Am I Your Enemy?
written by Cecil
        1) Jeremy Longwhisker stands at a dock, in Freedom's run at a fishery owned and run by a Retired Navy Lt. Com Lawrence Muskytail.  At the end of the fishery dock sits Larry, who has a short conversation with Jeremy as they await Kari's plane. Larry thinks about how tough this kid is to function as well as he does, considering how  many Freelanders consider Bavorians to be little better than animals.  To Larry, Jeremy seems a lot like one of his hardy plants, growing in the most unfavorable soils.  They both watch the seaplane skim over the harbor and head for the seaplane dock.  Jeremy runs off to meet it, hoping to get his seedling shipment. 

        2) Kari docks her plane, with her mind on getting the shipment out on the docks and picking up new frieght and passangers.  She is pretty much done with off loading and is wrestling with the last heavy box, when a voice inquires about a shipment of live seedlings.  But its the same accent as Malik!  All she can see is blood and the horrors of the past, so she turns around to face Malik, the rage white hot in her eyes.....the spell is broken when Jeremy sceams and falls backwards, losing his glasses. Abruptly the arrogant prince in Kari's eyes changes to a poor youth, who looks scared out of his mind. With her expression of pure hate dissolved, Jeremy wastes no time in making tracks.  Kari starts to call after him, her composure shatterd..but decides to recover first.  She tells the people dropping off frienght she'll need a few min.  She goes and sits in the pilot seat, tears searing her eyes and her claws dug hard enough in her hands to draw blood. 

        3) Kari appears at the Muskytail  fishery, a live seedling box and a pair of glasses in hand...she knew from the fish smell on Jeremy what profession he was working at and there are only so many fishrys on the island.   She looks a lot more composed than an hour ago. Despite how serious things are, she finds thinks it fiugures that it would be Muskytail who would take in a Bavorian in his workforce. ..Larry sits in his office, with pictures of his relatives including an uncle who was a Navy captain in the Transoceanic war.  He is expecting Kari as she knocks on his door. Kari comes in realizing that he has already spoken to the terrified teenager.   Larry starts with small talk, until she is ready to bring up Jeremy.   Larry and Kari were in diffrent branches of the service (Navy and Air Force, respectively)  and doubtless will gently rib each other about it, although it is obvious they are on good terms.  She will also mention the fact that he has a bit of a soft spot for Sylvia.  Neither of them mention the fact that he is in a wheelchair.  When she does mention the boy, Larry assures her it isn't her fault and that he knows she'd never harm him.  He gives her the money to pay for the shipment.  Then, demonstating his rather odd sense of humor, he uses the PA system to page Jeremy from the bathroom one room behind him.  When Jeremy sheepishly comes out, Kari pushes the box with the thick glasses on it towards him, without coming any closer.  He reclaims his items.  Larry gently suggests they go for a walk together. 

        4) Kari and Jeremy walk around the warehouse, silent for awhile and then Jeremy informs her that Larry told him about what had happened to her 6 1/2 years ago.  He looks sick with misery about what his prince had done to her, and expects that he deserves to be hated for being from Bavoria. Kari knows that she did in fact hate the Bavorians for what they had done to her, and was happy that their country had suffured through a civil war..Serves them right! she had thought.  Well, even though his accent did still stab at her memory, she knows that this ferret is blameless.  She apologizes and responds to his query  "Am I your enemy?" by saying that he isn't.  At that point she notices the garden, grown out of nothing!  She comments on how nice it looks and suddenly gets a flash of inspiration for how to make it up to this kid..after all Sylvia could do with a good flower gardener and groundskeeper.  "She smiles and asks him  "How would you like a job where all you do all day long is work with plants?"  When he nods, she comments  "Well I know just the place..."

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