Islington Brier and the Ice Cream Plot

Incidentally, the mood music for the various chapters (althought not this piece you're probably hearing right now, which is "Video Killed the Radio Star" by the Buggles) is a group of selections of midi music by Michael D. Walthius.  The music is sublime and exactly the sort of thing I needed to define Izly.


Welcome to a novel for young people, in the works!  The whole thing got started in August '94 when some friends and I were crossing a parking lot and saw a knot of kids with ice cream peddle carts huddled conspiratorially.  Someone said it looked like an ice cream plot.  So... 

Young Islington has just moved to Pemrick and has no friends till he meets Karen... and bully Bruno!  If he can just make friends of them, it'll be a good summer... so long as no evil scientists come to town with plots to take over the world...  Uh oh...

Chapter One: Saying Good-bye
Chapter Two: My First Big Mistake
Chapter Three: Our New Home
Chapter Four: My Second Big Mistake
Chapter Five: My Third Big Mistake
Chapter Six: Chances
Chapter Seven: Stepping Lightly
Chapter Eight: Some Hero
Chapter Nine: Surprises
Chapter Ten: Wheels

More later!