lion's eyes widened; "that bad?" He winced as all present nodded. They were leaving the parlor, headed for the dining room, when James entered. The white tiger froze in his tracks, his eyes wide, staring first at John, and then his gaze shifting almost immediately to look Hank over. Forcing his eyes back to John, he gasped; "What happened to YOU?" The lion just grunted; "Barovian assassins attacked me with a weed-whacker; whats it LOOK like?" As he turned to brave the stares, questions and comments of the guests the lion paused. Turning back to fix James with a glare he murmured; "and when I catch those that did this to me, there WILL be hell to pay.." Sylvia followed James, John and Hank into the dining room to clear her throat; "AHEM!" Obtaining their attention, she growled; "Now I don't know who's responsible for all these reprehensible actions, but I will say this clearly, so that all present understand. THIS. STOPS. NOW. Am I understood? The three stared back at her and chorused; "right." Lucas and Rale whispered together LONG after they were supposed to be asleep; `I KNOW its James behind it." Lucas insisted. "He did that exploding tobacco trick on the Sergeant Major, and now this depilatory in the shampoo trick must have been him too! But it back fired and caught the Captain instead." Rale nodded; "we owe Mr. Baron VanAnkat a few ourselves. I think its time we offered our invaluable services to the crew of the Resurgent..." Lucas grinned and nodded. John blinked at the two boys; "say WHAT?" Hank growled softly; "I can't believe even he'd do things like that..." John shook his head; "does your mother know about this.. never mind, dumb question. OK, here's what we're going to do..." Rale watched James' cabin carefully, making sure to stay hidden, to stay still, and to stay upwind.. James was in the habit of going for long walks in the woods, sometimes staying away all day, or all night, or both. Sure enough, it wasn't long before James emerged from his cabin, wearing just a pair of jogging shorts and carrying a small "fanny pack". Locking the door carefully, he set off into the woods. Rale lifted the military radio and gave the key a single click. Lucas heard the click over his radio, and did his best to press himself into the trunk of the tree he was hiding in. James frequently went this way, on his treks into the woods and he watched silently. Sure enough, after a dozen minutes or so, he saw the Tiger moving silently through the forest. Waiting until he was well passed, he double clicked his radio key, and climbed down from the tree, to hurry off back the way James had come from. They'd had "scouts" posted on most of the routes James normally took, and the conspirators gathered back at James' cabin. Lucas used his keys to unlock the door, going inside with Hank to set up their part of the plan. John and Rale grinned at each other, and using crowbars, proceeded to attack the cabin's doorframe. Bethany pushed the maid's cart towards the next cabin. She knew James would be gone, this time of day, but went to knock on the door anyways, just in case. It was then that she noticed there was no door. The wall where the door had always been was smooth wood, painted the same shade as the rest of the cabin. There seemed to be no joint or gap. the door was gone. "Got to be loosing my mind" she thought to herself, but after padding all the way around the cabin, she finally decided that she wasn't hallucinating; that the door to the cabin had been removed. She reached a paw out to touche where she thought the door had been, but stopped at the last moment. If this was another practical joke, the paint might still be wet, and she didn't want to leave a pawprint... Finally she shook her head and grinned; "Mother's NOT going to like this... and I bet it drives Mr. VanAnkat wild." Whistling happily, she pushed the cart towards the next cabin. James had run the last three miles, pushing himself, sprinting, and by the time he reached his cabin, he was hot and panting. Turning the corner, he fumbled his key from his pack. and came to a screeching halt. The door was gone. He too looked about wildly, as if trying to ascertain that he was in the right place, at the right cabin. Finally, with a growl, he headed towards the main lodge, to find Sylvia. As the white tiger disappeared around a distant corner, Rale and Lucas burst into laughter, rolling on the ground. The look on his face had been indescribable, and well worth the effort. Sylvia blinked; "The door to your cabin? Why, it should be right where you left it... Then she rolled her eyes and moaned; "Oh, NOW what have they done?" Pushing past the tiger she stormed out of the main lodge. Hank was pulling at the tape almost as soon as James was out of sight, and John came trotting with the doorframe, already loaded with contact cement. They had the door exposed (admittedly bare of paint in a few places where the tape had stuck too well), and the door frame in place (admittedly a little high and crooked), with the door handle restored to its correct place, and were barely back around the corner when Sylvia stormed out of the main Lodge. As she rounded the corner of cabin 24, she came to a dead stop, James almost plowing into her from behind. Blinking, she LOOKED, and then turned to face James; "Well? Looks like a door to me!" James just shrugged; "It wasn't there a moment ago.." Padding forward, he sniffed carefully at the now quite visible door, and the surrounding ground. "Hmmmmm. I scent Rale, Lucas, Bethany, John and that Rabbit..." Sylvia just sighed; "somehow that doesn't surprise me, but the fact that you scent them here proves little. They pass by here often enough, don't they?" James just growled. Sylvia was already back around the corner when the doorknob came off in his hand. He decided not to press the issue with her.. James grinned wickedly. Stalking through the moonlight the way only a tiger can, he snuck into the laundry. The Resurgent didn't have a laundry (although John was reputed to tow a perforated 55 gallon drum behind his ship when at sea, to form a surrogate washer; and everyone agreed that a salt-water laundry was unsatisfactory when there was anything else at hand) and therefore when they got to port, they frequently sought out a washer. Hank had recently put his week's laundry in the machine at the resort, and had retired outside for a smoke (something he was doing more of, lately, probably just to piss the Tiger off - it was working too). James slipped in and poured the powder into the washer, and slipped out as quietly as he came. Chuckling to himself, he returned to his cabin, to prepare for dinner. He didn't usually join the others for dinner, but this evening, he'd make an exception. He wanted to see the rabbit squirm. Hank was uncomfortable. He itched. He itched everywhere under his clothes, and as a result, he was having a hard time sitting still. "Itching powder?" the lion wondered. Hank shook his head; "just did my laundry; everythings CLEAN. Couldn't be that." By dinnertime he still hadn't figured out what was wrong. James, being a tiger, loved the water. He'd let his shower run for a good while as he just enjoyed the sensation. Finally though, he shut off the water and grabbing a towel, stepped out of the tub, to dry himself off. He gasped as the towel came away blue. The gelatine capsule that Hank had inserted into his shower head had dissolved, and the methylene blue crystals had dissolved and as a result he was now a white and blue tiger... Hank was still squirming at dinner that night. Sylvia's gaze shifted from him to James, who despite his appearance was sitting there straight faced. In fact, James had arrived early and was seated when the others had walked in. John was patently ignoring them both. The rest of the guests at the resort were buzzing with conversation; the practical joke war was being followed like a world class sporting event, and John was sure money was changing paws as the guests bet for or against the various participants... In fact one of the guests, a rather jovial bear, had asked James if he was cold, as he seemed to be turning blue. This drew a haughty stare from James, and snickers from the "gallery." After Bethany had served up dinner, John had just started to cut his meat.. He paused with his fork halfway to his mouth and nodded. Turning to look at Hank he rumbled; "Fiberglass." Hank blinked; "say what?" John gestured with knife and fork, making Lucas duck; "back in Vien Hoa. We were fighting the insurgents, and the special warfare folks decided to let the insurgents capture that shipment of rice. They had us mix finely chopped strands of fiberglass in with the rice; it was undetectable, and stuck to the rice during cooking. However, in the stomach, the chopped fiberglass fibers, less than a millimeter long, embedded themselves in the stomach wall of everyone who ate the rice. They died horribly, I'm told, as the punctures all became infected. And we itched for a week afterwards. How much you want to bet, we find a microscope, we'll find your batch of laundry is full of fiberglass? Hank growled; "well if that's the case, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go change. This itching is killing me!" The rabbit shoved back his chair, and went to stand up, only to find that the seat of his pants were glued to his chair! John bit the piece of meat from the end of his fork and went to put his utensils down, intending to go help Hank, only to find his knife and fork were stuck hard to his paws! Through it all, Van Ankat maintained a look of stoicism. Or was that righteous vindication? Lucas finally cut Hank's pants off him, to allow the rabbit to stalk back to the ship, bare-bottomed (not that too many at WaterWings were going to care, or for that matter not that many were brave enough to comment on it to him). John finished his dinner, the fact that his utensils were glued to his paws barely slowing him down (although he did have a heck of a time using a napkin). Sylvia threatened to put the utensils through the diswasher and then away in the cupboard, with him still attached if he didn't see this nonsense stopped RIGHT AWAY! As she glowered at him, he looked thoughtful, and nodded ever so slightly. However, James managed to catch his eye. John looked up at the Tiger, and watched as James lifted his glass of wine in a mock "toast". He then continued on with his meal as though nothing had occurred. John's eyes narrowed, as he watched the Tiger, Sylvia's warnings slipping away.. Hank grinned at the Lion, as he very carefully peeled the foil wrapper from the bottle of fine red wine. When he'd been in James' cabin, he'd made a careful note of the brand of wines that he stocked, looking specifically for a red wine. They'd made a special run, all the way to Snug Harbor, just to find an identical bottle. Hank bit his lip as he used some specially cut and shaped spoons to slide the cork out intact.. Or as intact as was reasonably possible. Having opened the bottle, he grinned and poured in a small packet of "neutral red" crystals. These water-soluble food coloring crystals were completely harmless, but would not be metabolized by the body, and the subsequent result could be shocking. It took the rabbit two hours of meticulous work to reseal the bottle, so that it looked untouched. John, on the other hand, was working on the diversion that would prevent the bottle from close scrutiny. He'd obtained, from a medical supply house in Snug Harbor, an aerosol can of "shaving cream." When a cut was severe enough to require stitches, the fur around the cut had to be shaved away, and this medicated foamy soap was used to ease the process. He'd also purchased some dry ice, and after immersing the can of shaving cream in the dry ice, had poured in some acetone. It made the cargo hold stink, and made him feel light headed, but before long, the aerosol can was frozen solid. Then the tricky part started; he had to cut away the steel can, and remove the frozen block of.. Well, whatever caused the stuff to foam. This he stored in the dry ice and acetone, until the time came. Rale again watched, as James left his cabin, locking the door behind him, and then double-checking to make sure it was locked. Tweaking a long hair from his tail, James wet his fingers and applied the hair across the crack, near the top. Should anyone open the door, the missing hair would warn him. Lucas let them into James cabin with his key. Hank had used tweezers to remove the hair, placing it in an envelope for use later. "You know, John rumbled; "we should just swipe the hair and leave him to go crazy trying to figure out what we did..." Hank laughed and nodded; "Yeah, but we've gone to so much trouble... He turned with a grin, to padd over to the small refrigerator, to carefully remove James' bottle of wine, substituting his own. John grinned and set the cylinder of frozen shaving cream just inside the refrigerator's door. Then they left as quietly as they could. Lucas stayed to perform "housekeeping duties" their cover for disturbing the hair, and also to spread a little air freshener around, to cover their scent. James came back after a nice long, peaceful hike in the woods. He grunted when he noticed the tell-tale hair was gone, but upon opening the door to his cabin (CAREFULLY!), his nose told him that it was merely the housekeeping staff; Lucas by the scent, although over the odor of the cleaning chemicals, that wasn't certain. After a shower (letting the water run for a while to make sure there was no more dye hidden there), he took a nice relaxing shower. Deciding to dine in that evening, he called for room service, and then sat down for a nice before-dinner aperitif. The instant he opened the door of the refrigerator, however, something happened. A puddle of some strange white liquid in the bottom of the refrigerator started hissing and expanding, and before he knew it, half the kitchen was filled with some sort of creamy white stuff. Sniffing cautiously, he determined it was some sort of soap. Sylvia was NOT pleased at the call for housekeeping, although Lucas and Rale found the entire situation QUITE amusing. Their efforts at scooping the white stuff into trash bags only degenerated into something resembling a snowball fight, and finally James threw them out in a fit of rage, preferring to clean his quarters in quiet, rather than put up with their raucousness. As he worked, slowly cleaning his way back to the refrigerator, he paused to pull out a bottle of Burgundy, his favorite label from the Old Country. He opened the bottle to let it breath, and turned back to his labors. After a while, he'd mopped up the mess, washing it down the sink, and the place was reasonably back to normal. Pouring himself a glass, he retired to his favorite chair, to ponder an adequate response. The bottle was half empty, and the remains of his meal lay on the table. James had finished checking up on his investments for the day, and had shut down his laptop. Deciding on a stroll before bed, he carefully locked the cabin behind him, and strode into the evening, heading for the pool in the hills above the resort. Stopping along the way, he paused to relieve himself (and perchance to mark some territory, in the typical Tiger fashion). He was aghast to see, in the fading light, his stream of urine emerging bright red! "My God! I'm bleeding internally" was his first thought, and he turned to head towards the main lodge, intending to call an ambulance. Half way there, he paused, wondering. Stopping for a moment, he paused to let his heart rate slow, to come to equilibrium. Taking his pulse, he decided he still had a strong, regular, normal pulse.. Deciding