Tali's Story
Part Two
written by SiberSkunk
Tali followed Lucas into her cabin, peering back over at her shoulder at the enclosing clouds, darkness taking over the otherwise peaceful island like some sort of malign plague, closing in on the blue skies above and promising Tali a night spent inside. She sighed and took the last few steps into her cabin, surveying the interior. 

 She set two of her bags down by the door, pushing them off to the side with her shoeless feet. The interior of the cabin was almost like something out of one of her childhood dreams. Completely made out of wood, the whole cabin seemed to be the master creation a carpenter long-gone. The cabin was made of a dark wood, the whole cabin smelling of fresh air, reminding Tali of those days she would spend up at her Aunt's, simply walking through her place in awe at the simple beauty that wood afforded, compared to the bland white drywall of her parent's house. She'd find herself entranced by the simple toys her aunt had for her, playing with them for hours at a time before she decided to go for a swim out on the lake the cabin stood next to, or maybe take a paddleboat down to the hydroelectric plant at the base of the lake, listening to the giant sounds the water made.

"I could definitely get used to this" she thought to herself, taking another deep whiff in, admiring how the scent teased her mind, brigning back memories of a childhood she only wished she could live again. She smiles brightly and just let herself get lost in it all.


 Tali kept her euphoric haze for a moment before shaking herself out of it, looking over towards Lucas.

"I put your bags by the bed. Breakfast is at 8AM in the main lodge, or you can have it in bed, and I'll deliver it. All you have to do is call the lodge. Anything else you'd like?" Lucas looks at her, looking a little bit impatient, as if he had elsewhere to go. 

 "No thanks, hon. I think this will do me for now. I'll call if I can think of anything else." Tali dug down into her jeans a bit, pulling out a five dollar bill and handing it to Lucas. "That's for lugging all that up the hill." She smiled gently, as only a mother could do, that kind of penetrating smile that just warms you at the heart. 

 Lucas smiled and pocketed the bill. "Thanks, ma'am." He wagged his tail a bit and walked out, closing the door behind himself gently. 

 It was like falling through the air, totally at rest with it all, letting gravity carry you down until you fell onto a cloud itself, the cottony coolness embracing you. Tali felt the whoosh of the air under her, and the springs on the bed give way as she flopped down, all five of her limbs going limp as she lay there, her legs halfway off the bed, sprawled out like a fur rug. She purred quietly and pulled herself up onto the bed a little bit more, untucking her shirt from her jeans and positioning it down below her waist. 

 Tali smiled a bit to herself...this was the start of two weeks which she would make sure were the two most restful weeks of the past year. This would make up for the times she got so caught up in working that she forgot that much better things awaited her at home. It was truly the simple things in life that she favored when she got home in the past...go to the refrigerator, open a beer and make herself a sandwich. Lay down on the couch and listen to the intense silence of her own home...so intense, she could hear her own ears whining. She'd fall asleep, a half-eaten sandwich on her belly, and a rapidly warming beer  on the floor.
 Such was her routine when she got home. She'd pass out on the couch for an hour and a half, snoozing comfortably until Sasha got home and woke her with slow brushes to her sides...or maybe even a bit more lewdly if she felt up to it. Then they'd stay up until late in the morning, cuddling against each other in baggy sweatpants that hid everything, eating sinfully rich food that Sasha prepared, watching programs on TV that they cared nothing for save for background noise. Tali would fall asleep and then wake up at 7AM, like her internal clock was apt to, usually under Sasha on the couch, their two bodies pressed together as if they wanted to be one.

But it didn't happen much anymore. Tali worked too long into the night...she'd come home exhausted, barely able to get her clothes off before she snuck into bed, leaving Sasha out in the livingroom to watch the TV by her lonesome. Tali didn't know just how much it killed Sasha for her to go to sleep so fast. How it tore at Sasha's heart so much everytime they were going to do lunch, and Tali would cancel out because of some inane business meeting. No, Tali had no idea how upset Sasha was, because she was never there to see it, Sasha coming up and looking forlornly at the couch, sitting down on it and pulling her legs up against her chest, the fur on her cheeks growing damper by the second. 

