Muskytail Story
written by Cafe
Buck's Rump, Happanstance Islands, Freelands Confederation, 12753, 9:17 PM 

The night was deepening, bright and clear under a waning half moon, but Karina could care less.  She sat on the beach and tore at a raw fish with her strong sharp canines.   Deboning it or cooking it was just a waste of time.   Some nights she would sit on the east side of the island and watch the lights glitter from the nearby island of Fairport.  Tonight she was facing the resort instead because she was more in the mood to be by herself.   She gazed at the glowing oasis of light coming from the main resort house and a few of the widely scattered one room cabins.  The glass walls of the greenhouse was refecting the light of of the moonlight and she thought it made a lovely view.  If only Becky was here to see... 

She dropped the half eaten fish and screamed, "Arggh!  Stop it!" She snarled savagely at herself and bit her paw again, trying to blot out the thoughts of her dead child and husband, but the memories came flooding back.  An unstoppable tidal wave of pain and despair. 

Some time later, a 10 year old collie paddled into the western beach and hopped ashore.   He pushed the canoe far up the beach and carelessly chucked the paddle inside it.  He retrived the delivery basket, and walked up the beach, looking for the tree stump where he always placed the food.  Before he got there his flashlight caught the scruffy dirty form of a female fennic, curled up in a ball.  He stopped short and stared for a long moment.  The beam was shining in her eyes but all she did was feebly whimper.  The collie, suddenly realized the light was hurting her eyes so he stuck it upright in the sand, and kneeled on the beach.  He set the basket down hastily.  Once he had adjusted to her shoking appearance he relaxed again. 

"Karina, its me!  You know, Luke.  I've brought you your food from my mom." 

Kari uncovered her face with her chewed-on paw, and saw Lucas Slipsunder, son to Sylvia.   Lucas would have one day been her son-in-law if fate hadn't been so cruel to her.  "", she said slowly, and sitting up.  She had on many occasions watched him and his siblings cavort on the resort, from the secusion of this tiny island.  However, whenever any of them or their mother had come here, she had always hid.   This was the first time in 3 years she had been face to face with any of the children. 

" dear boy.", she whispered hoarsely.  "I wish Becky could come out and play but she...she's...", her voice choked up with emotion.  She clung to the canine boy and started sobbing. 

Jarod's Pub, Karanashi Port City, Oreinsa, Freelands Confederation, 12753, 11:48 PM

The seedy bar was dark and comforting to its denziens, like an ratty old pair of shoes.  One of the regulars sat on the far edge of the bar, as far from the widescreen TV as possible.  Lt. Commander Lawrence Muskytail was not in the mood for watching sports.  He drank alone, as he always did.  The bartender came back and filled his glass with another beer, without saying a word.  Larry never talked when he was bingeing, although when he was on duty on the UFC Typhoon he unfailingly acted the part the jolly sociable skunk.  Once upon a time he had been happy, but his addiction had slowly siphoned it away until all he was left with was regrets.  Larry sighed and took out two items from his pockets.  One of them was a photograph he had taken of his wife 3 years ago when they had spent the holidays together.  Probablythat was the last time he had a glimmer of joy.  Less than a month later he had started drinking again, and she had left him for good.  He tenderly placed the photograph of the Hyena on the counter and clumsily unfolded the other item.  On the top was the Confederation Naval emblem.  Once again he read the letter, which was a diagnosis of the initial signs of cirrosis of the liver.  He was paying the price for his long years of drinking.  The report further recommended that Muskytail would be given a medical discharge and be transfereed to a medical facility to treat his illness.  The upshot was that this was the end of his career.  He folded it up again and pocketed it.  At least his old friend the bottle was always there for him. 

Two hours later he wobbled in front of his house.  Behind him the taxicab the bartender had called pulled off into the night.  He walked through the cold slush and shakily unlocked the front door and let it swing open.  But he didn't go in.  If he did, he would spend the night in his bed thinking of Louisa and his failings.  He needed to clear his head, to wander around until he could think of what to do with himself.   He drunkenly fidded with the tiny device on his keyring.  On the fifth try he managed to press the button and the garage door lurched open.  He smiled broadly and headed for his car, keys in paw, leaving his house door wide open. 

The Resort, Happanstance Islands, Freelands Confederation, 12753, 7:02 AM 

Sylvia Slipsunder listened as her son fininised his story. 

Lucas finished, " ..and Karinia just cried and cried and I felt so bad for her.  But she kept saying it was alright.  So I had breakfast with her and she said I could visit her again whenever I wanted to.  Then she started crying again." 

Sylvia nodded trying to keep her own eyes from misting up.  "You've been a very good boy Luke" 

"Should I show her the bracelet Becky made for me?" 

Sylvia's ears swiveled in alarm, but managed to keep most of the panic out of her voice.  "I think you should wait until she asks to see it, my dear."  She patted him on the head and his tail wagged. 

