Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright
Part One
written by John Henry
It was a cold and windy day out.  The snow that recently fell was being whipped about by the harsh wind, settling into small drifts.  It crunched under the pads of James Van Ankat’s paws.  He was NOT going to miss this weather, that was sure. He remembered his days as a child, relishing the fresh snow, running naked through the forest behind his parents in it even, his thick fur protecting him from its harsh effects. And although the cold and snow did not really bother him that much to this day, he was growing weary of it.

He glanced up at the apartment he had been living in for the past 10 years.  Without giving the place as much as a second thought, he turned and strode toward the waiting truck.  In the back of the truck were two trunks, and 6 suitcases.  His entire life packed into these, and the overnight bag he carried with him.  Double checking to make sure that everything was there and intact, he got into the passenger side of the truck, and told the driver to go to the airport.  He had a very important flight to catch. 

On the brief trip to the airport, he went over in his mind the preparations he had made for this journey.  How he had contacted the travel agent, repeatedly, double, then triple checking with her to ensure that the arrangements were complete.  He was concerned about the last leg of the journey, as it was by a small propeller driven charter plane to get to the island.  It concerned him, as he felt he did not have much control over that part of the journey.  Not being in control was something that irritated him. 

He remembered back to talking with a Sylvia Slipsunder, the proprietor of the Water Wings Resort.  He had discussed facilitates with her at length, and she seemed very willing to accommodate him.  He had impressed upon her his desire for privacy, being the utmost of import to him.  He also wanted to be close to the forest, and a body of water.  Sylvia had assured him that her best cabin met all these requirements, and should suit him well.  He thought that she had dropped the phone after he told her that he wanted to rent it for 6 months, with an option for renewal for an additional year thereafter. 

She was somewhat surprised, to say the least.  Most people stayed for much shorter times, such as two to four weeks.  She was concerned that her best cabin would be taken for so long, and made her concerns known to him about that.  He told her that he would pay any extra cost associated with it.  Sylvia quickly agreed to this.  Not that business was bad, but with her large family, and the upkeep for the resort, money could get tight every now and then.  And here was a guaranteed income source for six months, maybe even more.  Top money for the best cabin even.  How could she resist what she thought was a perfect situation.  Sure, he seemed a little strange on the phone, but most people were a little strange in one way or another.

What came to concern Sylvia was the contract that came in the mail.  He had told her that he would forward some documents for here signature, dealing with the price, the length of stay, and the accommodations.  When the large package arrived, she was surprised by the size and language of it.  It was rather complex, with all very legal sounding terms.  She read it over carefully, but saw nothing extremely unusual about.  Once again thinking about all the things she would be able to do with the money that would be coming, she signed it, and sent it back to him. 

Within two weeks, a check for the full amount on the contract came in the mail, a full month before he would even begin his stay.  An attached note read "Thank you for your prompt response.  I will be arriving on the date specified therein.  I send these funds now in hopes that any last minute items that will be needed to make my stay complete will be promptly attended to.  J. VanAnkat." 

Sylvia really wanted to make a good impression.  She had the kids working overtime helping her get the cabin ready.  They cleaned, scrubbed, painted, and polished it up as best they could.  Sylvia hoped that this wealthy client would really enjoy his stay here and would recommend it to all his well off friends.  Nothing like making a real good impression to get a little word of mouth PR campaign going. 

James was unaware of the preparations that had been made as he boarded the waiting jetliner for the long journey that would take him to the Happenstance Islands.  He detested flying.  The cramped quarters with all those people.  All those people...such a small place...so much time together.  Even the relatively larger and quieter first class cabin did little to alleviate his tension and frustration.  He actually looked forward to the multiple layovers he had.  It allowed him time to gather his thoughts and try to relax a bit. 

It was at this last layover that he first met Kari.  He was standing next to the cart that held his luggage.  He was impatiently tapping his toe.  The last connecting flight was late.  She came up to him rather hurriedly. 

"Mr. VanAnkat?" she asked the tall tiger dressed in the suit and wearing a hat. 

"Captain Thatcher I presume?"  he returned to the harried vixen, sniffing the air around him. 

"Yes, sorry I am running late, but the last run..." she was cut off in mid-sentence before she could continue. 

"I am not paying you for excuses, Captain, but your services.  Have my luggage loaded and direct me to where I can board your plane." 