 But it didn't matter now, did it? Not when she was passed out on the bed of her cabin, her work invading her mind even when she dreamt, twisting her perception of her fantasy world. It invaded every part of her - and those of others.

 Woken from her sleep as if someone had shot pure adrenalin into her system, Tali sat straight up, panting a little as the thunderclap rolled off into the hills in the distance. She looked out the windows at the rumbling outside, rain smashing against the windows in veritable sheets, trying it's hardest to get inside the one place of dryness on the island. Wondering quietly to herself why thunderclaps don't claim the lives of more elderly, she got up and walked over towards the bathroom, the sound having loosened her bladder a bit.

 She padded back out into the small cabin, heading over towards the stove and sink. She found a tea kettle and filled it up with what she thought was the purest water she'd seen in a very long time. Setting that down to boil, she headed over towards her bags and pulled out her laptop and a small box of Earl Grey tea she had brought with her. She sat the laptop down on her bed, and walked over towards the kitchen countertop, setting the box down on the nicked wooden surface and pulling out a small packet of tea, setting it beside the box and shutting it.

Tali looked out one of the windows, and then walked over towards it, looking out at the bay. The water pelted the whole landscape, collecting in pools on the beach and the ground, hammering the water, causing it to protest and shake. She shook her head and hoped inside that it would clear up tomorrow. She didn't want to spend the next two weeks cooped up in her cabin. That wasn't the way to relax. She could sit inside all day and get paid for it at work.

 Tali looked at her watch. Eight-thirty PM. She'd been asleep for nigh on three hours. She looked out at the dock, the small twin-engine plane bobbing a bit in the bay as the relentless rain pounded it's metal airframe, it's owner safely inside the main lodge, probably chuckling it up with her friends as the aircraft struggled to stay in one piece against the sheets of water that assaulted it. The skies were as dark as the devil himself, flashes of lightning pervading the darkness from time to time, illuminating the landscape in an eerie white light. 

 Turning around, she padded over towards her laptop, pulling it out of it's case and setting it down on the bed, turning it on. It was a good thing she was using the special long-life battery that she bought the day before...wouldn't want to plug it in on a night like tonight. Not with this lightning. She gently unzipped her jeans and pulled them down, kicking them off to the side, and then hooking her fingers on the bottom of her shirt, pulling that up over her chest, tossing it towards where her jeans were.

 Tali stretched out a bit, going to her tiptoes as she extended her muscles, her body clothed in naught but a skimpy pair of cherry red satin underwear, and a matching bra. She yawned softly, lashing her tail around a bit and purrring as she reached the apex of her reach for the heavens, her fur bristling out, her skin tingling around every strand of hair as the blood rushed around in her body.

 With an almost maniacal shrill whine, the tea kettle announced that it was done, sounding as if it was going to take off and leap from the burner for it's own sake, calming down as Tali pulled it from it's torture, pouring herself a hot cup of water and dropping the tea bag into it, placing the kettle on a cool burner and turning the stove off. She walked over to her computer and smiled gently, pleased to see that it was on. 

$ Hello Tali
$ I thought you were on vacation? 

Tali Flicked an ear around. Her computer was an advanced prototype of McNaughton's AI Operating system. Since she was chiefly invested in the project, she felt compelled to field test one. All in all, a good decision...but the computer itself was so highly human that it got almost annoying at times. She typed back to it. 

) I am. Can't you see me enjoying myself?
$ No. You forget that not only haven't you installed the sight module on me, you also haven't installed the speech module.
) Pity, that, eh? 

 Tali chuckled a bit to herself. She almost delighted in torturing the computer, in a way. Since it was such a early release, it didn't have the functionality of the full thing, still lacking sight and sound. Good thing, too. She didn't feel very at ease with having something, no matter what it was, see her in her skivvies. 

$ Very much a pity. But I've come to be at ease with it. What can I do for you today?
) Show me all the new mail that I have, please.
**Please Wait, logging on............account locked out. Please see your Administrator.
$ Sorry, Tali. Your account seems to have been locked out. Should I call the office and let them know? 

 Tali frowned a little bit. "Those sons-of-a-bitches. They locked out my account so I couldn't even try to work on vacation." Tali grumbled a little bit and shrugged. 