that this might be yet another practical joke, he returned to his cabin, to think. Over the course of the night, he found that he didn't have to urinate more than was normal, but each time, it came out bright red. "Something in the food?" he wondered, and then his gaze fell upon the bottle of burgundy. Picking up the cork, he examined it. There, in the center, was the puncture from the corkscrew he'd used. But on the sides of the cork were indentations... and he knew that he'd been had again. "Mess with my wine, will they? Ah, they'll pay for THAT" he growled. John and Hank, hidden away belowdecks, toasted each other with a glass of James' fine red wine. It wasn't what they would normally drink, but this night, it tasted particularly fine.... The package James was waiting for so impatiently had finally arrived. The practical joke "war" was getting grim, and he was not about to be outdone. What arrived was a small vial containing Phenolpthalene, an extremely potent laxative. It is relatively colorless, odorless, and mostly tasteless. In weaker individuals, what he planned could cause severe harm. But Hank and John were quite healthy, and he did not plan on using the full dose. Maybe. James had been observing the routine of John and Hank while waiting for the package to arrive. Before things had gotten grim in the "war", they would always go in to the main lodge in the evening to have dinner, before retiring to the schooner. But now they'd started to eat outside, usually within site of the dock and schooner. It made it difficult to sneak up on them. The Slipsunder children, eager to aid the duo, volunteered to keep watch over the schooner when they were busy with other matters, and that too complicated things. James realized it was not going to be an easy task. One particularly cloudy evening, with rain threatening, he watched from one of the "wings" of land that jutted out into the lagoon. He was at the forest's edge, quite concealed, naked but for his waist pouch, and the binoculars he was using to watch with. He observed John and Hank go to the lodge, and emerge with trays full of food. As they sat in their usual place, he carefully left the seclusion of the forest, and grabbing a downed piece of tree, went into the water. He slowly and carefully swam towards the schooner, using the floating piece of wood to conceal his movements and face. In about ten or fifteen minutes, he was there. From the backside of the schooner, where no one could see him from shore as he emerged from the water, he climbed up the side of the boat. Slinking along with his belly to the deck, he made his way to the galley of the schooner. Once there he opened the refrigerator, and removed one of the bottles of beer that was there. He carefully twisted off the top, and took a drink, to remove some of the bottle's contents. Unzipping his waist pouch, he removed the vial and poured the contents into the bottle. As he did this a huge smile developed. "I always thought that they were full of shit. This should remedy that situation very nicely!", he thought to himself. James then carefully put the cap back on the bottle. Removing some pliers from his pouch, he adjusted the crimps and made sure that the bottle looked "intact". Satisfied with his handiwork, he gave the bottle a quick shake, to make sure that it sounded "right" when opened. They would suspect nothing! The tiger left the way he came, slowly swimming back out to where he started from. Once back into the confines of the forest, he shook off the excess water from his fur. He quickly picked up the binoculars and scanned for any signs that he had been seen. The two furrs were still there, on the patio talking to some of the other guests. "Perfect!" James thought, as he made his way back to his cabin. The next morning James was up rather early, and made his way back to a spot across the bay from the schooner, but still quite some distance from it. There he made himself comfortable, and raised his binoculars to observe the days events. He did not care which of the two men drank the beer - in his mind they were both equally "deserving" of it. Shortly after settling into place the two furrs emerged from below, naked as usual, and began to clean off a portion of the ship, using wire brushes. By ten am they began to paint the area. Just as James began to wonder if they were ever going to take a break, the lion emerged from below decks with two beers and some sandwiches. James just smiled as he watched them eat and drink. He looked at his watch - 12:30 PM. If the information given him was correct, the effects should be noticeable within half an hour. James' tail began to wave with a nervous-like twitch as he watched the furrs finish their lunch. He watched as the two of them checked on the paint to see how it was drying. It must have still been wet. John took a rope and a pulley block and began to climb the main mast, with Hank holding the other end. John climbed to the top of the mast, and appeared to begin threading the rope through one of the pulley blocks affixed there, and then through the one he was carrying. James glanced at his watch. It was nearly 1 p.m. John was thinking only of the job in front of him, yelling at Hank not to pull on the rope until he was ready. Suddenly he felt his bowels rumble, as if he'd eaten too much. "I thought those sandwiches tasted funny" he thought to himself. He gave it no more thought and returned to the task before him. A few minutes later he felt what could only be called a "convulsion" in his abdomen. He let go of the rope and grabbed on to the mast as the sensation passed. "Wow! That was strange...." He thought to himself. As it passed he once again took hold of the rope and began to work it through the remaining sheaves of the two pulley blocks. About a minute later it hit him full force. He let go of the rope and wrapped both arms around the mast, tying to hang on for dear life. He let out a loud moan, and began to try to descend the mast. He knew he would never make it though.. From below the mast Hank heard the moan and yelled up to John "Is everything OK up there?" He assumed that John was having problems with the rope. From the opposite shore James was starting to giggle as he watched the large lion writhe in agony on the mast. "This is just TOO perfect!" he said. From high on the mast John knew that he could hold back no longer. He looked down and saw Hank and knew he had to warn him, but it was too late. His tail twitched and jerked upward and John screamed out "INCOMING!" Due to his years of combat experience, Hank involuntarily hit the deck of the schooner, covering his head with his arms. As he did this, the lower half of his body was coated with the fecal material that John was spraying from above like a high pressure fire hose. John just gripped the mast for dear life and groaned as his bowels involuntarily emptied themselves of everything that was in them. Hank glanced behind him, momentarily shocked and stunned by what was going on. He stood up, nearly slipping in the excrement, and looked up at John, still groaning, up on the mast. "What the HELL happened? You going to be all right?" he screamed up to the lion. "I think I'm going to die!" moaned John from above. "He'll be fine then", thought Hank as he jumped over the side of the boat into the water to rinse the shit from his fur. As he dove into the water, he could have sworn he saw a flash of white on the far bank. James was on the ground laughing uncontrollably. It had succeeded more than he had ever imagined. He quickly got his stuff together and made his way back to the resort, giggling uncontrollably the entire way. John slowly made his way down the mast, his guts still churning. There was nothing left in him to expel, but his body was still trying to. As he stepped off the mast he looked down at the huge mess. From the side of the boat a wet rabbit emerged, looking rather disgustingly at the lion, and asked "What the hell happened?!?" John sat on the rail, his ass hanging overboard, just in case. He held a paw to his gut, and said "I don't know. My stomach started to churn, and before I knew it I couldn't help myself; I lost total control. Man, the last time I felt this bad was when that doctor gave me some sort of laxative for that case of intestinal worms I'd picked up in Somalaland! If I didn't know any better I would think that....wait a minute!" And as one they looked at one another they said in unison "James!!" Rale was sneaking through the woods behind James' cabin, trying to figure out what the Tiger was up to. They still had one pre-planted practical joke remaining, but for it to be correctly used, the Tiger had to be in just the right spot... As he stalked through the underbrush, he felt his foot hit something, and the next thing he knew, there was a WHOOSH, and he was pulled through the air, to wind up suspended by an ankle, a bodylength above the ground. Bethany looked up from the breakfast dishes; "Janet, have you seen Rale? He's supposed to dry this morning.." Rale was swinging back and forth at the end of the rope, trying to grab onto something, ANYTHING. He'd found that he just wasn't strong enough to climb the rope, and his foot was starting to hurt. Hank's head turned slowly, as he listened. His ears stood straight up from his head and John thought he looked like some furry radar system seeking a target. "Whats up, Hank?" he called. Hank let his ears droop and turned to look at the Lion; "Thought I heard something.. Think I'm going to go check it out." Rising, the rabbit headed for the dock. John shrugged and put down the pants he was mending, to padd after Hank. James cocked his head to one side. His hearing was very good, but this was on the verge of detection. Curious, he turned to follow. "Momma, Rale didn't show up for lunch; I'm worried" Bethany said. Janet just nodded; `Didn't show up to dry dishes this morning either, although that in itself isn't unusual..." Sylvia sighed and nodded; "let me go look around some. He better not be caught up in yet another of those practical jokes..." Rale had caught a branch, on one of his wider swings, and was trying to pull himself up the tree, to get enough slack on the rope, so he could escape. He didn't see his mother moving below him... Hank pushed through the brush, to come face to face with Sylvia. They blinked at each other for a moment, both started to speak at the same instant, Sylvia saying "have you seen Rale?" with Hank saying "Did you hear something?" Both stopped at the same time, as nether could hear or understand the other. Rale heard someone below, but his attention was diverted when the branch he was hanging onto snapped. Suddenly he was falling and then he was swinging, the rope again tight around his ankle. Hank gasped and knocked Sylvia flat (intending to be protective, but considering her attitude, it came off as more of an assault.) as something large and loud swung down out of the trees, passing inches above them. John gaped as Rale flew by, upsidedown, screaming at the top of his lungs. As he swung back, John stepped in front of him, intending to catch him. Unfortunately, Rale was traveling faster than the lion anticipated and as he swung back, the resulting collision slammed him backwards.. straight into James as he emerged from the bushes. They finally cut Rale down, Hank carrying him on his shoulders back to the lodge. Sylvia was understandably upset, as Rale's ankle was rather tender and swolen. Hank and James threw recriminations at each other, convinced the other was to blame for the snare. Later, John took Sylvia aside; "Yes, I think you're right. Something needs to be done to stop this before someone gets seriously hurt. And I've got an idea... John sighed as he watched. James and Hank had been trading verbal insults as they sat in the bar, having a "quiet" drink before dinner. The lion thought they were rather evenly matched; the Tiger had a greater sophistication and command of language, but the rabbit had seen much more of the world, and his experiences were fueling his responses. Watching the two spar, to the amusement of some of the resort's guests, John had decided he'd had enough. When the Tiger put down his glass, to shake his finger in Hank's face as he lectured him, John reached over and let a few drops fall from the bottle concealed in his paw. A moment later, Sylvia called them to dinner, and the Tiger downed the last of his drink at a gulp. Half way through dinner, the big tiger was face down in his minestrone, snoring softly, much to Hank's delight, and everyone else's surprise.. John's wink at Sylvia did little to reassure her, as he and Hank carried the somnolent Tiger out through the front door, heading for the schooner. For a Lepine (rabbit), Hank was fairly big and muscular, but the two of them still struggled with the big Tiger as they staggered towards the schooner. Half way there, they had to swap ends, as Hank, who held James' feet, kept tripping on James' tail, which was dragging limply in the sand. The hold was dark, lit by swaying lanterns. The schooner was far out at sea, heading southeast, rocking fore and aft as it flew across the gentle ocean swells. The windvane autopilot was set, the radar showing no traffic in the area, the scanning sonar showing only deep water ahead. James nude form was suspended by his wrists, a heavy towel wrapped around his paws, easing the strain of the coarse hemp rope. John watched as Hank daubed at the slowly swaying tiger with an orange paintbrush. The brush held fur coloring, of the kind used in the cosmetics industry, and their daubing was gradually turning the white tiger into something more closely resembling the coloration of a more standard tiger. James' distinctive white fur was gradually disappearing. Even the patch down his front was now more cream colored than white. John grinned and tapped Hank on the shoulder, gesturing to a place where the orange was a little pale. Hank growled, a curious sound coming from a rabbit, and daubed at the spot, irritated at John's constant kibitzing. Hank stood back to regard his handiwork. Of course, like most Tigers, James was left with a cream colored patch from under his chin, down his chest, to his crotch. "Pity we can't leave him a little souvenir there, to remember the trip by" Hank rumbled. "I'd love to leave his crotch snow white, but he's already white there.. Something that the ladies would see, and no one else..." John chuckled; "I remember one time when that amphibious transport. what was it, the Austin? We were in port in Semasa, and we ran across that contingent of Barovian pilots in a bar. Got their commander completely smashed, so drunk he didn't know what he was doing, and convinced him he needed a tattoo. Had his back shaved and a beautiful Freelands flag tattooed there.. Remember that?" Hank blinked and then grinned and nodded, and as that evil glint started to shine in the rabbit's eyes, John's face took on a look of concern. "Uh, Hank, you're not going to..." Hank grinned and rose, to turn for the ladder out of the hold; "Yup. Just let me go get a razor and some other things..." John was at the wheel, the sun well up in the sky the next day, when James staggered from the forward hold. He weaved a little drunkenly, as he staggered aft. Flopping down on the deck next to John, leaning back against the coaming, he looked curiously at the lion; "did you know you're covered in orange spots?" John just shook his head and laughed; "If you think I look bad, you should see Hank. He's almost as bad off as you are." James blinked, as if his vision was still a little bleary. After a moment he looked down at himself, his eyes widening. His mouth opened