A Shared Community
A Few Notes...
Well, in summing up, I should set the parameters for the world...  I could rhyme off rule after rule based back seven years to the very first drawing of Marvin, but that would get needlessly complicated.  I guess in general, the answer to most questions falls on two things: first, have a read of the four Scout stories in the erotic fiction section to get a general idea of the lay of the land in modern-day Therion -- that should answer most question before they even come up.  If not, the second resort is: e-mail me and ask me. 
But, here are a few starting notes to help you out... 
  • In general, people on Therion are best thought of as human beings (in fact, they refer themselves as such) with an animal "gloss".  Rather than species, various types are better thought of as races, since they are all interfertile. 
  • Racial types are restricted to common placentals -- no birds, reptiles, amphibians, etc. -- although there are communities of antho seals living at the edge of the land.  There is no wide size difference between various races, although there is some... the average adult antho mouse might stand a bit over 5' tall, while a bear might stand 6'6" and outweigh the mouse twice over. 
  • Most of the non-anthro animal species you'd find on Earth exist on Therion.  The exceptions are apes.  There are non-anthro dogs and cats for pets, for instance, and non-anthro horses to ride, etc. 
  • Some features are common to everyone, regardless of race.  Everyone has retractable claws, wags for joy, purrs when happy, growls when really provoked... 
  • People on Therion have five-fingered hands and four-toed feet (including "hooved" anthros like deer and horses), and go barefooted, even in snow.  They are slightly more animal than we are.  People can -- and some do -- live naked in the wild (these people are called "fauves" -- see any of the Scout stories for a better idea) all year long. 
  • In most urban situations, clothing are the norm.  In a place like The Happenstance Islands, outside of town itself, pretty much anything goes, and clothing, if any, would be mostly decorative. 
  • In general, Therion technology in everyday life in the 12750s is something like it is for us in the 1990s, or just beyond.  The Freelands military have room-temperature superconduction, and thus maintain a new fleet of airborne aircraft carriers, although this remains a restricted technology that hasn't trickled down yet.  There are artificial intelligences, but they're merely intelligent, not very personable.  The Freelands and other nations maintain permanent space stations, and the exploration of neighboring planets is about to begin.
  • Magic does exist, but it's subtle, and VERY rare, and should be used sparingly and only in a pertinent context.  Ditto ghosts and spirits.  Not that I'm hoping to see a LOT of this -- I'm not -- but in case you need to use it, you can.  (See "heat.doc" in the erotic fiction section.)
  • PLEASE, no importing your personal character from another dimension, who kicks butt or melts brains with a glance.  If you feel you MUST use a pre-existing character, make him or her fit the mold, and not vice-versa.  All things considered, though, I'd rather you start from scratch.  Be creative, not exploitive.
  • When in doubt, gimme a shout.
Please keep in mind that anything you write or draw becomes sort of communal property.  Anyone who comes here and decides to pitch in gets to use, or at least make reference to, anything or anyone mentioned.  E-mail your ideas, comments, stories, drawings, poems, anything creative... even if they're just fragments, it's okay.  Say what you've got to say.  I'll post it on the next page, the Beachboard, where people will be able to see your art and read your pieces.
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