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Character Imagemap
[ Louie | Wildcat | Baloo | Kit Cloudkicker | Molly Cunningham | Rebecca Cunningham ]
[ Not Shown: Don Karnage | Shere Kahn | Colonel Spigot ]


Louie Louie owns "Louie's", an island bar not far from Cape Suzette, where most pilots hang out, especially Baloo. He enjoys hanging out with Baloo, either partying or treasure hunting (usually partying). But when he and Baloo get together, there tends to be some amount of trouble brewing. He's almost a genius in the kitchen, he creates many bizarre dishes and drinks that he then unleashes on a poor, unsuspecting crowd. (Its usually referred to as the "Krakatoa Special") His standard garb is a tropical shirt and straw hat.
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Wildcat Wildcat can come off to some as an unintelligent good-for-nothing. They are seriously wrong. Wildcat may be a little bit eccentric, but he is the best mechanic in Cape Suzette. He can fix anything you can think of, airplane engines to rotary-dial telephones! He is an employee of Higher for Hire (see Rebecca Cunningham), and keeps the Sea Duck running in tip-top shape. He lives in a makeshift houseboat in the bay on the Higher for Hire grounds. He always wears blue coveralls and an orange cap.
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Baloo Baloo is the best pilot the world has ever known. He can fly anything, anywhere, anyhow. His first love is to fly his baby, the Sea Duck. The Sea Duck used to be his, however he missed several payments so it was purchased by the young entreprenuer Rebecca Cunningham. He attempts to spend as much time as he can doing nothing, usually at Louie's (See Louie), his best friend's bar, where they often enjoy a good party. He spends a lot of time with Kit, who calls him "Papa Bear". He wears the standard yellow pilot's shirt and a dark red pilot's hat.
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Kit Cloudkicker...

Kit Kit was once in an orphanage, and then ran away to join the air pirates (see Don Karnage). He's tough and street smart, as well as having a lot of common sense. He tends to be the responsible influence in Baloo's life. Enjoys surfing the clouds on his airfoil, tethered to the Sea Duck. He has very good directional sense, hence he is the Sea Duck's navigator. Kit loves Baloo like a father, and Baloo calls him "Little Britches". He always wears a well worn green sweater, and a backwards baseball cap.
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Molly & Rebecca Cunningham...

Molly & Rebecca Molly Cunningham (Foreground) 
Molly, one must say, is the cutest star of the show. She's a very sweet little girl, but can get into quite a bit of mischeif. She often dresses up as "Danger Woman", a heroine from her favorite radio program. She loves spending time at Higher for Hire with her mom, Baloo and Kit. She often wears blue overalls and a pink shirt, and blue ribbons around her ears. She is the daughter of Rebecca Cunningham. 
Rebecca Cunningham (Background) 
Rebecca is a young entreprenuer and owner of Higher for Hire, a cargo delivery service in Cape Suzette. She has a lot of business sense, cost cutting measures and all, and is always trying to come up with some new gimmick to attract business. She seems to constantly give Baloo some lecture about something, wether he be late, or messy, or what have you. Despite her stern demeanor, she does care deeply for Baloo and the others. She also tends to put too much faith in theory as opposed to actual experience. At the same time, she has a real reckless streak with her propensity of taking personal risks Baloo and the others would consider insane, such as belaying herself out of a plane in midair. (Refer to episode "Mommy for a Day") And she does them with rarely a second thought. Though initially inexperienced, by later episodes she is shown to have become a quite capable pilot. She wears a pink sweater over a white turtleneck with violet pants. 

Additional descriptive data courtesy Kenneth Chisholm 

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Don Karnage...

Don Karnage He's a pirate, very suave and good looking but still a dirty scoundrel. Plundering everything in site that has some value. He's not evil, per se, though many cringe at the mention of his name. Cape Suzette is mildly annoyed by him, and a minor iritation to Baloo and crew. He has a very interesting French/Spanish/Italian type accent. Commands a great following of "loyal" pirates on their ship, the Iron Vulture. Has an ego, and is constantly tripping on it. He is very intelligent, and very quick to temper. Wears a Napoleon style uniform, white breeches and black boots, and a large sword in true pirate style.
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Shere Kahn...

Shere Kahn Also known as 'Mr. Khan'. The president and CEO of 'Khan Industries', he is the lord of the 'Corporate Jungle' in the 'TaleSpin' world, and when your company is worldwide, and worth over $3 billion in circa 1935-or-so dollars, that says a lot! He is in charge of all the major things that are required in Cape Suzette, including Oil, Air Cargo (Some of the 'upstarts' like 'Higher For Hire', are subtly 'ignored', unless they become a problem to him, or if he can use them to his advantage...), etc. He is a very cool customer on the outside, but don't let that fool you. He's powerful enough to make his own rules when it suits him, and he would remind those that cross his path that in the busness world, 'there are the eaters, and there are the eaten'. 

Description and graphic courtesy of Richard Lowman

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Colonel Spigot...

Col. Spigot The head honcho of the 'Glorious Thembrian People's Air Corps'...even though he has never been behind a control stick of a plane in his life. The reason how he got to be in his position is mostly because of a typographical error! (And if he didn't like the job, he would probably be shot...) Being very short, he doesn't like to be reminded of that fact, even if it's a joke. And perhaps because of the way his tusks are arranged, he talks with a lisp. Like most Thembrians that are in power, he uses 'red tape' to block most people's way to the utmost, but is thwarted time and again whenever Baloo gets involved. Whenever that happens, he usually vents his anger on his long-suffering aide, 'Sgt. Dunder'. His favorite saying is usually--'I am Col. Spigot...perhaps you've heard of me?' 

Description and graphic courtesy of Richard Lowman

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