and closed, as if he was trying to say something, but nothing was coming out. It was about that time that Hank emerged from the deckhouse, three bottles of cold beer in his paw. Silently handing one to John, he proceeded to set the second on the deck near the Tiger. Retiring to the rear edge of the deckhouse, he sat down, his large feet dangling over the edge, to open his own bottle. John was in the middle of his second swig when James finally gasped out; "What have you DONE to me? AND WHY?" Hank and John just grinned at each other, and then John chuckled; "Camouflage, obviously. No one will ever recognize you as the famous Baron Van Ankat." James, still looking at his paws, nodded slowly; "and the why?" Hank and John exchanged grins and chorused; "ROAD TRIP!" James stared at the bottle of beer sitting on the deck next to him. After a moment he sighed and shook his head; "this really is too much. And beer? Good Lord, don't you have anything Decent to drink on this scow? Hank and John exchanged glances and John rose, to engage the autopilot. Descending into the deckhouse, the lion was heard to bang around for a while, finally emerging with a dust covered bottle with no label. "Chief Grizwold gave me that, one night out at the Enterac Fishing Station. After spending the night drinking with them, I decided that I didn't have the guts to open it. They brew their own stuff, y'know." James just scoffed, and pulled the cork with his teeth. Taking a swig from the bottle, he did his best to hide his reaction, but both John and Hank saw his eyes water, the pupils dilating. After a moment he gasped out in a raspy voice; "you unweaned kittens! This isn't that bad" and proceeded to take another swig. The empty bottles rolled back and forth with each heave of the deck. It was late afternoon, the sun just a few diameters above the horizon. James had been after them, trying to wheedle where they were going, and what they were up to from the rabbit and the lion for hours, but all he had gotten out of them was more home brewed liquor, and a sandwich. Finally he stalked below, to appropriate a cabin, to get what sleep he could. When James awoke, the ship was at rest, the deck level and still. Rising, he found his shorts and pulling them on, climbed the companionway to the deck. The ship was tied to a wharf, in some port he'd never seen before. The port seemed as somnolent as the ship; there was the usual activity around freighters, cranes lifting cargo on and off, forktrucks moving on the dock; but in the tropical heat, everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. Hank was nowhere to be seen, but John was in his usual nest, snuggled in the folded mainsail, leaning back against the mainmast. And he was watching quietly, his good eye slitted, but open. James padded over, to stand by the mast, paws on hips, looking up at the lion. "Well? He grumbled. John's head turned to look at the position of the sun in the sky, and after a moment, he turned to look back at James, to nod; "'bout time, I suppose. Lets collect Hank and get going." James shook his head; "get going WHERE?" John just smiled. Hank was in the forecastle, the crew's quarters in the very bow of the ship. He liked having the larger cabin all to himself, when the ship was in port (at sea, the motion of the ship was felt more in the bow, than in the stern, where the other cabins lay, and under those conditions, Hank preferred the reduced motion to the increased area). It was just about dinnertime when the three of them left the schooner, walking quietly through the industrial streets near the waterfront. After a while, they came to a plain door in what appeared to be just another warehouse. John and Hank grinned at each other, and the big lion hammered on the door with his fist. The door was opened by a rather large Panda. He looked at John for a moment and then grunted in recognition. Opening the door a little wider, he stood aside, to let them pass through the door single file. James hesitated at the door, and John had to reach out, to yank him through the door, which then closed with a bang behind him. Hank led the way down a long dark hall, John staying behind James, urging him forward. Finally the corridor opened out into what to James' great surprise, was a rather elegant saloon, the walls paneled in fine wood, the bar dark mahogany, the lighting subdued, highlighted by tiffany lamps. James slowly took in the elegant surroundings, his gaze finally settling on the bar; it was then that he noticed that the bartender was a beautiful lady otter, completely nude. His jaw dropped as she smiled back at him and winked. Turning to look for John, or Hank, he found that Hank had vanished completely, while the lion was talking to a middle aged, but still ravishing Tigress. She noticed him looking at her, and John followed her gaze, to grin lopsidedly at James. "Jimmy, this is Lucy. She's an OLD friend, and she runs this establishment. She's going to be our hostess for the next few days. You see, we figured with the ... departure of your lady friend, and the practical joke war, that you needed some SERIOUS stress relief. And Lucy here is just the person to see that you get it. James looked blank for a few minutes; then he turned to look at the bartender, and then back at Lucy. Before he could speak, John continued; "No, she doesn't know who you are, nor does she really care. While you're here, you're just Jimmy. Period. Oh, and don't worry about catching anything here. They have a staff physician that checks out all the ladies AND the customers. Oh, and besides, condoms are the rule here; despite their own efforts at contraception, its that visible little "extra" that will keep you from having to worry about "unwanted progeny...and them from having to worry about any unwarranted lawsuits. The physician is good, but no lab test is 100% reliable." James' mouth worked again, but once more nothing emerged. John grinned and nuzzled one of Lucy's ears. Lucy in turn smiled at James and lifted her head to call out "Samantha! Yvette! Come take care of our new guest! James turned, to watch a Black Pantheress and a lady skunk, both drop dead gorgeous, both completely nude, save for jewelry, emerge from behind a hanging curtain. The black fur of the two complimented each other nicely, and it was obvious they were a team. Giggling, the ladies padded over to him, each taking him by a paw, to lead him back through the curtains. John watched him go and then turned to whisper in Lucy's ear; "its still quite early in your business "day", and things aren't busy yet. Why don't you send another two, to, ah, "make sure" he gets in the swing of things. Lucy thought for a moment and then padded over towards the bar. John remained where he was, watching her ass sway, watching her tail twitch from side to side as she walked, purrrrring. Picking up a house phone from behind the bar, Lucy purrred into it, asking another two of her ladies to join Samantha and Yvette, adding some special instructions... James was surprised at the elegantly appointed bedroom to which he was led; it looked to have been decorated by a master, with an unlimited budget. Certainly NOT what he would have expected from a place John and Hank frequented... The four poster bed was huge, with an elegant bedspread. Nearby, was an alcove with a sybaritic tub that would probably hold at least four large furries. Mirrors were discretely placed that would give furrs an optimum alternate view of their lover. The lighting was adequate but subdued. James smiled as they led him more or less willingly towards the bed, but was completely surprised when two more ladies, a rather zaftig brown bear and a well stacked mare exploded from beneath a hanging tapestry behind him, to bowl him over onto the bed! The girls all giggled, swarming over him, until he found himself flat on his back on the bed, one lady sitting on each limb, pinning his arms and legs to the soft mattress in a most enjoyable fashion. He found himself effectively immobilized (at least as long as he refrained from hurting anyone), and after a moment, as they all bent forward to lick and nuzzle him, all thoughts of escape had fled from his mind. With a purrrrr, he just settled back to enjoy himself. He stiffened when one of the ladies, the Pantheress, came up with a pair of scissors, but she only attacked his shorts, and in a moment he was nude. The ladies purrrred with delight when they saw how he was equipped, and then the skunk, Yvette, ooooohed; "look at this" she purrred. A spot immediately to the right and slightly above James' cock had been shaved, and a small red rose tattooed there, with the words "Remember always." James' eyes widened in surprise, and to the ladies amusement, he gasped; "Where'd THAT come from?" And then it struck him; he knew EXACTLY where it had come from, and with a soft growl, a growl that the ladies mistook for pleasure as they resumed their licking, he started plotting his revenge. John purrrrred softly, a basso rumble that caused his tongue to vibrate, and Lucy to squeal with delight. This was because his tongue was buried deep in her pussy, as he lay between her outstretched thighs. They say that any life you save becomes your responsibility. But sometimes that responsibility has its rewards. He had been in this very position, well over a decade ago, when terrorists had assaulted Lucy's establishment, at that time located in a distant land, seeking to kill certain political figures that were being entertained within. As fate would have it, John, and some of his troops, on leave from their current campaign, were also being so entertained. They'd been so outraged at the terrorist's interruption that they had not only stopped the assault dead in its tracks, but had also pursued the fleeing survivors into the street, hunting them down to the last furr (the front wasn't so far away that they hadn't brought their weapons...). The political types (John hadn't even known they were there.) had been most grateful, as had Lucy, and a trust fund had been set aside for the soldiers that had been so valiant in the defense of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." John and his troops were welcome at Lucy's for the rest of their lives, and whenever John took advantage of that, he always started his stay by licking the tigress until she was sated. Sometimes it took a while, too, but he didn't mind in the least. James looked at the four lovely woman surrounding him, and an insidious grin came over his face. Never had his sense of smell been so overpowered by what he could only decide must be "lust" or "passion". The musky aroma wafting from the ladies groins affected him deeply, on an almost subconscious level. His erection was evidence of that alone. But he was James VanAnkat, and he would NOT give in to his "baser" instincts. He was the master of his self, not them. He would bend these new sensations to his will, not the other way around. Slowly, he looked at each of them in turn, and said "Ladies, it is time for class." Lucy panted, her paws clawing at the bedclothes as John's tongue twitched and wriggled within her. Over the years, he'd come to know just where her sensitive spots were, and he was doing his best to stroke them, alternating with the rough upper surface of his tongue, and the smooth lower surface. From where he was crouched, he had an excellent, if not inspiring view of her heaving chest, and he knew she was close to her release. With another purrrrrr, he slowly slithered his tongue from between her silken folds, to flick its tip upwards over her clitty. Lashing his tongue back and forth, alternating rough and smooth, he soon had her howling with pleasure, her body shaking as her climax overtook her. The Ladies looked at each other quizzically and shrugged their shoulders. James grinned; "I am "Jimmy", and I will be your instructor for "Sex and the Senses - 101". I assume you are all supposed to be here?" The ladies assumed that this was some fantasy that the tiger had, and knew that it was best to play along. They looked at each other, then to James, giggled a little, then as one responded "Yes, teacher!" James just grinned at this positive response. "I will need a volunteer to "assist" me in my demonstrations - Yvette! How about you come up here to the front of the class?" The ladies were starting to get into the game, and the skunk moved forward, releasing his arm, to kneel next to the tiger. Once again she said "Yes teacher". When Lucy had caught her breath, she found the lion reclining next to her, his one eye watching her face. She purrrrred and rolled towards him, her lips finding his, to kiss him hard, her body continuing to roll until she lay on top of him. As she kissed him hungrily, her hips moved, rocking back and forth, her wetness stroking against his hard cock, until she finally slid a little further forward, letting the head of his cock slip between her thighs. With a purrrrr, she slid back, driving his hard cock into her wet pussy, moaning into the kiss as he filled her. James was thrilled. Four beautiful, naked women, all for his own pleasure, listening intently to his every word. "As I am sure you all know, it is said that the most important sexual organ is the mind. Well, if this is the case, and lets assume for the moment that this is true, then how does the mind get its information?" The ladies looked at one another, shrugging their shoulders. The brown bear tentatively raised her paw, and James nodded in her direction. "The penis and vagina!" She exclaimed, sure of her answer. James shook his head and said, "Well, you are on the right track, but are being too specific. Any other ideas?" Seeing there was none, he continued on with the "lecture". "What sends the brain information is our five senses. So then, if the brain is the most important sexual organ, and the senses feed the brain information, then it can therefore be argued that the senses are, as extensions of the brain, the most important sexual organs. Let me demonstrate." At this time he took the skunk and laid her across his large lap, face up. Yvette just giggled. As you know, there are five senses - sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Lets look at how each of these work to feed the brain information." Hank was in heaven. The Bonaventure Sisters, both calico rabbits, were on top of him; Beth was astride his hips, riding his cock, while Sara was kneeling over his face, her pussy pressed hard to his muzzle. As they squirmed, one on his cock, the other on his tongue, they kissed and caressed each other. No, they weren't actually sisters, although they sure looked like it; they worked as a team. Hank just loved to have more than one lady at once, and the "sisters" were his favorite duo... "Now any one of these senses alone are powerful enough to create the most pleasurable sexual experience," James continued; "but very few have the control or facilities to use just one sense. We are creatures of all our senses, but some are more powerful than others, especially from individual to individual. Take sight for example. As I look down at this lovely young lady in my lap, my sense of sight feeds the image of her naked body to my brain. There are some who could achieve orgasm just by seeing this beautiful creature. But now we add to that the sense of smell, one of the most underrated senses. Close your eyes, and take a deep breath in through your nostrils." The skunkette did as instructed, as so did the tiger, curling his upper lip as he did so. "Do you smell that somewhat stale, musky smell, with a hint of pungent "bleach-like" aspect to it?" They nodded in assent. "That is the smell of arousal, of lust coming from