Richard Trent padded up the stairs to the door of the tiny dormitory apartment he shared with Daniel Calligan. The sky was brooding and hobo winds staggered the empty campus streets, looking under bits of newspaper to find shelter against the rain that was sure to fall from the brow of the unfolding clouds. In fact, the odd drops already made their tiny dark death circles in the beige cement of the stairs.

The stairs were cool to his feet, but the air was heavy and thick with unborn precipitation. When he opened the door and stepped in, he was delighted by the coolness of the dorm; he shut the door against the humidity and heat. Tearing off his mauve coveralls and throwing them down the laundry chute by the door, he stretched his naked, furry body in freedom.

Sitting in an easy chair he stretched out. He sighed. Once again, for the umpteenth time today, he could feel his cock growing up from the Spanish moss of fur that covered his crotch. And there it was, tall, proud, and largely covered in soft, black fur, just like its owner. The tip and some of the end were now bare and pinkly visible; he sighed again. He'd jerked off in one of the cans in the East Building not two hours ago, and he was still horny as a reindeer. He clutched at himself, smoothed his balls with his hands, and prepared to do it again. The tip of his feline tail fluttered in frustration as he leaned forward and pounded his persistent member again. He thought about sucking himself, but it wasn't profitable lately; in frustration he had a tendency to bite himself...

After a moment he scowled, and surrendered with a grimace. God, this was boring. He'd been jerking off for sixteen days now, and it was getting exceedingly dull. In fact, it wasn't really doing the trick anymore. He'd jack himself off, have a bleak twinge that pretended at orgasm, and a couple hours later he'd be back where he started. He needed a cunt; that's what he'd been doing in the East Building, really; looking for anyone willing to spread their legs for him.

Somewhere, he could hear a typewriting clacking steadily. Even that rhythm was making him horny. He gave up and threw himself angrily from the chair. Cock bobbing, he padded into the bedroom and threw himself down on his bed.

In their dark, cool, windowless bedroom, Daniel was sitting at his desk, calmly dedicating words to paper with his typewriter. Without pausing, he asked, "How'd it go, Poomba?"

Turning on his side, Poomba regarded Daniel's tawny form in the chair across the small room. His back was to Poomba and his ringed tail lay serenly on the floor. His black feet were crossed under the chair.

"Don't ask. Everyone's moved out, man. I mean, it looks like it's just you, me, and the odd summer staffer. Are we the only ones on campus with summer projects?"

"There aren't many of us they're willing to take a chance on anymore," Danny buzzed, still eyes on paper. "Besides, most are downtown."

"I'm never gonna get done at this rate," Poomba complained.

Danny turned to regard him for a moment; his dark brown eyes almost lost in the black mask on his face. "I mean, I can't sit at that thing and get anything done," Poomba said, waving at his drawing board crammed in one corner of the small room. "I can't sit at it for five minutes without getting fidgety. I'm getting nowhere! You've seen me."

Danny turned back to his typewriting. "Well, jerk yourself off again, man; just not too loud. That's how we're gonna have to get through. I popped off twice while you were out; I'll probably do it again soon, once I'm done this."

Lying on his back, gently stroking his erection, Poomba grimaced. "It's not working for me anymore, y'know? It's so boring and predictable. My balls are filling up faster than I can empty them. I need some help from somebody even one of your hand jobs would do the trick."

As he tugged on his hard on, the words he'd just said dawned on Poomba. "Hey, Danny," he said. Danny turned. "How about it?"

"How about what?"

Poomba lay, not touching himself, letting his cock do all the begging. "How about jerking me off?"

Danny turned in his chair to face Poomba. His eyes narrowed as he surveyed Poomba; Poomba had started him thinking and now his own cock was acting up. "Couldn't it wait for tonight or something? I really should get this out of the way before I lose my train of thought."

"Does it look like it can wait?" Poomba snorted. "C'mon, Dan. You're into it. And it wouldn't be the first time or anything, would it? Come on. When have I ever asked you?"

Danny smirked. It was all true. They certainly had no secrets from each other; Poomba knew Danny was bi; that while he mainly dressed his groin in cunts (they had even shared girls on occasion), that he also did the odd cock swapping every now and then. As well, they were perfectly candid sexually; they'd been casually jerking off in front of each other for a year. And Poomba was right; they had handled each other. Once just after they'd met they'd gotten drunk in the room and had ended up tossing each other off. Under similar circumstances they'd traded 'presents' at Christmastime; a few hours later they'd shared a date of Poomba's in their room. So all in all it didn't seem a bad idea to Danny, especially if it was coming from Poomba. He looked down at his own bulging cock. At the very least he'd probably get a reciprocal hand job from Poomba, and if not, something fresh to think about while he tossed himself off. "Okay," he said, and stood.

"Great," said Poomba, and slid down the bed so his legs overhung the end at the knees. "Thanks, Dan!" He threw his legs wide apart, and Danny stood between them.

Danny reached out and seized Poomba's cock. He held it in his fist, the head protruding, and moved it around a bit. Poomba let his head fall back with a moan.

"Feels good, does it?" Danny said, chuckling.

"Don't talk; jerk me off."

Danny smiled and began to slowly work Poomba's erection, up and down. Ignoring his own cock, he used his other hand to work Poomba's balls. He felt the furry scrotum and the big, rubbery balls hanging loose inside them. He gently squeezed them, moving them around; cupped them and massaged them.