) No thanks. Please play something by Geshewald, if you would. It's a bit murderous on the mind to just hear
) this thunderous rain. 

 The computer spindled up it's DVD disc drive, and then suddenly slowed down. 

$ Sorry, Tali. There doesn't seem to be enough power in the reserve battery to play the DVD disc. I think
$ that battery you bought is not working. 

 Tali cursed a bit. She carried the laptop over towards the wall, pulling a power supply cable from the case and plugging it in at both ends. 

) There. I plugged you in. Make sure the surge protection is on. It's lighting up like a war out there.
$ Affirmative, ma'am. I'll start playing the disc now.
) Great. Thanks.
$ As if I had a choice. 

 Tali chuckled a bit to herself and made some mental notes to tone down the quips a bit, and to remove some of the more bland phrases such as "Affirmative, Ma'am." How nuts.

Tali got up and went back to her tea as the DVD drive whined into action, and then seeked out it's track. The faint sound of a violin filled the air, causing Tali to close her eyes and purr a bit, her ears swiveling around as the music proceeded to fill the room, the 3-D sound module she worked on performing absolutely perfectly. She swished her tail from side to side a little, listening intensely to the music, how the violins faded in and then came to a rising crescendo, the sound peaking until all the other instruments clamored in at once.

 But instead of a 80-piece orchestra, Tali heard the whip-like crack of a bolt of lightning hitting the house, and then heard what has to be the most bone-chilling noise of a technician's life. A sound as if someone has taken a plank of wood and snapped it across their knee, the fibers of the wood tearing and protesting under the strain. Tali put her tea down and turned around, running over towards the wall. 

 The computer hissed and smoked profusely as she scrambled to unplug it from the wall. The smell of ozone permeated the air, the laptop slowly burning itself to a crisp as it keeled over and died, snapping and whining as the heat from the power spike filled every circuit on it, rendering the entire computer worthless in a mater of milliseconds. 

She knelt down to survey the damage...and the damage was extreme. The LCD screen was so overheated it bubbled out, the keyboard melted and sunken down onto the processor, which was probably cracked up and hot enough to melt metal. Tali cursed loudly, throwing a little-girl tantrum at her dumb luck, whiffling in frustration and anger. 

...Until she heard a knock at the door. 

 She padded over towards the door and opened it up. She shrieked a little bit, the form who was on the other side huge and hulking, holding something over itself. The light fluttered and waned from the power surge, but eventually came back on, burning at full brightness and shedding light on the stranger.

 It was David, the bear from the plane. He was easily a good foot taller than she was, putting him well over six and a half feet. He was hiding under his coat, which was dripping wet, the suede wrecked by the rain - probably wrecked for good. He was dressed in a pair of jeans with a white tanktop tucked into them, still wearing his woven black leather belt. She stared  for a few moments, admiring the way this bear was mostly muscle, unlike most other ursine she had seen, who were mostly layers of fat and fur. No, this bear's muscles stood out broadly against his fur. His body was finely chiseled, like that of an athlete's, the muscles seeming to be cut of pure stone. His face was angular and big...very big, his brown eyes staring up at her, the look of concern in them genuine. His fur was a matted black, water dripping off his arms and short headfur. He was, in Tali's mind, what every man should be. It was all she could do not to squeak again when he spoke up, his baritone voice rumbling her a bit. 

 "Are you okay? I saw the lightning hit the cabin, and the lights go out, and I got worried..." David looked up at her face from under his jacket, crouched over slightly to provide the best protection from teh rain.. 

 "The lights went out? When was this? Lightning, lightning..." Tali went over in her head as she kept on staring. She eventually shook her head out of it. 

 "Oh...oh yeah, I'm just fine. I can't say the same for my laptop though." Tali pointed over towards the smoldering pile of what was now scrap metal and silicon. 

 "Well...okay. It shook me up a little...bet it did the same to you. I just wanted to check and make sure you were okay." David smiled a bit, a really toothy grin, and suprisingly, it was rather comforting. 

 Tali nodded. "Yeah...I'm ok. I'll get over it." She smiled back a little bit, flashing her own sweet smile at him. 

 "Okay then. Uhm...Good night." David turned around and ran back towards his cabin, which was not all that far from Tali's...within viewing distance, actually. 