our bodies. In many animals, this controls behavior. We are not animals though, and hence the aroma does not control us, but it still affects us. The longer we are exposed to it, and the stronger it gets, the more it influences us, whether we are aware of it or not. Of course the sense of touch is probably most known and what everyone thinks sex is all about. Watch as I apply pressure to certain points of this most willing volunteer...." And with that James took one hand and cupped Yvette's breast, fingers wrapped around her nipple, and his other hand ran down to her groin. In a rather quick motion, he at the same time inserted his index finger deeply into Yvette's moistness, while pressing up on her from inside, and his thumb mashed down on her clitoris. Simultaneously, he squeezed her breast, and pinched her nipple. Yvette let out a scream as she writhed in the throws of an orgasm in the large Tiger's lap, her body flailing about as if having a seizure. Lucy had sat up, astride John's hips, riding his cock slowly, her hips rocking back and forth, as she lifted herself up, letting his cock slide from her sex, only to settle back down. Her pace was measured, and sedate, and she knew she was slowly driving him wild. John, for his part, had reached up with both paws, to squeeze her breasts, holding her as if steadying her in that position.. James grinned; "As you can see, class, touch is a very powerful sense." They all nodded in approval as Yvette moaned in the Tiger's lap, humping at his still embedded digit. The tiger removed his finger, bring it to his mouth, and wrapped his tongue slowly around it, cleaning off the skunks accumulated fluids. This brought further moans from the "class" as they saw him do this. "Of course, there is a lot to be said for taste, as well. The powerful flavor of this volunteer has very strong chemicals that induce arousal in most males, as you can plainly see..." The tiger carefully lifted the skunk from his lap and displayed his erection to the women. "Ahhhhh" came the response from the "class". Hank groaned into the cunny of the sister above him. They'd ridden his cock and tongue until they'd both had at least one climax, with Hank having shot his load into the first. Then, the little minxes had changed positions, letting Hank lick out the one that had been on his cock, with the other "sister" taking her place astride his hips... "Now I have left sound for the last, as I feel it is the most overlooked" James continued. "Sound can enhance any sexual experience. How would we have known so readily that our volunteer enjoyed her experience of touch, had it not been for the sound she made. I feel that there is no sound as erotic as the moaning of an individual as they rapidly approach orgasm. It is a crescendo to rival any symphony, and can actually cause and or enhance orgasm in others. Now Samantha, if you would be so kind, I would like to demonstrate on you to the class the effect of all the senses together..." "Oh yes, teacher!" exclaimed the panther as she immediately came to the front. The tiger had her lay down on her back, and spread her legs widely, parting her already swollen and dripping sex. He nearly dove down onto it, forcing his long and rough tongue deeply into her moist crevice. She immediately started to groan, bucking her hips. After suffering three to four minutes of this attack, she started to moan, louder and louder. Once again, the tiger reached into her with his finger, his thumb pressing down from the outside. It had the desired effect, and the panther screamed aloud, unable to control herself from the sudden powerful orgasm that caught her off guard. John was about to cum, and Lucy knew it, from the look on his face. Grinning, she threw one leg to the side and carefully twisted about, pivoting on his hard cock, until she was again astride his hips, facing his feet. Moving faster, fucking him harder, she sought her own climax, racing him to the finish. They both roared loudly, "crossing the line" within seconds of each other... James looked at the ladies with a grin on his face, his muzzle fur matted against his skin. "Any questions, class?" They women just shook their heads. "Good, then who wants to sign up for my next class, Penile Dynamics 201?" "ME, ME, ME!!" came the cries from the ladies. James just sat back and grinned. Hank purrrred and nuzzled the sisters softly; for the moment, they were all sated, just cuddling as they tried to regain their breath. He chuckled at the roar from down the hall, and just shook his head; "Felines!" James roared with laughter. In a quiet moment, he'd finally gotten a look at the basket of condoms by the bedside. Most of the packets in the basket were orange ones marked "Tiger", and when the girls rolled one down his cock, it fit like a second skin. However, interspersed with those in the basket were some brown packets marked "Rabbit" that must have been half again as large in diameter, and the yellow ones marked "Lion" must have been twice the diameter... "Riiiiiight" he thought to himself; "get you for that one too!" John was leaning against the bar, nude save for his eyepatch, drinking a beer when Hank finally emerged. "No sign of Jimmy yet?" the lepine inquired. John just shook his head; "I think Lucy's arranged to keep him buried in warm female fur. The idea was to fuck him to exhaustion, and then when he awakes, to do it again. I told her a bit about the things that he'd done and she agreed something had to be done about him." Hank's features took on a concerned look; "Ah, you didn't tell her about the things we did back, did you?" John just shrugged; "A bit. Played it down, of course, but I figured James would eventually give voice to his side of things. Did what I could to minimize whatever damage he might do, though." Lucy's establishment was slowly filling up, as the evening grew later. Some customers were a bit surprised to see John and Hank there in the raw, but in time, they'd come to understand. Others, who knew the place well, were not surprised at all. "So whatcha got planned next?" John enquired. Hank took another swig of his beer, and grinned; "I hear that Lucy's got a new trapeze artist; a ferret named Sonya. I thought I'd give her a try next, see what she might be able to do." John nodded; "Me, I think I'll look up Bibi. After all, no one knows how to do a lion like a lioness." Hank just grinned, slapped John on the shoulder, and beer bottle in hand, walked off to find Sonya. As the evening had progressed, the demand on the "staff" had increased, and by the time night turned to morning, James was down to a single female companion. He was also badly in need of a break, and after "licking her into submission", he excused himself to find the bathroom. When he emerged, she was gone, and he looked about for something to wear, his shorts having been turned to ribbons by the enthusiastic pantheress' scissors. Finally he wrapped a bathtowel around his waist and opened the door, to try and find the bar, and perhaps something to eat and drink. Seemed he'd worked up an appetite. John purrrrrred softly to himself. Bibi was playing hard to get, hiding in the "bush", and he was stalking her. While the room was decorated to look like the wide open Savannah, with murals on the walls, it wasn't really THAT big, and pouncing her would not have been hard at all; still, he was "staying in character", pretending to be a wild lion seeking his lioness.... Hank smiled as he watched Sonya twirl on the rings suspended from the ceiling of what looked like a circus tent. He was center stage, gazing upwards in rapt facination as the ferret lady twirled. He was in a particularly good position to admire her charms, and when at some hidden signal, the rings started to lower her towards him, his grin grew even wider... John growled low in his throat, thrusting into Bibi from behind. She'd started out on paws and knees, but as he took her hard, she'd lowered her chest to the floor, arms outstretched, claws digging into the dirt floor. John crouched over her, his hips bucking wildly, his cock driving hard, driving deep into her sex. When instinct told him it was time, he leaned forward, covering her body with his, to take the back of her neck in his jaws, to hold her with his fangs as he thrust even harder. Hank stood with feet well spread, his arms around Sonya's waist as she hung from the rings. The ferret lass grinned and used her grip to raise and lower herself, rising and falling on the rabbit's cock, as she steadied herself, her legs around his waist. "The lass is talented" Hank chuckled to himself; "and her command of her movements on the trapeeze and the rings are nothing compared to her command of her vaginal muscles." He groaned in pleasure as she squeezed him, feeling her milk his cock, feeling her stroke him, almost sucking his cock further into her pussy... James found the bar, after a bit, and realized he was overdressed. It seemed that once they got into the swing of things, clothes were discarded, and not thought of again until the guests departed. He got himself a glass of fine old whiskey, and leaned against the bar to take in the scene. At the feel of his fangs, Bibi had started to thrash, and moan, and it wasn't long until both she and John were cumming. Afterwards, they lay together in the grass, panting. As they cuddled, Bibi carressed him gently, knowing that it wouldn't take him long to recover. Giggling, she kissed him softly; "There are so few who know how to treat a lioness correctly; I'm always glad to see you return here.." John smiled and kisses her back; he didn't know if that was just a line for the customers, or whether there might be some truth to it, but either way, he still liked to hear it. With a quiet roar, he rolled, pushing her over onto her back, to take her again, in perhaps a less traditional way. Hank laughed and shook his head; Sonya was hanging from the rings by her feet, upsidedown, her head tilted back, his cock in her mouth. Her breasts filled his paws and he bent his head to lick at her very wet sex in return, savoring her flavor, and tasting the hint of his own cum. The lass was talented at acrobatics all right! Lucy strolled into the bar, as nude as her girls, the scent of the lion still on her. James smiled as she padded up, to lean on the bar next to him. After sweeping the room with a practiced eye, she turned to smile at him; "Everything to your satisfaction, Sir?" James smiled; "Oh, quite. But there is one small thing I think you might help me with.. Lucy and James were sitting together, talking, when John and Bibi entered the Romanish "Forum." The room was another of the "theme" rooms, this one set up for a feast, with entertainment. "Slave girls" danced, veils whirling, while other "slaves" fed the guests bite-sized pieces of food as they watched and rested. Lucy was feeding James the occasional cube of meat, and as John watched, he couldn't help but feel they were conspiring together. But then Bibi was pulling him down onto soft cushions, to fetch him a flagon of wine, and a bowl of food. Hank laughed as he jogged into the "Forum", Sonya carried over one shoulder, facing in the other direction, the damp and matted fur of her sex prominent for all to see. Sonya in turn giggled, both paws holding onto the rabbit's tail (not much of a hold, you must admit) as he bounced her up and down. Grabbing a pitcher of wine and a bowl of fruit, he dumped Sonya onto a cushion and then flopped down next to her. James and Lucy were still talking, giggling together, and Hank wondered if it was a Tiger thing. John was reclining, his head in Bibi's lap as she fed him cube after cube of meat, sometime teasing him, making him snap after it, holding it just out of the reach of his jaws. "Then you'll do as I ask?" James purrrred. Lucy smiled and nodded; "I'll talk to the girls about it. You understand that those two are more than old and valued customers; they're old and valued friends, and I will not jeopardize that friendship, no matter how much money you offer. Still, I think that there are things that might be done.." she said with an impish grin. Hank broke his kiss with one of the dancers, and holding her close, his arm around her waist, grinned over at John; "Score?" John looked up from where he was nuzzling Bibi's stomach. Looking reflectively at the ceiling for a moment he turned to the rabbit; "two partners, three orgasms; haven't really been counting the climaxes, but I know the ladies have been getting better'n they've given. so far at least." With a grin, he turned back to nibble softly at Bibi's left nipple, eliciting a moan heard across the room. Hank laughed; "got you beat; Three partners, four orgasms! RABBITS RULE!" John just chuckled; "Hank, you KNOW the Lepine reputation is built on the fertility of your ladies; for real staying power it takes a Lion." He grinned and nuzzled Bibi for a moment, and then said, more to her, than to Hank; "When a lioness comes into heat, she demands to be mated, until she's either out of season, or she knows she's pregnant. And that's like once an hour, 24 hours a day, for a week. And usually there are more Lionesses in a pride than Lions.. Hank just chuckled in return; "it takes you a week to get your mate knocked up? PITIFUL! Lepine reputation's built on the potency of the MALE! Besides, you know the rabbit reputation's justified in fact; you just won't admit it!" James listened wide-eyed. Lucy caught his look and nuzzled him softly; "they do this every time they come here. The argument's been running since about the time we all first met. I was running a house in Vien Hoa, in the province capital of Huay. The original argument led to a contest that was somewhat interrupted by local... "political events." But that's another story. Needless to say, I suspect they'll go to their graves arguing which species is the better lover." James just shook his head; turning to give Lucy a gentle lick he chuckled; "thought everyone knew it was tigers..." She just grinned and nodded agreement. Looking up at Hank and John, James called; "You two should know that Tigers are considered almost mystical for their sexual prowess and fertility. I think you're both mistaken in your assumptions: If there's a "top" position to be held, it has to be filled by Tigers." Lucy just chuckled. John and Hank both started to protest at the same time. Finally Lucy called; "Why don't you three settle it as Gentlefurrs.." Hank scoffed; "No way, I'm straight! Not interested in either of those mangy felines!" John laughed and shook his head; "Somehow I don't think THAT was what he meant. And who's mangy?" James sighed and just shook his head. Finally Lucy continued ; "why don't you see who performs better for the rest of our stay here? Most partners, most orgasms received, most climaxes delivered. Looser pays the bar tab. Runner up pays the food tab." Hank looked doubtful; "dunno, last time we tried that.." John chuckled; `Come on, Hank. We're not even near a war zone. I'm game.' Hank sighed; "OK, OK, you're on. Contest starts at Midnight and runs for 48 hours. Lucy, you officiate." Lucy grinned and nodded. Hank had been dragged off by a few of the girls. Emma, a blond mink, had whispered in one of his ears that they wanted to "play a game" with him, and he'd eagerly gone along with them, not even knowing what was to come. They took him to another of the rooms in a Roman theme, and had dressed him as a male slave, with a skimpy toga, and a ribbon collar around his neck. One of the other girls had threaded a ribbon leash around his neck to lead him, as Emma tied his paws behind his back with yet another ribbon. Each taking a "spear", they lead him off, the girls giggled