Somewhat aghast, she led him towards her plane, biting her lip to keep from saying anything further.  He was a paying customer.  He even paid the additional freight fee for the extra luggage, no questions asked.  But she didn’t appreciate the attitude.  Reviewing the passenger list, she noticed where he was coming from.  He has been flying for hours, she thought to herself.  Perhaps that explains his shortness with her. 

After making sure that the luggage was properly loaded, and seeing the other two passenger on board, she boarded the plane herself.  As she passed by James, he said "Captain, do you plan to get this plane airborne anytime soon?" 

Suppressing a desire to throw him off the plane, she mildly responded "I’m on my way to the cockpit now.  We should be airborne shortly."  As she strapped herself into her seat she thought to herself  "I was wrong - he is just another asshole!". 

The rest of the flight was relatively uneventful.  The other two passengers, a mouse couple celebrating their 25th anniversary, were rather quiet.  James was thankful for that.  He had chosen a seat as far from them as possible.  The noise and heat in the passenger cabin was irritating him as it was, he did not need any people bothering him also. 

Since it was mid-week, Kari was not surprised that there were only the three passengers.  At least there was the additional luggage to help make up for the lack of customers. And as much as there was, she was glad she charged extra.  Those trunks were quite heavy. Also, fuel was expensive, and she was concerned about profitability. 

The trip was uneventful and the landing on the water was smooth as could be.  Kari deftly maneuvered the plane into position and cut engines as she approached the dock.  Sylvia and three of her children were already waiting at the dock for them.  She had with her Lucas; a border collie, Rale, her youngest; an otter, and Bethany; a racoon.  She never really tried overly much to impress the guests, but she did want to make a good impression with Mr. VanAncat.  It was the first time anyone had ever rented a cottage for such a long period, and she did have hopes of further patronage in the future from him and his associates. 

Lucas and Rale tied down the sea plane to the moorings on the dock as it came into position.  After a minute or so, the door to the plane opened.  Kari bounced out onto the dock, and looking back into the passenger cabin said "Welcome to Water Wings." 

The married couple were the first out of the plane.  They were greeted by Sylvia warmly as she shook their hands.  The boys, having finished with the moorings, had gone to the luggage compartment, and began to unload the luggage onto a waiting cart on the dock.  Sylvia was still talking with the married couple when she saw the other passenger get out of the plane.  He had to duck quite a bit as he was quite tall.  As he emerged she was quite shocked to see a rather large white tiger. She was also surprised at his attire, as a suit and tie with hat was very rare in these parts.  She knew that they would not be on him long - the day was already hot and just getting worse.  He would grow uncomfortable warm rather quickly.  She excused herself from the couple and went over to greet him. 

"You must be James VanAncat" she said.  "I am Sylvia Slipsunder, and I would like to welcome you to Water Wings." 

"I trust my cabin is ready" he responded tersely.  He looked about him as he inhaled the fresh air and the surrounding scents. 

"Yes, yes, everything is ready for you" she responded. 

"Good" he said.  "I have been traveling for hours and am quite fatigued.  I am also quite unaccustomed to this weather, as it was snowing when I left this morning.  If you would show me to my cabin and have my luggage brought there - oh - and tell your employees to be careful with it.  I want nothing damaged!  And the air conditioning best be working in the cabin". 

Sylvia was slightly taken aback by this, but regained her verbal footing quickly.  "Certainly," she said, "if you will follow me, I’ll take you right to it.  It is our best cabin here at the resort.  I am sure you will be pleased with it." She motioned for Bethany, who was standing nearby, somewhat stunned by the new guest and his attitude, to escort the other couple to their cabin.  "Boys!" she bellowed, "bring that luggage up to the cabin as soon as it is unloaded, and be very careful with it!" 

The children just looked back and forth at one another.  What was going on here?  Their mother had never cow-towed to other guests this way.  She had always laid down the rules with any unruly guests.  Something was different here, and they all knew it. 

"Madam, can we get going?" he said impatiently. 

"Certainly" she replied. 

As they walked to the cabin, Sylvia, trying her best to maintain a very upbeat and positive composure, explained to the tiger the layout of the resort and the land around it.  The cabin was the most secluded there, being the furthest inland, and a ways distance from both the nearest other cabin and the main lodge and outbuildings.  It was the furthest away from the lagoon, but it was nestled in the beginnings of the forest.  Only some yards from the back of it was a small pond, fed by a stream coming down the hills.  It was a really idyllic setting. 

Sylvia had mentioned that most people these days wanted to be closer to the water or the main lodge, but many newlyweds preferred the privacy that this cabin offered.  This was why she was concerned with him renting this cabin for such along period of time, as other guests might want this particular one for themselves. 