Lucas brightened  "Should I visit her again tonight?" 

"I think she would love that" ,  came his mother's reply.  "Now go out and play with your brother and sisters." 

He was out the door like a streak before she finished her sentance. Only after she was alone did she allow herself to cry.  Her best friend, whose personality once shone like a bright mirror, was reduced to shattered fragments of her former self.  Karina was dirt-covered, her brown hair was raggady, she had dark circles under her haunted blue eyes, and was dangerously thin.  Since the loss of her familly she had been in and out of mental hospitals, but eventually was sane enough for Sylvia to try her own type of therepy on her, letting her live on Buck's rump to find herself again.  Today had been the first sign in nearly a year that she was reaching out for other people again.  As the rabbit/otter stewed in her thoughts the telephone jangled her back into reality.  She scrambled to pick it up. 

"Paradise Resort, Sylvia speaking.  How may I help you today?"  Her ear swiveled as she listened, her face twitching as she heard unbeliavable news.   "What??"   The information was tersely repeated and all the color drained from her face.  "Oh, my God! No!" 

Faith and Mercy Hospital, Karanashi Port City, Oreinsa, Freelands Confederation, 12753, 3:00 AM 

Two furs sat in the spartan waiting room, overhead flourescents casting their harsh light onto the endless rows of plastic seats and the sterile white walls.   Sylvia stared at the clock and realized they had been there for nearly 6 hours.  She had left the resort in her eldest daughter's hands.  She knew Lisa Slipsunder would manage things capablely until she and Karina could get back.  The fennic sat next to her in heavy winter clothes.  She had cleaned herself up and consented to wear clothing again, so she could with Sylvia to visit her injured friend.  But her hair still was tangled and as wild looking as her soul was.   Sylvia couldn't help but take out a comb to try to get her fox friend's hair to behave. She spoke soothingly as she brushed, "Karinia, you don't have to wear that coat..we're out of the snow now."  The fennic just shook her head in response. 

A harried nurse walked into the nearly deserted room, consulting a clipboard.  "Slipsunder?   Is there a Slipsunder, here?" 

Sylvia raised a webbed paw  "We're here!  How is Muskytail doing?" 

The nurse merely beconed them.  "Follow me." 

It was over a day later that Larry regained his senses.  All he could feel was numbness.  His vision cleared and he could only see the cork tile ceiling.  Surrounding him on all sides was equimpment and tubes.  For some reason his couldn't feel anything below chest was like it didn't exist.  He looked to his left and he saw IV lines jabbed in his forearm.  He looked to his right and saw a fennic dozing, with her head lying face down in the matress.  Her slender paw was curled around his. His eyes widened as he recognized her.  "Karina!", he croaked.  She started awake and stared in his eyes, looking at him with a combination of despair and anger.  Muskytail made a ghost of a smile on his lips.  "I'm sorry I forget to send you a postcard this year." 

Karina bared her teeth, "You idiot!  Why did you get in that car and drive?  Why?"  She hugged his arm tightly. 

Larry touched his paw against her chin.  "Because the world is better without me", he said sadly.   Karina sniffled again.   He lay back and closed his eyes.  "By the way, I have to know.  Did I hit those pedistrians?  I tried to swerve in time." 

She shook her head.  "No you missed them" 

"Then that is all that matters.  Now I'm not needed by anyone anymore." 

"No!" Karinia said.  Larry looked at her puzzled.  "I need you and Sylvia needs you, and I'm not going to let you get away with dying!  I lost my husband and my daughter, and I'll be damnned if I lose you!  I won't allow it!" 

Larry chuckled and smiled, although he looked like death warmed over.  "I see that spirited little fennic  I once knew is still here" 

Sylvia watched silently from the corridor and knew that Larry and Karina had just saved each other's lives, although probably neither of them realized it. 

The Resort, Happanstance Islands, Freelands Confederation, 12753, 3:33 PM 

Sylvia sat at the front desk as Karina walked in out of the rain. The diffrence in her appearance from a mere three months ago was striking. After Muskytail had healed up sufficently he had been moved to Cabin 9 in the resort, with the fennic as a caretaker and rehabilitation coach. Given a cause to fight for, she had rallied her own strength commendably. Her mental scars were still terrible, but she could shove them to the side and concentrate on saving Larry.  Her hair was now cut short and she had regained a healthy appetite.  Sylvia thought she was so beautiful when she threw herself into a goal like this.   Karina spoke quietly, "Is Larry done with lunch?  I've come to run him through his excersizes."  Sylvia couldn't help herself.  She  gripped the foxpaw and kissed it. 

She grinned, "Yes, my dear friend.  He's waiting for you.  And tell him that I will gladly help your idea."  She handed over the paper to her. 

Karina's face lit up.  She hugged Sylvia tightly.  "Thank you!  I owe you one!" 

"You don't owe anything to anyone", said a warmly smiling rabbit. 