among themselves. Bibi whispered with Lucy for a few minutes, giggling and looking John's way. He knew something was up, but trusted these folks. He figured James was trying to talk them into something, but didn't think it would amount to much. Bibi padded over, and sat next to him, to whisper into his ear. He grinned, and rose to follow her, his tail waving behind him. They led Hank into another room; it looked like a cross between a Romanish atrium and a throne room, and Lucy was reclining on the central dias, dressed in a golden gown, bejeweled, looking like a Queen. She grinned at the girls, and raised an eyebrow; "And what have we here?" Emma grinned and cleared her throat; "My Queen, a gift from the Emperor Octavian, a male slave to please you." Hank grinned widely, bowing to Lucy. Lucy for her part, scowled; "I don't know.. I think the Emperor Octavian might be sending a veiled insult. Look at him! He looks a little... scrawny." At this Hank's eyebrows rose a little; he might be a little over the hill, but he was anything but scrawny... Lucy grinned at Emma; "Take him down to the dungeons; see what the prisoners we have there, the ladies of the outlawed Order of Dracu, make of him. If he survives their attentions, I'll consider taking him to my bed." Hank grinned to himself; "Aha! A challenge!" Bibi stopped to kiss John just outside a door to one of the "environment" rooms. He never heard the door opening silently behind him, and he was too lost in the kiss to realize what her one leg snaking behind his knees meant, until she'd broken the kiss and pushed him hard, toppling him over backwards into waiting arms. He was dragged into the dark room by many hands, the door closing behind him ominously, with a thud. Hank was led down a series of stairs, his paws still bound behind him, to a room that resembled a classic dungeon, with stone blocks, and flickering torches. He grinned as Emma used a large key on a ring, to unlock a door. He expected them to lead him through the door, but instead, after opening the door, they simply shoved him through, to lock the door behind him. The interior of the "cell" was dark, a single barred window, high up on the wall, provided what little light there was, most of the cell being cast in shadows. There was straw on the floor, and as he stood there, he saw dark forms start to move in the shadows... John acked, as he was covered with moving bodies, pinned to the ground. One voice snarled; "hold still, prisoner, or it will go worse for you!", and his ears twitched as he thought he recognized Lucy's voice. He felt hands moving at his neck, wrists and ankles, things being fastened there, and then they rolled him over, pulling his paws behind his back, to link the cuffs together. Dragged roughly to his knees, he looked around. Lucy stood before him in a tight leather outfit, her form almost completely covered, but the tight leather revealing every curve of her body, even the cleft of her sex, and the prominence of her nipples. Someone behind him yanked his head back and as his jaw fell open, he felt something hard shoved behind his teeth. Lucy grinned and strutted back and forth in front of him; "The Inquisition has demanded your interrogation, and has given the task to me. You will be held in durance vile, to be tortured until you decide to confess! Ladies, TIE HIM TO THE CROSS!" James walked into the room to find a somewhat portly panda fem wearing only a small lacy apron and a little lace hat. She was bent over using a feather duster on the nightstand in the room. While many might not be aroused by this somewhat heavier individual, James found her quite erotic. Questioning why in his mind, he could only come up with the reason that he must be attracted to furrs with black and white fur. As he watched her dust, a plan suddenly came to mind. Sneaking into the room, while the panda was still busy dusting, he slamed the door shut. The panda fem jumped up with a small squeal and turned around, staring wide-eyed fear at the huge tiger in front of her. James snarled, exposing some teeth for effect, and growled at her; "Babette! I have had complaints again about your cleaning abilities, or better yet, the lack thereof!" The panda, not quite knowing what to make of this, simply said; "But Sir! I am doing my best!" "We will see about that!" James responded. He abruptly walked over to the other nightstand, looked it over, and swiped a finger across the top. Pointing his supposedly dust-laden finger at the female, he screamed "Look at this! This is just filthy! Totally unacceptable! What do you have to say for yourself?!?" The panda lowered her eyes and looking very dejected, said; "I am so sorry, Sir!" "Sorry will not cut it" James growled. Scowling, he said; "I am afraid you know what his means...." "Oh no, Sir!" she cried out. "Yes", James responded, "You must be.....disciplined for your misdeeds!" Upon saying this James sat down on the edge of the bed. He looked up at the somewhat fearful panda and said "You know this is for your own good. Over my lap, NOW!" Hank found himself backed against the cold stone, his paws still tightly tied behind him. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't loose that damn ribbon! The "ladies", all naked, were slowly crawling closer, like wild animals, hunger in their eyes. A part of his mind says that Lucy'd never hurt him, and if she did, John'd tear the place apart; but another part of his mind found this quite.. uncomfortable. And yet another part found it wonderfully erotic, in a Dark kind of way. John found himself bound to a rough hewn wooden "X." One of his "interrogators, the black pantheress Samantha, walked close, to him, one paw wielding a riding crop. She grinned wickedly and traced a circle around John's cock and balls with the leather tab on the end of the crop. John for his part, couldn't keep his eyes off of her; she was dressed only in a body harness. A tight band encircled her waist, visibly constricting it, with one chrome ring in the center of her back, and one at either hip. In the back, a leather strap descended from the center ring, to a ring around her tail, and from there, down, between the cheeks of her ass, passing between her legs, barely covering her sex, to another chrome ring centered on her mons. From there, straps ascended to the left and the right to the rings at her hips, rising further on either side of her breasts, to a thick leather collar around her neck. More straps encircled her chest, above and below her breasts, the combined effect making her breasts stand out proudly. The combination of the black straps, and chrome rings on black fur was striking, and it made John's mouth water. His only concerns were how to get free, and how to get her out of that rig... But at the moment, that didn't seem to be too likely, as he was well bound. No matter what he tried, escape seemed impossible.. He was at her mercy. The panda was actually starting to enjoy this. She'd been employed by Miss Lucy for years, but as she was rather large, very few of the customers ever availed themselves of her...charms. And rarely was it someone so handsome. And she did SO like to participate in the "activities" of the house, especially when good roleplaying was called for.. She found herself starting to become a bit aroused, especially when she began to approach the tiger, and got a good look at his now hardening shaft. She carefully laid her body over his lap, her generous posterior portions pointing high in the air, her round little black tail moving nervously. The feel of his maleness poking into her belly nearly made her climax then and there... The tiger reached under her and put a hand on her right breast, cupping it firmly, and with his right hand, he reached over and pulled her into a better position. When James felt he had her in the correct placement, he put his arm back and brought it crashing down, open palmed, onto the fleshy portion of the panda's right ass cheek. Hank's head turned as one voice to his left hissed; "Look, Sisters, they've brought us fresh meat!" A voice to his right responded; "I hope this one lasts longer than the last; still, he was delicious, in the end..." As he listened, eyes wide, a form from in front of him pounced from the shadows, slamming him against the wall. John moaned softly into his gag. Samantha had stroked him with the tip of the crop until his cock was rock hard, standing proud. With a grin, she'd turned to face away from him, bending way over, until she could grab her ankles. It was then that he noticed her harness held yet another chromed ring, this one framing her sex... With tail held high, she backed up to rub herself against him, until his cock slipped through the ring, and into her pussy. Thought this really didn't "hurt" through all her fur and extra fat, James' first swat startled the panda, and she did feel it. "Oww!" she cried out, and just as she did, James landed another blow in the same spot with a rather loud "whap". With every downstroke, he would also squeeze her breast, rolling her nipple in between his fingers. She continued to cry out as the tiger spanked mercilessly on her ass, and even though it was just starting to sting a bit, she pretended that it hurt immensely, starting to cry and wail as though she was in much greater pain. In actuality, she was getting very turned on by all of this. The more she acted as if she were in torment, the more excited James got. As his arm became sore from swatting, his lust could wait no longer. He had to have this female! He could smell her arousal - she was more than ready! Hank Errfed, literally covered in hungry female fur, pressed up HARD against the wall. He felt mouths on his cock, and on his balls, tongues on his chest, neck, ears and thighs. The setting may have been one of almost gothic horror, but the way things were developing, he thought he could stand it.. John howled, wanting to buck his hips into Samantha's lovely pussy, but the way they had him tied, he was helpless. For her part, she moved slowly, languidly, slowly rocking back and forth, stroking his cock at a pace that he found maddening. He wanted to SLAM his cock into her, and could barely do more than breath and turn his head, so tightly was he tied... With some strain James stood up, lifting the panda in the process. He took her and threw her down onto the bed with as much force as he could. She lay there whimpering, looking at the Tiger. He growled at her, exposing more teeth, sending chills down the panda's spine. "Your punishment is not over yet, my pretty!" James reached over to the woman, and grabbed her by the hips, turning her onto her belly and sliding her till her feet and lower legs were off the bed. He spread her legs apart and pushed his finger into her moist folds, moving them around until the panda was moaning incoherently. "Oh you'd like that, wouldn't you" he growled at her. He quickly pulled out his fingers and plunged them into the poor girls quivering anus. This got her attention, and she began to scream out again, not quite sure about this. He did seem to be taking his time though, not intentionally hurting her, and so she played along. "Oh my, what are you doing, sir?!?" she grunted out, in between moans. "Oh, you'll see...." James spat out. He withdrew his fingers and crawled over the prone panda. He took his penis and pushed it into the woman's vagina, eliciting gasps of pleasure from her. "Oh no, none of that for you!" he said, and pulled out his slick member, and crammed it into her tail hole. Hank howled as his cock exploded in the mouth of one of the furrs covering him; he writhed, squirming, only to find his cries silenced as someone's wet pussy covered his mouth. He groaned into her pussy as he felt someone suck one of his balls into her mouth, even as his cock was spurting wildly into someone's sucking mouth, sucking so hard he felt as if she was trying to turn him inside out, trying to drain him of every last drop! John hung limply against the "X", panting hard. Samantha had taken a good long time to finish him off, to bring him to his orgasm. In the process, she'd moaned and mrowled through at least three climaxes, before finally deigning to bring him off. She'd left a moment before, her leather body harness squeaking softly as she strutted out. He looked up as the door opened again, another fem, a blond Mink, strutted in. She wore a similar body harness to the one Samantha had worn, perhaps with more straps, and buckles. And she carried a short whip.. "No, no, no!" the panda fem screamed out, but inside she was going "yes, yes yes". It had been some time since someone had taken her like this, and she forgot how much fun it could be. "You just behave and take your medicine," James bellowed out at her as he rammed his prick in and out of the woman, his fur covered scrotum slapping noisily against her on each inward thrust. The panda decided to try to pretend to resist, to move him off of her, and as she moved her arms back to try in vain to lift him off of her, James growled "We'll have none of that!" Opening his mouth as far as he could he leaned forward to clamp his teeth down around her neck, applying the slightest pressure. The panda froze instantly. She knew that this could get dangerous. "I'm so sorry sir!" she said meekly, trying to be as submissive as possible. The tiger relaxed his grip and said "That's better!", and continued pumping away at her. Hank had been forced to the stone floor of the cell. He was still covered in demanding female furr, a different lady riding his cock, a different lady astride his mouth. Ladies had both his paws in theirs, pressing them hard to their pussies, demanding his stroking, his fingering. He gasped and licked up into the sweet pussy above him, a Ferret lady, he thought from the taste, although it was hard to say from this position, he grinned at the thought that he was well on his way to satisfying four ladies at the same time.. John groaned into his gag, as the Mink humped his cock. Her paws were around his neck, her legs around his waist, locked behind the wood of the "X", his cock driving hard into her dripping pussy. As langorous as Samantha's fucking had been, this one was much wilder, much more demanding, as she panted and moaned and cried, her pussy gripping his cock TIGHT! He groaned as she humped him wildly, and knew that he wouldn't be able to hold off cumming much longer.. There was nothing that he could do to hold back. Again, he was helpless, her plaything... James was starting to get close, and he knew an orgasm was not far away. He reached under the panda, and lifted her up, growling "On your hands and knees!" As she complied, James took his right hand and mashed it into her groin, rubbing her most sensitive spots. This sudden caress, rough though it may have been, threw the panda into a sudden orgasm, and her anus clenched fiercely at the tiger's member. James could hold back no longer. As his right hand gripped strongly at her crotch, his left dug into her large ass cheek, and he began to thrust wildly into her. Within seconds he started to shoot, and threw his head back, screaming, almost roaring at the top of his lungs. Hank was exhausted; he'd lost count of the girls that had taken their turn sitting astride his hips, or his muzzle. He was tired and thirsty.. And that was when he noticed the bottle being passed around. It was a clear bottle, full of some viscous red liquid, and for a moment, the vampyre theme came back to haunt him... then one of the girls caught his eye and grinned; "would bunny like something to drink?" He gulped and nodded, tentatively, wondering just exactly what they had in mind.. Several of the girls exchanged glances, and