As they approached the cabin, James walked around it inspecting it carefully.  They then entered, and again, he checked everything over in detail.  Finally removing his hat, he reached for the air conditioner and turned it up to maximum.  Opening the shades to the window that looked out to the woods, he turned to her and said "This should serve my needs.  Will it be possible to get late meals delivered to the cabin?" 

"I don’t see where that should be too much of a problem" Sylvia replied.  She was slightly surprised by the short cropped hair under his hat, as most people sported a longer hair style.  He did have a kind of "goatee" under his chin though, and rather bushy sideburns or "ruff".  She could tell he was perspiring, and had almost started panting from the short walk from the dock.  "Definitely not used to this weather," she thought, "I’ll bet that suit gets removed very quickly!" 

"Good.  As we previously discussed, privacy is my utmost concern.  I have had to put up with people for far too long, and wish to avoid them now.  Please impress this upon your staff and any nearby guests.  I assume there will be no problem exploring the forest behind the resort?" 

"No, it goes on all the way to the end of the island.  There are other small islands that are not too far from the main island.  The one in the lagoon is called Buck’s Rump.  Two of my sons kind of live on it in fact." 

James was intrigued at this.  "I don’t remember seeing any buildings on the island as we flew in." 

"No, no - they kind of just "camp out" there all the time.  You know how boys are" she replied. 

"No, fortunately, madam, I do not" he said rather bitterly.  "Are there any others that "camp out" on this or any of the other islands?" 

"No, no one else that I know of" Sylvia replied. 

"Good.  The numbers for the resort are near the phone?" 

"Yes" she said. 

"Fine.  I will call when I am ready for dinner or food.  I will also call when I need maid service.  Do not send anyone unless I call.  I am exhausted and need to sleep."  What he really was thinking though was "God, I can’t WAIT to get out of these clothes!" 

"Let me know if you need anything, anything at all."  Sylvia amazed herself at how sweet she was being to this grouch.  She was hoping it was just the heat and jet lag that was causing it.  She dropped the key to the door of the cabin on the desk next to the phone as she turned to leave.

"Finally, ALONE!" thought James as he watched Sylvia depart down the path from the front window.  He closed the curtains and locked the door.  Just as he took off his suit jacket, there was a knock at the door.  "Now what!  YES?" he bellowed at the door. 

"Your luggage, sir" came a meek reply from behind the door.  As James unlocked the door and swung it open he looked down at the young border collie, almost snarling in the process. 

Lucas, Sylvia’s border collie son, looked up at the towering figure in the cabin.  He immediatly shrank back a little in fear.  He had never seen a white tiger before.  James short cropped hair and goatee tended to make him look all that more "feral" even.  "Uh, where would you like me to put these, sir?" he meekly responded. 

"Just put the trunks against the wall, with the suitcases next to them." he said tersely. 

Lucas did as he was told, as fast as his young paws could get the heavy items carted in and piled up.  As he was leaving he asked, almost afraid to hear the answer "Can I do anything else for you, sir?" 

"Yes," James said, turning and walking towards Lucas.  He could "smell" the fear on the child, and actually enjoyed it a little.  He walked right up to the child and put a 10 note in the child’s paw.  "As I have already told your mother, I want my privacy.  Leave me alone unless I ask for you.  Keep others away from me, and everything will be fine - do you understand?" 

Staring up into his steely blue eyes Lucas meekly replied "Yes sir.  Thank you sir.  Thank you."  He quickly backed out of the cabin, almost running back down to the dock with the cart in front of him. 

James just chuckled to himself under his breath as he heard the boy run away from the cabin.  "I wonder how long before he gets the courage up to come back here and start pestering me?"  he thought as he removed his tie and threw it down on the desk.  This was quickly followed by his shirt and pants.  "AHH, that is soooo much better!" he said aloud, stretching his tired frame for as long and hard as he could.  He went to the bathroom, and poured a nice cool bath for himself in the large tub that he gathered was designed for couples.  He tried to get rid of all the myriad sights, sounds, and smells that lingered both on him and in his memory. 

After soaking for what seemed like hours in the tub, he reluctantly got out, shaking much of the water from his fur.  He stepped over to the dryer and engaged it, enjoying the air running over his body.  Walking into the bedroom, he threw the covers off the bed and collapsed onto it.  Within minutes he was fast asleep, even though it was only late afternoon.

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