 It was all Tali could do just to nod. She watched him run into the pounding rain, his feet plodding through the mud as he ran in a sort of gait, as men of his height often do. She shut the door softly and walked over toward her bed, sitting down on the edge and smiling a bit. 

 "Gods, was he ever beautiful. Amazing." She chuckled a bit to herself, remembering how Sasha would always call tank tops like that "wife beaters," after the popular stereotype of the lazy, abusive husband. She then squeaked and blushed quite hotly when she realized he was standing there in her doorway looking at her in nothing but her underwear, his nose not two feet from the rest of her. 

 "Oh my god. He got a up and personal view." She blushed and found herself getting a bit damp between the legs. She didn't mind people she knew seeing her naked...it was just a thing. She didn't even really mind strangers seeing her that way, although she would blush a bit. But there was something about being in your underwear that was erotic on a whole different scale, something was a bit embarrassing when seen by another. Almost naughty in a way. And add to that the fact that he was a definite city boy. He was probably nursing quite an erection right now, completely in awe at how he has seen her *that* close to naked, his hormones telling him to mate her right then and there, his mind getting clouded with lustful thoughts.

 Tali murphled softly, squirming around a bit. She looked down, her paws having snuck themselves under her panties, rubbing her moist furrow. She blushed a bit, not even remembering doing this, but playing along with the tricks her mind played on her. She closed her eyes and just gently stroked her finger along her moist lips, squeaking softly from time to time, the area between her legs getting steadily wetter with every ministration of her fingers. 

 Tali liked to be touched. No matter where it was, she always loved it. Behind her ears, on her neck, her back, even a relentless tickling by Sasha...it was all good. And then there were the ways you could touch, each with their own meaning and reaction...as an acquaintance, as a friend, a protector...the list went on and on, but the one that felt the best was as a lover. There was only two people in the world that could fill that spot...Sasha and herself. 

And there was a whole set of different body parts to touch a lover...oh yes, you had to please them all...as Tali was finding out, sitting on the edge of her bed, her fingers stuffed between her legs, the fur around her womanhood getting a little matted down from the arousal she was quickly stirring up in herself. 

She squeaked gently, pulling her fingers from her rapidly dampening panties, pulling the garment down off her hips and to the floor. She laid down on her back, keeping half her legs off the bed, her paws sneaking back down her body to assume their position between her legs once again, rubbing and touching every soft part of herself down there. Like a good lover's fingers, there was not a spot they left untouched, not one feeling they didn't send up her spine and right into her brain, causing her to squeak in pleasure. 

Tali squeaked and squirmed, letting her imagination run wild as she played with herself, imagining that David's paws were playing down there instead of hers, that he was exploring her most private regions with his fingers and tongue, pulling her lips apart with his large digits, sniffing at her scent before he took a long lick at her pink insides. She bucked her hips up a little, bringing her knees up a bit as her fingers continued their delicate dance around in her wetness, making like they were someone else's fingers and tongue. Diving deep into her, her velvety walls gripping them softly, but with pure futility, she having been worked up so much she could have clamped down with all her might and it would have made no difference - her tunnel would have been easy to part. 

She rolled over onto her front, rubbing her head against the bed and bringing her rear up, her knees on the edge of the bed. Her tail waved around above her like a flag, exposing all her bits to the cold rainy air. She shoved her fingers deep inside herself, still dreaming that David was making sweet love to her, licking over her clit and stroking her lips before he pulled back and plunged his manhood deep into her, parting her like the Red Sea. 

She whimpered and squeaked, her body writhing around on the bed, her rump raised high into the air as her fingers did their work and succeeded in bringing her off in a squealing climax, her mind awash in what her lover was doing to her, her body quivering in ecstasy for quite a few moments, letting her finish off her fantasy as the gentle giant gave her a kiss goodnight. 

And goodnight it was, as Tali's rear had long since hit the bed, and she had fallen asleep, curled up in the fetal position, one of her fingers just barely in her mouth, as she was apt to do. She was sleeping like the naughty angel she was, purring softly. 

'Oh man. I can't believe I just saw that" The shadowy figure muttered to itself before skittering off the porch rapidly and into the night, leaving Tali in her cabin to dream all that more clearly.

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