then rose, to take another girl by the ankles. She meeped in surprise, as they hauled her bodily upwards, to hold her balanced on her hands, her legs held in the air, widespread. The one with the bottle padded up to her from behind, to place the opening of the bottle against her sex, letting it fill her pussy with the red liquid. "Behold, your chalice; come and drink!" Hank shook his head and winced; "Gawd, it looks like she's menstruating.. No, it looks like she's hemmoraging!" Finally he shrugged; "Well," he thought to himself, "when with vampyres..." He grinned and padded over, to lick and slurp at her overflowing pussy. It turned out to be tomato juice, and while he found it a bit bizzare, his "chalice" seemed to enjoy it greatly. John had looked up as a half a dozen girls swarmed into the dungeon. Giggling, four watched as two knelt by his crotch, to fasten an elaborate "cock and balls" harness around him. There was a strap that went around his sex, close to his body, and a ring that went just around his cock, and another strap that went just around the base of his balls. When they were done, he was once again rock hard, his balls bulging below his shaft, the skin stretched tight! Of course, no one listened to his protestations, and he stopped trying when a tongue was dragged over the tight skin of his balls. It was an intense sensation and most distracting. What was more distracting was when one of the ladies produced a thin chain, and two small padlocks. The first padlock not only locked the harness in place, swinging directly behind his balls, but it also connected a chain to the harness. The other end of the chain was locked to a ring in the floor, effectively limiting John's movement to a circle about four feet in radius. Of course, the girls then proceeded to use just this fact to tease him, one staying just out of reach as he tried to grab her, another darting in from behind to give him a teasing caress, before darting out of reach as he turned. And he found that damn padlock thumping him on the back of his tightly stretched balls most distracting too. Finally he caught one of the girls, the skunk (or did she allow herself to be caught) by an ankle, and dragged her back into his circle; she giggled , and tried to escape. He pulled her back until he could get his paws around her hips, to hold her, and as she squirmed, he proceeded to fuck her from behind, the padlock swinging, the chain rattling wildly. He had to admit, it was a novel sensation.... The volume of noise coming from the Tiger not only shocked the poor panda, but brought in a rather concerned Lucy from the hall, fearing that things were getting out of hand. James didn't see her sneak quietly in, as he was still humping away, milking the last bits out of the powerful orgasm that shook his body. The panda, glancing back to look at James saw Lucy, and the look of concern on her face, and gave her the "thumbs up" sign, letting her know everything was all right. A much relieved tigress quickly exited the room. "Well, my dear," panted a somewhat momentarily exhausted tiger, "have you learned you your lesson?" "Oh yes, sir, oh yes!!" she happily replied. Hank got nothing more than Tomato juice to eat or drink, but he got all of that he wanted, slurping it up from this giggling girl, or that. Often, as he lapped, one of the girls would crouch between his thighs to suck his cock; occasionally the girl he was lapping would do so. All in all, he decided he liked tomato juice, at least when served this way.. James had just left the company of Lucy, the "mistress" of this domain, and was walking down one of the corridors of the establishment. As he walked, he grinned; he was really starting to enjoy himself. The anonymity his "colorization" gave him was having a profound effect upon his libido. It wasn't James VanAnkat, Baron from the Old Country aristocracy that was here. No, it was Jimmy, some horny island dweller.. James had made a rather "special" request of Lucy, as he had worked up quite an appetite, in more ways than one! She had instructed him to go into the room marked "Dining Hall", and she would have someone bring him his "nourishment", as close to the specifications he requested. John found that he couldn't get the harness off. He had wormed a claw very carefully under the leather strap, only to find out there was steel mesh between the layers of thin leather. He was stuck. At least he was well entertained, if in a bizarre manner. After the skunkette had escaped, they'd shoved a bowl of water, and a bowl of meat at him, as if he were some sort of captive animal. The water had been cool, and the meat well spiced. When he was done, Bibi appeared again, holding up a metal contraption that John did NOT like the looks of.. Hank was definitely tired, but the girls would not leave him alone. He'd been licked so much, he felt as if all his fur was gone and his skin raw. Somehow, though, each time, they managed to get him hard. He wondered if it was the way they nibbled at his neck, or his tummy, or just behind his balls, with those ridiculously fake fangs of theirs? Or just their insistence that they wanted him again? As the squirrel nibbled at him again, her tongue working down over his stomach, he chuckled and once more felt himself rise to the occasion. As James was looking over the assortment of paintings in the long room, it reminded him of the great dining halls of the castles in his homeland. Just as a subtle wave of nostalgia began to wash over him, he heard from out in the hall the clatter of a cart being pushed his way. He turned to face the door just as it flew open. Pushing the cart was a female of medium height, and what appeared at first to be a stocky build. She stopped to bolt the door, and then pushed the cart closer, next to the long and massive table that filled the center of the room. As she emerged from the shadows James was rather taken aback. He had never seen a fem quite like this, but had heard tales of them. Throughout the world, their species was quite rare and shy, but soooooo exotic and alluring: She was a rather young chinchilla! And what he mistook at first for plumpness, he now realized was only her long fur. Fur that was reputed to be the softest in the world! He nearly began to salivate as he imagined fondling her with his "enhanced" senses. "Master is hungry?" she asked him. Bibi purrrred and ran her tongue over the chrome rings that now covered John's cock. She'd refered to it as the "seven gates of hell", and John had always thought that the rings were supposed to be painfully tight, to the point of preventing an erection. These however, must have been very carefully measured for, and made just for him, as while they were tight, they were not painfully, or frightenly tight. He thought that if he got a chance he could probably get them off, but Bibi wouldn't let him do that.. she had other things in mind. Pushing the lion back, she straddled his hips, driving his steel ribbed cock into her pussy, gasping as the rings stretched her further than he normally did. John could feel her pussy rippling as each ring in turn was forced into her, and the effect was not lost on him. It wasn't lost on her either, as the least little movement seemed to drive her to yet another climax. John grinned and reached out with one paw to squeeze a breast, as his other paw stroked her clitty, pressing it down into contact with the bright, slick chrome as the rings and his cock slipped in and out of her pussy. Hank had dozed off, but something brought him awake. The girls were giggling again, and he'd figured out that was usually a bad sign. One of them, a rather zaftig brown bear, was strapping a leather harness around her hips, over her crotch, and he rolled onto his side to watch. Another girl had retrieved a dildo, a rather large latex phallus from under the straw. She grinned and showed it to Hank; there emblazoned on its side in large letters was the legend "RABBIT," and in smaller letters underneath; "Bunny Butt Buster." Hank groaned as he recognized revenge for the condom joke, and tried to crawl away, but before he could move far, they were all over him again. The lady ermine kissed him hard and pulled him on top of her, obviously wanting him to fuck her, and as he prepared to do so, he felt the tip of that dong, now lubed and affixed to the bear's harness, touch his bottom under his tail. As it drove into his ass, slipping past the tight ring of muscle, he felt his cock slip into the ermine's slick pussy. Caught in the middle, Hank bounced back and forth, as the ermine moaned, and the bear giggled. "Oh yes," James purrred. "But the food can wait a moment longer. Come here my child..." He said to her in his deepest most commanding voice. As she approached, he noted she was clothed in a waitress outfit; a rather scantily clad waitress, but one nonetheless. As she came near him, he lifted his lips and inhaled the air, savoring her scent, which reminded him of fine talcum powder. She stopped, and looked down at her folded hands as she stood in front of him. She had a subtle air of fear about her as well, and James knew he had to remedy that immediately, if what he had in mind was to come about. Lucy looked at Samantha and smiled; "sounds like the boys are doing fairly well. Its difficult to walk the line between earning that bonus Jimmy promised, and not getting old friends too pissed off. Now, what are we going to do for a finale?" John had found the chromed rings somewhat reduced his stimulation, and as such, it was a good long while before he orgasmed; or maybe he was just getting tired.. Not that Bibi seemed to mind his delayed response in the least... By the time he had spurted his last, she was a mewling, wimpering, exhausted mess. John rolled over, to lay across her tummy, holding her down as he fumbled with the straps that kept the rings in place. Finally he was able to remove them, but as he tugged them free, Bibi squirmed free and made it just outside his circle. John had learned the hard way NOT to dive after escaping prey, and with a sigh, watched as she sashayed from the dungeon, her tail waving behind her. He sat there and twirled the rings on one finger, wondering what was next. As it turned out, he didn't want to know. Again, the six fems entered the dungeon, this time with Lucy, wearing her skintight catsuit (John found that a marvelous outfit for a tigress to wear...). Without unclipping his "leash", they pulled his paws together, for each wrist to be wrapped in heavily padded cuffs. A rope descended from the ceiling, and slowly his paws were hauled towards the roof. John was just about to protest, as the chain to his cock and balls harness started going tight, but they stopped just before his resolve to take this stoically, shattered. There might have been an inch of slack in that chain, and he hung there, knees bent. But not for long. More cuffs went around his ankles, and his feet were drawn to the sides. He stood there, legs splayed wide, watching in horror as Lucy produced a long feather. With a grin, she asked; "Well, is our prisoner ready to talk yet?" John sighed and just mutely shook his head no. They managed to get all sorts of things out of him, mostly giggles, guffaws, laughs and more than enough heartfelt pleas for them to stop, but the tickling was relentless. And all through it, they asked if He'd been the one to start the practical joke war, demanding that he sign a confession! John howled, but refused, only for the feather to reappear.... Hank howled as the dildo filled his ass, driving his cock into the ermine's pussy, and then sucked him back out, only to drive forward again. The ursine lady behind him certainly was enthusiastic... It wasn't exactly his first experience with a dildo up his ass, but the last time had been years and years ago, before he'd gotten married, back when he'd had that kinky squirrel girlfriend... He was not used to it, and wasn't all that comfortable with it, but there wasn't much he could do about it.. He tried to concentrate on the sensation of his cock driving hard into the ermine's pussy, wishing that she was the driving force behind the dildo, and that the bear was under him.... Lifting her chin so that he was looking into her large dark eyes, James said calmly and quietly, "What is your name, child?" Ever so meekly she responded "Hannah, Sir..." "Hannah, why are you afraid of me?" James asked bluntly. "How did this man know that," she wondered as she quickly responded "I am not afraid, Sir!" "But you are," James explained pointing to his nose "You can't hide the `scent' of fear from this nose!" Hannah had heard of those who lived as Fauves having such refined senses, but not "normal" people. Yet she knew instinctively there would be no hiding anything from this man, so her only option left was the truth. She embraced that option and said, "Sir, you are so much larger than I, and you look so, well, fearsome to be honest!" James threw his head back in a hearty laugh at this revelation. He looked at the woman intently after finishing and said, "Well, then, my years of honing my skills at looking "fearsome" have paid off rather well then, haven't they!" Now the Chinchilla fem was thoroughly confused. "What do you mean?" she said. "I mean," James continued, "That I WANT people to regard me as this fierce and fearsome creature. It is an image I have cultivated over the years. Sometimes though, I forget to turn it "off"." He once again brought his hand under her chin and lifted it so that she was staring into, no, almost falling into his huge iridescent blue eyes. "You are one of the most exquisitely beautiful creatures that I have ever had the extreme pleasure to encounter." She began to blush extensively at this, the insides of her large floppy ears turning quite red. "I would NEVER do anything to harm you! I only want you to feel....pleasure!" At this point James drew her face next to his, and ever so gently, as their muzzles met, kissed her. Her fears all but gone, Hannah reluctantly drew back from the kiss and said quite enthusiastically "So, how may I please you?" Lucy sighed and shook her head; "Girls, I don't think he's going to talk." John panted, enjoying the respite from tickling. At this point, all six girls had feathers, and they'd proven they knew how to use them, too... Lucy rose and strode out of the dungeon for a moment, only to return wielding a dildo of significant size. Holding it up, she showed John the raised letters in the latex surface; it said "LION" and in smaller text, on the opposite side "Guaranteed to make Lions Roar." John looked at the dong and knew immediately that James had to be behind this. "Guy just has to have the last laugh" he moaned to himself.. Lucy smiled and waggled it in front of him; "going to talk? Want to sign that confession, or do we have to get rough?" John just shook his head; "do your worst; I won't talk. Won't forget either..." Lucy smiled and made a great show of coating the dildo heavily with a lubricant. Padding back around him, Lucy took a leather thong and tied it around the tip of John's tail, just below the tuft of hair at the end. Using it to raise his tail, she tied the other end to the link between his wrist cuffs. Then, with his ass quite exposed, she slowly wiggled the thick dong into his butt, until the narrow area near its base caught his ring of muscle. John grunted and strained, as Lucy walked back around, but he couldn't force it out. "That guy's a real PAIN in the ass" he grumbled to himself. Hank groaned; they were licking at him again. Caressing him. He had no idea how long he'd been in the dungeon, been at the mercy of these insatiable females. Right now he just wanted to crawl