Tali's Story
Tali's Bio
written by SiberSkunk
Tali’s Biography   --  By SiberSkunk 

Name: Tali
Height: 5’6"
Weight: 150lbs
Age: 24
Species (or equivalent thereof): North American Striped Skunk 


 Tali has grown up in all sorts of places. She lived the first 10 years of her life in the Sweetwater province, helping her mother out with tending to the farm and exploring the wilderness when she was done with chores, which is where she gets some of her fauve tendencies and a keen sense of the wilderness. 

When she was in the 6th grade, she moved out with her mother to the state of Savannarado in the Midland Province, lighting in a small Ski resort town on the Eastern side, somewhere her mother had grown up 20 years before. Even though the town was small, this was her first real exposure to city life, as the various and large amounts of tourists gave it a city atmosphere.
Most of the tourists came from the Midlands and Truenorth provinces, with a few from other places scattered on the globe, giving the town an internation flair and exposing her to many cultures. Tali worked up at the Ski Area as a waitress at the "Vista Haus," which was an often-neglected waystop on the trails.
Out of a population of 25,000, only about 16,000 were there for more than a year, due to the way the city made it’s money. She was there for a total of 9 years, making friends and then losing them to the transient nature of her town, until she finally just gave up and decided to let friends come to her….which didn’t work out all that well, due to her "homely" nature at the time. So she found the ‘net. And the ‘net consumed her. 

She went on to college in a town about fifty miles away from her family, where she majored in Computer Science and learned many lessons past that degree,
Her freshman year roommate, Sasha, was, and sill is, one of her best friends. And she also turned out to be Tali’s first lover, having taken a bit of pity on the reclused skunkette, literally forcing her to go out every once in a while to nightclubs, parties, whatever. Tali was a bit against this at first, but was eventually giving in, and have a grand time at it.
Maybe it was that kind of friendship that caused them to be lovers…maybe it was living together…or maybe it was just the way things were meant to be. Who knows. All together, it’s a story in itself, and an event that turned Tali’s life upside down.
All throughout her college years, she retained a few of her fauve tendencies, and could be caught walked bare-assed naked through the dorm halls from time to time, which put the city folks on their heads, as she lost her homely nature, and developed into more of a woman, taking on a more "motherly" look. She’d dress for classes and going out, but mostly as a favor to the city folks, as she would rather be "au naturale" than clothed. 

She graduated four years later, being forced to say goodbye to some of her closer friends and lovers, as she has acquired a job working for McNaughton industries, one of the biggest software corportaions in the Truenorth province. She likes the job, and tells almost everyone that - she’s on the fast road to being a higher-up.
But the one thing she wishes she could change was her life. She misses her college days, her days having become the usual work, eat, sleep, go back to work routine. Her social life has taken a wrong turn, and she thinks she may have to give the job up to retain any quality of life. 

It’s just that which brings her to WaterWings. Her coworkers suggested it as a way to unwind, and her boss also "suggested" it….probably so she wouldn’t accumulate paid days off. Riding on the transport plane over, she wonders what’s happened to the fun in life, just as her dumb-as-rocks computer tells her she has new mail. 

Time will tell.

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