A half-hour later, Larry sat in the greenhouse and cursed under his breath.  Karina stood by his side and encouraged him.    "C'mon, you old skunk!  You can do better!  Just one more lift!" 

Larry managed to heft the hand weight, then let it drop back on the table.  He panted from the exertion.  "Just give me...a minute..."  The fennic nodded and leaned against one of the corinthian iron pillars and waited for the wheelchair bound skunk to regain his breath.  The resort greenhouse was large, impressive and derilect.  Mostly it served as a storage area for 3 generations worth of the Slipsunder familly clutter. Karina thought it was a pity this building wasn't used for growing plants anymore.   The rain clattered relentlessly on the glass roof and dripped inside through a dozen diffrent leaks.  The front section now had various weights and a jury-rigged excersize bench. 

The skunk swiveled in his chair  "Karina?" 

"Yes?", came the reply. 

With a grunt he pivoted the chair around to face her.   "I think its time I stopped imposing on you."  Karina blinked.   "I'm as healed up as I'm ever going to be.  I have a sister-in-law named Jenny.  I can move in with her for awhile and stop leeching off Slivia." 

Karinia managed a smile.  It wasn't the reaction Larry had expected and it was his turn to blink.  "Don't be in such a hurry to leave, Larry." She handed him a document.  Muskytail read and reread it. 

"Why did you and Sylvia lease out the Beavertooth Fishery in Fairport?" 

Karinia smiled again.  "Because old Jacob is retireing, and he agrees you'd make an ideal replacement." 

"Me?  Run a fishery?" 

"Why not?" 

"Well, I've never done it before, that's why.  Besides I might get drunk and crash the boat", Larry said, winking. 

"Its a 3 month lease.  If you give it the old college try and still want out at the end of the rental, Beavertooth will take the fishery back and look for someone else to replace him" 

"Ok, OK!", said Larry chuckling.  Having worked with Karina for a few months had taught him it was unwise to say no to her requests.  "But on one condition." 

"Depends on the condition" she said, sitting next to him. 

"You apply for a commecial piolet liscence." 

"Huh?  But why?  I haven't flown in years!" 

The old skunk chuckled.  "Why not?" 

Karina laughed.  "Oh alright!  But in the end only I decide if I use the liscence or not." 

"Deal!"   Muskytail had found the perfect revenge.  If his friend forced him to use his management skills again, it was only fair she would be compelled to use her piloting skills.  They hugged gently. "Incidently, I have one last question...." 

Buck's Rump, Happanstance Islands, Freelands Confederation, 12753, 10:00 PM 

The night was foggy and misty, but the afternoon rain had ended. The resort lights struggled to shine though the haze.  Karina and Sylvia sat togeher with a few snacks and a bottle of wine.  Sylvia smiled at the fennic.  "I appreciate the invatation to have a night picnic with you, but I am understandably curious.   Did Muskytail accept the offer?" 

Karinia sipped the wine and nodded to Sylvia quietly, feeling very tense.  Muskytail's question still hung in the back of her mind. 

"That's great.  he's finially going to be on his feet again."  She frowned.  "I had hoped you'd look more pleased about it." 

Karinia blushed a bit and looked up at Sylvia.  "Oh, no I'm estatic over Larry.  I'll bet he'll be owning that fishery within a year.  But there are two things on my mind." 

"Well unless you want to play 20 questions, I'd suggest you say what up."  Sylvia refilled her own glass and Karinia's as well. 

"I'm going to start studying for a commercial liscence.", she said almost in a whisper. 

Sylvia dropped her glass in suprise.  "You're going to fly again!" She hugged her friend tightly, and barely stopped herself from kissing her. Karinia blushed at the embrace, and managed a slight smile. 

"The third thing on my mind is you."

Sylvia hastily let Karinia go.   "Oh I'm sorry about the hug..I'm just being friendly." 

Karinia smiled again.  "Muskytail asked me if I agreed with his observation that you are in love with me."  It was Sylvia's turn to blush...furiously.  She had never even thought that Karinia would be interested in being anything other than friends.  She reasoned her husband's loss would mean she'd be too scarred to ever enter another realationship.  The fennic continued, "Its OK, I don't mind if you are." 

"Umm..OK", said an uncharacteristically flustered rabbit.  "Ever since we were teenagers, I've...had a soft spot for you.  And to see you throw yourself into helping Larry out, it was too much.  I saw that old fire that I always loved in you, and I was lost.  I know your loss was so painful; so I don't expect anything but your friendship in return."  Her ears twiched when Karina took her paw. 

Karina spoke directly from her heart.  "I have been using you for 2 years and never given anything back in return.  I've been lost in my own private hell and I never saw my salvation was right next to me the whole time.   Its long past time I gave something back!"  She cradled Sylvia's cheeks in her paws and kissed her on the lips.  They clung to each other and wordlessly agreed to become partners in life.  Larry's question was at last answered. 

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