away somewhere and rest, to sleep, but they were after him again. He hurt as he felt his cock slowly get hard, almost as if it were protesting the excesses he was putting it through.. Once again, James grinned, and said, "Come here!" As she neared him, the tiger took the chinchilla by the waist and lifted her onto the table in front of him. She let out a startled yelp, but somehow maintained her composure. Using his large teeth, James reached down and hooked them onto the front of her low cut blouse, and pulled back quickly, growling as he did and twisting his large head from side to side. The fabric of her blouse disintegrated under this assault, and once again, she let out a startled scream, but it was not one of fear now, but one of passion! James looked down at her, as she squirmed on the table, the shards of her blouse dangling from his teeth, both of his massive paws on either side of her ever so soft waist. James quickly repeated the actions, only this time her short pants were the target of his attack. They also fell quickly before his mighty onslaught, and in an instant he stood over her breathing hard, bits of cloth still draped from his gaping maw. And now that she sat before him, naked but for her fur, he paused a moment. Spitting out the cloth he looked at her and said huskily "Lie back onto the table, but sideways, before me." She did as instructed. John watched as a new lady, a shapely red vixen, completely nude, strutted into the dungeon. There was a predatory look in her eye, and her paw examined his cock and ball harness with a professional touch. He grunted as she tightened the strap around his balls a notch, and then smiled in approval, her fingers cool on the strained skin of his sack. Turning to Lucy, the vixen grinned; "Yes, I think he'll do. I approve of the way you have him tied. Especially the tail, and that butt plug is delicious. Have you tried its vibrator yet?" Lucy grinned wickedly and just shook her head no. Signaling the other girls, Lucy headed for the door. Pausing, she turned back to smile; "John, Ellie is another old friend and customer; she has a few... kinks.. But then don't we all? I'm going to leave you to her tender mercies, firm in the belief that she WILL get that confession out of you! As the door closed, John turned to look at the vixen, wondering now what? Ellie purrrred and John groaned as she raised a tube of liniment into his line of vision. It was a popular brand famed for its menthol aroma, and stinging coolness. He watched in horror as she squeezed a generous puddle into her paw, and then added several shakes from a bottle of pepper sauce. With a malicious grin, she rubbed it all together between her paws, and then bent to smear the stuff over his hard cock. John started to rise to tiptoes, as the stuff stung and burned, but then he settled back fast as the chain to his harness went TIGHT. Hank moaned. He was sore, and he was tired, and they wouldn't leave him alone! Never in his life had he EVER thought such a thing would come to pass; he actually'd had enough! The skunkette had been licking at his cock softly, but now she rose, propped on one paw, to look at the other girls; "I think we've drained him, Sisters. I don't think he can give us any more. Slowly the others rose, to creep, or crawl forward, looking, almost staring in amazement. Then, almost as one, their lips drew back, exposing fangs. A hungry look appeared in their eyes, and they crept closer. Hank was almost too tired to move, only attempting to scurry back at the last minute. But then they were upon him. The last thing he remembered was the Bonaventure sisters pressing in from either side, to bite at his neck..... and then darkness claimed him. James then moved so that he was standing next to her, his arousal evident to both of them. What he did next though surprised Hannah. Looming over her, he closed his eyes, and brought his paws to her face. He slowly moved them down her neck, fingers apart, allowing her fur to glide over and between his own digits. He commenced to stroke her chest, not concentrating on her breasts as she thought he would, but rather the longer fur on her sides and stomach. James was in sensory bliss. This fur beneath his paws was the softest he had EVER touched! It was so erotic! He continued on down, exploring her body ever so carefully with his massive hands, lingering here, glancing there. Hannah, to her surprise, was actually finding this very arousing, in an almost "teasing" kind of way! "Girl! Your fur! It is so heavenly!" he moaned to her. "You like it?" she said in her best "teasing" fashion. "I,.... I need to feel more of it!" As he said that James leapt up onto the table in a single bound, eliciting a slight shriek from Hannah. He then dropped to his knees, which were near her feet. Ever so slowly, he draped his large body over hers, until their fur just began to touch. He then began to move his body so that it came into full contact with hers, but still moving back and forth over it, their fur beginning to intermingle, as his hands danced through the fur on her shoulders. Ellie purrred and kissed the bound Lion softly; "I've come to like a little pain with my pleasure, and Lucy's always been so kind to help me get what I need... She seems to feel that you'll be able to help me this evening." Smiling, the vixen padded around him, to reach down to switch on the vibrator built into the dong buried in his ass. John just groaned, at the vibrations, and as the mixture of liniment and pepper sauce made his cock burn. He wondered what that mixture would do to the sensitive folds of her pussy.. Apparently, though, that was not what the vixen had in mind, as she moved back in front of him, to bend over, facing away from him. She reached between her legs, to grab his cock, to guide him, until the tip of his shaft touched her asshole. Moaning, she shoved back, and John had to brace himself, as best he could, to keep the tension of the chain attached to his cock and ball harness at a bearable state. Slowly his cock sank, balls deep, into the vixen's tight ass. Ellie moaned and shuddered; the linament and pepper sauce burning in her ass most delightfully; both paws were busy between her own thighs as she stroked herself, and John had to wonder how much of that stuff was still on her fingers as she arched her back and moaned. Still, she rocked back and forth with an increasing tempo, driving his cock deep into her ass with each stroke. As John felt his own pleasures build, through the stinging and burning of the strange lubricant, through the rough vibration of the dong in his ass, he observed her slowly loosing her concentration as she sought her own version of pleasure. Ellie's motions got wilder and wilder, until finally her body seemed to go into a frenzy, her climax flaming within her. The spasming of the vixen's tight ass around his cock finally brought John off, and he came with a ROAR, his burning cock spurting into her ass. He wondered if his jism might in any way cool the burning she must have felt there? Finally the vixen pulled forward, John's cock falling free of her ass. Straightening, the vixen tilted her head up to kiss him; "Thanks, I enjoyed that" she purrred; "I'll leave you here to consider your crimes, and whether or not you're ready to confess. Someone will be back later." Pausing to push a ball gag into his mouth, buckling it behind his neck, she left him there, hanging, his limp cock still burning from the liniment, to reflect upon his sins. John, for his part, knew that James had prompted Lucy to go to these lengths, and was indeed considering his sins. Sins of omission, in not throwing the Tiger overboard while half way here.. Hank awoke in a Victorian bedroom, candles burning at various places. He felt stiff and sore, but at least he was alone. Rising, he glanced in a mirror, and stopped in horror; he didn't know how they'd done it, but somehow he had no reflection.... Running a paw over himself, he found that he still had some hair left between his legs, and as expected he was a sticky mess. It was then he noticed the two small puncture wounds on his left ankle. And his right thigh. And on his right asscheek. Raising his paw, thinking of the Bonaventure sisters, he found similar wounds on both sides of his neck.. "Now this is taking roleplay too far" he grumbled out loud. Something wasn't right with the way that came out... Pausing, his eyes went wide as his tongue found the two large fangs on either side of his mouth.... After some time James moaned "I can hold back no longer!" and went back to his knees. He scooted up over her so that his member lay ensconced in her rich stomach fur. He nearly had an orgasm on the spot, it was only through sheer willpower that he held back. Slowly, he began to pump his hips, thrusting his maleness into her soft stomach fur. He held it firmly against her with his right paw, as his hips began to jerk with an instinctual rhythm all their own. Finally, after what seemed like forever to him, he roared out in climax, shooting wave after wave of semen deep into Hannah's belly fur, as the claws of his supporting left paw dug deep gouges into the surface of the table they lay upon. He continued to thrust involuntarily, until his shaft became too sensitive to endure the pleasurable torment any longer, and nearly collapsed onto the woman beneath him. "My dear," he groaned into her ear, "Do you have any idea how powerful that was??" "I, I think I just might" she whispered into his ear, as she ran her hands through the ruff on the sides of his face, staring into his now half- drooping eyes. "Give me a moment to recover," he whispered back, "and I will show you my gratitude!" Lucy passed Ellie in the hallway, as she headed towards the bathroom. "Everything go OK?" the Tigress asked? Ellie grinned; "Might have taken him just a little further than he was comfortable with, but yes, I loved it! If ever he wants more, just let me know!" Lucy laughed and nodded; "Oh, we've definitely been pushing his limits these past few days; but he's tough, he'll live.." After a few moments, James leapt down from the table, telling her to remain in place. He pulled the cart next to the table, opening up the various containers and looking through them. He grabbed a large dinner plate and then took Hannah, and moved here body around so that her groin lay about a foot or so from the edge of the table. He instructed her to bend her legs at the knee and spread them apart. As she did so, he put the dinner plate under her crotch, nestled in the apex between her legs. Hannah was beginning to seriously wonder what the tiger was up to as he took a large serving spoon from the cart, and began to scoop large quantities of food onto the plate between her legs. She could feel the steam coming of the hot food mixing with her own steam that she was being generated by the wetness between her legs. "I guess I am running out of room on my plate...." James said as he took a scoop of mashed potatoes and plopped it on Hannah's vulva. She let out a startled sound as he did so, but it became a subtle moan as she adjusted to the feeling of them on her body. "And of course, I like LOTS of gravy on my potatoes!" James said with a grin as he poured the rich gravy over not only his food on the plate, but ever so slowly over the potatoes on Hannah, and then over her exposed sex as well. Since the food had had some time to cool, the gravy was not scalding, but still quite warm, and the feeling of it as it flowed over her labia nearly made Hannah climax on the spot. She was groaning in pleasure as James said "Well I am just famished! Time for dinner!" And with that the tiger sat in his chair, pulled it up tight to the table, put a paw on each of Hannah's knee's and proceeded to feast on the food not only on his plate, but on Hannah as well. He would slowly take his large tongue and bring it up from the bottom of her labia, to the top, eliciting gasping sounds from the chinchilla spread before him. From time to time he would take his front teeth and press them into her flesh, working the fur, as if trying to get every morsel from it... After cleaning off his plate, and most of the larger portions of food from Hannah, he began to work on her in earnest, driving his long and writhing tongue deep into her steaming crevice. He could tell she was close, and with his tongue deep in her, he took the teeth of his upper jaw and pressed down firmly on her clitoris, forcing her into a massive orgasm. His tongue worked hard and fast, striving to get every last bit of fluid that she was producing. As he finished, he looked up at her over her belly and with a grin said "Ahhh, desert! What a wonderful meal!" All Hannah could do was nod her head and make some small groaning sounds, as she was still lost in the afterglow of her massive climax. Its one of the cardinal rules of bondage, that no one is ever truly left alone when tied up, no matter how it appears to the "victim." However, its also a cardinal rule that if anything can go wrong it will. The door to the dungeon opened, and a very well built lady mouse strutted in, the black leather body harness making a sharp contrast with her light gray fur. She looked John up and down, and grinned wickedly; "Ah, so you're the one. I have a work order here from your mistress.." With that she knelt between his feet, to lay out a variety of nasty looking needles, and a bottle of antiseptic. John made as many panicked and objecting noises as he could, but he was quite effectively gagged. He found out that rapid movements tended to have a rather painful effect on his already sore cock and balls, and found that without speech or body language, he was effectively unable to communicate his distress and objections... Still, the mouse saw his movements and rose to kiss him on the nose; "Now, now, your mistress has ordered it, and you are NOT permitted to object, slave. Calm down, this won't hurt much.. You are just going to LOVE your new piercing!" James took the plate from under her, and standing, put it on the cart. As he turned back to her he pointed down at his once again erect organ and said to her "Well, looks as though we have to `do the dishes', don't we?" Hannah just grinned and nodded her head rapidly in response. Once again, James leapt onto the table, one foot planted on either side of the chinchilla. He reached down and firmly grasped her waist, and slid her down the table, until they were nearly in the middle of it. He then rolled her onto her stomach, and lifted her waist until she was in a kneeling position. Kneeling behind her, the tiger took her tail in his hands, to rub it sensually over his swollen member. His eyes sank back into his head as he did this and he let out a gurgling, mewling sound. "Lords, that is SO wonderful!" he exclaimed. After a few moments he slowly took his penis and began to insert it at a leisurely pace into her still moist cavity. "My gods, woman! Your insides are nearly as soft as your outsides!!" Slowly, James began to piston in and out of her steaming sex. As he did so, he instructed her to "wag" her tail so that it swept over his stomach and chest, while he ran his paws through the silken fur of her back. They were both moaning in extreme ecstasy as they continued their carnal passion on the table. Much to her surprise, Hannah suddenly began to convulse as she rode the waves of yet another orgasm. As soon as her vaginal walls started to spasm, James could hold back no longer, and threw his head back and roared so loud and for so long that it could be heard all the way out to the bar. Lucy looked up from the "guests" she was talking with at the bar, and giggled to herself thinking "Dinner is