"Oooohhhhuhhh," Poomba breathed. He began gently thrusting in Danny's fist. Danny paused and spat in his hands for lubrication, then resumed working Poomba off. "Oh, God, that feels so good," Poomba remarked, rubbing his groin with both hands. Danny squeezed harder.

"Yes, Dan, yes! Oh yes!" Poomba groaned. Danny smiled and began to pound harder. "No, slow down! Slow down!" Poomba panted. "Make it last. I want this one to be a good one." Danny was startled to feel one of Poomba's toes gently fondling his cock; Poomba was, in a way, returning the favor, at least symbolically. It was a good sign.

Danny paused, staring at the bulging cock just inches from his face. A wild thought seized him, an unspoken desire that had smoldered for months. There would be no better time to test the waters. Holding Poomba's cock perfectly still, he slowly leaned forward, his open mouth hovering over Poomba's pulsating penis. He leaned down far enough that, although he was not touching it, the head was within the cavity of his mouth.

Oblivious, Poomba thrust imploringly a couple of times. He was puzzled. Finally he looked up. "Why didja stop " He saw Danny, mouth open, about to take his cock into his mouth. Danny's eyes fixed with his, waiting.

Danny's heart was racing. If Poomba took it badly it could cripple their friendship. Anxiously he searched Poomba's face for some sign...

The corners of Poomba's mouth turned up almost imperceptibly, but in an instant Danny knew that deep down, this was what Poomba had been hoping for all along, even if he himself hadn't dared admit it. A couple of gentle thrusts upwards were a confirming sign; as Poomba let his head fall back on the bed, Danny closed his mouth and let suction pull his head down right past the fur line to the base of Poomba's cock.

Now Poomba's mouth was open, and from deep down in his gut came a moan two weeks old. And, in a way, much older. His cock was hot and wet and inside again, and he was being worked off effortlessly. Danny's hot, moist mouth rode his manhood like the tightest, slickest cunt he'd ever been in.

Repeatedly, Danny worked Poomba up close to climax, stopping short each time, slowing him down by gently jacking him or caressingly licking his balls. Poomba admitted to himself, amazed, that was probably the best blowjob he'd ever had: Danny was a guy and he knew what it took; he could sense instinctively Poomba's needs and moods and knew how to exploit them for pleasure. He was silently cursing himself for not fucking Danny's face the minute they'd met. Well, things were gonna be different from now on...

By the time an hour had passed, Danny knew Poomba had had enough; it was time to bring him off. Poomba's back was arched and his legs were over Danny's shoulders, ankles crossed behind Danny's back. Danny had had to stand, bent, to keep sucking him, and in his hands he held and kneaded Poomba's ass. Poomba was thrusting with growing speed. Danny was sucking Poomba diligently, and when he tasted the proto cum again, this time he didn't slow or stop, but continued along, sucking hard and fast, taking all of Poomba's cock, giving it all up. Poomba, too, sensed the time had arrived; he could feel the moment building. He squeezed his asscheeks together and felt the moment of no return arriving. The soles of his feet twitched, his toes and arms from pinky to elbow tingled, and he began thrashing, turning his head from side to side and hammering the mattress with his fists; this was it, this was it!!!

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, ohhhhh!!!" he shouted to Danny to give fair warning to step back. But instead, he felt Danny's mouth slide right down his shaft, and he felt his cockhead being massaged at the back of Danny's throat between tongue and soft palate. And he felt his balls contract and his cock erupt.

Danny could feel the acid cum advancing, and suddenly at the back of his throat, Poomba's howling, thrashing body was spurting its jism twice a second. He drank it hungrily; he hadn't sucked a cock in a month, and eating Poomba and drinking his liquid meat had been a dream of his for a very long time. He almost shot his own load thinking about it. Poomba had been in his mouth; Poomba had come in his mouth, and now Poomba was sliding white hot and snotty down his throat. And Poomba shot his load for twenty seconds straight, then collapsed, temporarily exhausted.

"Oh, God, Danny, oh God!!" he gasped. "That was beautiful! That was the biggest load I ever shot!"

"Glad you enjoyed it," Danny said, licking his lips. "Thanks for lunch."

Poomba gasped a laugh. Danny gently sucked the last few stray drops from Poomba's retreating cock, and Poomba swooned.

Danny prepared to step back, already handling his own cock. "Next time you wanna shoot your load, you know where to do it."

But suddenly Poomba pulled Danny down on top of him with his legs. He put his arms around him and pulled him up. "What are you doing?" Danny asked, laughing.

Poomba ground his crotch against Danny's. "Where yuh goin', Danny boy?" he purred. "You're pretty fucken hot yourself. Horny as a reindeer, eh? You're not gonna waste that thing, are you?"


Poomba pulled Danny's hips to his face. "You haven't given me a chance to taste that big raccoon cock of yours yet. And I'm hungry too," he said, and sucked a ball.

"My essay..." Danny said wistfully.

"Fuck that," Poomba spat, "you can do it next week; when we're done. Better yet, fuck this!" And digging his fingers into Danny's ass he pulled Danny forward, and as Danny looked down he watched his cock disappearing into Poomba's mouth.

As he reached for the headboard and leaned over Poomba's head, he felt the hot, juicy port and the tongue with latent talents that had lain dormant too long. Joyfully he began to fuck the face of his roommate cum lover, and knew, all of a sudden, that this was gonna be a GREAT summer.