served!" Hank yawned as he staggered out into the bar. James was leaning against the far end, talking quietly with the otter barmaid and a lady skunk that just seemed to stare at him adoringly. Lifting his gaze, to look at the lepine as he entered the room, James' eyes went wide; "What on earth happened to you?" Hank just growled. James persisted, rising from his seat, moving closer to look at the rabbit. Hank had managed a shower, but his fur was still damp, and matted in places. And he was walking funny. In general he looked like he'd been through a war. And lost. Looking the lepine up and down, James chuckled; "Looks like they worked you over, Sergeant Major. In fact, it looks like the ladies ran you ragged. Still think the Lepines are at the top of the sexual evolution ladder?" Imagine James' surprise when the rabbit opened his mouth, to bite him with unusually large fangs! Lucy laughed; "But you didn't have to BITE him." Hank grumbled and shook his head; "He deserved it! James adopted his best "innocent" look, one paw covering the bandage on his forearm as he turned his gaze at Lucy; "you see, my dear, what I have to put up with from these two barbarians?" Hank's jaw dropped; "do you have ANY idea what they did to me?" Lucy shrugged; "that little scenario was mostly handled by my girls; I just approved the overall plan, and let them run with it. But why don't you tell us all about it... John found, that when things came to a crux, he wasn't even able to roar, the gag being much too effective. All that escaped was a muted whimper, the sound swallowed by the dungeon'' soundproofing. Lucy repressed a titter, and James smiled openly. As Hank told his story to them, hearing himself speak, he had to admit, it didn't sound THAT bad.. A little strange perhaps, but not that bad. In fact, some parts sounded rather good... As he finished, he just shook his head; "you realize, James, that this will not go "unrewarded"... James just shrugged and said with a venom "Always Remember!", as he stared at the rabbit with his large blue eyes. Realization set in, and Hank sat back blinking.... After a moment, the lepine took another swig of his brew, and wondered out loud where John was, and what he'd been up to. The mouse kissed him again on the nose; "There, doesn't that look just grand? And I thought the bell was soooo appropriate, don't you? I'm sure your Mistress will simply LOVE it! John just grunted, still panting hard, hanging from his wrists... He couldn't believe this was happening... Could James really have gone this far? James looked at Hank as one paw unconciously rubbed the bandage on his forearm, and frowned; "you HAVE had your distemper shots, haven't you?" As Hank was spluttering, an Ocelot padded up to Lucy, looking rather upset and somewhat confused. Hank followed James and Lucy's gaze, his protestations dying on his lips as he beheld the strange sight. The Ocelot was particularly "punk", with a bright green mohawk, multiple earrings, and a few other obvious piercings. He was also wearing a thick leather collar, locked in place, with a little silver nametag. Looking at Lucy, he drawled; "Pardon me, Ma'am, but Ah was supposed to be scheduled for a session in the dungeon. Mah Mistress wanted to add a new piercing, but when Ah went down there, the door was locked..." Lucy's eyes widened as the implications hit; she knew of course who was in the dungeon.... and if what she feared had happened HAD happened, it would not be amusing... Rising without word or explanation, leaving the others in her wake staring after her, she hurried off. As Lucy hurried off, Hank turned to the barmaid and asked; "would you have anything to get this foul taste out of my mouth?" The barmaid glanced at James' bandage arm and laughed. It was several hours later when John finally showed. He walked slowly into the room, as if moving carefully. Somewhere, he'd also found his pants, the only one so dressed in the entire room. Sitting down carefully, he signaled the bartender; when the otteress came to the table, he waved the cold beer away, and asked her for something stronger. A lot stronger. James looked at him for a moment, and then spoke, his tone serious; "where's Lucy? What happened?" "Yeah, Hank interjected; "where ya been?" John looked at Hank, not bothering with a glass, but taking a long swig from the bottle of brandy the otteress had brought. Then he smiled a wry smile; "Oh, I've just been kinda hanging around. It seems Lucy's executed a tactical withdrawal." He chuckled and shook his head; " We had a small disagreement over a few things; fastenings, tools, strength of materials, materials of construction, and scheduling. Mostly scheduling. I think I embarrassed her, and she decided that it might be .. prudent to stay out of my presence for a while." James' jaw dropped as Hank's eyebrows narrowed, and they both went "HUH?" John just took another swig from his bottle and shook his head; "never mind." He smiled again, the smile a little lopsided on his face; "Lets just say that I gained more than I bargained for, when I came here." The Bonaventure sisters came out to announce the results of the contest. They exchanged fangy grins with Hank, (John was behind Hank and missed the rabbit's grin, but James caught it, wondering how the rabbit had so suddenly grown such huge fangs), and they both kept giving John covert looks, as if afraid of him, or concerned about him, and were quite subdued in their attitude. Hank deduced that whatever had happened, the Bondaventure sisters were "safe" around the lion, as they'd been with him most of the time.. and thus had been sent to relay the results of the contest. This, of course, only made him more curious as to what had happened. He simply couldn't imagine something that would "embarrass" Lucy.. The sisters announced that Hank had won, paws down. John half-heartedly demanded a recount, then a rematch, but wound up paying the food bill with a great deal less objection than what Hank would have suspected... James laughingly went to pay the much larger bar bill, thinking to himself; "This has most certainly been worth it!" However, as he looked at the tab, he scowled. "Now wait a minute; I see my drinks here, and the charges for that swill the Rabbit drinks, but I see nothing for you, John..." John sighed and nodded; "yeeeeahhhh, well, lets just say that circumstances have contrived to get me free food and beverages here, as well as the free sex.." He grinned at James; "and in a way, I have you to thank for it, too!" James just looked at him blankly and shook his head, having no idea what the lion was talking about. Finally John rose, wincing; "I do think my presence is inhibiting the atmosphere here, and I hate to be the death of the party. If Y'all will excuse me, I think I'll head back to the schooner." Hank nodded; "let me find my clothes and I'll go with you." James ahem'ed and shook his head; "let me make my farewells to our hostess, and I'll come too. I know enough about road trips to know that its not unusual to leave someone behind, and as you abducted me without my billfold, I'd best stay close.." Hank grinned, but John just nodded. James found Lucy in her office. "Lucy, it looks like we're leaving... I get the feeling that something's wrong.. I sincerely hope I haven't caused you problems with my.. request. Lucy just smiled softly and shook her head; "we had a small problem; some confusion.. one of those things that happens from time to time." She smiled; "They say "Time heals all wounds", and I suspect that's what's needed here. John has a good sense of humor, and I hope that eventually, he'll come to see how funny this all is.." James just shook his head; "you're not going to tell me about it, are you?" Lucy smiled and moved around her desk to kiss him softly; "no. If he wants you to know, he'll tell you. I'm sure he will eventually. But for now, don't worry about it. The fault was ours, not yours." James nodded, and took her right paw in both of his, to bow over it, kissing its back softly. . "Madam, you are a credit to your kind! I wish you the best." Releasing her paw, he turned and left. The three of them stagger back to the schooner, walking slowly through the port's streets, John still drinking from the bottle. As they moved through the streets, James looked curiously at John; "why are you jingling?" John sighed and shrugged; "there was this lady mouse who thought it would be ... appropriate to "bell" the cat. Problem is the bell's just a little permanently affixed, and I got to get back to the schooner, to get the tools I need to remove it." James and Hank looked at each other, confused. Neither could get the lion to say more, though. After getting to the schooner, they found her just as they'd left her. John limped off to pay his port fees, along with a bonus for the dockmaster who'd watched over his small ship. Hank slowly prepared Rusty for sea, as James, a complete sailing novice, kibitzed. At the top of the tide they cast off, motored slowly out through the channel, and into the sea. Through it all, Hank kept his mouth shut uncharacteristically. In fact, John finally inquired about it. "Dental problems" was all he'd say, and mumbling at that. James laughed, on hearing that, and John moved over to gently pull the rabbit's lips back, blinking in amazement at the feline sized fangs the rabbit seemed to have developed. "They say they're just dentures and the glue will dry out and let them fall off, after a while.." Hank growled. "There's a long story behind it." John just nodded and took a seat, gesturing for Hank to begin. As Hank finished his tale of lady vampyres, gothic horror, and wild sex, John just shook his head; "sounds a LOT better'n what happened to me." Hank chuckled; "even the "Bunny Butt Buster"?" John just chuckled and shifted a bit on his seat; "Yeah, even that." James looked at John; "and whats your story? What.. modes of entertainment did the ladies find appropriate for you?" John just smiled; "Oh, no. You were behind that, and about the only immediate revenge I've got is to keep you guessing. What happened, with luck, will NEVER be known...." James just smiled; "Come now, my good Captain! Surely its time for true "confessions", don't you think?" John heard the word "confession" and thought back to his time in the dungeon, as they'd tried to force a confession out of him. The resulting scowl, coupled with the low growl from the lion did not go unnoticed, and the tiger quickly added; "On the other paw, I'm sure that your tale is on a par with the rabbit's story, and with that, I'm content. Besides, I'm sure the story will out eventually. Things like that usually do." John just shrugged. After a moment, James yawned and shook his head. Waving a dismissive paw, he headed below, obviously to try and get some sleep. Half a day out, they had James stand on the deck. The Lion and the Rabbit worked on him with scrub brushes and harsh soap for almost an hour. When they were done, he still had a tinge of pink to the fur, but you had to look hard to notice. However, the fur was not yet growing out over the tattoo. Hank insisted to a scowling James that it was just marker and would be gone in a while. John nodded in agreement. But from the look on his face, James kinda wondered.. John was by himself in his cabin, stripped nude, his limp cock held in his left hand. The lady mouse had pierced the end of his cock, something called a Prince Albert, or a dressing ring. Supposedly, it was something conceived many generations ago, by some "fashion designer"... The ring entered the "eye" of his cock, at the bottom of the urethral canal, to emerge from the underside.. It was intended to be a "tie down point", to hold his cock down one trouser leg, to minimize "unfashionable bulges" in the smooth fabric of his pants. And of course in a fit of giggling, the lady mouse had installed a small jingle bell on the ring... The bell was about to be history: John carefully held himself as he used a small hand-held disk cutter to grind away the metal of the bell, where it was held by the ring through the head of his cock. After a moment the bell clattered to the floor. That just left the ring. And that was going to be a problem. Later, after its "installation", John had found out that the Ocelot's mistress had wanted her "slave" permanently pierced. No chance of its removal, short of surgery. The ring was of a duranium alloy, and was very tough. And its closure was a self locking kind; once the ends of the ring were inserted into the joining ball, they wouldn't come out. That meant the ring would have to be cut off, and while John had the tools to do that, the problem was with the heat generated by the cutting; that tough alloy would get much MUCH too hot for that sensitive portion of his anatomy... It looked like he was stuck for a while. As he put away the tool, he chuckled, thinking how Lucy had INSISTED it was sexy as hell; he wondered what Sylvia might think of it... Returning to the deck of the schooner, John tossed the remnants of the bell to James with a grin; "you'll observe I don't jingle anymore when I walk; you wouldn't believe where that'd been hung"...James caught the remnants of the bell, wrinkling his nose while inhaling. The subtle aroma from the bell told him exactly where on the good captain's body it had come from, and James cringed at the thought. Looking up at the lion he said "With you I'd believe anything would be possible. but somehow I still suspect, in some way, shape, or form, you're still a ding-a-ling." John just shook his head and laughed; "If I'm a ding-a-ling, then you're the one that made me that way." Hank laughed so hard he almost rolled overboard. Sylvia stood on the dock as John and Hank tied up the schooner at the WaterWings resort. She was mildly surprised to find that James wasn't hanging upside down in the rigging, or being trolled behind the schooner as bait. She smiled and called; "did you have a good time?" James laughed when both Hank and John chorused "NO!" Sylvia blinked and just shook her head. James swung down from the schooner, to take her hand; "Come, my dear, and I'll tell you all about it." As they strolled off down the dock, John and Hank looked at each other and shrugged. "How bad do you think his story will be?" Hank asked. John sighed; "no relation to reality, I suspect. We'll just have to see. Say, think that generator for Hampton Reef's come in yet, over at Freeport?" Hank grinned; "lets head over there in the morning. With luck, we'll have a good excuse to, ah, avoid James' company for a while. I could use some peace and quiet." That night, as they headed towards the main lodge for dinner, Rale asked them why they were walking so funny. John and Hank just laughed.. It was much later that night. Hank was swinging quietly in his hammock, slung beneath the main boom. He was enjoying the tropical breezes, as he waited for sleep. He was glad to be "home." It had been interesting going to Lucy's, this time. "Of course," he thought to himself; "would have been better without James, and MUCH better without James' little pranks." He grinned, wondering how long it would be, before he found out just what had happened to John. "Musta been grim, for him not to be talking..." As he drifted off to sleep, Hank grinned to himself, thinking of the remote control syringe, still loaded with the foul smelling mercaptans, is still embedded in the ceiling over James' desk chair.. This story, Captain John Mosby, and Sergeant Major Hank Schmidt are copyright its author. Baron James Van Ankat is copyright John Henry. WaterWings and Sylvia Slipsunder are copyright Todd Sutherland. Any comments, suggestions, or complaints should be addressed to